The world looks a better place if we are surrounded by our loved ones. It’s hard to find people who love us whole-heartedly with no terms and conditions applied. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a family and friends. The little guy whose story we are about to tell struggled to have an ordinary childhood that’s every kid’s right. A good home, loving parents, quality education, and lots of fun is what every child deserves but Carter never got any of these.
And when he was getting used to the messed up life, someone started to keep an eye on the 11-year-old boy.
Carter Wyles
All the kids are cute and Carter was one chubby little boy. One of the natures that made him stand out of the crowd was his empathy. Even at the tender age of 11, when he himself struggled in the confused emotionless life of foster center, he always tried to cheer up people around him.
Foster Life
Carter Wyles never had a common life. During the past 11 years, he was moved to different foster centers from time to time. At first, it was hard for him to get used to the new environment but now, he kind of started getting used to it. When a kid grows in the foster center, he/she understands the fact that with passing birthday, the probability of getting a forever home decreases. Wondering why?
Babies Are Preferred
Couples who enroll in the adoption process always look for young babies because they’ll easily get along with the family. Hardly ever a family will prefer to adopt an 11-year-old boy. And Carter Wyles was somehow now aware of this fact. With no hopes for any bright future, Carter knew there was nothing much to expect from life.
Aren’t these too heavy a thought to cross an 11-year old’s mind? Yes, they are. However, as they say, that humans are born weak but they get stronger when they have no other choice left to make. Likewise, Carter had no other options left.
Carter was soon going to enter the teen phase of his life and not to mention that this is one of the most confusing time for everyone. Even the cute little-outspoken ones can turn out to be the shy irritated introverts. And Carter was right at this turning point of life. It is easiest to distract kids at this stage and even more easy to get them off the right track.
No Christmas-y Vibes
Christmas was around the corner but there were no signs of happiness on Carter’s face. Isn’t Christmas supposed to be the best time of the year? Many names are never placed under the Christmas trees and Carter knew his name was one of those. Yet, this little kid’s belief in the Almighty was strong enough to make him wish for a forever home. He didn’t ask for a play station or a skateboard but a home to call his own and a family to love him as he has always been a part of it.
This time Carter was in a foster care of Lancaster, Ohio when he was called in the head caretaker’s room. He thought it will another moving notice for him because that’s why he was called by the head caretaker before. So, was that all? Well, that’s how it seemed at the first place but in reality, the head of the organization really didn’t want to inform him about anything.
Carter was upset even with the thought of moving to another foster care. The moving process takes a lot of struggle that includes the adjustment process in the new environment and trying to get along with the new kids for whom Carter will be a stranger. As he didn’t have anything in his control, he followed the orders and walked towards the headroom.
Long Wait
The head of the organization just asked Carter to wait outside his office. Carter waited there wondering what it could possibly be. There was a pin drop silence in the corridor. Carter could only hear him talking to someone over the phone; unable to understand what it was actually about. And soon he called for the little boy.
A Final Call
He called Carter in. Carter still confused looked at the phone that he was handing over to him. This meant that somebody wanted to talk to him but who could it be? Carter immediately took the cell phone to know who it was…
The Kipharts
It was Carter’s aunt, Leah Kiphart who lived in a nearby town with her family. But what was she calling him for? Carter usually stayed angry with all of his family members as none of them really cared enough about him according to him. The fact that they pretended as they cared irritated him even more. If they would have cared, then he should not be living a life that he was.
What Is It?
When his aunt asked him if he was doing well or not Carter was uninterested yet he answered and asked her for the reason behind calling him. His aunt understood his mood and tried to calm him before she told him what she was the actual reason.
An Invitation
Leah had called to invite Carter to spend the holidays with the Kiphart family. Carter didn’t want to go and he said no. But his aunt insisted on him being a part of the celebration and that his cousins want him to be there to have fun and spend some quality time. Carter hung up the call after saying that he’ll think about it.
Giving It Second Thought
Carter couldn’t sleep that night as he kept on pondering. He later felt that no matter how angry he was with everyone, it was his family, he wanted to be with his cousins. On top of all the reasons, he really didn’t want to spend Christmas in the foster center. So, he decided to go to the Kipharts for Christmas.
Packing And Moving
After telling his aunt that he’ll be there, Carter packed his small bag. He was waiting in the common area for his uncle to come to pick him up. He realized how he always wanted someone to pick him up like this but not for a few days. Carter was always lost in dreams like this, dreams of having a family that seemed near to impossible now.
Dream Come True
Even if it was just for the holidays, Carter’s dream came true. He played games he didn’t get to play at the foster center. He had amazing food and played with their pet dog. It was just the type of Christmas any kid would ever think of. But will this happiness last?
Back To Square One
When he reached his relative’s home, it felt like he belonged there. But the fact that he’ll have to leave after Christmas was always in the back of his mind. He was just a kid with so much going on in his mind. It was stressful as no matter how hard he tried to live in the present, the fears for the future didn’t let him be.
The Bitter Facts
We all have heard of the foster life and what happens after it. According to studies, more than 25% of the foster children never get a settled life and spend most of their days wandering on the streets within a few years of getting out of the foster center. With his growing age, this misfortune was getting closer to Carter.
Being A Part
Carter was trying to blend in the Kipharts family for the short duration he was going to be with them. He helped his aunt in grocery shopping, decorated the Christmas tree with his sisters, listened to his uncle’s favorite Christmas playlist with him, played PlayStation with his brothers, and took the dog out for a walk.
Youngest Of All
Carter was the youngest among all his cousins. They loved him but Carter’s fate was completely opposite of theirs. While they had a secured future with their parents taking care of it for them, Carter didn’t even have a permanent home.
Best Days Of The Years
The Kiphart family was one of those strong believers of Christmas who literally wait for December 25th throughout the year. They saved to buy presents for their friends and family, they mailed beautiful Christmas cards to everyone they knew and they enjoyed being together. And this time Carter was with them to celebrate but not in the recent family photograph.
Under The Christmas Tree
Carter was sitting on the floor near the Christmas tree and it was time for everyone to open up their presents. The whole Kiphart family was present there at this moment. They all already opened their gifts and Carter was the last one to open his presents. He got a jacket, and more. But when he was opening the last present, the entire Kiphart family’s eyes were glued onto him.
Unwrapping The Present
Noticing that everyone was looking at him, Carter grew anxious. As he finished unwrapping the gift and opened the box, it was a framed picture. But why would everyone look at him like that just for a picture? That’s when he noticed that it wasn’t just any picture inside the box.
A Family Photo
It was a family photo with all the Kipharts’ present in it. Carter thought they wanted him to keep it to cherish these days whenever he misses them and so he smiled and said thank you. But this photo was not to remember the Kipharts and Carter would soon realize it as he was about to read the note.
The Note
With excitement, Carter held the note and started reading it aloud. Before he could even finish reading it, he paused as tears flowed out of his eyes. The note started with, “Carter” and then it said something unexpected.
The Memorable Moment
The note read, “Here is the most recent picture of our family. All of us would love for you to be in the next picture, and for you to be a part of our family. Carter, would you like to be a Kiphart and be our son and brother?” This was what he had wished for with the least expectations of this wish ever being fulfilled.
Couldn’t Stop Crying
When Carter couldn’t hold back his tears, Leah Kiphart hugged him and his uncle asked him, “What do you think, buddy? We’re going to adopt you, Carter.” Carter couldn’t believe that all this time he was there, he didn’t get even the slightest idea of what the Kipharts were planning. Then Carter replied…
Cracking Jokes
In order to make him laugh, Carter’s uncle said from behind, “Now you can stay here forever. Well, until you’re 18 and then I’m kicking your butt out.” The little boy smiled with teary eyes and hugged his aunt back who was from this moment, his mother.
Highly Thankful
Carter replied to his uncle by nodding and added, “I want to thank you so much.” The thing was that the Kipharts themselves didn’t have it all planned for a long time. In fact, everything happened within the last day.
Unplanned Decision
“This was not planned. We discussed with our other children Sunday night and shared with him Monday morning. This might have been the last time that we were ever going to see Carter, and felt that it was really important for us to keep him in the family. A lot of people talk about how lucky he is. We are just as fortunate to have him join our family,” said Leah in an interview.
Amazing People

“Carter came to us because he’d been having a less than desired home life with his biological family. Carter isn’t just the lucky one in all of this. We are blessed to have him as part of our family,” said Leah who felt glad to have taken the decision of adopting Carter.
A Lot To Do
“He’s a good little boy. We all have a lot of adjusting to do and will continue to keep Carter in prayer as he heals and transitions into our family,” said Leah explaining how it will be a challenge to get along with the little boy in the long run. But she is sure that he’ll be good.
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