What is that one thing which makes a fiction better than reality? The fact that in the fiction world you are allowed to use your imagination to flow in any direction you want. But this story is nonfictional. A simple farmer, Jacobus Hermanus Brits from Namibia, South Africa discovered a weird looking huge stone which was not a stone but something else. But it wasn’t at that very moment the farmer got to know about it because it wasn’t something he was able to understand. The experts were notified about the discovery. They found out what an astonishing thing it was that changed everything for everyone around the world. People were amazed to see that something this big and huge stayed hidden for all this time.


The Location Of The Discovery

In Namibia, South Africa, a small farmer discovered an astonishing stone that was not actually a stone but seemed like one if looked for the first time. What surprised the farmer most was the fact that he never noticed this strange rock before even though he had spent almost all his life in this area. But whatever reasons were, fortunately, he was able to find the most amazing thing in the world that changed his life forever.

What’s That?

This farmer who was working on the Hoba farm spotted the top of the rock that was really strange because rocks aren’t structured the way this so-called rock was. But he didn’t give it much attention and carried on with the work that seemed more important to him at that time. But you know, there is a time when we see something and we aren’t able to concentrate as that one thing keeps popping inside our head. The same happened to him and he tried his best to leave the rock as it is. But he was destined for it. 

Maybe Later

The next day the farmer was at the same farm trying his best to focus on his work. But there was something about that huge rock that was telling him that he should check it out. Other than its huge size and structure there was nothing special about the rock but still, he was amazed by its uniqueness and the fact that he hasn’t seen a rock this big in size in his entire life. Was it really a rock or something else entirely? He found out soon. When he was told what this rock actually was he was left speechless.

An Astonishing Site

Unable to control his emotions he left the farm to solve the mystery behind this rock that was standing tall, proud of the fact that even after such a long time nobody was able to find out what it was. Like a detective, the farmer was moving towards the rock. There was this new feeling inside is a body that was making him weird in the stomach. The farmer reached the spot where this rock was standing middle of other rocks as if these small rocks were guarding the king. But then he realized that he should call the appropriate authorities.

To The Spot

After reaching the spot, the farmer was inspecting the rock. This huge rock with no qualities of being called as one made the farmer really confused about its existence. Where did it come from? Why nobody spotted this mysterious rock before? The farmer was literally confused about the rock but the excitement was making him want to know more about the rock. And he found out…

Weird Looking Rock

We all know how it feels to touch the outer surface of the rock which is smooth in nature due to all those long natural processes they go through. But this rock was really huge. The farmer touched the surface of the rock which was exactly the same as the rocks but it wasn’t a rock. If you are thinking it was a fossil then my friend you are not even close to solving the mystery. Then what was it? You’ll see soon. And believe us it would be something you might have not seen in your life.

Not A Rock!

The farmer was sure that this wasn’t a rock and there was no way this huge rock looking piece was a part of some big mountains because there were no mountains present in the area. The farmer knew that he had to inform the authorities as soon as possible. He went back to his village and informed the locals and the local authorities. The authorities didn’t pay it much attention but then this rock caught their attention too.

The Experts

The local authorities were also stunned after they saw this huge rock which was making everybody confused about its existence. But then they knew that they need to call the experts for it. They contacted some local archeologists. The archeologists were more than happy to investigate the situation because for them this was something which makes them happy. Soon, they found the truth about this so-called rock.

Thorough Investigation

The team arrived at the scene and it was something that even astonished them. A huge rock in the middle of the ground surrounded by other not so similar rocks made the team excited about their work. The team started its examination. First of all, they had no idea what this thing actually was and it was first of its kind. But what was it before they even categorized it into something? They needed to investigate it deeper.

Deeper And Deeper

The team of archeologists was very experienced but, all their expertise couldn’t solve the mystery of this rock. They have studies lots of books on rocks but this huge rock didn’t fall in any of those categories. But then they realized that they were looking at the wrong side of the situation. The team decided to take a look in the history of this place and then they found out something strange.

The Surprise

The team found out that this rock wasn’t there in the past. The town of Grootfontein never had this stone in the history but if that’s true then how come the team was seeing the weirdest thing in the world? The team was now getting frustrated about the situation but they knew that they just can’t rush into something and they need to take things slow. They started their research and then started collecting the samples of the rock to take it back to the lab to see what it actually was.

Two Teams

The team was divided into two, one was assigned to collect the samples of the rock and the other team was assigned the task of researching about rocks. The first team collected several samples from this rock. They wanted to know how old this rock was and was it even a rock? The second team was busy studying the unknown rocks that are scattered all around the globe. But to their surprise, there was not even a single one that was similar to this rock. This mysterious rock’s texture was different and the size was huge.

Wait A Minute!

While this investigation was on-going there was something else that they found out about this rock. The team was busy collecting different samples from the same rock but then they got to know a very interesting piece of information about the rock that changed the course of the investigation. The team was taken aback with this new piece of information. 

The Samples

The team collected the necessary samples after taking all the time in the world because they didn’t want to destroy this mysterious item in their rush. They took the samples back to the lab where they started examining the samples. The examination was a lengthy process which had a lot of phases and they were important too because this specific thing had no history of existence and which made the process very long. Meanwhile, the other team was busy collecting new information about the rocks. Sadly, there was no success from their side. But as we told you that the team found an interesting thing about the rock. What was it?

New Information

The team found out that this piece of huge rock was on private property. The anonymous owner of this land purchased the land back in 1988 and when he bought the land this rock came with it which he has been using as a doorstop for decades. The owner who took it as a regular rock didn’t realize that he has actually stumbled upon the most amazing thing in the world. No, it wasn’t a diamond. Then what actually it was?

Meeting The Owner

The owner of this rock had no idea why this team of archeologists was bugging him just because he had a rock which weighed 119,000 and 120,000 pounds. But the team then met the guy and asked him if he knows anything about this rock but the farmer said that he bought this land from the previous owner and when he purchased the land this stone was already there and it didn’t bother him. But who could have imagined that this guy would find something this interesting and his life would change forever?

The Results

The team was waiting for the results from the lab and they were found out that this rock was between 190 and 410 million years old. What? Yes, this stone was this old. As we have already told you that it wasn’t a stone from the starting. It was not a fossil of some dinosaurs nor was it a diamond. The team realized that they were actually holding that one thing which did change the history of the world.

It Can’t Be

Macintosh HD:Users:brittanyloeffler:Downloads:Upwork:Meteorite:dino-meteor-1.jpg

The team who started their investigation to solve the mystery behind the mysterious rock found out that it was actually a meteorite which was around between 190 and 410 million years old. Was this the same meteorite that brought a disaster over the dinosaurs? They found out more about the meteorite that shocked the world.

The Hoba Meteorite

This meteorite was named the Hoba Meteorite which landed on the Earth’s surface in the 1930s. Until now, no one knew about this meteorite that was being used by a farmer as a doorstop for decades. This discovery was really interesting as nobody could have imagined that a piece of a meteorite was hiding on Earth. There is a very good reason for that.

The Reason

When a meteorite tries to enter the atmosphere of the earth there is a very slight chance that it would successfully enter it because many meteorites disintegrate themselves before hitting the ground. But the Hoba Meteorite somehow managed to enter the atmosphere even though it was meant to get shattered before touching the ground. There was more to this meteorite.

Not So Friendly

Though this meteorite soon became a viral topic and everybody was talking about it, meteorites are considered as a huge threat to our planet and to its population. We can’t even imagine a big meteorite falling from the sky with a speed we can’t even think of. The meteorite soon is about to hit the surface of the earth and there are people and animals and what not. The disaster this meteorite can cause is something unimaginable for us. But then this meteorite did pass the earth’s atmosphere. What happened when it hit the surface?

The Damage

Surprisingly, back in the 1930s when this meteorite touched the surface of the Earth, it didn’t cause any major damage. Even though the Hola meteorite is considered as the heaviest and largest meteorite to ever fall on our planet it didn’t cause much of a damage to us. But how was it even possible? Because with kind of speed a meteorite enters the surface of the earth, there is no guarantee it won’t damage something. It didn’t create a large carter when it actually touched the surface.

The Theories

The team was able to confirm the weight of the meteorite which we have already told you was between 119,00 and 120,000 pounds. Even weighing so much the meteorite didn’t do any damage back then. But how was it even possible? Some of the scientists believed that it was because the rock seriously slowed down before it landed to the surface of the earth. But then this theory only created more and serious questions in front of the scientists.

New Questions

There was another theory that several other scientists put in front was that this meteorite would have been much larger in size but when it tried to enter the earth’s atmosphere major part of its body got disintegrated and what was left of it hit the surface not causing much of a damage as we expect from a meteorite to cause. There were so many interesting things about the meteorite which they found out in a later examination that shocked them even more.

Source Of Iron

The researchers were able to find out its internal integrated properties that told them that this meteorite was made of 84% of iron. This was the first time they were able to find an only source of natural iron which was known to man. And there was more to this meteorite that baffled the world even more. Did you know that Hoba meteorite is so rare that only 5% of the meteorites that enter the surface have the same composition as others?

Something Special

“I could tell right away that this was something special,” she said. “It’s the most valuable specimen I have ever held in my life, monetarily and scientifically,” said University Geology Professor Mona Sirbescu. Scientists believe that the meteorite is between 190 and 410 million years old. They became sure after they discovered the rare radioactive nickel isotope inside the meteorite. 

Back Story

“The story goes that it was collected immediately after they witnessed the big boom and the actual meteorite was dug out from a crater,” Mona said. “What typically happens with these at this point is that meteorites can either be sold and shown in a museum or sold to collectors and sellers looking to make a profit,” she added further.

Present Times

A sample was also sent to John Wasson, an experienced professor in the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles. John is considered as the “guru of iron meteorites” and will perform a new experiment on the meteorite that includes a neutron-activation analysis that will tell the meteorites’ chemical composition in detail. This could tell what is the actual worth of the meteorite.

In The Museum

Today, the site of the Hoba has become a tourist destination and the town of Grootfontein is also known as “Hoba West” after the meteorite was discovered in the Hoba farm. The Namibian government caught the wind and declared the site to be a national monument. Tourists from all over the world visit the place to see this amazing meteorite that shocked the world after it was discovered. You’ll be surprised to see know the worth of this meteorite.

Expensive Meteorite

J. Engelbrecht who owned the farm where this meteorite was discovered donated the meteorite in 1987. According to the statement from CMU, the Hoba Meteorite is the sixth largest meteorite found in Michigan which was worth $100,000. Such an expensive find doesn’t happen every day. Fortunately, this farmer was smart enough to notify the authorities otherwise the meteorite would have been used as a doorstop.

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