Owning a pet can be pretty much exciting and at the same time tiring. Though it is adorable to see them licking you or wagging their tail, running after you in the entire house. It is stressing to see them shed their dog fur over the pillows, pee, and poop at wrong places and even make us feel embarrassed in front of guests. But, we love them a lot as they add adventure to our monotonous life.

However, for one pet owner, life with a pooch wasn’t an easy one. Training his dog was even difficult. They were somehow managing with the daily chores and the pooch, but once they shifted to a new home, the pooch started behaving strangely. What was the matter? Was he trying to indicate something?

Quite Absurd

When their golden retriever started to behave a little awkward, they were confused. They knew they had given him proper training and now that he was acting unusual, something was definitely off. But what made him do this was something they did not know.

New Place

The very first thought which came to his owners was that as they have recently shifted to the new home, the pooch might not be comfortable. But as days passed his behavior continued to grow stranger. And his owners were now worried about it.

The Family

John and Samantha (names changed) loved their golden retriever to the extremes. They always wanted to have a family, but that family meant owning a lot of dogs. They have loved the pooch like their own human child. And you will be surprised to know how did Bruno, their dog come into their lives.

The Noise

John and Samantha once went to the nearby woods for a walk. While the duo was cherishing the weather and some time together, they came across a big wooden log. It appeared as if a tree had fallen. Though they ignored it initially, as they went past it, they heard some sound. A sound like that of an animal cry.


The couple was true animal lovers. They were always ready when it came to helping the animals. Rather when the duo started dating, their compassionate nature was one thing which attracted them to one another. So when they heard the sounds in the woods, they simply couldn’t ignore it.

Looking For

John immediately started looking for the source of the sounds. While doing so, he came across the same wooden log which he and Samantha just saw. As he approached towards it, the sounds became more audible. He looked around the log and what he saw beneath it, was heart-wrenching.

Poor Soul

There was a dog, a golden retriever about some 5-6 months old, stuck under that huge and heavy wooden log. He was in pain and needed immediate help. The wooden log’s weight was too much for the little pup to handle. John and Samantha could not see the pooch in pain and got to rescue the pooch.

Rescue Mission

The couple applied all of their energy and strength to move the log in order to rescue the pooch. The log was quite heavy and rough and it was tough to even move it a bit. However, after much struggle, they managed to rescue the pooch and the little being was in a poor state. He was injured.


It seemed as if the pooch had been trying his best to escape himself from a deadly situation. And in order to get rid of the log, he had made quite a lot of attempts which all went futile. His fur had fleece, he looked pale and undernourished. Moreover, he had hurt himself facing injuries on his paws and limbs.

Medical Help

John rushed the pooch to the nearby veterinary clinic. There the tiny doggo was provided with medical aid. After staying under observation for nearly a week, the dog showed signs of recovery. He also developed a close bond with the couple. And as the couple always wanted a dog, they decided to adopt this pooch itself. Isn’t that just cute?

Hey, Bruno!

John and Samantha brought the pooch to their home. They named the new member of their family, their dear pooch as Bruno. John loved caressing Bruno and the doggo also reciprocated it. He would run behind John inside the entire house. The dog got a new life and so did the couple. However, there was one major problem.

A Mess

Bruno was brought from the woods. And it was obvious that he was a stray dog who needed some training. In the initial days, the couple was so excited to have this dog in their lives that they did not think of providing him some basic training, but as days passed they realized that he needs some training and that too immediately as he was creating a mess at the house.

Toilet Training

Bruno had never been trained before, thus, whenever he felt the urge to pee or poop, he would be doing it wherever he could. This turned into a major problem for the couple. Their bedcovers, mats, and even the living room couch were a mess at times. Samantha knew that it was time to train the pooch. However, little did she know that soon his behavior would turn into a questionable one…

Smart One

Usually, golden retrievers are considered to be slow learners. They aren’t the smartest of the dogs one would know. But, if they are trained well, they would do things in their own manner but still will be able to master a skill. Though Bruno mastered a skill, what he did next was quite strange.

The Front Door

John and Samantha taught Bruno that whenever he felt the urge, he should go and bark at the front door of the house. It will serve as an indication for the family that he needs to use the bathroom. Though it took time for Bruno to adapt with this mannerism, he soon got a hold of it but with a Bruno Twist.

A Twist

Bruno would not only run towards the front door when he had the urge. He also started to lick the front door. This was very weird for John and Samantha but they were fine with it until the pooch did not spoil their sheets and mess their home. However, things took a turn when the couple shifted to a new home.

A Shift

The couple decided to shift to the other part of the country. They needed a bigger space. The couple contacted a movers and packers agency and soon shifted to their new home. When the couple was all excited about this new beginning, Bruno seemed to not appreciate it much. He started behaving strangely and the couple could not understand why.

Bit Challenging

For anyone, leaving their comfort zone and doing something new in a different environment and surrounding is not easy. It is always challenging and adapting to the sudden change is not a cakewalk for a pet either. When Bruno came to this new home, he seemed to be uncomfortable and soon only John and Samantha had to put on their Sherlock cloaks.

Lick Up The Door

Bruno in their old house would always lick the front door when he needed to urinate. Else he would be staying around the door and won’t lick it. So, when they shifted to this new place, the couple expected that the doggo would follow the same pattern, but nothing like that happened.

A Problem

At this home, Bruno would run towards any door he found and would lick it up. He never ran towards the front door. The couple could not understand why was he behaving like this. Was he trying to communicate anything which the couple did not get?

Any Door

Samantha recalled that he would lick any door. Moreover, he would lick at the kitchen wardrobe, refrigerator door and in worst scenarios, while any of his owners would be in the shower, he would lick the glass door. This all was very much confusing for them.

Don’t Know

Bruno did not know where was the front door in this new space. He would lick any door that he came across. For a long time the couple confused his behavior to be indicative of something, but soon only they realized that the dog has found himself a short-cut.

A Short-Cut

John says that Bruno was taking up slow at this home. He was acting smart and playful as he would no longer have to run to a particular door and would just lick the nearest door he found. He did not even spare their kitchen cabinets and the frosted bathroom door was too much.

Running Behind

All this might be a hilarious and easy thing for Bruno, life for John and Samantha’s life was, however not easy. They always had to keep an eye on Bruno and make sure that he is not licking a door. They would have to run from one room to another just to check that he did not relieve himself at the odd places.

Magic Door

Samantha even said, “it meant Bruno-the dog actually thought each door led to a “magical Narnia” that, whenever licked, would turn into a portal leading straight to canine relief”. When you might be finding this thing funny, the couple’s neighbors did not actually understand what all they were going through.

Nutty Behavior

When John told his close friends and neighbors about this weird behavior of Bruno’s, they expected that they all will help them out. But instead, people laughed over it and did not get how difficult it was for them to run from one door to another just to find their dog licking it.

Safety Concerns

More than anything, Samantha and John were worried if Bruno might hurt or injure himself in his act of running from door to door. There was a possibility that in hurry either of the partners closes the door and the pooch gets slammed. They were worried. And one day…

Walk Upstairs

One day Samantha decided to capture this strange act of her dog in the camera. She switched on the camera and walked towards Bruno who was sleeping in the kitchen. This time instead of the kitchen door, when Bruno saw Samantha coming towards him, got up and went upstairs. But why?

Oh No

The clever dog as a part of his antics rushed to the couple’s bedroom which was on a floor above and started to lick their bedroom door. Samantha was still shooting and thought that Bruno would stop and wait, but instead, he pooped right there itself. The poor lady felt disgusted.

Some Directions

Samantha by now was sure that Bruno needs to be trained yet again and even needs to have a clear picture of directions. He can’t be just moving about anywhere and relieve himself at any space. The poor doggo’s cute antics were now a big problem for his owners. We wish all the best to the couple.

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