The pain of losing the person you love the most is unbearable. When we could never see them again and the end takes them away on a vulnerable path that has no u-turns. Not even in nightmares, anyone wants to think of it for their loved ones but isn’t that the bitter truth of life that every single person had to face? It’s just a matter of time, sooner or later everyone has to face it.
The thought of it is enough to scare the hell out of anyone. All it takes is a moment that turns life upside down. But as it is said, no matter what may come and go, life goes on. The life-altering day came and took everything away from two families until they got a mere hope to get back to normal lives. Does everyone get that hope? Or life seems to stop at that point forever?
Where Hope Lies
Do you believe in miracles? Or are you one of those who gives scientific logical reasons behind everything? So, whatever is your type, this story will leave you asking a lot of confusing questions. What happened on April 25th, 2017 changed 2 families by ending some lives and destroying the rest. The days those seemed to start a new beginning soon, in totally messed up so many lives at the same time.
A Happy Woman
Hannah Simmons, a 23 years old, happening person was from Gainesville, Georgia. Whenever she spoke, she brought smiles to every face in the room. She was the type of girl who can make friends quickly and can keep that friendship going on for a really long time. For her, life was simple and she took it as it came. At this time, her life seemed simpler as everything was on track and going as per the plan but not for too long. A devastating turn was on the way that was going to take her down.
A Heavenly Child
In 2016, Hannah became the mother when she delivered a beautiful baby girl. Hannah named her A’lannah and spent most of her time to take care of her teeny-tiny princess. Since the birth of her baby, she used to spend most of her time in caring for her. The days were passing by at a rapid pace for the next few months until the baby was 9 months old. After that time was about to stop very soon.
A Family Together
Hannah Simmons was in a relationship with a guy named Javont’e Hopkins who was the father of A’lannah. Javont’e recently proposed her to which Hannah replied with a yes. They were planning on marrying someday. But before that, they took another important step which was moving in together. After A’lannah was born they started staying together. A happy family that no longer going to stay the same ever again.
Partners In Crime
Lauren Buteau, 28, was also from Gainesville, Georgia, and one of the closest people to Hannah and the one who accompanied her on that fateful day. “I LOVE you too…Moe Moe your the best….. couldn’t doo this without you in my life. You have made everything so much better with you in my life. I wouldn’t change you for the world!! You make me wanna do good. I LOVE you babe,” reads one of Lauren’s Facebook post with the picture of her and Hannah.
Like Sisters
“They grew up together as a family. Hannah and Lauren always called each other sisters, they were so close,” recalls Wilson, Hannah’s cousin. They were too good together that no one can tell if they were friends or blood relatives.
A Family Woman
Lauren Buteau had two children to take care of. Hannah her bestie used to babysit them for her and so did Lauren. They had this understanding of everything among themselves. That’s how friends are, right? You stand by them in times of need and they stand there for you. But April 25th, 2017 seemed to be wrong since morning and what happened after made the day unforgettable for both of the ladies’ families in the most miserable manner.
Short-Time Lived Good News
“She loved (the TV show) ‘Dog the Bounty Hunter.’ As soon as she heard the music she would get to the TV just to see it. It was the funniest thing you ever saw,” Judy recalled her grandbaby’s playful nature. When A’lannah was 9 months old, Hannah got to know that she was pregnant again and she told her boyfriend who was ready to take the responsibility of the new life that was about to be welcomed in the world. The problem wasn’t whether they want to have another baby or not but something more complicated than that.
Crawling Baby
A’lannah was growing fast. Since she learned to crawl she used to wriggle everywhere around the room. She wasn’t ready to stay in one place at all. At this time she needed to be watched all day and night long. Javont’e and Hannah used to look after their princess in shifts. The young family seemed already very busy but the news of the new one coming in was yet to be acknowledged.
Financially Unstable
They were not rich enough to take care of two babies. But Hannah and Javont’e were ready to work hard to save enough for their future. They wanted to have this baby whether it takes from them to work in double shifts. They were planning for a happy beginning without being aware of the reality that was never going to let this happen.
A New Addition Was Coming
Hannah told Lauren that she was pregnant, she was so overloaded with joy to hear the news. That they went out to celebrate it. Every day is a memorable one when you have a friend like Lauren on the side. They’ve been together for so long that now they knew each other’s likes and dislikes the pros and cons. For the same reason, Hannah asked Lauren to accompany her that morning.
One Terrible Day
Right after Hannah told the good news to her bestie, she asked her for a favor. She wanted her to come along with next Tuesday. Lauren after looking if she has any other plans said yes. They were to meet early morning have breakfast together and then get going. Sadly, they were never going to make it back home.
The Typical Checkup

On April 25, 2017, Hannah was supposed to visit the doctor for the regular check-up. She didn’t miss any appointment as she never took anything lightly when it was about her kids. Same was with Lauren so she understood her concern and instantly agreed. Javont’e had to go for work and he couldn’t make it to the clinic with them. And the heartbreaking day was nowhere.
Scary Vibes
Since morning Hannah was getting a strong feeling that something wasn’t right about this day. She even shared her concern with Lauren who gave her an option to skip the appointment for the day and fix it for one or two days later. Hannah thought that she might be feeling a bit nervous because of the prenatal checkup. This made her more cautious to meet the doctor on that very date.
The Plan
The plan for that day was Hannah will get her check-up done, meanwhile, Lauren will look after her daughter, A’lannah. The day came and Hannah met her bestie on time. They had breakfast together and now was the time to decide the route to the hospital that was located in hall county. As the appointment was of early morning they reached on time. Everything came as normal in the regular test. On her way back to home was the end waited for them.
Which Road To Take?
By the time they were to return home, it was already the office hours and the traffic on the roads was multiplied. Hannah didn’t feel like going from the busy crowded route but had no other choice. She took to Georgia Highway 347 doubting on her decision. As the expected the traffic was too much and they needed to get to home.
On The Way
Hannah was on the driver’s seat while Lauren was watching after A’lannah. Highways are the only place where you aren’t really supposed to slow down. Hannah was driving at a fine speed and it took just one moment to lose control.
Lost Control

On the way, Hannah lost control of her car. As per Georgia State Patrol, the car broke in through the median and spun to the opposite lane where a white truck hit the car. It happened so instantly that the truck driver was unable to put in brakes. She was driving a Subaru Legacy that was completely smashed during the accident.
On The Spot

In the tragic accident, Hannah and Lauren died on the spot. An infant who was yet be brought in this world died without taking its first breath. Two mothers were gone far off from their families in no time. Baby A’lannah’s pulse rate was falling when she was immediately taken to the hospital.
Innocent’s Suffering
Baby A’lannah couldn’t fight for her life for too long and died at the hospital on the same day. Both families were still in disbelief, Lauren’s kids weren’t yet told that they will never be able to see their mother again. The truck driver, on the other hand, was still alive.
The truck driver was the only one to survive the accident, with no injuries at all; not even a scratch. This might be because he was riding a sturdy truck which was damaged but not too much. Hannah’s and Lauren’s families were drowning in the ocean of grief and sorrow. But hope was on its way for the poor families.
Family Left Grieving
The local news channels wanted to hear from Hannah and Lauren’s family. No close relatives or friends were able to speak up. Their partners and parents didn’t see any reason to go on living. Who knew that help was on its way from a stranger.
The Random Stranger

The highway was closed for a while after the accident that day which resulted in huge traffic. Almost everyone was out of their cars, trying to understand what just happened. In the crowd, there was a stranger who was about to become the only source of hope in the lives of Hannah and Lauren’s families unknowingly.
A Phone Call
Around a week after the disheartening accident took place, Hannah’s mother Judy Simmons received a phone call. A person told her that there’s something she should see related to the dark date. She was in doubts about who was this person and what was going on?
Hannah’s mother didn’t find the call suspicious at all as she was having a hard time dealing with the truth that her daughter is gone forever. She knew that nothing can bring her back but her absence was making it intolerable for her. She wanted to know anything and everything related to her daughter.
Personal Concern
The 19-year-old Anisa Gannon was among the crowd that day. When she got to know that the traffic jam is because of an accident and it will take a bit longer, she understood that she’s going to be quite late for her office. Her personal concern was soon to reveal the strangest thing of all.
Scared Of Being Late
Anisa was new at her job and was late a few more times in the past. This time she was afraid of being late as her manager would think that she’s giving excuses. She wanted to prove to him that it wasn’t her lousy reason again. So, Anisa went on to click a picture of the traffic as well as the place where the accident took place.
Something Incredible
Well, she was able to prove herself right at the office that day. For the next few days, she didn’t go through her phone’s gallery and didn’t get enough time to look at the screen images again. Later when she checked her phone she noticed something incredible.
Making Sense Of It
It was in the photo, something clearly strange and quite visible to be noticed. At first, Anice thought it could be the reflection on her windshield or an error in the photo but that wasn’t it. She checked it herself and she knew there was nothing to be reflected there while the photo was clicked. Hence, she took her aunt’s advice.
Aunt’s Explanation
Tara Noble, Anice’s aunt, was the one whom she approached in the confusing hour. Anice told her how she clicked this photo right after the accident took place and how she can’t make sense of what was it in the picture. Tara had a simple explanation for the photo, she just said, “it looks like a pathway to heaven.” Was it?
What Exactly Was It?
It was unusual that she clicked quite a number of pictures at the same time, but only one of these pictures showed this. In all the photos the paramedics could be seen everywhere the same was with this particular photo. It was a ray of light, a weird glare, but if we explain it in exact words, it wasn’t just a glare but a straight line of light starting from the sky and falling right at the place of the accident. It looked like it was an orb-like shape from the inside.
Made An Effort
Tara, Anice’s aunt wanted this photo to be shared with the family members of the people who died in the incident because she strongly believed that it was more than just a coincidence. She said, “I don’t believe in coincidences, especially the two ‘lights’ inside that bigger light. It brought the families peace, whether it’s a glare or not,” she said. “It’s indescribable, basically, and it does look like them leaving.”
To The Grieving Family

The loss of her daughter, as well as her granddaughter, was just too much for Judy, Hannah’s mother to take. She met Anice Gannon who showed her the picture of that day. The image won’t change anything but as Judy said, “I just needed something to show me that they were in Heaven and that they were OK. And that was my confirmation.” Judy wasn’t the only one, someone else needed to see this image just as much as Hannah does.
Mother’s Best Friend
“That picture was taken for a reason — to give me sanity. Hannah was also my best friend, and she’s looking down from heaven now,” said Judy who was now looking for a reason to live. She got what she needed the most at this point in time but Dana, Lauren’s mother was still messed up.
Broke Into Tears
Dana, Lauren’s mother broke into tears when she looked at the picture and said, “I can’t explain the feeling that came over me when I saw it. It was like watching them ascend to heaven.” This wasn’t all for them as they were yet to get more support.
Left Daughter Behind
Lauren left her 5 years old daughter Aniyah behind. Her aunt Jodi Carter took the responsibility to take care of her. The daughter who wasn’t aware of what happened to her mother. This was all stressing for Jodi but the photo gave her a purpose.
They Had Faith

Later on, when the news spread, the Fox channel interviewed Jodi Carter, Lauren’s aunt who got a printout of the photo, also got it framed. She said, “I opened the photo and my mouth hung wide open. It took my breath away. v I was in pretty bad shape, but now I know where she is.” For her, the orb and beam had a meaning: “I see God taking them up to heaven. Their spirits, their orbs, are up there. No other explanation.” The photo has a significance for the people who shared their most memories with Hannah and Lauren. But it also helped them in the most unexpected way.
They Needed Help

The story of this photo was into many people’s knowledge now. While people were commenting on this photo. Javont’e was having a hard time collecting money for Hannah and A’lannah’s funeral. As people got to know about this, they created a fundraising campaign to help Javont’e with the funeral cost.
Help Came
As the media was covering this news from the very beginning people too started feeling connected with all that has happened. Huge support from people came in and the funeral was completed without any obstacles. The impact of this photo was much more than just financial benefits.
Coming Out Of The Dark

This photo gave the Simmons as well as the Buteaus an internal peace that their loved one left them to be at a better place. They had a hard time moving on but looking at this picture every day helped them a lot in moving on with life. Although science might have explanations for everything, the two families tend to ignore.
Trying To Start New
Javont’e is now trying to start a new. His fiancee and daughter’s place can never be replaced but he is living with the hope of seeing them in a different world someday. Even he doesn’t believe in scientific explanations when it comes to this image as it is now closest to his heart.
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