The Royal Family Hid A Luxury Train For Over A Century, Now The Details Are Out

Just when you thought The Crown had taught you everything about the British Royal Family, new information arrives to blow your mind. That's how we're feeling about the revelation that, for nearly 200 years, Buckingham Palace has had its own private luxury train. Only a handful of people in the world have ever seen its insides, but it's as beautiful as you could imagine, and it's gone through a ton of upgrades over the years...

A Royal Movement

The nine-carriage train was first ridden in 1840 by King William IV's wife, and Queen Victoria followed suit two years later as the first monarch to commute by train. Her empire was vast, and it was important to be able to travel quickly, though the train ride wasn’t initially ideal.

Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Convincing A Monarch

She needed a reliable way to perform her duties far and wide, but though her husband, Prince Albert, was a big locomotive fan, she wasn't sold. It was still a new form of transportation, and needed improvement to raise it to royal standards.

Roger Fenton/Roger Fenton/Getty Images

Traveling Alterations

One of the first alterations Queen Victoria made was the installation of a plumbing system. She found it inconvenient to conduct her “business” on the porcelain throne while the car was moving, so whenever nature called, the train would have to abruptly stop.

George Rinhart/Corbis via Getty Images

Modernizing Travel

In addition to the bathroom, Queen Victoria's alterations made the Royal Train into an incredibly comfortable place to stay. She added sleeping accommodations, a large dining room, and even electricity, which was an incredible luxury for transit at the time.

Danny Lawson-WPA Pool/Getty Images

Sprucing Up

The train was heavily decorated to look like a palace, and therefore feel like home. Silk, mahogany, gold embellishments, and even live plants adorned its insides, making it truly a traveling comfort zone. However, it wasn’t meant for just everyone.

RDImages/Epics/Getty Images

Royal VIPs Only

Though the train was outfitted like a palace, only a few palace members got access to it. Currently, those are Queen Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. However, non-royal members of staff have been allowed on the train to continue their service.

Tim Graham Picture Library/ROTA/Getty Images

RSVP Required

Aside from the current monarch and the most senior royal family members, others in the family can be welcomed, like when Queen Ellizabeth II invited Meghan Markle in 2018, but no one sets foot aboard without that invitation.

Peter Byrne - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Needed Travel

The train remained a secret for decades as a way for the royals to travel where they were needed. Key points in history proved the Royal Train's importance for the nation, and it was especially useful during the two World Wars.

Museum Victoria Australia

Through History

During WWI, King George V used it not only to travel around the country, but also as lodgings. He felt it was inappropriate to ask his subjects to arrange accommodations for him during those difficult times. His son also made good use of the train during WWII.

Hulton Archive/Getty Images

To The Battlefront

King George VI used it to visit areas of the country that the Germans were actively bombing. During that trip, he realized how vulnerable the train was to an attack, and when he returned, it would undergo a major refurbishment.

Topical Press Agency/Getty Images

Upgrade For War

To suit the train for war zones, its white-roofed wooden cars were replaced with armor-plated ones, totaling 56 tons and chock full of security measures. To safeguard the nation's information, special cabinets to store top secret documents were designed into the Royal Train.

Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Royal Security

All this remained unknown to the public until after the end of WWII. Even today, the details of each train journey are heavily guarded: security measures are so tight, even the train's own staff aren't told which royals will travel with them.

Wikimedia Commons

Modern Ride

After the war, updates continued to modernize the train. A £320,000 renovation in the '80s added protections to defend against machine-gun fire, rockets, and bombs. But the renovations haven't all been serious: royal family members have also added some more lighthearted, personal touches to their home on wheels.

Wikimedia Commons

Personal Touch

The Queen, Prince Philip, and Prince Charles all had input on the new designs, incorporating the occasional quirky touch, like a shaving mirror mounted by the toilet for Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth II took a much more practical approach to her requested designs.

Getty Images

Practical Peace

Unlike Queen Victoria's fancy interiors, the current Royal Train's cars are more subdued, as Queen Elizabeth II focuses more on practicality rather than poshness. For her, the train remains a firm favorite, as it's one of the few places where she can truly have privacy.

Anwar Hussein/Getty Images

Taking It Slow

As important as travel became for the Royal Family, rushing was not a priority. The train has strict limits on speed, and the fastest it will ever move is 70 miles per hour. That's slow by modern standards, but it's a safeguard to avoid accidents.

Rebecca Naden - WPA Pool / Getty Images

Timely Manner

Annually, the train makes around 15 round trips, and unlike other trains, the Royal train is absolutely always punctual. Its staff takes pride in consistently arriving within 15 seconds of their projected arrival time.

Neil Mockford/GC Images

Costly Expense

However, as revolutionary as the Royal Train has been, its days may be numbered. Despite the Queen's insistence that it's necessary, its cost of travel is far more expensive than a plane trip, and British taxpayers are footing the bill.

Samir Hussein/WireImage

Financial Priorities

Officials are well aware of the expense, but argue that at the age of 93, the Queen should be able to travel in comfort and security, with emphasis on how secure it is. For them, that's actually cost-effective.

Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

In Royal Favor

The controversy hasn’t ended with any sort of resolution that may be in taxpayers' favor. For the near future, it looks like the Royal family will continue to enjoy the train's luxuries while they're working on tour — a break from the luxuries they enjoy while flying.

Danny Lawson-WPA Pool/Getty Images

Luxury Thousands Of Feet High

Just imagine boarding a commercial flight and this was the first thing you saw: a dazzlingly dressed hostess handing out glasses of Dom Perignon and truffled lobster skewers. Well, extravagance like this actually exists.

Photo by Jim Sugar/Corbis via Getty Images

The Royals Have That Cash

Of course, you need to be willing to shell out a boatload of cash to experience it, but that's what makes the Royal Family so unique. They have the cash, and, they have the plane: the Concorde.


Concorde Reigns Supreme

When the Concorde first hit the airline landscape, it immediately bullied its way into the front of the line. It flew higher than any plane before it, traveled faster, and the onboard amenities were outrageous. Just ask Princess Diana.

The Telegraph

Preferred Mode Of Travel

As soon as the Concorde became commercially available for anyone to use, Princess Diana and her husband Charles made it their preferred mode of travel. And, why not? They had money to spend and people to impress, and the plane became a legend in its own right.

Tim Graham / Getty Images

Life On The Concorde

However, no trip was as special as Diana's very first journey aboard the luxury airliner. She had no idea what to expect, but on April 14, 1986, British Airways Chairman Lord King welcomed her to life on the Concorde.

Jayne Fincher / Princess Diana Archive / Getty Images

Luggage For Days

Even though the first journey Diana and Charles made was relatively short — a hop from London to Vienna — there was plenty of luggage to pack. The crew was dealing with a prince and princess, after all.

Tim Graham / Getty Images

Catching A Glimpse

Diana and Charles were front and center to a barrage of photographers wanting to catch a glimpse of the power couple before they took their first trip on the Concorde. Diana was all smiles, but Charles was dealing with an unfortunate situation.

Princess Diana Archive / Getty Images

"The Finger Came Off"

He was nursing a finger injury due to a gardening accident. "It was a damn hammer," he said. "I missed the stake, and the end of the finger came off. It did not completely drop off, but was hanging by a bit."

Tim Graham / Getty Images

In Awe At The Amenities

While Prince Charles nursed his wounded finger, the couple boarded the plane. Diana was in awe at the perks afforded by the Concorde. However, when they finally arrived in Vienna, things were less relaxed.

Tim Graham / Getty Images

Security Detail On Point

Just a few months before this particular visit, a horrific terrorist attack struck both the Vienna airport where they landed and Rome, killing 13 and injuring over 100 more. So security detail was at an all-time high.

via Twitter

Beginning The Eventful Trip

Austrian President Rudolf Kirchschläger, along with plenty of armed military officials, greeted the prince and princess and welcomed them like family. Once the initial meet-and-greet was over, the royal couple began their eventful three-day trip.

John Shelley Collection / Avalon / Getty Images

Stealing The Show

Like nearly every single visit anyone from the Royal Family made, there wasn't a second of downtime for Diana or Charles. Hordes of screaming fans welcomed them both, but Diana clearly stole the show right out of the gate.

Jayne Fincher / Princess Diana Archive / Getty Images

Pulling Out The Fashion Stops

Princess Di was always known for her keen sense of fashion, and she pulled out all the stops on the Vienna trip! A green sequined dress wowed everyone the first night at the Vienna Burgtheater. The second night, however, blew that out of the water.

John Shelley Collection / Avalon / Getty Images

Changing Up Plans

Then, a fashion designer named Victor Edelstein supplied Diana with her garb for the second day, which had the exact same effect on the crowds. On the third day however, she and Charles changed things up a bit.

John Shelley Collection / Avalon / Getty Images

Vienna Boys Choir

Instead of gallivanting around the city flaunting all of the designer clothing, the couple attended a concert put on by the Vienna Boys Choir, who performed a touching rendition of the famous English song, "My Bonny Lass She Smileth."

King Center for the Performing Arts

The Return Trip Home

Finally, after three jam-packed days of crazed fans, amazing music, constant handshakes, and incredible attire, the couple returned home to England. It was during the return trip that this iconic photo was snapped of the princess aboard the Concorde.

Tim Graham / Getty Images

Everyone Treated Equal

The trip to and from Vienna alerted Diana to one fascinating feature of the Concorde planes: There were no class distinctions. Everyone was treated equally on board, which meant everyone was treated like the rich and the famous.

Jayne Fincher / Princess Diana Archive / Getty Images

The Group Takes A Photo

Once Diana's plane safely landed on the tarmac in London and everyone on board, including the crew, got off, they all posed for this iconic photo. Even though it was raining, everyone was smiling about the amazing experience. Soon, more trips were booked on the Concorde.

Tim Graham / Getty Images

Meeting With Mother Teresa

Diana's trip to Vienna was one of several she took aboard the futuristic plane. Her most memorable journey was perhaps when she flew solo to New York City in 1989 to meet with Mother Teresa. Diana arrived, and people flocked.

Anwar Hussein / WireImage

Not All Firsts Are Great

While the trip appeared so lovely to outsiders, few knew of the conflicts boiling between Diana and Charles. The growing tensions between them were highlighted in a moment one year earlier.

Terry Fincher / Princess Diana Archive / Getty Images

Gifts Are A Big Deal

...And that moment started with a gift. Gift-giving in the Royal Family is a pretty big deal; they are the most famous family on the planet, after all. However, in recent years, presents have taken on a humorous tone as opposed to a heartfelt one.

Tim Graham Picture Library / Getty Images

Gag Gifts Are Somewhat New

For example, Queen Elizabeth II was gifted a shower cap that read "ain't life a b****" one year, while Prince Harry made off with a "grow your own girlfriend" kit. Gag gifts, however, weren't always the name of the game.

David M. Benett / Getty Images

Diana's Splendid Gifts

Sure, the occasional jokey present was passed around, but one member who always tried to give her husband something near and dear to the heart was Princess Diana, and she usually hit it out of the park.

Wikimedia Commons

One Lucky Recipient

Prince Charles was the lucky recipient of many of Diana's gifts over the years, and like any grateful husband, he opened them up with a smile on his face and love in his heart — for a while.

Georges De Keerle / Getty Images

A Christmas Gala Start

However, in 1985, Charles was presented with something that didn't exactly go over the way Diana hoped it would, and he was left with a rather sour taste in his mouth. It all started with a Christmas gala.

Matt Cardy / Getty Images

Party At Covent Garden

A lavish holiday celebration was set to unfold at the popular Covent Garden in London. Diana looked forward to the night's events, highlighted by an elaborate ballet routine that would dazzle every one in attendance. It meant more to her than most people realized.

Dave Benett / Getty Images

A Passion For Ballet

Ballet held a special place in Diana's heart. She took lessons as a young child and even participated in English National Ballet rehearsals as an adult. Her passion for dance was why she contacted a man named Wayne Sleep.

Ian Gavan / Getty Images

Wayne Sleep's Assistance

Sleep was a famous dancer, director, choreographer, and actor who spent many years at the top of the ballet game, and Diana needed his expertise for the surprise she had planned for Charles.

The Telegraph

"Uptown Girl"

Diana had quite a vision when it came to the Christmas party. She told Sleep she wanted to choreograph a dance to Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl" for all the attendees, and Sleep was instantly on board.

Vinnie Zuffante / Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images

The Rehearsals Begin

Sleep was more than familiar with "Uptown Girl," and he carefully crafted a three-minute routine to perform alongside Diana. He presented the idea to the princess, and the two began rehearsing in secret.

Princess Diana Archive / Getty Images

Nothing Short Of Spectacular

The two spent hours together, making sure the entire dance was nailed down to perfection. She was a princess, after all, and she wanted the performance to be nothing short of spectacular.

Daily Mail

Slipping Out Of Sight

Finally, the Christmas gala arrived, and Diana was especially excited about the events that were about to unfold. She sat next to Charles for much of the night, but at one point she quietly slipped out of sight.

David Levenson / Getty Images

Front And Center

Charles didn't think much of Diana's absence. However, his jaw hit the floor a few minutes into the live dance performance when he realized exactly where his wife disappeared to. She was front and center on the stage!

Daily Mail

Letting Her Hair Down

Charles couldn't believe his eyes! He knew Diana loved dancing, but he never thought the woman who was always so proper during royal celebrations could let her hair down in the funkiest way imaginable. He watched in awe.

John Shelley Collection / Getty Images

Hitting Every Mark

Sleep and Diana were a force on the stage. They had their Billy Joel routine down to the tee, and they hit every mark they rehearsed. It could not have been a more perfect dance number for the two.

via Pinterest

Wild Applause Ensues

The entire crowd of 2,000 was stunned as they watched Diana absolutely crush the performance, electricity flowing through her every move. The pair finished off with an epic finale immediately met with wild applause!

via Pinterest

Taking The Final Bow

After the pair took their final bow, Sleep told Diana she had to also give a special bow to the royal box where Charles sat. According to Sleep, she responded with, "I’m not bowing to him — he’s my hubby!"

Tim Graham Photo Library / Getty Images

An Opposite Reaction

Now, you'd think Charles would have been the most delighted man in the audience, seeing that the star of the performance was his wife. However, he actually had the opposite reaction, which Diana did not see coming.

Tim Graham Picture Library / Getty Images

"She Was Showing Off"

Richard Kay, a friend of Diana's, admitted that "Charles wasn’t terribly impressed, because he thought she was showing off." Regardless of his opinion, it took guts to do what Diana did, and she was pleased with herself.

Tim Graham Photo Library / Getty Images

You Can't Win Them All

Hey, when it comes to gift-giving, you can't always come out on top, which Diana quickly learned after leaving the dance stage. However, one royal who always knows how to garner a smile with a gift is the queen.

Terry Fincher / Princess Diana Archive / Getty Images

Wedding Gifts

It’s been several years since the royal wedding that captivated the world, and though the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge haven’t quite reached platinum-status, the Queen still managed to give Kate a meaningful gift worthy of royalty.

A Close Relationship

The Queen has much to be proud of when it comes to her granddaughter-in-law. Since becoming Duchess of Cambridge, Kate has been a poised role model for every kid who dreams of being royalty, and not only because she looks like a princess.

Danny Martindale

Tireless Philanthropy

She is passionate about charity work and is heavily involved in organizations like Action on Addiction, Place2Be, and East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice. Kate’s work even takes her far away from the palace.

Chris Jackson

Star of the Show

As an ambassador, she’s traveled all over the globe. Often the guest of honor at memorials, charity events, and parties attended by the best and brightest, Kate’s naturally approachable nature hasn’t gone unnoticed, even at the top of the royal family.

Samir Hussein

A Major Milestone

So when Kate’s wedding anniversary rolled around, the Queen knew she had to give her something special. The Queen of England has access to more treasures than anyone else, so if anyone could give Kate the gift of a lifetime, it was her…

The Crown/Netflix

Not Another Tiara

But there’s more to being royal than tiaras and jewels, and the Queen knew that Kate was worth more than sparkles. She had a different gift in mind for the Duchess — one that couldn’t be found in a palace.

The Princess Diaries/Disney

High Expectations

The Queen had a lot to live up to, considering the gifts she’d given to the couple on previous occasions. She’s often given members of the royal family esteemed titles and honors over the years, and she has a history of giving her grandchildren lavish gifts. 

Anmer Hall

The gift she gave William and Kate on their wedding day was certainly lavish: She gave them Anmer Hall, which now serves as a second home for Will, Kate, and their kids. And as far as gifts go, the Queen wasn’t done being generous. 

Historic Tiara

She provided the beautiful tiara Kate wore on her wedding day. Known as the Cartier Halo Tiara, it was originally purchased by the Queen’s father and eventually passed down to Queen Elizabeth. The Queen isn’t all about glitz and glam, however. 

Gag Gifts

The Queen actually prefers that the family exchange silly gifts at Christmas instead of something extravagant. We can only imagine what Kate gave the Queen! Judging by photos snapped by paparazzi, the Christmas shenanigans have only brought them closer.

Growing Warmth

They often sit next to each other at events and are seen laughing and having a good time together. Clearly, they get along — and a unique item Kate wore to a Buckingham Palace State Dinner in 2018 put their respect for each other on display.

A Special Badge

Affixed to Kate’s gown was the badge of the royal family order of Queen Elizabeth II. This is a rare item to see on a royal, since the Queen only gives the award to members of her family in honor of exemplary service.

Going Even Further

Still, the ivory badge of the royal family isn’t the most prestigious award a family member can receive from the Queen. In April 2019, the Queen had something special in mind for Kate, and it blew the honorable ivory badge out of the water.

Cathal Mcnaughton

Dame Grand Cross

For Kate’s 8th wedding anniversary, the Queen presented her with the Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order. This may not sound like a big deal, but its history makes it one of the most prestigious awards one can get.

Victoria Jones

Victoria's Legacy

The Royal Victorian Order all started with — as you may have guessed — Queen Victoria herself. These awards are made personally by the Queen for “services to the sovereign,” so it’s a high honor. For Kate especially, this award means a lot...

James Whatling

Planning Ahead

Kate will one day be queen consort, AKA the wife of the king. If it seems like Kate is buried in responsibilities now, it will only increase when she becomes queen consort, and Queen Elizabeth has apparently started meeting with Kate in secret. 

Practice Makes Perfect

It’s believed that she’s doing so in order to train Kate for her future queenly duties.Though she’ll never have to make any political or militaristic decisions, she will be under an astounding amount of pressure from the public and the royal family.

The Princess Diaries

Secret Meetings

Not only will her status be elevated, but she’ll have to deal with ceremonial duties that are specific to the queen consort. This is a lot on anyone's shoulders — and a royal source let the public in on how those secret meetings were going.

Mark Cuthbert

Under Her Wing

”She’s really taken Kate under her wing,” the source said. “The two of them will often spend hours discussing royal life and the future of the monarchy.” Their friendship, it seems, goes even further than a badge, award, or sash...

A Bright Future

It doesn’t take a lavish gift or honorable title to see how proud the Queen is of Kate’s accomplishments. If anyone ever doubted Kate’s ability to lead, the Queen’s honor of the Royal Victorian Order is proof that the monarchy is in good hands. 

The press always has fun speculating about the lives of the royals, and when they're not talking about the Queen they're talking about the Princes. The brothers have always been tabloid fodder: No matter what they do, it ends up in the press…

...And is probably taken out of context. When everything from your first steps to your wedding is broadcast worldwide, it’s hard to determine where your personal life ends and public information begins. As adults, William and Harry had to decide for themselves.

Tim Graham

They could either follow in the footsteps of their ancestors and ignore the paparazzi as much as possible, or throw caution to the wind and be honest with the press. They’ve so often chosen to stay silent...until now. 

Harry & Meghan: An African Journey

As the Princes started their own families, fans of the royals couldn’t help but notice something odd: A lot of the time, they made outings or appearances separately. People were so used to seeing the brothers together — especially with Kate and Meghan.

Samir Hussein

The dynamic foursome was always photographed together, at palace events and even at impromptu play-dates with their children. But in recent months, these sightings have slowed to a stand-still: Each couple, it seems, is suddenly keeping their distance.  

Yui Monk/PA Images

To make matters worse, a royal source finally commented on the rumors that the brothers were fighting...and the news wasn’t exactly pleasant. Apparently, the rumors all connect to another set of rumors, this time about Harry and Meghan. 

National Enquirer

The couple’s recent documentary Harry & Meghan: An African Journey was unexpectedly candid and showed the new parents as being in a “fragile,” as one source claims, emotional state. Meghan, especially, really pulled away the royal curtain.

Henk Kruger / Vanity Fair

She admitted that despite trying to maintain a "stiff upper lip" in the face of the merciless press, she often feels frustrated. Harry took a page from Meghan's candid interview and used the opportunity to speak up about his own struggles.

BBC News

Harry responded to rumors about the supposed "rift" between the royal brothers. It would have made sense for him to deny the rumors about him and William — at least, that’s what he was expected to do — but he was shockingly real.

Harry & Meghan: An African Journey

“Part of...this family being under the pressure that it’s under...stuff happens,” Harry said, a surprising admission for a family as scrutinized as the Windsors. Harry was quick to elaborate on the “stuff” he was referring to.

WPA Pool

“We’re certainly on different paths at the moment,” Harry said of him and William. This makes sense: As parents of young children and as members of the royal family, there’s hardly time to sleep, let alone make nice in front of the press...

Kensington Royal/Instagram

“We don’t see each other as much as we used to because we’re so busy but I love him dearly,” Harry explained. Still, there’s another person in this supposed non-rift, and he has his own opinion about the matter.

It’s true that the royal “Fab Four,” as the press once called William, Kate, Harry, and Meghan, haven’t been seen together for quite some time. By October 2019, their last public appearance was way back in July. Are they truly just “on different paths,” as Harry said?

Paul Grover

A palace source isn’t so sure. The source claimed that William is simply “worried” about his brother and sister-in-law after their emotional TV documentary. As Harry's brother, William would be the first to know if anything was amiss in Harry's personal life.

Tim Graham

Apparently, William hopes the couple is “all right.” He knows better than anyone how stressful it can be to deal with the press on top of royal and familial responsibilities. This means, of course, that William heard what Harry said about their relationship...

Chris Jackson/Invictus Games, 2014

Which may have made for an awkward Remembrance Day celebration in November 2019, the first two events both couples attended together in months. Though they weren't together during the celebration, the same can’t be said for William and Harry themselves.

Chris Jackson/WPA Pool

The brothers stood together as they paid their respects. Since this was the first time the brothers were publicly seen together in months, Harry’s claim that they were simply on different wavelengths may not have been far from the truth.

Forbes/UK Press

After all, what Harry said about his brother wasn't all bad. “As brothers, you have good days, you have bad days,” he admitted. A huge part of their “rift” may be due to something William and Harry both understand all too well…

Andy Rain/EPA/Today Show

The press. “The majority of the stuff is created out of nothing,” Harry implied of the press making up problems between them. To Harry, everything rumored about in the press is all exaggerated. “Look, we’re brothers. We’ll always be brothers,” he said.

Toby Melville

Even with all this speculation surrounding Harry and William's relationship, the person who has really suffered under the steely gaze of the press is Meghan. Ever since she first came onto the royal scene in 2016, media outlets have had a field day picking her apart...


It's been years now, and the internet's bullying of Meghan hasn't waned. Paparazzi has made it their mission to expose every private detail about her life, and they show no sign of stopping — even as Harry and Meghan's patience runs short.

Marie Claire

We know by now that Meghan isn't going anywhere; she is the Duchess of Sussex after all. Since Meghan gave birth to her little royal bundle of joy, Archie, in 2019, the media harassment has only gotten worse for poor Meggy.

Ridiculously negative reports surfaced, like "Demanding Meghan Markle emails staff instructions as early as 5AM" and (our personal favorite) "Markle is related to Jack the Ripper serial killer suspect H H Holmes." They drained her spirits.

Those interesting headlines were courtesy of UK tabloid site The Sun. The obvious slander of Meghan, which has focused on her parenting style and her wardrobe, not to mention the fact that she's been deemed "insensitive and callous," has reached its peak.

Sources said that Meghan has been "incredibly stressed" over the British media's harmful depiction of her, and that the whirlwind of drama has "affected her state of mind." Not good for a new mother.

Part of this stress relates to Meghan's feelings that Duchess Kate set a very high standard and “it’s discouraging that the British public holds her up to that,” as disclosed by a source. Well, Prince Harry has had enough of the abuse. 

Prince Harry, like the gentleman he is, is taking legal action against Associated Newspapers, which parents the UK's Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, for its "misuse of private information, infringement of copyright, and breach of the Data Protection Act 2018."

According to The Guardian, Harry has also accused the paper of deceiving readers by cunningly omitting specific information “to mask the lies they had perpetrated for over a year." Of course, this was rebuffed by the Associated Newspapers.

Harry's October 2019 statement, which is present on the Sussexes' official website, claims that the demon Associated Newspapers plotted a "ruthless campaign that has escalated over the past year, throughout [Meghan's] pregnancy and while raising our newborn son."

“There is a human cost to this relentless propaganda, specifically when it is knowingly false and malicious" it read. "I cannot begin to describe how painful it has been," Prince Harry's statement continued. The public feud had just begun.

“There comes a point when the only thing to do is to stand up to this behaviour, because it destroys people and destroys lives. Put simply, it is bullying, which scares and silences people." Prince Harry asserted. Those royals mean business. 

Harry's lengthy statement left the public aghast, as royals don't usually get too detailed regarding their emotions. PR consultant Mark Borkowski thought the statement was a bit risky, with Harry having been “a little too open about what they think about the media."

Borkowski continued that Harry "has drawn a line in the sand and that line has been crossed. There will be a lot of people who support him, but he will also be losing a lot of friends.” Yikes. Harry clearly couldn't contain his royal rage.

One of the most unsettling things about this sort of public bullying of Meghan Markle is that it's eerily similar to how the British press treated the late Princess Diana, Prince Harry's mother. It's no wonder why he's aggressively taking legal action against these heinous tabloids.

Though the drama with Associated Newspapers was bloody bad enough, more legal action was to come. Just a few days later, Prince Harry filed documents against New Group Newspapers, which parents The Sun, and the Daily Mirror (you knew we mentioned The Sun for a reason).

But it wasn't just for its outlandish articles about good ol' Meggy; Prince Harry is accusing New Group Newspapers of phone hacking. We know, the whole ordeal is bollocks.

BBC royal correspondent Jonny Dymond expanded on this, saying, “The presumption is this goes back to the phone-hacking scandal of the early 2000s." The saga just never ends. 

The case is being paid for by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex themselves. To show how seriously they took bullying and harassment, the couple vowed to donate the proceeds from the damages to an anti-bullying charity. That was all pending a court ruling, of course.

Meghan and Harry strongly believe in the insidious power bullying has on the mind. Alongside Kate Middleton and Prince William, they voiced a meaningful PSA about mental health in October 2019, which aimed to "help people take simple steps to look after their mental health."


Harry and Meghan are proof that gossip doesn't have to be a royal's lot in life. Overall, Harry and Meghan aim to spread goodness and positivity during their time in the limelight, which only makes the public defamation of Meghan that much more disquieting.

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