Owners Introducing Their Dogs Aren't Ready For A Dramatic Turn


When Amber Monte and her husband moved across the country, they were nervous about adjusting to their new home. But even more concerning was their Golden Retriever, whose fear of others forced them to make a painful choice. Yet, when their pup Lola came in contact with another neighborhood canine, everyone was blown away.

Happy Together

Amber Monte and her husband lived in England where they both had great jobs, close friends, and a quaint life. However, the star of the family was their pooch, Lola, who they adopted as a puppy.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

Lovely Lola

Lola was a Golden Retriever with an amazing personality. She loved other humans, and everyone who visited the couple left with a serious crush on the sweet pup, and Lola too couldn't wait to see them when they next returned.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

Sometimes Friendly

Amber would take Lola for long walks around her neighborhood where they'd frequently run into Amber's friends. The pooch loved the interactions she had with humans, but when it came to large dogs, she acted completely differently.

Oshies World / YouTube

Shy Pup

For as outgoing as she was with her human pals, she was totally shy around large-breed dogs, even if they were outgoing and friendly themselves. However, there was one dog who Lola was always excited to see.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

Best Pals

It was her friend Skylar! Both dogs knew each for years, and it was all smiles and tail wagging when they hung out. Just look at those faces; they literally couldn't be be any happier. Skylar even stood by Lola's side during a particularly difficult time.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

Loyal Companion

After a visit to the veterinarian, it turned out Lola suffered from elbow dysplasia, and she had to have some intense surgery to correct it. Skylar, being the amazing companion she was, stuck by her side nearly every day after.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

A Change Coming

Even though it was apparent Lola felt uncomfortable when she was around big dogs, she had a fascination with animals in general. However, Amber had no idea how much that fascination would grow after she and her husband relocated.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

New Home

The tiny family moved to a small town just outside of Surrey, England. It was a change of pace from their old home, but they now had more space to move about, which meant more room for Lola to run around — though not without some drawbacks.

AirflowNZ Travel / YouTube

Backyard Fence

They even had a backyard, as well. Their yard was separated from the neighbor's by a wooden fence. There was nothing special about the fence at all but shortly after moving in, Amber noticed something strange about it.

via Pinterest

Staring All Day

For some reason, the fence had Lola in an almost trance-like state for much of every day. Why was she so obsessed with this ordinary fence? It wasn't until Amber and her husband met their neighbors that they figured it out.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

Meet Loki

Their new neighbors had a Staffordshire terrier named Loki. He would roam the backyard, and Lola could get brief glimpses of him throughout the day. They two couples figured the dogs should meet.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram


Amber was naturally a little nervous before the face-to-face encounter. Loki sure wasn't a small dog, and Lola's anxiety very well might kick in. However, the couples let the two dogs peer over the fence at each other and kept their fingers crossed.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

Sparks Fly

Lo and behold, sparks flew the second the dogs saw each other! It was an incredible moment for Amber and her husband. Lola broke through a huge barrier, and now she had a friend who lived right next door!


Waiting Outside

Both dogs were smitten with each other, and the very next day, Amber found Loki waiting at her back door as if to ask if Lola could come out and play. This seemed like it was becoming more than just friendship...

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

Notable Changes

Lola's entire demeanor quickly began to change after the meeting. The first thing she did when let out back to roam was check to see if Loki was also out. She'd whine and look out the window when she saw him from indoors.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

Puppy Love

Amber couldn't help but think romance was in the air. She'd seen friendships blossom between dogs before, but this was different. Both animals almost needed each other. It was something straight out of the film Lady and the Tramp.


Stars Align

Amber and her husband couldn't help but think about the love that blossomed between them when they met. To watch their precious pup fall in love with another dog who reciprocated the feeling was adorable. The stars aligned for Lola when they moved to Surrey.

Funny Dog Bailey / YouTube


Almost every day Amber snaps awesome photos of the cute new "couple" playing around. This picture actually looks like Lola and Loki are ballroom dancing! She quickly realized the move to Surrey was exactly what Lola needed to find pure happiness.

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

Doggie Dreams

Lola's owners were blessed to have a dog like her, but they count their lucky stars every day that the move to Surrey truly benefited their four-legged friend. Who knows what Lola thinks about every night when she drifts off, but the couple is pretty sure it's Loki. Animal friendships can't be undervalued...

Amber Marie Monte / Instagram

A Family Milestone

Sometimes they can even save lives! The Montez family couldn't imagine life in Kansas without their wiry, scrappy eight-pound terrier, Corky, who they adopted from a shelter in 2009. The pup, who has one ear that sticks up while the other points down, made their house a home.

ABC News

An Instant Connection

“We had been married six years with two kids so we were ready for a dog,” Kim Montez told The Kansas City Star. “We picked out Corky almost the minute we walked in." It felt as though the Montezes were supposed to meet little Corky.

Corky's Impact

Kim Montez, her husband Jimmy, and their kids gave the pup loads of love, and he returned the favor. So they were heartbroken when he managed to escape later that same year! They weren't even sure how it happened.

ABC News

Backyard Shenanigans

The Montezes would let Corky out in their fenced-off backyard to run around and stretch his legs, as many pet owners do. But somehow, Corky managed to escape... despite the fact that there was no opening in the enclosure.

Priscila Zambotto / Getty Images

A Mysterious Escape

“One evening he was just gone. He had a collar on, and we didn’t find anywhere in the yard where he had dug out," Kim Montez told The Kansas City Star. It was all too strange, but the Montezes were more so distracted by their sorrow.

ABC News

A Diligent Search

And that sorrow lasted about six months, as that's how long the family diligently searched the rural neighborhood for their missing pooch. After searching high and low and begging neighbors to keep their eyes peeled, still no Corky.

Jeffrey Coolidge / Getty Images

Possible Explanations

“We thought maybe someone had taken him. Or he had gotten out somehow, and he was hit and killed by a vehicle, but that was something we didn’t tell the kids," Kim explained.

Life Goes On

They just hoped and prayed Corky would miraculously show up, but came to the realization that they'd likely never see him again. Life had to go on. Their little beige dog would live on in their memories.

Suphatthra China / Getty Images

A Growing Family

The Montez family moved to Fort Worth in 2011 and finally decided to adopt a new dog, Nina, in 2013. But changes kept coming; by 2015 Kim and Jimmy had two more children and adopted yet another pooch, this time a French bulldog named Duke.

Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times

Never Forget

Their family was seemingly complete, but ever since Corky went missing, it always felt like there was a hole in the Montez clan. “We never forgot about Corky. If he was alive, we hoped he was okay," Kim said.


A Surprising Phone Call

But then the Montezes received a phone call from the Humane Society of North Texas claiming they had Corky. Seven years had passed since they saw the terrier, so the Montezes figured the news was too good to be true.


A Tiny Microchip

But since the Montezes were smart enough to microchip Corky at the time of his adoption, it likely was him. Kim, Jimmy, and their four kids ran to the car and zoomed straight to the shelter. They were going to get their fur baby back!

Corky Portraits

“What a wonderful way to wake up on Saturday morning. We never knew what had happened to him. We still had pictures of him in the house, but we never expected that call," Kim said, clearly ecstatic.

Our Dog Boarding Tucson Arizona

A New Friend

“We saw him and said, ‘That’s him,’ He recognized us," Kim explained. But the shelter had something to tell the Montez family, as it didn't seem like Corky would be willing to come back home alone. See, he made a new friend while living out on the streets.


Sticking Together

The Humane Society told the Montezes about Corky's journey roaming the streets of Fort Worth, as that's where he and another terrier named Captain were found together, both dehydrated and malnourished.

Khampha Bouaphanh / The Kansas City Star

One-Eyed Angel

Captain, a smaller terrier with coarse, silvery fur, had his left eye surgically removed. Together, the duo boasted eight legs and three eyes! Corky and Captain's bond was unbreakable, so the Montez family members did what they had to do. "We adopted him, too," Kim confessed.

Khampha Bouaphanh / The Kansas City Star

A Full House

“It looks like Corky really took care of Captain when they were out in the streets. He always lets Captain eat first, and he’ll even stand guard to make sure none of our other dogs bother him," Jimmy told ABC News. As of 2016 the couple has four dogs and four kids!

Khampha Bouaphanh / The Kansas City Star

A Rare Occurence

After being re-adopted, Corky got specifically attached to then 12-year-old Mason Montez; the interspecies pals must've missed each other dearly. “For a family to be reunited with a lost pet after [so many] years is incredible. It is quite rare,” said Phil Gonzalez, a spokesman for the Humane Society.


So Much Love to Share

“What a blessed day it was. We have so much love to share," Kim said. Everything finally felt complete, as if the Montezes were waiting for this moment all along. Perhaps the hole in their family unit had to be filled by both Corky and Captain.

Humane Society of North Texas

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