Some strangers come in your life as a blessing and then there are some who turn out to be not so pleasant. Laura, a college-going girl had joined a new job. She was very nervous but all her nervousness faded away when she met one of her colleagues who became her friend in no time. He stayed by her side throughout the process and comforted her. The woman was clearly very happy. The first day went awesome and she came back home with a cheerful heart. It was then her new friend asked her to join him at dinner. She agreed and the two went to a restaurant for dinner. Like the previous ones, Laura had expected this too to be a good one. But she was wrong!
College Work
The girl had taken admission to the Student Government at college. She was very excited about her participation in a group that had the same motivation and passion as she did. These students are tasked with organizing and supervising many events, initiative, policies, and programs closeby schools. She was growing impatient to join the group and make new friends.
A Leap Of Faith
She was excited but when the day to join the group arrived, she felt a pinch of anxiety as well. However, all her nervousness faded away when she felt the warmth the group exuded. All of them were friendly by nature. But there was one guy who helped her a lot in getting comfortable with her surrounding.
Same Department
The duo was in the same department. They soon hit it off. Though it was her first day she gelled with him completely. The boy was very calm by nature and helped her to understand things.
New Friends
The boy asked her for her number so that he could help her if she faces any problem in future. Laura without suspecting anything off about it and gave him her number happily. The day had reached its end now and it was time to head home.
Time To Go Home
She said bye to all her group mates and her new friend. She had never expected that her first day would turn out to be so good. She could not wait to visit it again the very next morning. But little did she know in the middle of the evening and the morning something unexpected was coming her way that would change her life completely.
A Message
She was driving home when her phone beeped. She was all surprised to see who had texted her. It was the guy she had given her number to an hour ago. She pulled over her car and opened her message box only to see a surprising text from him.
Invite For Dinner
“Really enjoyed meeting you today. Care to join me for a bite to eat later?” Well, she had not expected this coming. It really confused her. She did not know if going with him for dinner would be fine or not as she knew him for only a day. But then she changed her mind and decided to dine with him as the man had really helped her a lot.
A Friend
In fact, Laura was happy that she had managed to find a friend. Going out on dinner with him would only help her to know better about the group. Moreover, she had no plans for tonight. There was no harm going out with him at least this is what she thought.
No Acquaintances
As the girl had moved into the city recently she did not have many friends here. She used to eat her dinner alone and this was going to be after a long time someone was going to join her at the dinner. She finally said yes.
A Casual Meal
“I’d like that a lot!” She replied. He suggested a place to eat that was quite far from her location. They set the time as well. As the girl was not very well familiar with the place, the boy offered her a lift. She said yes.
Getting Ready
She went home and fit herself in very good clothes. After that, she did some touch-up to complete her gorgeous look. There was plenty of time in her hand. Her excitement knew no bound as she was in a new town meeting new people and enjoying fabulous food and new friends. But was this day particularly this dinner was going to be enjoyable? She would figure out soon.
Outside Was He
The clock struck seven and she shot a glance out of her window. There was he in his car waiting for her. He looked up and smiled at her. She clattered down the stairs and jumped in the car while waving him “hi”.
Driving To Venue
The boy took her from her place and drove to the venue. The two discussed a lot about the job but there was one thing that seemed very weird to Laura. She noticed that the boy was dodging the question regarding the college and group. Perhaps she was overthinking.
They reached the venue in within half an hour. He already had booked a table for themselves. It all seemed so good. Laura did not know that she was in for a very big surprise.
Not The Same
They sat on the table and began chatting. They resumed their chat after ordering the food. But this time the chat took an odd turn. The guy had completely changed by then. He was no more the guy he was a few minutes ago. Soon Laura started getting uncomfortable.
The girl was too stunned to react. It took her a while to understand that he was thinking of it as their date. Clearly, the man did not have good intention. Unfortunately, there was no going back for Laura now. Her silence further emboldened him. He began making nasty comments about her.
No Shame
Moreover, the guy had no shame. He began throwing bad comments at her in a loud voice. Everyone around them could hear it clearly. Her body had gone cold with shame.
Wolfing Down Her Food
It was then the waiter interrupted them with their food. She felt relieved for a second. Laura wanted to get it over with as soon as possible so she started gobbling on her food. She pretended that she is not listening to him but all her efforts reached a dead end when the boy commented how quickly was she eating.
Not A Good One
She was not being able to figure out how to deal with it and now the man had commented over her eating habits that too in front of so many people. She had never felt this embarrassed before. Her face had clearly gone red with shame and anger.
Laura finally mustered the courage to speak up. She with a firm tone objected on his inappropriate comments and asked him to stop. However, the guy was too obstinate to quiet down. In fact, he shooed her down with his hands. And then he said something that made Laura’s heart sink.
He Knows
He said with an evil smile, “Sweetheart I picked you up, I know where you live.” These words of his made her dizzy. So was she trapped now? She cursed herself for believing in a stranger so easily. She should have been careful about sharing her personal information with him. But it was too late now.
Positive Intervention
She was struggling to come to terms with the reality when a loud noise of chair brought her out of her problem. She immediately glanced up as she felt someone was staring at them. There was a man coming towards their table. Both of them looked at him with utter surprise as they both did not know who he was. He kept pacing towards him.
Sat Near Them
In no time the man was standing next to them. They continued looking at him as he got himself a chair flipped it and sat on it. The man had an athletic physique. He was tall and had a firm built. And after that, he did something that made the insolent guy go blank.
He slipped his hand in his pocket and took out his police ID. He placed that before the guy on the table. Everything was clear now. No need to say, the boy was at a loss of the words. He tried to speak up but fumbled on words.
A Helping Hand
Whereas the boy had gone discolored Laura took a sigh of relief. Surely, her guardian angel had sent him for her. She sat their quietly watching everything happening in front of her. The man said, So, I’m quietly celebrating my daughters birthday with my family.” He then looked at her and said, “when I distinctly hear you threaten this young lady. Would you care to explain yourself?”
Not Easily
The police knew that he had no answer for it. “Now see, we take a very dim view of that kind of thing, so right now I’m deciding if I want to have some of my buddies come pick you up.” he continued.
Turn Of Time
The tables had turned now. The man who was threatening her a few minutes ago was now himself shivering with fear. She wanted to laugh and cry both at the same time. She had never felt so happy before seeing a cop.
Pay The Bill
She decided to stay quiet. The cop kept threatening the boy “But that would disrupt everyone’s dinner, so how about you hand me your ID, because I wouldn’t want you running off on me, then you go see one of the staff here and settle your bill…the full bill now, this young lady shouldn’t go hungry on account of your poor behavior. Or we can go with the first option, I’ll leave it up to you.” It was enough to put him back to his place. He handed his ID to the cop and ran to pay the bill.
I Hope I’m Not Interrupting
The man fulfilled his duty even though he was off his duty. He even apologized to Laura for intruding. “Sorry about that miss, I hope I’m not intruding, it just seemed like you could use some help. Oh and don’t worry, if you want to pursue this further I’ll have some of the boys pick him up on his way home, we can definitely take this further.”
Thank You
She thanked him for interrupting and putting an end to that boy’s misbehavior. But was it actually the end? The boy knew where was he living and also she would have to see him again in the college. Though the cop had saved her from him today, she still was worried about what was going to happen tomorrow.
Not The End
The story is indeed not over yet. Laura was soon going to find out something surprising about that guy. No need to say the man had lied big time. There was a lot to find out.
Join Us
Coming back to that day, the officer knew that the girl was still worried about the guy. He asked her to join them for dinner, “Well, I’m here with my daughter, she’s about your age, perhaps you’d like to finish your meal with us? We can run you home afterward if you’d like unless you’d prefer to call someone else?” Well, she could not refuse the offer.
A Swift Exit
Meanwhile, she was having dinner with the cop and his family, the guy showed up again after paying the bill. He asked the cop for his ID. “There you go.. now I have your details right here so I highly recommend you don’t go near or contact this young lady ever again,” he said.
Get Lost
She felt greatly relieved when she heard those words of the cop. She really hoped that the guy would take it seriously and would never hover around her ever. The cop had instructed him to ‘get lost.’
Smiling From Ear To Ear
The guy replied, “Yes, yes, of course, I’m so sorry!” He turned around and rushed to get out of the sight of the cop. He did not even look at the girl. It was then Laura felt like a big burden had gone off her chest. She could breathe again freely.
Gone For Good
Once the boy disappeared she took a sigh of relief and thanked the officer. She could not hold back her tears as she had no idea what the boy would have done with her had the cop not interrupted. People usually ignore these kinds of issues.
Happy Moment
This was the first time she was feeling good in the restaurant. She cheerfully picked up her plate and moved to the officer’s table.
They stayed in the restaurant until it was closing time. More than half of the customers had left the place. Laura could not understand how time flew by with cop’s family. She really enjoyed her time with them. But now it was time to head back home.
Taking Home
The cop offered her ride home. She agreed as she had no other option. The cop dropped her off in front of her home’s door. She still had doubts in her mind. When she got off the car she looked around to see if everything was fine.
Just In Case
Though she was safe and secure right now the same could not be said about tomorrow. The boy had her home’s address. What if he would ignore the cop’s warning and would stalk her. However, she got assured by the cop that nothing of this sort would happen with her again. He even gave her his number.
She thanked the cop and his family for including her in celebrations. The family stayed outside until the girl had reached inside the house safely. She waved goodbye to the family and they went home.
Vanishing Act
She still had the fear of seeing him again in the morning lingering on her mind. What would she do then? He could not sleep the whole night. However, she was relieved too as she had the cop’s number whom she could call whenever the need arises. She did not know that another surprise was awaiting her in her college.
Not A Collegemate
When she reached her college again there was no trace of that guy. She felt relieved and happy both. Had he ran away? Well, yes he actually had. But what surprised her the most was the fact that the boy was not in her college.
Her Number
He had been lying all this while only to get her number. No doubt, he was the biggest creep she had seen or ever dealt with in her life. Now the pieces were beginning to fall in place. This is why he did not reply to any of her question related to the job.
Worst “Nice Guy”
This story surfaced when a Reddit user asked people to share their story of the worst “nice guy.” There was a Redditor going by the name ThrowAwayForPancakes, who narrated this story. The user had overheard the conversation between the boy and her supposed date.
He wrote, “so, possibly one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. I mean you know how you hear the “women want him, men want to be him” stuff in old movies? Well I’m a man and by god, I wanted to be this guy. Anyway!”
On “Date”
“I’m having dinner with my girlfriend at the time, and behind us are a couple on a date. It is.. not going well. The guy was being rather creepy and making some pretty inappropriate comments, the girl doesn’t look at all comfortable.” ThrowAwayForPancakes almost got up to intervene on her behalf, but just as he did, an older man put a hand on his shoulder and said, “I’ve got this one, son.”
Not Sitting Back
The Redditor replied, “No. No. no. I’m one of those “get involved” types of people and there is no way I’m sitting here watching this go down. I get up. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I’m 23, fighting fit and happy to put that dork through a wall. I may have had a slight temper in my youth. But anyway.”
Someone Stopped
He continued, “I was halfway out of my chair when a hand came down on my shoulder and I look up to this mid-50s but super fit guy who says “Easy.. I’ve got this one son”.
Many people appreciated this story and commented. One of the commenters going by the name Conqueress wrote, “Wow this might be one of my favorite stories It gives me such a nice and fuzzy feeling. I am so glad there’s a people like that around (but also like you as you wanted to help her out) and it kinda restores my faith in humanity..Especially after reading this thread.”
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