We all look for that one unforgettable adventure in our life that would make us forget everything about our day to day routine and for a change, we won’t be doing the same things we do every day like a robot. Movies like Harry Potter or TV shows like Game of Thrones make us so addictive that we just forget everything else. We wait for these shows to get started and wake up early in the morning to watch them. And surprisingly, these movies and TV shows are all fiction but still, they have managed to make this huge impact on our lives. But why is that? It’s our habit of looking for new excitement. And just like us, there are many people who look for adventures in nature and that is what exactly happened. A photographer knew about this famous spot in Hays County, Texas but what he didn’t know that there was something else hidden in that spot which he accidentally noticed while he was taking the pictures. So, what did he find? You’ll find out soon…


A Hot Summer

We all know how hot Texas is during summers and what’s best to beat the heat while you are in Texas? So, if you are new in Texas and if you ask any local about a place where you can cool off your body, it would be the Hays County. It’s a very famous swimming spot which not only is good for beating the heat but the natural scenery is also something worth dying for. Just imagine yourself swimming in the cold waters and in front of you, there is a beautiful view of nature. Wouldn’t that be something? But there was something else which people didn’t know about but this photographer was able to spot and he brought it out in front of the world and you’ll be surprised to see what an exceptional thing it was.

Jacob’s Well

This beautiful breathtaking place is called Jacob’s Well. Not only the locals but people from other cities also visit this place when heat strikes in the area. That day the temperature was constant 68°F. “The well is a natural karstic spring that is fed by the Trinity Aquifer, which pushes up its water through the well and spills it into nearby Cypress Creek,” said the Mother Nature Network. But there was more about this place…

More About The Place

The swimming spot is 12-foot in diameter and is 30-feet deep which goes all along with the depth of 120 feet. So, now you can imagine what all could be hidden in the depths that nobody was able to locate before. But the question was why did this photographer visit the place that day? What was his purpose? Did he know beforehand about that exceptional thing? So many questions and all were answered after he made the discovery.

Hays County

So, Hays County bought Jacob’s Well Natural Area in 2010 after the approval of the voters and the voter-approved park bonds were used to buy this land. What was their purpose behind all this? The Parks Department had the only motive in mind, to restore and preserve the natural habitat of the area so that the public can enjoy it to the fullest. And they were able to achieve it.

The Achievable

After Hays County purchased Jacob’s Well Natural Area, they made sure that they fulfill the purpose for which it was bought in the first place. Today, Jacob’s Well has become an integral part of the Wimberley through its Cultural and Natural way. Other than a beautiful spot to swim, this place has a vast ecosystem, filled with varieties of birds and several other kinds of wildlife. Not only can you cool yourself here but can also come here with your family for a picnic. In all sense, this place is a combination of both fun and adventure.

What All Knew

People from Texas and other cities are well informed about the place but what they didn’t know was that beneath the depths of this favorite spot lies something of which nobody knew about until, this photographer, Carl Griffin spotted something when he was taking the pictures of the well and its areas. Just like other days, even that day the place was filled with people. Carl could see how happy everybody was but, who could have thought that day he would make a life-changing discovery.

Taking Shots

Carl was busy taking pictures and through his lens, he was able to capture so many emotions and faces which made the place really happening. But, it wasn’t like he took some pictures and made the discovery. The thing was that because the place is always crowded, you only get two hours to enjoy the place. So, time was the issue, but even then, he was destined to discover something in that place. So, what was it? You’ll see very soon…

Not Enough Time

Carl knew that he had to rush because time was a luxury and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to get a reservation the next day in this place. Without looking at the pictures he kept taking the shots. He knew that later in the day he would be able to see all the shots but little did he know, he would find something else in few of the pictures that make him go back at the spot once again.

No Night Visits

For two hours of your day, you can enjoy as much as you want. But, you aren’t allowed in this place after 6 in the evening. It gets really dark here and there have been several incidents back in the past and because of that, the authorities have issued a notice that nobody is allowed in the area after 6 pm in the evening. But why is that? And what happened in the past?

Warning Signs

Though this place could be called as the best place where one can cool off themselves and at the same time, can live that one adventure we search all our lives. But still, there are certain spots in the area which are off-limits to the public. Even if you try you would never know what lies after that point. But a camera lens has that one power which we as a human doesn’t possess. Even if we try we just can’t capture the image even if you think you have the image in mind because all you have in mind is the essence of it. But the camera captures all and also provides the power to zoom in and zoom out. 

Zoom-In And Zoom-Out

Carl’s 2 hours were almost over and it was time for him to leave the place. He packed up his camera, exited Jacob’s Well with several pictures in his hand. While he was going through the images he was happy that there were few shots of the place that looked pretty awesome. But it was those few shots that took him by surprise. He couldn’t tell what it was but in his heart, he knew that it was something nobody has ever seen. Although the pictures were dark still, he could tell that there was something. Intrigued he wanted to know more about it. But now, he can’t go back now and getting a reservation was almost impossible. He knew how much he had to wait to get that one-day reservation at the place. But he can’t give up now. What next?

The Next Step

Carl was very much intrigued by the pictures he took that day at Jacob’s Well and even when he knew that chances were very less of getting a reservation he didn’t lose any hope. So, what did he do? He took out the photographs and even tried to clear them as much as he could but wasn’t able to succeed. Next day, photos in his hands he went to the same spot Jacob’s Well but then he was stopped.

Back In The Same Place

The next day, Carl was back at Jacob’s Well. He met the authorities and told them about the photographs which he took the previous day. The authorities could see the concern on Carl’s face which seemed seriously genuine. After seeing the photographs the authorities were almost aware of the thing he was talking about but they behaved in such a way where Carl believed that the authorities had no idea about the situation. Carl was shocked to hear the reply he got from them.

A Straight No!

Carl’s request of going inside Jacob’s Well was rejected and that was the moment he knew that something was wrong and he was determined to find the truth. But how? He knew that now the authorities knew who he was and it wouldn’t take them long to highlight his name in their books of reservation, so he was aware of the fact, he won’t be getting the reservations any time soon. So, he did what any desperate person would do. And what’s that?

False Alarm

If you are desperate to do something, you’ll find a way to get it. Carl was going through this same emotions and he was able to find a way through which he got a reservation and he knew that it was his last chance to solve the mystery behind Jacob’s Well. How did he get the reservation? Just like us, he made some calls, luckily, one of his friends was friends with one of the authorities at Jacob’s Well. And just like that, he was able to get a reservation, but he had to wait for a week. But he was okay with that at least, now he knew that he would be going to the spot one more time. And this time the mystery was solved once for all.

The Preparations

As we already you that he saw something in the pictures he took at Jacob’s Well that showed that there was something in the place that looked out of the place. But he had to wait for a few days before he can go back again and meanwhile, he made sure that he was prepared in all sense. He and his camera were ready to take the shot of a lifetime which would change his life forever. Soon, he would be able to find out that one dark secret about the place that stayed hidden from the tourists for a very long time.

The Day Finally Arrived

Carl was ready to explore Jacob’s Well and this time he had no desire of enjoying his day. All he wanted to do was to see what it was that his camera was able to capture. Along with several other tourists he made his way inside the Jacob’s Well. Camera ready he rushed towards that one exact spot, he wanted to investigate the most. The swimming pool was filled with people but, that didn’t stop him and started the exploration. So what did he find? You’ll be shocked to see what it was actually.


Inside the swimming pool, there was a black hole which is not just any hole but an entrance to a hidden cave inside the pool. A cave? Yes, there was a cave in the depths of waters that took Carl by surprise. So, how come nobody was able to detect the cave? There is a reason for that. We did tell you about some off-limits spots in Jacob’s Well, remember? Yeah, so this cave was also off limits for the tourists who visit the place and that’s not all. In the past, few boys managed to break the rules, but they met the most dreadful fate one could ever imagine.

A Natural Wonder

After the cave was discovered, a team of experienced divers was called to fully examine it. Back in 2000, the project was also created with the name Jacob’s Well Exploration Project (JWEP). This project’s aim was to explore the cave and create a detailed map of it. This project has found some 6,000 feet passages. What happened after that?

Seeking An Adventure?

So, now people don’t just come here to cool off during the summer, but they also dive into that life-threatening black hole. For them, this black hole has become an adventure. Everybody wants to know what lies in the deepest point of the waters. But the incidents which happened in 1964 and 1984, changed everything about the black hole.

A Siren Call

There are some crazy minds which don’t think even for a second about the danger this hole possesses. They just dive into the hole with the only thing on mind, adventure. And there are others who free dive into the hole for 100 feet. Even the experienced divers from JWEP admitted the fact that this hole is very dangerous and should be avoided at all cost. But for the people who seek thrill, this warning has no weight.

You Cannot See the Bottom!

That day Carl spotted this same mysterious hole through his camera lens. So, the next time he visited the place he captured several shots of brave people diving inside the hole like it was nothing. Every person who dives into this hole knows how dangerous it is but still, they don’t think about it except for one thing, the adventure.

Flipping And Jumping

Many brave people climb all the way up to the mountain and from there they look down towards the hole and we think when they jump from that height is the most dangerous part of this adventure they seek. Though this place cools you off there are few who like to do it in a very different way like this man who is flipping before he went inside the hole.

Jumping Into the Black Hole

Just see these two kids jumping inside the hole. This image surely gives us goosebumps, what about you? What is the one thing which gives them the courage to take this risk? And here we are not talking about adults but kids. One thing is for sure that this hole not only attracts adults but kids too. We think more than these kids their parents are brave.

An Artesian Spring

Carl who lives in Spring Branch, Texas told in the interview with Daily Mail, “Jacob’s Well is a perpetual artesian spring that feeds Cypress Creek. When people look at the two boys making the leap, they do not see the water.” He explained it with this impressive shot he took back then. Just take a moment and look at this picture.

The Boys See A Black Hole

“All they see is this huge hole, an abyss; the boys appear to be jumping into,” said Carl in the interview. He also said that the water is so crystal clear that in this photo the boys are just one meter away from the water, who were waiting for their chance to jump inside the deadly hole. Why kids? Don’t you have a homework to finish?

Scuba Divers Need a Permit

“Scuba divers love to explore the area despite its dangers,” told Carl. The bottom of this hole is very deep which is not visible from the above. So, if you are visiting the hole for the first time then there is no way you can even guess the depth of this hole. But there was one diver who went all the way down. And believe us it wasn’t beautiful as it looks.

“I Thought of Death”

Diego Adame was 21-years-old when he first dived into the darkness of this hole. He recalls the moment where he said, “For a split second I thought of death and myself dying that day.” During his dive, he lost one of his flippers and then after few minutes almost ran out of breath. So how deep it is? It is believed that this hole is 13-storeys deep which ends when a very huge cave can be seen which is curved and is 40 meters deep.

A Dangerous Diving Spot

That day, Diego free dived into the hole to reach to the entrance of the cave but he had to cut short his trip when he lost one his flippers in the middle and was even struggling for the oxygen. He knew that he had to move to the surface before he ran out of the oxygen. Fortunately, he made to the surface. Jacob’s Well has taken 8 lives in total and Diego would have been the ninth. This place has become the world’s most dangerous diving spots. Writer Louie Bond even wrote a book about this place and two men who lose their lives. The book is called “The Fatal Allure of Jacob’s Well.”

Narrow Openings and Caves!

According to Bond, the pit has at least four caves. Some of the caves are so narrow that even the professional divers had to remove the oxygen tank before they can enter the caves. “You couldn’t tell up from down, left from right,” said Kathy Misiaszek who was a part of the special team which was given the responsibility to map the hole. She said that all her training was the only thing that kept her alive. “We were rather relieved to get out,” she added further.

We don’t know about you but for us, this place sure is a very deadly combination of both beauty and the beast.

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