The day was not any special, he was just walking his dogs one March morning when he stumbled upon something really surprising. Haikey Creek is a very peaceful and beautiful place. You can easily breathe peacefully in this wonderful place. With the same thought on his mind, he was walking with dogs. But who could have imagined that he would meet something really weird in the middle of the creek? Dogs have a very special talent of smelling out things. Unaware of why they kept barking and behaving in a very strange manner, he decided to follow them. The sight wasn’t very beautiful at that very moment and things weren’t looking great too. But he had to do something before things get worse. What happened that day? You’ll find out soon.

An Early Riser

Jim Passmore has always been an early riser. A resident of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma went out for a walk with his dogs. What happened next changed his life forever. Clueless and frightened he couldn’t think of anything. He could hear some voice seemed like coming from everywhere. But the dogs showed him the way. He could see them barking in a particular direction. He had to investigate…

Out For a Walk

Jim and the dogs were walking down Haikey Creek when he spotted something odd in the creek. The dogs sensed it first and they started barking from the distance. Furious they wanted Jim to unleash them but he didn’t want anything to happen to his dogs. Holding the leash as tightly as he could the dogs were still able to move. The dogs were literally dragging him and he could see how furious they were. What was it that made them this furious and angry?

Just A Walk Like Any Other Day

That day Jim thought he was going on a regular walk with his dogs. On a daily basis, he spent more than half an hour walking along the creek with his dogs. Jacket on his shoulders, leash in his hands, he grabbed his dogs and moved out. He showed his dogs their usual place and the dogs were excited to start the morning in their favorite place Haikey Creek.

They Arrived At The Creek

Haikey Creek wasn’t that far from Jim’s place it was just 10 minutes- drive. He let the dogs out from the car and leashed them. It was a quiet place and he was feeling really good about everything. He expected a silent walk through in the Oklahoma wilderness. Unlike other trails, this was not that heavily trodden. But soon his comfortable and peaceful walk would turn out to be his worst nightmare.


Jim’s dogs started barking at something and they were angry. He didn’t want to move but the dogs were dragging him with all the power they had. Jim couldn’t just stand there as he needs to see what has made his dogs mad. Jim commanded his dogs to be quiet and obediently they stopped barking. He didn’t rush and moved really slowly. He was walking as slow as possible because he knew the moment his dogs might see it and they would run. So he kept his distance. 

Slow Process

As he moved closer he saw a lake where he could see something was struggling in the waters. Splashing the waters all around that thing seemed to be struggling for his life. Because of all the splashing and the distance at which he was standing from the lake, he couldn’t tell for sure what it was. He was surprised to see that his dogs weren’t barking at all. What was it in the lake?

Mud In The Water

In the lake, there was something who was definitely struggling for life. And it wasn’t the waters that made him struggle for life but mud that was inside the waters. Because the lake was in the creek there was no second thought about mud in the waters. But the question was how did that thing get stuck in the there. But who cares how did it get stuck. Jim needed to do something like really quick otherwise it would be too late before all the struggle comes to an end.

More Close

Jim could see that something was struggling in the waters due to heavy mud which was present inside the waters. He moved closer to see it properly and was stunned to see that it was a large animal. The animal was covered in mud. Jim could see he was drowning in waters and then he just rushed towards that thing with his dogs to save the poor soul without knowing what that animal could be. While he was running towards the lake he thought it was a beaver but he wasn’t ready to get surprised.

Was It a Beaver?

Beavers are mostly found in several parts of North America, including Oklahoma. Most people don’t have much compassion for beavers and are seen as pest animals. People don’t usually care about this little creature. Beavers are really awesome dam builders and if you see some small dams in the area you could easily tell that it was the work of beavers. But Jim couldn’t see any dams there and indeed it wasn’t a beaver. Then what was it? He was in for big surprise.

Helpless Creature Beavers

Beavers are very adaptable and they way they survive is beyond impressive. You already know about their specialty of building dams but there are certain interesting facts that we are sure you might not know about this amazing creature. Did you know? Beaver’s front two teeth are orange in color and they don’t stop growing at all. So they have to keep chewing the trees to control their growth. 

They Used To Be Giant

As this species evolved, the original flat tail also became the part of them. The beavers in the Ice Age, known as Castoroides were really big and looked pretty much similar to modern descendants but were much, much bigger. According to the scientists they grew up to 8 feet long and weighed around 200 pounds and lived semi-aquatic life.

They Poop Vanilla

No, we are not kidding here. Castoreum is a chemical compound which is found in beaver’s castor sacs. These castor sacs are found under beaver’s tail. And this chemical is used in vanilla flavorings. This chemical compound is secreted as a brown slime that’s about the same proportion as molasses and smells like musky vanilla. But don’t worry this chemical is FDA approved so no need to worry about anything.

Their Dams Can Be Enormous

In the thick wilderness of Alberta, explorer Rob Mark discovered the world ‘s largest beaver dam that stretched to 850 meters deep. It became more clear when the scientists used a satellite to image it down for better clarity. They found out that this dam was a work of many generations of beavers that started to build this dam in the 1970s. Nobody could have thought that beavers can be so hardworking.

Beavers Are Romantics At Heart

Beavers start building the dams to attract the female beavers. When they mate they don’t stop building it as they start their family in that same dam where the male beaver, female beaver, young kids, and yearlings live together all their life like a proper family. If this hasn’t proved that beavers are really special then we don’t what else could.

They Once Traveled By Parachute

In 1948, new inhabitants started to live in western Idaho and the clash between the human population and beavers started after that. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game wanted to move the beavers to a place suitable for their population but it wasn’t an easy task as they thought it would be. So they came up with a brilliant plan: They used surplus parachutes they had from the WWII. They collected the beavers in a box and parachuted them. So, beavers are most likely more adventurous than many of us.

They Have Multi-Purpose Tails

The beavers from the Ice Age didn’t have a flat tail and with time they evolved with one. This leathery tail which grows up to 15 inches long and six inches wide, is used on both lands and in the water. In waters, beavers slap their tail to alarm other beavers in the waters about the potential predators. On the land, beavers use their flat tail to sit straight up. The tail gives them the balance they need while looking for the food.

Hardworking Creature

The Beavers have the ability to take down a  whole tree and mind it, they don’t waste any parts of the tree. Being herbivores they enjoy every part of the tree, be it bark or the buds of the tree. They use the trunk and branches to build their dams and lodges. It was estimated that in the United States alone they damaged $100 million property. People see them as a problem but if we think rationally they are just surviving.
It wasn’t the beaver that day which Jim thought it might be but something else entirely that shocked him.

First Contact

As Jim and his dogs got closer to the animal, the dogs were pretty restless but surprisingly weren’t barking looking at the animal. Jim moved closer and was trying not to startle the animal. It wasn’t a beaver as he thought it was. It was a large dog struggling for his life with all his might. It seemed like he was stuck there for a very long time. Luckily, it wasn’t late and Jim was there in right to save that poor soul. Jim didn’t wait any longer and called the rescue team to help the dog.

The Rescue Begins

The dog was stuck there for a very long time and was barely responsive due to lack of energy. He tried his best to get out from the mud but in the end, almost lost all his hope and it was Jim who was there in the right time. The rescue team was there in no time and one of the rescuers draped the dog with a warm blanket as the dog was literally shivering from the cold for being in the waters for so long. Surprisingly, the dog was huge and was really heavy to lift. But they needed to do things as soon as possible. Then there was one solution.

They Made A Rope Harness

The rescue team tied a rope around the dog’s body which was covered with a blanket so that the rope doesn’t hurt his body from all the lifting and dragging. The rescue team realized that the dog was notably overweight, which was the sole reason for him being getting stuck in the waters. He might have been hit by a car which made him run and eventually ended up here. Poor dog.

A Dicey Maneuver

The rescue team was now aware of the fact that dragging out an overweight huge dog won’t be easy. It took a great amount of time and energy in rescuing the poor soul. They need to come out with a perfect plan that could free him from all the struggle. They were being cautious as they didn’t know if he was just wounded or exhausted from all the struggle. He could even bite them if not taken care of properly.

Finally Free

The rescue team with the help of Jim was able to drag the dog out from the water. The animal looked tired and frightened to see so many human faces around him. That poor soul had no idea in the world what was going on. Luckily, he was now out of one danger and only a proper examination could tell what all he has suffered. 

Critical Condition

Stying in the waters for so many days as could be expected was in need of medical attention as early as possible. He was wet, tired, and sadly on the verge of dying from the cold. The rescuers tried their best to dry his fur as much as they could before he could be taken to the nearest vet. When the rescue operation was completed they headed towards the veterinary.

Signs of Life

Though he was frightened and exhausted he had the spark of life alive in his eyes. The team tried their best to comfort the poor dog. One of the members from the rescue team cleaned the fur with a towel and dried him so that he could feel warm again. But things would soon turn out to be good for the dog whose name was Teddy. Thanks to Jim and his dogs who were able to locate Teddy.

Poor Teddy

Teddy was 8-year-old when he was rescued. But the mystery about his whereabouts and how did he end up in the water remains a mystery to everybody. The most likely scenario people believed was that he was hit by a car and then ran away from the car eventually falling in the muddy water and was stuck there for only God knows how long.

Rushed Off

Teddy wasn’t in a very good condition, unable to even walk he sat there until the rescue team loaded him into a wheelbarrow. He was then taken to a car and then to the nearest vet. Everybody was praying for his betterment and nobody could tell for sure if he would even survive. Teddy was a good boy and cooperated with the team as he could sense that they were there to help him. Then they reached the vet and it was time to examine the poor Teddy. And then the veterinarian said something about Teddy…

Teddy Lives

The vet said that Teddy was very lucky on two accounts. One, he was rescued at that very crucial time when things weren’t looking good for him. Two, the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals heard about Teddy and they intervened to help him. It was because of the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals he was shifted to the Broken Arrow Shelter. But then the shelter decided something for Teddy that crushed Jim and everybody’s heart. They wanted to euthanize him.


The vet made sure to put Teddy out of his miserable condition. The vet tried the best to stabilize his condition. At the time of his rescue, frightened Teddy had actually bitten one of the team members. The team wanted to see if Teddy got rabies or something. Fortunately, Teddy was perfectly fine and the vet didn’t find any signs of rabies in him. Both Teddy and the guy was safe.

Teddy Adjusts To His New Home

Obviously, it would take some time for Teddy to properly adjust in the new environment. Even the shelter people remained patient with Teddy. For some time. Teddy was always in his guards but soon things started to change and he became very friendly with every staff of the shelter. He was a very loving and happy boy. The shelter people also loved Teddy. The other dogs in the shelter took their time to invite the new guy in the club but Teddy was a pure soul and managed that perfectly.

Teddy’s Got Problems

As we already told you. Teddy was very overweight and that condition was making Teddy’s life really difficult. He wasn’t able to move around like other dogs and that was posing his mobility challenges. And sadly, nobody came to claim Teddy. It seemed like Teddy would be staying in the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals for some time before the shelter gets some good news about his future.

Social Media Rescue

The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals posted several photos of Teddy on their Facebook page. Many Facebook users cooed over him, and many users wanted to meet Teddy in person. But the shelter was looking for his owner or for someone who was willing to adopt him. But even somebody was interested in adopting Teddy the shelter had to wait until the quarantine period was over. The wait was long…

One Very Lucky Dog

Teddy who was lucky enough that day when Jim was walking his dogs in the creek. If it wouldn’t have been the situation we don’t think Teddy could have been saved. Jim was there in the right place at the right time. Even the rescue people didn’t take much time to arrive at the location. Then the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals intervened and he was shifted to the shelter for proper care. But the saddest part is that 60% of the dogs who are brought in the shelter are euthanized. Does it mean that Teddy would also see the same fate?

Shelters Are A Mixed Bag

In the United States alone, about 6 million animals are put to death annually. Of those censuses, 3 million are dogs. Because of the strays population, the shelter people aren’t able to take care of every dog as the adoption rate is very low in the state. About 700,000 dogs meet the unexpected fate through euthanization every year.

Teddy Was In Good Hands

The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals didn’t leave any vet in the city. They kept taking Teddy from one vet to another. Teddy was very friendly and he was put on several medications. Fortunately, there were no broken bones and the vet said he would be fine in no time. The vet also addressed his lethargy and immobility issues. The shelter was looking for every answer that could give new meaning to his life.

Shelters Often Use Social Media

To grab people’s attention the shelter people keep posting about the dogs on their Facebook page. Because of this activity, the shelter has been able to provide a new home to several rescued dogs in the shelter. Because of social they save lots of time, energy and money. We all know that these shelters don’t get much of funding that could take care of every dog in the shelter and social is the best way to make sure that some of the dogs can get a new life and home.

Things Started Looking Up

As Teddy’s story was circling the social media he started so signs of improvement. He was not the same Teddy which they brought in a few months back. Now, he was moving and playing with the other staff. His favorite was Jessie who was a receptionist at the shelter. Both of them got really close to each other. Even when his condition was improving and was now able to move there were no offers for his adoption on the table.

It’s Fun To Stay At The OAA

The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals is a very good place for stray dogs. The people and the environment are really good for the dogs that improve their lives. These stary dogs have no one that could care for them and the shelter makes sure that they get a good treatment so that one day they can be adopted to start a new life in the world out there. 

Teddy Is A Senior Dog

Sadly, people always try to adopt younger dogs. The senior dogs have a very slim chance of getting adopted. Teddy was a senior dog and the shelter slowly started to realize that things are not looking good for Teddy as there was no offer for his adoption. It seemed like nobody wanted to adopt a senior dog. But Teddy was more than a senior dog. Adopting a senior dog has some perks, one, they won’t grow bigger and two, senior dogs are more friendly and affectionate towards their owners.

Don’t Let Your Dog Get Fat

Teddy’s veterinarian stated his inability to move around like other dogs as he was very overweight and his legs didn’t respond to his weight. Overweight dogs are on higher risk of getting joint, ligament, and bone problems. They can also suffer from internal organ dysfunction, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Make sure your dog doesn’t get fat.

Where Is Teddy Now?

Teddy’s fate is actually a mystery. We don’t know about his whereabouts. We hope he was adopted and got a new life and home. Teddy was a good dog. He was playful, friendly and very loving towards others. We don’t think he would have stayed in the shelter as there would have been that one lucky person who might have got the opportunity to love Teddy.

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