Yasmin is a regular girl with regular friends and was with them enjoying and partying in a club. But little she knew, her life about take a very sharp turn that will change the entire course of her life. Everybody around her was in a complete shock after hearing it. But you might think, so what? That’s life and it happens to everybody. We agree that things happen to everybody every day, but Jasmin’s situation was something very different.

She was having a usual day with her friends and then she saw something that made her realize that not everybody is as considerate towards us we think people are. People are born with the feeling of getting offended with the other person without knowing the true reason behind it. However, she wasn’t like that. She knew herself very well and responded to the situation very bravely and sensibly. Her action made the headlines and it was meant to be applauded.

The Beginning

Yasmin was with her friends at the usual local pub where they always go to have fun. She was laughing and enjoying the talks and was happy at that moment. She loved her friends and they loved her back. Life was going the way she wanted. She has a good circle of friends on whom she can rely on to and she also has a supportive family that was also there when a sudden surprising event was placed in front of her. However, she did not give in.

Anonymous Letter

After Yasmin and her friends were done, they decided to leave the pub. They walked across the parking lot that was few steps away from the pub, but Yasmin realized that her feet were sore. She thought it is because of the high heels she was wearing and wasn’t used to them. Her friends were just right behind her making fun of her inability to walk properly. But keeping the fun aside her friends were there for her when she needed them the most. She reached her car and placed her purse on the hood to find the keys and there she saw a note on the windshield. But why this note?

Cramps? Or Allergies?

19-year-old Yasmin had just graduated from Homewood School and began her new job recently. Everything was going great and perfect for her. But then one day, she became ill. “The main thing that I noticed was my legs swelling up, my stomach, my back, and my eyes also became really puffy and sore,” she said. Yasmin’s first reaction towards her sudden illness was of some kind of allergies, but little she knew it was something bigger entirely and later it became really serious.

Getting Sicker

She took several kinds of antihistamines and painkillers to comfort her, but there was no change in her condition. And the pain was getting really serious with each passing day and she knew something wasn’t right. Her mother was really worried about her condition and then she took her to the doctor for a proper check-up. The doctor diagnosed her with exhaustion and prescribed her with some medications and asked her to take some time off from work. But the doctor couldn’t have been more wrong.

Something Wasn’t Right

Yasmin was also relieved after knowing that her condition is because of all the exhaustion and she followed her doctor’s advice and took some time off from her workplace. Even after that, her condition didn’t change. She explained, “I was literally walking the distance of a room before I had to stop walking. My exercise routine went from healthy to non-existent. Where I used to go to the gym five times a week, my health was just getting worse and worse.”

But what was it? Why didn’t her condition show any change even after the doctor diagnosed her? Everybody around her knew that something wasn’t right. On one hand, there was the mystery behind her health and on the second, there was this note that she found on her windshield. Who did that and why?

Frightened Mother

As she told us about her daily routine where she used to go to the gym five times a week, even though she stopped going to the gym, she kept losing weight. She wasn’t feeling hungry and her face started to look pale. In other words, her condition was miserable. Her mother saw her child’s condition getting deteriorate, yet her hands were tied and she couldn’t do anything about it. “My symptoms developed gradually, but in the last few months leading up to my diagnosis, it was just getting worse and worse. My mum said she was scared she would lose me.” Then, one day Yasmin’s health took another turn that shocked everybody.

Next Steps…

Yasmin’s mother was afraid of her situation that held her tight and it was getting very difficult for Yasmin to free herself. Her mother did everything to ease her pain but nothing was working. She was tired with all of this but even then she did not lose hope. She prayed every day for the betterment of her daughter’s life. However, her prayers weren’t reaching where it meant to reach and then life closed another door for them.

First Visit

One sudden morning Yasmin’s health got really bad and she was rushed to emergency at Tenterden Hospital. The first visit to the emergency was really hectic as everybody was very anxious about her health. They thought they might hear some good news regarding her health but there was no proper response from the doctor’s side. Even the doctors were confused about Yasmin’s situation. The family was waiting patiently for the reports and they kept checking on her through the little space in the gate.

Her Condition

Her mother and friends kept a very close eye towards Yasmin, as they thought she might need them any minute. Nobody was ready to leave until they hear something from the doctor. Everybody came to standstill and every minute seemed like an hour. On one side of the door where everybody’s heart was beating faster than ever and on the other side, it was Yasmin, lying on the bed with god knows how many wires attached to her. The heart rate monitor’s screen kept beating and it was hearable to everybody because of the silence inside them that crept into their body. Then, she woke up!

So Many Faces

Yasmin slowly opened her eyes and everything looked blur at first and then her eyes started focusing again on the images making them clearer. She was so weak that she couldn’t even speak and the more she tried more pain she felt. Tears started rolling from eyes and pillow under the head was the proof. But so many smiling faces looking towards her made the tears fade away somewhere. Now the pillow cover was blank and the tears of joy filled the blank space. But then the doctor came with a folder in his hand. The news was shocking!

The News!

The doctor didn’t disturb the gathering and was watching Yasmin smile. After a couple of minutes, he walked towards Yasmin with a smile on his face and inquired about how does she feel? Yasmin tried but wasn’t that audible because of the weakness inside her body. She was in pain and the doctor could tell that. The doctor then took her mother outside the room leaving Yasmin and her friends behind. Her mother was curious to know about her daughter’s situation and looked at the doctor with all the hope she had. The doctor then told her that they are not able to see what has made her daughter’s condition this critical but they need to some tests to be sure. The mother was very hurt by the news and didn’t want to show it to Yasmin, so she entered the room with a smiling face.

Regular Visits To Emergency Room

Because the doctors had no idea of what the condition she was suffering from, Yasmin had been rushed to the hospital quite often. The doctors and nurses everybody knew Yasmin, her family, and her friends by name. The doctors took several tests on her every visit but nothing conclusive came out of it. But nobody was ready to lose hope. The doctors also kept trying to find an answer to this problem that was making Yasmin peaceful life a living hell. Finally, they found one.

Finally A Diagnosis

Yasmin’s mother was now relieved and now she can stop searching for the possible answers behind her symptoms. Yasmin was suffering from “hypochondriac”. In other words, she was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. You know what makes any health issue more frightening after hearing it, it is the lack of information about it. They were hearing about this disease for the first time in their life. They were filled with mixed emotions. On one hand they now knew what is the problem and on the other hand, they didn’t know about what lies ahead for Yasmin. Will she be able to get back to her normal life? Was there any treatment for her condition?

What Is Hypochondriac?

Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension or in short IPAH is basically a lung disorder. In this condition along with the lung disorder, the person also suffers from high blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries. The term “idiopathic” in Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension means that what is causing the pulmonary artery hypertension is not known.
Why pulmonary arteries are so important? Our pulmonary arteries have one major job, that is, to carry blood from the ride side of your heart to your lungs. And because of the disorder, your blood flow through these tight and small pulmonary arteries with a force that these arteries are not meant for.

Common Symptoms

Looking at the condition of Yasmin we all know how hard it was for the doctors to diagnose it. And to be true, this disorder is not that easy to diagnose and it demands several frequent tests to get identified.
Some common symptoms include tiredness, shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness, fast pulse rate, chest pain, heart palpitations and, swelling in your lower extremities.

Yasmin’s Reality

Yasmin was aware of her situation and she was reluctant about knowing about her condition. She researched it and how to deal with it. In, Idiopathic pulmonary condition arterial hypertension tasks that require minimal effort seem like shifting the mountain. She was going through it and knew how hard it is for her to go through day to day process. She knew that this her life now and she has to get used to it. She took six months off from her work and she tried her best to follow up her medication. But even after that, she was worried about one thing.

Worrisome Issue

Yasmin followed her medications and tried her best not to skip any of them. But still, she was worried about lung disorder. With each passing day, she felt like her lungs are getting weaker and weaker. Sometimes the situation became so severe that she has to rush to the hospital.

Between all of this, Yasmin never lost any hope and she kept battling with her condition. Even in life, the moment you lose faith in yourself, that is the very moment you have nothing to live on. But that note on her windshield really hurt her.

Life’s Reality

According to the doctors, the person with Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension condition is said to have a life expectancy of up to 17 years. But Yasmin did not believe that and she kept going forward in her life. She is 19 and still living her life like there is no end to it. “The diagnosis was a relief at first, but now it’s just difficult to live with. Now I’m on medication it’s more manageable, I’ve actually had a pump fitted now which I have to take my medication though, it’s permanently attached to me,” said Yasmin. There is no bigger challenge than health but she was winning it all.

Note To Be Noted

Yasmin found this note on her car’s windshield and she was really hurt by it. The note broke her heart and she posted it online and spoke her heart out. She wanted to convey to whoever wrote it, that not everybody is cruel in this world, some are just helpless and they have got no choice. We think, what Yasmin did was the right thing to do. If you want that the people should be considerate towards you, then the process starts with you.

Quick To Judge

The person who left the note on her windshield was in such a hurry that the stranger forgot to see the blue badge on her car. The blue badge was provided to Yasmin in case she was in an emergency and couldn’t find a parking and to ease that she was allowed to park in a spot made for disabled. She just couldn’t live with the fact that somebody was accusing her of something that she didn’t do intentionally. Only Yasmin knew how hard these few years have been for her. And she didn’t take the note lightly and did this.

Posting Online

Yasmin was furious and she wasn’t ready to let this person go away so easily. She was struggling in her life and some stranger just made fun it. This was something that no human being can take easily. Yasmin switched on her computer and wrote,  “Whoever wrote this couldn’t write their name, couldn’t write their number and didn’t want to approach me in person.” This was just the beginning of the post.

Her Status

“I saw the note you left on my car and this is what I want to say back… Last night I went to the White Lion in Tenterden with my friend and parked my car outside Prezzo in the disabled space and, honestly, I didn’t think anything of it. I was angry and frustrated.” She wrote further in the post.
It wasn’t just the note that made her mad but she also has a problem with the strangers who without knowing about her condition have judged her whenever she has parked her car in the disabled spot.

Strangers Staring

She posted her experience online to aware people about Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. “You can tell people are staring when you get out of the car and stuff like that, but nobody had actually said anything before, let alone left a note. When I put my badge up I feel like I have to walk out of the car limping.”
Her motive to aware the people were working and her post had all the attention she demanded.

Bringing Awareness

Yasmin wanted to convey her story and tell people that not all disability is visible. Some just struggle from the inside. “I shouldn’t have to feel like that because there is an illness there, but it just doesn’t show. Just because I’m not in a wheelchair or have a visible ailment, it doesn’t mean I’m not entitled to use a disabled space.”

Finding Strength

Yasmin’s post was being applauded all over the internet and the message which she was trying to send to the people was spreading the way she wanted. She further said, “It’s not all bad though because after posting about the note on social media, the reaction from people on Facebook has been amazing.”
Yasmin’s story is truly inspiring. We hope that the people find some way to understand others because there are many among us who are struggling in their daily lives but are brave enough to hide it behind their beautiful smile and courage.

Just like Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension or in short IPAH, there are several conditions that are very hard to get diagnosed. Next few slides are about some of these conditions.

Sleep Apnea

This condition can be simply stated when your breathing process stops and starts in the middle of your sleep. This condition can make you irritable and foggy-headed the next morning, with dry mouth, sore throat, and headache. These symptoms may seem to you similar to flu, a cold, or other conditions. But to be on the safer side, you should visit your doctor for better consultation. Your doctor may also suggest you a sleep study, where he reads your brain activity, heart rate, breathing, and oxygen levels.


If you remember the diagram of the human body from school, you might have seen a small comma-shaped structure that hangs from your intestine. Yeah, that is your appendix. When your appendix gets inflamed it causes pain in your stomach. The pain usually starts suddenly and gets worse with time.
Some common symptoms are nausea, fever, constipation, vomiting, or diarrhea. The main problem with this condition is that conditions like Crohn’s disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, intestinal obstruction, and colitis also have the same symptoms. Seeing your doctor and getting some tests done can help things out for you.


If you feel inactive and have been gaining weight recently, then these symptoms can mean that your thyroid isn’t making required thyroxine in the body. In this condition, you may observe that your hair has become thin, change in your bowel movements, and you become more sensitive to hot and cold. These symptoms and blood tests can help your doctor in diagnosing the condition.

Parkinson’s Disease

In this condition, your brain cells stop working and act they way they shouldn’t. You may feel you have a shaky arm, stiff neck, balancing problems and you may feel that your face doesn’t look the same. But what makes Parkinson’s disease so difficult to get diagnosed is the symptoms that also fall under the categories of stroke, head injury, Alzheimer and even stress. And there are no specific tests that can tell you have this condition.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

This a very serious condition where you may feel tired all the time and you find no proper reason then this must be because of chronic fatigue syndrome. Some common symptoms include a sore throat, headache, muscle pain, sleep problems, and trouble in focusing. But because these symptoms are also found in sleep apnea, insomnia, thyroid, anemia, and diabetes it gets difficult for the doctors to be sure about the condition if the patient has it.

Oral Cancer

Even if you are a non-smoker that doesn’t make you immune from oral cancer. According to the doctors, one in five can have this cancer which is not related to tobacco use. You may be suffering from human papillomavirus (HPV), the same infection that causes cervical cancer in women. Because the lesions are very small in size and are hidden behind your throat, it becomes very difficult for the doctors to diagnose it. If you feel that you have a sore throat for a long period, change in your speech, or problem in swallowing then you should not wait for any further and get it checked asap.

Celiac Disease

Even today, the doctors are confused around the mystery that revolves around the celiac disease. What is a celiac disease? It is an immune reaction to your gluten that makes your small intestine swelled up. It takes almost 6 to 10 years before it gets properly diagnosed. The person with this condition can have problems in digestion while eating food that has gluten, like, wheat, barley, and rye. Celiac disease also causes itchy skin, headaches, joint pain, and heartburn. It is better to see a doctor if the symptoms don’t show any change.


When doctors don’t have any feasible reason that defines a patient’s chronic pain and fatigue they usually settle on a patient suffering from Fibromyalgia. Eugene Shapiro, MD, Yale University says, “There are studies that show that people with certain symptoms who show up at a rheumatologist will be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but if the same patients show up at a gastroenterologist they’ll be diagnosed as having irritable bowel syndrome.”


As Dr. Fleming describe a migraine, “Sometimes migraine symptoms can be very severe, where the patient can even develop paralysis, and other times they can be very subtle.” he adds, “Patients might feel dizzy or lightheaded or feel a vague discomfort in their heads, and oftentimes they’ll get treated with medication that might not be appropriate for a true migraine.”
Some common symptoms of a migraine are intense throbbing in head, nausea, and vomiting.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are very painful and also very rare. This kind of a headache affects less than 1 million Americans. These headaches last between 30 minutes to three hours, on average. Cluster headaches usually occur when season changes but even doctors have no clue about why does it happen? And because of this confusion, the doctors sometimes diagnose these headaches as sinus headaches.

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