It is a very sad moment for a family to lose their dog. Our beloved pet is no less than family to us and if he or she goes missing, the world is no more a happy place to live in for us. The extent to which we love and care for our pooch is something that cannot be described in words. Things get even worse when after constant efforts we aren’t able to locate our missing pet.


This is what happens to the Robles family from Texas when there loving labrador Lola goes missing. They were devastated. Almost a year passed and all their hopes were now shattered. And then one fine day…

 The Robles

Robles was a happy family from Texas. Icela, her husband and her two kids Jeslyn and Joshua were cherishing life like any other family. They would eat and sleep together, go for picnics and holidays. Life turned even better when they adopted a loyal friend.

Hey Lola

The Robles always wanted to have a dog, and when they came across Lola-a young adorable golden labrador at the pet shop, they knew that she was the one they want to raise up. Without much delay, they got her home. She was ruling the Robles place now.

 Running Around

Lola along with Jeslyn and Joshua would run around the entire house. The kids day would end by looking after their new family member. Icela was happy to see her kids this happy. To her, she now had 3 kids and her family was complete. Little did she know life is never a cakewalk.

The Trio

All of us who own a dog what is it to have one. Suddenly your daily chores would include tasks related to your pooch. Icela’s kids were the one who shouldered the responsibility of taking care of their sibling. They turned into a lovable trio always with one another. Soon only it all broke.

That Day

On a Sunday afternoon, Icela took her kids to a birthday party. Her husband was sleeping and Lola was in her kennel. The day was going as usual. However, Icela did not expect that on her return, she wouldn’t be finding her house the way she left it.

Lola Lola?

On her return, the first thing which Icela did was serve food to Lola. She took the dog tray to her kennel. She was shocked to see that Lola wasn’t there. She looked for her in the lawn and even near the front gate but she was nowhere to be seen. Icela heart sank. She panicked.

Went Missing?

Icela went inside her house and asked her husband and kids about Lola. Neither of them had seen the pooch since morning when she went in her kennel. All 4 of them were worried and started to look for her in the house. None knew where the doggo went.


They searched the entire house but there were no traces of Lola. Bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens and even under the covers, but the dog was nowhere to be seen. Icela immediately went to the next door neighbors and enquired about the pooch but even they had no clues. The Robles were frightened and in tears.

In Tears

The Robles had all bad thoughts coming to them. Did someone run away with the pooch or did the doggo suffer from something miserable? An accident or anything similar? Icela was tensed and what made the situation worse was the depressed and crying face of her kids.

Baby Brother

Jeslyn and Joshua could not bear the pain of their missing brother. They wouldn’t eat or sleep and would be depressed. Robles did not know what to do. They had no other choice than hoping that their pooch was safe wherever he was and might return someday. But…

Searching For Months

For months the family searched for the lost pooch but a year passed by and there were no clues or traces of him. The little hope they had was now lost. They accepted his departure and were praying that maybe some other family adopted her and she was living happily there.

Phone Calls

In that one year, the Robles received a lot of phone calls from their family and friends saying that they saw Lola over the streets. But every time the family ended in disappointment as it was not Lola but some other dog. Now the phone calls did not excite them anymore. And once again the phone rang.


Even though right after adoption the Robles got Lola microchipped, in that one complete year there was not even a single call talking about her location or being. Lola ran out of the house many times but always made it to home but after that Sunday she never returned home.

Another Call

Life moved fast and with a heavy heart, the Robles accepted that they have lost their pooch. After a point of time, they even stopped looking for him. However one-day Icela got a call and the person was talking about a golden Labrador. As its been long, Icela did not know what happened to Lola, all she thought that it was going to be bad news for her.

 Dallas Animal Service

The Dallas Animal Services were calling Icela to tell her that they have found her Lola and she was alive, all healthy. For a few minutes, Icela could not speak out of her happiness. Almost a year after she got this happy news and couldn’t digest it.

Healthy Pooch

The Dallas Animal services informed Icela that her dear pooch is perfectly healthy and doing absolutely fine. She was with them and they were able to locate Icela via the microchip. Moreover, Lola had no signs of malnutrition, any disease or anything. She was a fluffy dog.


Icela was overwhelmed that her doggo was in great condition. For the last one year, the dog had been properly taken care of where ever she was. Icela decided to get her family dog back and surprise her kids with the same.


Icela drove all the way to Dallas and reunited with Lola. She had tears in her eyes when she embraced her pet after a year in her arms. She makes Lola sit in the boot of the car and drove to her home. One of her friends filmed the entire scene when Icela surprised her kids with Lola, and the reactions are worth noticing.

Mom Is Home

Icela’s friend was in the kitchen along with her kids. The moment she hears Icela drive through the driveway, she asks Jeslyn and Joshua to go and receive their mom. The kids stood next to the parked SUV and as Icela steps out of the car, she greets them. What Jeslyn sees next delighted him.

Furry Dog

Jeslyn saw some fur and ran towards the car and said  “What the heck? Did you get a dog?” Her kids thought that she bought them a new dog pet. Neither of them had expected that the dog was no other than Lola itself. The next moment, the kids’ happiness knew no boundaries.

That’s Lola

Before the kids could think or assume anything else, Lola jumps out of the car and run towards her siblings. For the moment, the kids froze there and couldn’t believe their eyes. Icela hugs her kids and cries, “It’s Lola”. Her kids started to cry out of happiness.

Family Hugs

Everyone in the Robles family was very happy and could not stop hugging one another. The family which had lost their smile ever since they lost their beloved pooch, got their smile back with Lola’s return. Icela was happy and was emotional to see her kids smiling again.

Where Was She

Icela still could not understand where did Lola live all this while. She was healthy, fluffy and quite fat. It seemed she has been properly taken care of. And if that was the case why did not anyone find the microchip and tried to locate her family. She was happy to come home and was running again in the lawns where she used to.

Love Lola

Icela and her kids shower Lola with kisses and hugs. Lola reciprocates it by licking them and roaming around them. She runs around the lawn and feels home. Icela’s kids were curious to know how did Lola make her way home and how did she locate her.


Icela told them that Lola was found on streets and later was taken care by Dallas Animal Service. She further says, “Because she has a chip, they were able to call us and say, ‘We found your dog.’” Lola was barking and Icela’s kids were laughing and smiling.

Rub Her Belly

Later on, everyone rubbed her belly. And one could easily see that Lola was loving it. Then this video was shared online and The Dodo published it on Facebook with a caption reading, “This dog is about to reunite with her family after she was missing for over a YEAR.”


There were a number of reactions, likes, and shares to the video. People could not hold their tears to see this reunion. It was an emotional moment and even in the comment section there were comments reading, “Okay, I’m crying but tears of joy,”

Get Chipped

Another comment read that this reunion happened only because Lola was chipped. It further reads, “It’s so important to get your pets chipped, that way dogs like Lola can be found & returned to their proper homes.”

Happy Family

The Robles was now a happy family once again. We wish them all the happiness and togetherness in life. Also, do microchip your dog.

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