Thomas Owens wasn’t planning on being a cop but one incident was enough for him to take the biggest decision of his life. This has happened with most of us that a single decision has brought our lives on a completely different track than before. Thomas Owens made a choice that defined his future. But making a decision and staying on it are two different things.

That was one fateful day when Thomas was about to prove himself worthy of his work and even more. People stood there looking at what was happening and how can Thomas not be afraid of what lay ahead of him.

Car Chase Fan

Like most of the boys, Thomas Owens was a car chase scene fan too. After returning from school he always used to switch on the TV with hopes of a car chase being telecasted on news channels. Watching the live scene of cops chasing criminals used to be the most exciting time of his day. Seeing her son’s keen interest in the high-speed car chases on the TV, Thomas’ mother always made sure that he notices the results…


Thanks to Thomas’ mother’s instructions, since a young age, he noticed that sooner or later cops were able to catch the criminals. In rarest of the rare cases, it happened that they were able to slip out of the cops’ hands. His mother had a strong feeling about her son’s future and this intuition was indeed going to be right in the coming future.


No one in this world can understand a mother’s concern for her kids. When Thomas turned 16, his mother didn’t wish to hand over the car keys to the young teen for she was being pretty sure that he’ll try his hand at high-speed driving. After all, he spent all his childhood watching those car chases. His father had to pull the keys from her and convince her to trust on her son.

Warning The Teen

Thomas’ mother was scared of the fact that her son might cause harm to someone else or himself. She warned the boy if she gets even slightest of doubt of him driving rashly then he should be prepared to be grounded and forget about the car keys until the day he can afford his own car. Now that’s what we call one all-time strict warning. 


Her statement was strict and straight; “It’s a small town, Thomas. If we get one sniff of you being reckless, you can say goodbye to the truck.” Yes, Thomas was young but he knew how dangerous the roads can be. He wanted to have fun but not on the cost of bringing himself or anyone else to danger. He was quite conscious of driving. And soon something was about to change his perspective about it.

Parents’ In Danger

Thomas never expected anything to ever happen to his parents on the roads as he knew his parents were a step ahead of him in maintaining safety. But the risk in driving is not completely on us if on us solely, it can sometimes be the other car driver’s fault too.

An Incident That Changed His Life

Thomas was having the time of his teen life. He used to pick and drop his friends on the way to school and home. He even paid for his expenses all by himself with the help of his part-time job at a nearby grocery store. Everything was going fun and fine until one day when he returned from his job only to notice that his mother’s car was missing from the parking area.


Thomas casually called his mom but when she didn’t answer, it started to worry the young guy. He immediately called his dad to check if she was with him. His dad asked him to reach the city hospital where his mother was admitted. Those words came as a nightmare for him. He couldn’t imagine anything bad happening to his mother. To see his mother from the window of the operation theater was the most terrible feeling. 

Hit And Run

What made his heart ache even more was the fact that it wasn’t his mother’s fault rather she became a victim of a hit and run case. This was someone else’s carelessness that made his mother suffer. He wasn’t able to accept the fact that some drivers can be extremely irresponsible and coward at the same time.

Did Some Thinking

Thomas stayed in the hospital with his mother for several weeks until she completely recovered and was finally discharged. During these weeks he kept on wondering over and over again and again in a loop. Bad things and good things happen all the time but rarely something so impactful takes place that it leaves a mark on us. This was one such unforgettable incident that forced Thomas to take action.

Easy Decision

While all of Thomas’ friends planned on becoming, engineers, doctors, models, athletes, etc, etc Thomas’ remained silent on what he wanted to become in his life. As the senior year came close Thomas finally revealed his future goal and it didn’t come as a big surprise to his friends. They saw him changing after his mom’s accident and understood the reason behind his career choice very well.

Job Description

Thomas wanted to be able to do something about the careless irresponsible drivers. He wanted to join the traffic control and become a state trooper. What he didn’t know was that he’ll not only be chasing drivers but even animals. His job role brought him face to face with a group of bears.

State Trooper

It was an unusual day and Thomas was still unaware of this fact. He noticed that there was huge traffic on the road. Neither was it a crowded route nor was it any special occasion which meant something was wrong. Thomas’ assumptions were going to prove right soon enough.

A Commotion

At first, Thomas was anticipating that someone’s car might have broken down in the middle of the road which was causing the commotion but the situation was way trickier than that. It was going to be once in a lifetime moment for the young state trooper. 

A Scene

Thomas Owens slowly moved his car out of the lane and moved forward. After taking over a couple of cars it became impossible for his car to move any further. The people waiting inside their cars were growing impatient and so he decided to get out and walk till the spot. He could have helped in fixing a broken car, he wasn’t trained on dealing with bears though.

The Beast

When Thomas finally made it to the spot where the first car was waiting, he noticed there was nothing wrong with the car rather the reason behind all this traffic jam was even more critical. It wasn’t a broken car but a giant black bear! Okay, bear crossing the road isn’t an unusual thing but a bear not ready to move from the road even after all the cars honking is something weird.

Bear, Bear On The Road

People in the front cars were well aware that they should stay in their cars but the people who were angry and wanted to know the reason that was keeping them from moving. They were unaware of the risk in front and Thomas who himself was standing defenseless had to do something.

Dangerous Animals

The place where this incident took place was Bretton Woods. The area gives shelter to many wild species. The area is covered with more than 200 types of birds. More than 700-acre area was a protected wildlife zone and it was common for animals to cross the roads but Thomas couldn’t understand the reason behind this bear’s behavior. Was it not afraid of the cars? What was it that made it stand there? Why wouldn’t it move?

Black Bears

In order to stop the situation from going out of hands, Thomas raised his hands up and asked the people who were waiting there to get back in their cars. People understood that something was serious and followed his order. Now, Thomas turned back towards the bear and understood he wasn’t alone.


This black bear was sitting there and scrambling on the road, least bothered by the car horns. It was a dangerous moment and Thomas didn’t know what should be done next. With no prior training on his hands, the state trooper walked towards the bear.

Middle Of The Road

Yes, bears tend to be dangerous but they’re also shy creatures. And that’s what made this one bear different from the rest. Also, with a few steps in the giant black furry animal’s direction, Thomas noticed other black figures on the roadside. This meant the bear wasn’t alone, there were others too looking at Thomas from a distance.


The rest of the drivers were protected in their cars but Thomas stood there with nowhere to go but to move towards the danger itself. That was one scary moment but the reality was different from what it looked in the first place. 

Something Wrong

Thomas noticed that this was a mother bear with her cubs. It looked like they were trying to cross the road but one of the cubs was left behind on the other side. The cub couldn’t move and the mother bear couldn’t leave any of her babies behind.

Sick Cub

Thomas thought he will try to chase the bear away but looking at the current scenario he knew the mother bear will not move until her baby moves with her. And the world knows very well as to how dangerous a mother bear can get if she knows her cub is in danger.


This bear that wasn’t ready to move was struggling to move. The other 4 cubs were all over the place but this one couldn’t even walk and he was the smallest of all sibling bears. This was the time to do something but how?

Wouldn’t Move

The other cubs were older and had no trouble in walking while this little one couldn’t even move a little. The mother bear was becoming angry and the honking sounds were increasing her anger. But this mother bear’s next move couldn’t have explained in any way.


The mother bear crossed the road and started poking her little struggling baby. She moved around the baby hoping that the baby would follow her but he wasn’t ready to move. It was the first time that Thomas was encountering mother bear with 4 cubs and soon the unexpected took place.

Left Behind

Thomas kept on watching it all for quite a few minutes but couldn’t just stand and watch there. The heartbreaking moment took place before Thomas would have run into action. The mother bear finally gave up and returned to the woods. The little cub was left in the middle of the road with nowhere to go and no intentions to move.


Right after Thomas made sure that the mother left the cub behind, he went close to the little bear. The baby bear was in miserable condition, he could hardly open his eyes. The baby was trying to get up and follow his mother but every time he could walk a couple of steps before falling.

Left Alone

Thomas instantly picked up the baby bear and took it to the car. He kept the baby on the front seat of his car and quickly did what he felt to be the best thing. He took the baby to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Center. This scene left Thomas thinking as to why did the mother bear leave her baby behind.

Miracle Cub

Black bears usually give birth to one or two cubs at a time but in this case, the mother bear gave birth to 4 cubs. The vets had to sacrifice their sleep to keep the baby alive. They were monitoring his health every 30 minutes.


Thomas gave it a lot of thought and soon he finally realized what made the mother bear abandon her baby. She tried a lot for the baby to move but seeing so many humans around the mother bear would have felt that she was putting her other 3 cubs’ life at risk and that she had to save them first.


Thomas’ act of kindness and bravery was praised in the whole city. According to one witness, earlier the day when this incident took place this mother bear was being followed by five cubs, not fours. This meant that there was one more bear cub missing or separated from her mother.  Without wasting a second, Thomas went out as if he knew how to find the fifth bear.


Thomas connected with other state troopers and K9 units, and they were happy to cooperate in finding the fifth bear cub. They used trained dogs to locate the baby’s trail. And it didn’t take much time to find the fifth baby bear. He was near the road not in a bad condition as his brother but certainly hungry.


The bear cub was wet, cold, and starving, but the team arrived for help at the right time. Now, the question was who will be taking responsibility of two baby bears? The state trotter cannot be taking care of them throughout their lifetime.


Thomas took help of some experts and the babies recovered within months. If Thomas wouldn’t have taken action on the spot, the babies wouldn’t have survived. Thomas was happy that he managed to save two innocent wild lives.

The Greatest Healer

“It was too weak to keep up with its mom and siblings,” stated the police department. The center shared their plan on letting the bears go back into the wild once they completely recover. And it was all because of Thomas, he kept on taking regular updates about the improvement in their health.

Protect And Serve

Thomas Owens might have encountered many unexpected situations but finding these bear cubs was one that he will never forget. He could have never imagined that one fine day he’ll get the opportunity to save the life of two bears. And now that he had done it, he prepares for more adventurous things to happen in the future.

Serving All Creatures

Thomas works with passion and it is a well-known fact among the community of Carroll, New Hampshire. the guy was honored for his bravery and we hope that he continues doing such great work even in the future.

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