There is a viral video featuring a woman and her daughter’s teacher became viral after touching everyone who has ever watched it. The mother receives a huge surprise from her daughter’s teacher. She was given a beautiful present that had been kept inside a box. There is much more to this story than meets the eye. It was a rather strange coincidence that also involved saving a little girl’s life. The details of this story are one that will melt your heart…
Incredible News
In this world that we live in, social media had become somewhat of a necessity that everyone makes use of. We can do so much nowadays and the world has indeed grown smaller and in a way closer, thanks to the advent of the internet. There was something that Dena Carreyn shared on Facebook, a video that documented how Beth Battista had given her a splendid news.
Not Aware
This was all the more special because of the fact that this was a surprise to Carreyn. That day, she went to school not expecting it to be a memorable day. She was there for a whole other reason and she was completely taken aback by what the day unfolded. The video that was posted had been recorded without Carreyn’s knowledge. She had other reasons for showing up to her daughter’s school that day…
The New Teacher
When Carreyn reached her daughter’s school, she was informed with some news. She had been told that her daughter will have a new teacher. She had been visiting her daughter’s school as she was an active parent that was very much involved in her kid’s schooling activities. She had been well acquainted with her daughter’s current teacher but now there would be another teacher taking over.
Arriving At School
This was not really a new thing to the mother as she had met with a lot of teachers that have taught her kid. She explains to interviewers that ‘every time Lyla gets a new teacher, I have to train that person re: Lyla’s medical conditions, medications, etc. It’s a whole thing.’ And so, that day, Carreyn had arrived at the school for something else but was greeted with this news…
On Her Way
Carreyn was not the mother of an ordinary child. Her daughter was living with a complicated health condition. Because of this reason, she had to be very hands-on with how her child was treated at school. So the mom arrived at the school and there were two teachers waiting for her. They had informed Carreyn that the new teacher would be there really soon.
A Present?
So at the school, the two teachers and the mother were patiently waiting for the new teacher of her daughter to reach. So then, when Beth Battista finally arrived, they proceeded to give the mother a present. The mother was not expecting to get any of this information she was welcomed with the day. You will not be able to guess what the present that they gave her consisted of…
A Shocked Mother
What was kept inside the present was something that would make any loving mother tear up. Carreyn opened the box and what lay inside took her by surprise and she immediately got very emotional. She explained what took place that day explaining, ‘And then they give me a present. And then this happened.’ The present also had a note that moved everyone to be filled with tears.
Like A Miracle
What was supposed to be an innocent visit to her daughter’s visit soon turned extremely emotional in a matter of seconds? When asked about the incident later, Dena Carreyn revealed in an interview that ‘many people think teachers are heroes. Beth Battista is more than our hero; she is our miracle.’ She was obviously so moved by what she was given that day at her daughter’s school.
Lyla’s Condition
The daughter of Carreyn had been diagnosed with Microscopic Polyangiitis. This basically meant that her kidney failed to function. She had been living with this complication her whole life and so she always needed a little care and caution everywhere she went. During the whole summer, her family had been searching for a donor across the globe. They needed one to give her a better chance in life.
From Fever
The way that they found out was also something worth talking about. It was a very random day that turned into a huge realization for Carreyn and her family. So one day, Lyla was down with a fever at school and her mother had to rush her to the local Urgent Care. To her, this was just another ordinary check up that was not supposed to lead to anything more. But it did…
Full Renal Failure
So when Lyla fell ill with fever, they thought it would be just another illness that would fade off in just a bit. When they got to the hospital, they thought it would not take long at all. She and her mother had barely been there for about 15 minutes in the clinic when they were given a shocking news. They had to immediately get an ambulance that would take them straight to the hospital.
Getting More Complicated
Carreyn thought that her daughter was only suffering from fever, but as time went on, she realized it was something quite serious. She recalled what unfolded that day explaining that the ‘driver was radioing the hospital that he had “a three-year-old in full renal failure.” After hearing this, she became sure that things were about to get even more complicated!
More Investigation
They reached the hospital soon after hurrying to get there. “When doctors tried to perform a biopsy to determine why Lyla’s kidneys had failed, Lyla’s lungs started hemorrhaging uncontrollably”, revealed Dena in a Facebook update she posted. Imagine the kind of trauma and fear a mother would be going through upon receiving such a brutal news about her daughter.
An Induced Coma
The news got even more alarming as the doctors who were examining little Lyla brought more information to the parents. The people at the hospital had advised Carreyn and her husband to just ‘prepare for the worst’. They then kept their daughter in an induced coma. Normally, we see parents getting this kind of treatment rather than kids, so it was definitely stressful for the parents to have to go through this.
Two More Months In the Hospital
Lyla had been kept in the hospital for another two months. She had to be given blood, plasma transfusions, chemotherapy, and non-stop hemodialysis. Her condition was something that needed a lot of attention and care. She was constantly under the doctor’s surveillance and her parents were hoping and praying that there was a way to get her out of this mess.
Finally Released
She had spent quite a while at the hospital but soon she was ready to be released. Her doctors finally gave the okay sign to let Lyla go back home. And so she was sent home with a PD catheter implanted in the abdomen. Because of her medical condition, Lyla had to be placed under a lot of restrictions too. And then, when they least expected, the miracle took place.
A Future For Lyla
Her school and teachers were well aware of Lyla and her condition. So anyone who had ever met her usually got to hear about the complication she is facing on a daily basis. ‘I just had a feeling when I first heard about Lyla being sick. It was something inside me that said I needed to get tested,’ the teacher later confessed when talking to interviewers about why she wanted to step in.
The Teacher’s Wish
It touched the heartstrings of the teacher to hear that a student had been diagnosed with such a serious medical condition at such a young age. The teacher the revealed that she wished ‘to be able to save her life.’ Her compassion and good heart took over so she made up her mind to offer herself as a potential help to the student of hers. And as luck would have it, she was the perfect donor having the perfect kidney!
Several Months Later
It took a few months for Beth to be able to give the Dean the good news. She was only able to tell the joyful news in the month of September. It would again take a few months to see if everything would work out without any complication. So by the time 22 February came, she was able to have the kidney transplant operations, giving a chance for Lyla’s condition to improve.
Two Doctors
It was such a stressful time for the family as we all know how risky these major operations get. They took faith in Dr. Robert Redfield who was able to successfully remove the kidney. He then passed on the baton to Dr. Luis Fernandez who was in charge of the kidney transplant. The two doctors had confirmed that the patients were feeling well, that there were no complications as such.
Beth’s Story
Lyla and her parents had been searching far and wide for someone who was willing to offer their kidney for her. It had indeed been a frustrating year because like we said, they had to wait all summer long to locate a potential donor. So in case you are scratching your head about how the doctor found out about her future student, well, it was actually through the good old Facebook post.
Via Facebook
So as Beth was scrolling through her Facebook newsfeed, she came upon a post that was actually the plea for a donor made by Lyla and her parents. When she saw this, she immediately made a call to the UW Health Transplant Program. This was where she decided to initiate the donor evaluation to see if she could possibly be of help for the poor girl. Beth really is a commendable human being.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show
And soon, the inspiring story of Beth reached someone who made it even more widespread. Her motivational story had been received by Ellen. And you know when Ellen takes notice of these things, she always has a plan of her own. She was called to make an appearance on the show’s set with Dena. There, the two women were able to give an insight into the whole story also speaking up about how more living donors are needed.
Important Points
On the Ellen show, the two women were able to raise awareness about how kidney donors are on high demand. They made a point about how people like Lyla depend on matching donors who can help save lives and give people a chance to enjoy a longer lifespan. Then Beth also revealed that she had registered to donate more. She was actually practicing what she was preaching.
Living Donation
There is even more proof of the fact that Beth is an incredible human being. The young teacher had also registered herself as a donor for organs, tissue, eye, and had given her name even on the bone marrow registry. If you want to talk about being inspirational, look no further than this lady right here. She really is someone who would literally give what she had to save others.
Making Other’s Lives Better
Beth is a true hero that is even better than those in comic books or story books as she is helping to change and better lives. Lyla would still be ill and in desperation to find herself a donor. This teacher not only imparts knowledge for a living, but she is also willing to donate anything she can possibly offer because her goal is to help save people’s lives. It does not matter to her that she has to sacrifice a portion of her organs…
Going Viral
The incredible human being was giving so many valid points to think about when she appeared on the popular show. ‘There’s so much negativity in media right now that I think that’s why our story went so viral so quickly’, revealed Beth when she was speaking to Ellen on her show. And she was speaking facts because nowadays, it is quite rare to see this kind of behavior…
A Talk With Her Kids
Beth was also a mother. She had two kids of her own and as we all know, the internet had the ability to let news travel quicker than we sometimes expect it to. Since the news about her was traveling so quick, Beth had to make sure she had a talk with her two children about what was going on. She knew she had to get to her kids before the information got to them, giving them a clear explanation.
A Teacher, A Mom, A Hero
And so school teacher Beth had to have a chat with her children before anyone could get to them. She knew she had to swoop in before anyone could tell them something else. This woman was not about to let anyone brainwash her kids into thinking that their mother was something she was not. Beth is a mother of two kids, one is 6 and the other is 8.
Getting Questioned
After appearing on ‘The Ellen Show’, news about the motivational teacher and mom spread like wildfire. Everyone was talking about her and what she was doing with her life. She finally had the chance to talk to her young ones and gave them an explanation about what she was doing. And their reaction was priceless. The kind of questions they asked their mother was something you would never be able to guess…
‘Why You, Mom?’
When Beth had a sit-down talk with her kids, they were very curious t find out what their mommy was about to tell them. When she explained what was going on, their initial reaction was to ask why their mother of all people had to step in. Beth confessed that she then ‘explained how sick Lyla was, and they met her and saw all of the machines and medications, they understood.’
A Busy Woman
Beth had a lot on her plate. She was working really hard to make sure people like Lyla had a better chance at life. She was living by her own principles and so Beth really had a lot doing on in her life. She was busy preparing for organ donation. She was not only doing this but Beth also had some hefty work to do as she was an advocate for it too…
Learning About Organ Donation
The donor/ advocate had been actively preaching about the importance that organ donation has. She had been working extensively to educate herself and the people around her to get a better grasp of the topic she felt passionate about.‘My friends didn’t know much about organ donation, so this has been a great way to educate more people,’ the teacher had clarified.
Beth’s Words
Beth was as you might have also counted, a teacher, a mother, an organ donor, and an advocate. She truly believed that people should be willing to do what she does as it saves real lives, affecting real people having real problems. She is truly our hero for all that she does on a day to day basis! And the next thing that Beth shares will certainly melt your heart too if you have one…
The Gift Of Life
It is already clear that the teacher and mother of two is a person with a kind and generous heart right? Well, her next words when she talks about why she wants to help Lyla would move you to tears. She had informed the interviewers about what she aims to do. ‘I wanted to give Lyla the future. A normal, happy, healthy future,’ the amazing woman happily revealed.
A Word Of Advice
She was quick to suggest that anyone who wants to be of help to the needy, should never hesitate to do so if it meant saving and bettering lives. Beth wants to continue and donate any organ that she can to hopefully be of help to the sick and ill. She not only wants to help provide other a future, but Beth also advised ‘anyone who has this same feeling to go in and get tested as a donor and give the gift of life’.
To Give Back
It is a little surprising to see that people like Beth still exist is a cruel and vile world we live in. It certainly brings a smile upon our faces to see that someone is making a change for the better however possible way she can. And Beth has someone to give credit too. She actually comes from a family that had been blessed with great generosity. Her parents had been an excellent example.
10 More Years
Beth’s family had been fortunate to have met a willing donor for one of her family members who desperately needed one. This happened all the way back in the 1990s. Then, her uncle and godfather were both in grave need a kidney. The kidney transplant proved to be a success and after receiving it, he actually went on to live ten more years. She had another thing to say about this…
‘My Turn’
This incident that happened to her family had taught her the value of life and that she should always offer to help is she was in the position to. It was something that inculcated in her a sense of generosity and the joy of giving entails. ‘Someone gave him 10 extra years, and I just wanted to give back. It was my turn,’ Beth simply stated. Now Beth and Lyla are healthy and happy.
A Part Of The Family
The donation that Beth had made to Lyla was definitely not overlooked. Her whole family would eternally remain grateful and in debt towards Beth. Lyla’s mother Dena had even stated just how much it had affected their family confessing ‘Beth is and always will be a part of our family. A piece of her, literally and figuratively, will always be with us.’
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