Kids are their parent’s lifeline. Whether it is falling from the bicycle or falling ill, anything happens to them, parents just can’t forgive themselves for being careless. Remember the first time you left them home all alone? Parents can’t stop worrying about them and run back home as soon as possible to see if their child is doing good or not. There can be invaders or the kid might feel like playing outside. Not even in their worse nightmare, would the parents think of their kid coming in the eyes of any doubtful person.

Although movies like Home Alone show the brighter side of the story, in real life things like that happens in rarest of the rare cases. Kids go missing every day, sadly, the majority of them never make it back to their parents. Knowing that your kid is somewhere out there in the world all alone surrounded by bad people is the horrifying truth some unfortunate parents live. This story is one that can lighten up your conscience.

Keeping An Eye

A guy was roaming in a peaceful locality of Lincoln, Nebraska. When everyone was minding their own business this guy was looking for something. None found him suspicious at that time because you never know what’s with a person if he was going through some emotional breakdown or maybe he hasn’t slept for days. Without judging him everyone went on with their work. Something was wrong with this guy and nobody could understand his dark intentions…

A Nine Year Old

It was on Valentine’s Day in the 600 Block of N. 30th Street when Shane Shafer, a nine-year-old was playing with his pitbull named Baby Girl and his mom called him inside. He didn’t go to the school that day as he wasn’t feeling good. His mother had something important to discuss with him. She had to tell him about her that days routine and there was a reason behind it. The kid was unaware of how this conversation was about to end. He was just replying with okays and alright.

Can You Stay Alone?

At the end of the conversation, her mother told him that she’ll be going to pick his younger sister from the school and purchase some groceries. No one else was available to come to look after him in the meanwhile. She couldn’t take him as he was already feeling low. Also, Baby Girl, a pit bull gets scared if left alone. Yes, pit bulls aren’t like that but Baby Girl has never been alone and so Shane was going to look after her too. Nobody had any idea of what was about to happen within a few hours when Shane was left at home.

Baby Girl

Pit Bulls are muscular, strong and intelligent. Their best characteristic is that even after so much strength these pooches are lite on their feet when it comes to running. Chasing the ball is a game they hardly get over. Even today, some people misunderstood this breed as dangerous and aggressive while over the years. In reality, Pit Bulls are loving and friendly creatures who love human babies. Baby Girl was one such best friend of Shane but will she be able to help her buddy when the time will put Shane’s life in danger.

A Strong Bond

With a beautiful smile, Baby Girl can win anyone’s heart. There are enormous reasons why Pit Bulls are winning hearts across the world. Starting from their less grooming requirements to their healthy state. They need nothing but love and Baby Girl got it all when Shane adopted her about a year ago. This day was soon going to test their amazing bond in a horrifying manner.

Brave Boy

Shane Share has always been up to help his mom. Being the elder brother he is responsible for his little sister. He assured his mom that he’ll not be going outside until she returns and will not open the door for anyone. He planned on watching TV but the boy was about to encounter his life’s worst experience.

Good Neighborhood

According to Shane’s mother, the society where they were living was one of the safest places in the city for families with kids. That’s why she felt safe while leaving Shane home that day but little did she know that behind her back her kid is going to fall in the scariest scenario. The society location wasn’t all his mother was sure about…

Taking Care Of Errands

The neighbors have always been nice to the family. Everyone used to watch out for each other in times of needs and celebrate festivals and weekends together. Shane was everyone’s favorite in the area. He and his Baby Girl were always seen taking walks in the place and chit-chatting with neighbors. Baby Girl has always been extra affectionate towards kids and nobody scared of the little young pit bull.

An Hour Passed

It was an hour since Shane’s mother left home. So far, everything felt as usual Shane had his lunch that was prepared by his mother before time. He even fed Baby Girl and both sat on the couch, one watching TV another one playing with a plastic toy. Time was passing by and it was almost time for his mom to return.  

Dangling Keys

While watching TV Shane heard a strange noise at the front door. It was the noise of a bunch of keys dangling. Shane thought it was his mother and younger sibling at the door but that wasn’t it. The nine-year-old had no idea about what actually was going on… Who could it be? A neighbor? Or someone dangerous? A burglar?

Could He Be Dangerous?

No doubt the locality was same but evil-minded people can jump right in from anywhere. So, was it a burglar who was keeping an eye on the houses, waiting for a chance to break in? Newspapers and social media platforms are always overloaded with police chasing burglars. For a matter of fact, they always try to jump into a decent looking location to get earn more profit. A normal looking day was about turn into a terrible one.


Shane and his mother were unaware that his life is at risk. The truth was that a stranger was trying to unlock the door and with no good intentions. First of all, he was a burglar and secondly, he was no ordinary burglar and you’ll know it soon too. 

Broad Daylight

This intruder was much more dangerous as he was trying to break into the house in the morning time. Which showed that he was quite confident about what he was going to do next. Also, he wasn’t scared at all as somewhere he might have known that Shane was all by himself and he could easily get the opportunity that he was looking for.


After a moment of trying to open the door, the burglar finally succeeded in his initial attempts to open the door. Within two minutes the stranger guy got inside the house. Shane still went on ignoring the door opening sound and continued watching his favorite TV show. Completely unaware of who was coming for him.

Shane Ran

As the burglar entered the house and Shane noticed it wasn’t his mother but someone with a ski mask walking towards him. The nine-year-old was scared to death and didn’t know anything but to run from this man. But where? The guy was standing right in the way to the main door!

Looking For What?

What was this burglar looking for? Money? Jewels? Or something more precious? Was he just a burglar or was he also a kidnapper? What is being said here, is all on the basis of the facts. That stranger was not there for the money but he was behind the kid. The scared kid too realized this.


Sadly, this man was experienced and he didn’t let anyone doubt him. The reason why we are able to tell you so many details is that Shane’s mother preinstalled CCTV cameras in her home. All that went on inside that house was getting recorded. The guy didn’t even look at anything else but followed Shane.

Dangerous Hide And Seek

While Shane ran upstairs and hid in his room inside his cupboard, the man was looking for him one by one in every corner of the house. Shane’s heart was beating faster than ever before. He wanted his mom to come and rescue him from this man. The kid didn’t have any alternative either.

No Alternative

Shane remembered that he cannot even make it to the nearest phone or shout for help otherwise the man would know where he’s hiding. Shane was suffering from the worst and nobody was there to help the poor little boy. 

Going Upstairs

The burglar soon ran upstairs, the sound of his footsteps was beginning to increase and Shane was now holding himself inside the compact cupboard trying to remain utterly silent. Shane was this close to break down and start crying but that would bring him in the eyes of the burglar.

Eyes On Him

The burglar saw Shane hiding inside the cupboard and asked him to come outside. From all the terror, the kid was on the verge of fainting but didn’t get out of the cupboard. The man opened the cupboard and was going to grab Shane when the unexpected happened.

Here Comes The Pooch

The man was unaware of Baby Girl’s presence in the house. He was smart enough to track the time when Shane’s mother wasn’t home but he didn’t notice the pit bull he owned was home too. Maybe this burglar just took him as ‘not a big deal’. The pit bull, on the other hand, was about to prove this person wrong with her actions. Will a dog be enough to save Shane’s life? What if this gave rise to the burglar and he did something harmful to Shane?


When the door of the cupboard opened, the man noticed that Shane wasn’t alone but Baby Girl was sitting right next to him. As soon as the burglar tried to touch Shane, Baby Girl bit him on his leg. There were two consequences, either the man will run away or he’ll kill the pooch!

He Runs Away!

Baby Girl bit him and didn’t leave him until he was scared enough to run away. The burglar’s leg started bleeding and he took a step backward and leaned on a wall. And turned back to run outside the house. Baby Girl didn’t stop there because out of fear Shane fell on the floor.

She Did More For Him

When the intruder ran out, Baby Girl was sitting next to Shane who seemed completely pale. Shane collected some strength and Baby Girl walked right behind him. They rushed to their neighbor’s place. There was more to come in the story…

Calling The Police

Shane told the whole thing that just went on to his neighbors who immediately called the police. As we told you that the location has remained far from the list of burglars and criminals, it was hard for the police to believe it when they arrived on the spot.

Shane Is Safe

When the police arrived on the spot, they could see how Shane was scared and they reassured him that everything will be okay. They asked the kid to tell them what exactly went on. The kid said, “I was upstairs when it happened. I thought it was my mom because I heard someone trying to open the door and I thought it was her trying to unlock the door with her keys.”

What Happened Next?

“It was in a blink of an eye and I was really scared. Because, it was only me home and I didn’t know who it was and the only protection I had was my dog,” said the nine-year-old. He had a more disturbing truth to tell the police. 

He Called For The Dog

“The dude started chasing me upstairs and I called my dog down and they started to fight,” said Shane who was shivering with terror. The kid then went on saying the most frightening part which made the police take the case more seriously.

‘He Wanted Me’

“It seemed like he wanted me cause when he saw me he just slowly walked toward me and he didn’t look at anything else he just kept his eyes on me,” recalled Shane. The police suddenly started seeing this as more than just a burglary case. As the chances were high that this man was here to kidnap the kid.

Security Camera Footage

When Shane’s mother told the police about the security cameras, the team went through it to get to the invader. The image above is what the security footage showed. Trying to find the clues to catch the man in the mask and the process was going on when something strange happened.

License Plate

Although the police weren’t able to get the burglar’s face from the recording what they found was a footage of his silver car arriving and leaving and then they knew from where to start the investigation. The number on his license plate was noted down. Were they ever able to catch the burglar?

Still Hiding?

So far, the police couldn’t locate the burglar nor the car in which he arrived at the scene. It was possibly because the person never used the car again and the police know that whenever he’ll use that car, it will be tracked down as the number is saved with them on their search list. Seeing that they couldn’t get a hold on the burglar, the police decided to do something more important.

Police Conference

Noticing the fact that the area where Shane lives was assumed as safe, the police decided to arrange a press conference and tell the people about the reality. Crime can take place anywhere and while the police had said they’ll be doing their job,  people should also be alert. 

Looking For The Suspect

Police even informed the people that they’ve been looking for the suspect, however, the guy seems to play some kind of trick with the number plate. They are still keeping their hopes up and investigating. At present they’re trying to check if anyone saw him that day or any other case of burglary took place somewhere in the recent days.

Loyal Dog

Baby Girl and Shane are best friends and she proved her loyalty towards her hooman. That day when Shane’s mother returned home to know all that happened when she wasn’t home, it shook her to the core. She couldn’t believe just how bravely her kid and Baby Girl dealt with the situation. 


Yes, the burglar took off but the Shane was still scared of all that happened. In the moment of distress, Baby Girl stood right next to Shane and helped him to get over the fear of that person. She sits right in his arms and always tries to comfort him. What happens, happens for good and story is an example of it. As Shane learned a lot from what happened that day.

Always Ready

Shane and Baby Girl are always ready to face challenges. Shane wants to get her trained for future if something similar takes place. Shane’s mother is supportive of the thought too. Shane built a never-ending trusting relationship with Baby Girl after the incident.


Baby Girl saved Shane’s life and became a savior for him. She is her savior and Shane seems to not only understand this fact but also appreciate Baby Girl for her instant action to help Shane. Shane feels proud about having Baby Girl as his pet.

Happy Ending

Yes, the burglar wasn’t caught yet the story seems to have a happy ending. It taught Shane a lot of lessons and made him a more responsible kid. We just hope that the police gets hold of the cunning burglar and put him behind the bars soon.

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