David Foster loves to travel. Exploring new places tops the list of his hobbies. After a very long time, he planned a boat cruising in the Amazon river. But little did he know that his planned trip was going to take an unplanned turn. He with his friends kickstarted the journey and reached a virgin island. Surprisingly, the island had one more mysterious occupant. There was someone very unexpected waiting for David. And when David met the host, his whole purpose of the journey changed………

Who does not like boat cruising? We all want to experience this at least once in our lives. I mean who would not want to spend time under the clear sky surrounded by blue water far away from the noise of the world. David Foster who had grown tired of his daily routine decided to go to Amazon River in order to explore virgin islands. 

The Man

David Foster who was 38 years old at the time of the incident is a resident of Antrim county. The man was very excited about going on a boat cruise. He wanted to do this for a very long time and now finally he had found an opportunity.       

Boat cruising is fun! You get to explore virgin islands that are scattered here and there. These islands stay bereft of any human presence and so remains isolated from the outer world. These islands are nice for those who want to spend some days in peace. What makes them even more desirable is the fact that one can spot diverse wildlife.

Boat cruising in the Amazon river is a different experience altogether. It is nothing short of an adventure. You will never know what would you be seeing the very next moment. Everything there is unknown and unbelievable. David Foster had no idea that his adventurous journey with no purpose was going to turn into a mysterious one with a PURPOSE.

The man was in for a big surprise. The island he was headed towards was holding something unexpected for him. David prepared for the trip and packed in all the necessary items he would need during the trip. He also took in his camera to capture all the amazing things he would come across. He knew he would!  

It was all going amazingly in the beginning. He and his friends had never come to this part of the world before. Naturally, he was very excited and wanted to see more of it. It was a perfect time for them to undertake this adventurous journey. The weather was quite pleasant. David knew it was once in a lifetime kind of experience and so he clicked as many pictures as he could. The forest is a treasure for wild lovers!   

Amazing Sights

The man was yet to get over the amazing sights when the wild threw another surprise on his face. The man while rowing on the boat saw a figure running on an island. The object was quite distant so he could not make out what really was that. He wondered what could it be…………

Beautiful Island

David got to the beach and began to click pictures of the place. The man wanted to cover the beauty of the Amazon river in his frame. The island was indeed very beautiful and brought a sense of serenity to him. He was clicking many pictures when he spotted something strange going around.    

There was a strange animal moving on the island. The man was all alone on the island with a strange animal. David wondered if it was a beast. He did not know how to react as he had not expected such an encounter. No need to say, the animal too had sensed his presence. What was going to happen now?  

A Beast?

The creature that the man was taking as a beast had black fur and was running on four legs. This was all he could see from the distance. The creature was quite large in size. It seemed as if it was a wild cat or some other wild animal. Had the man got it right? Was it an animal and not a beast? 

What Is That?

The man was frightened and curious too to see what kind of creature lives on this island. What if the one he finds here has never been spotted before? There were many possibilities. Was the team going to find out something unbelievable? 

And then he realized that the creature was running towards him. And it was not only the creature but there were some more animals following him. As the thing came closer he realized that it was a dog. David reminisces, “We were sailing and decided to stop at this beautiful beach,” Foster told The Dodo. “And then off in the distance, I saw a dog. I thought, ‘Why is she out here? It seems a bit remote’ … We hadn’t seen any villages for quite some time.

In Need Of Help

David recalls, “She threw herself into the water, swam across and then limped over to me. I saw what a desperate state she was in.” “There were vultures following her – that’s how close she was to death,” he said.

David Foster felt very sad when he saw the dog in this condition. If the dog is not provided with food for some more days, he would starve to death. The man wanted to do something for it. He called the dog up on his boat. 

It was a female dog. The man reminisces the moment when the dog saw him: “she came running towards me. And that’s when I noticed how bad off she was.” Well, this amazing story has just begun. there is more to this story.  

Good Man

The tragic condition of the black dog made him feel downhearted. “It looked as if someone had beaten her, she was so close to death. She was wagging her tail and crying at the same time.” David had taken up this responsibility now and was going to protect her throughout the journey. The animal too was reciprocating to the affection of the man. Dogs are good at figuring out their friends and foe. This dog knew that she was in safe hands. 

Delicious Treats

Unfortunately, the man too had run out of food. His boat had gone empty by now. The only edible item David was left with was some biscuits. The man had kept them in his backpack for an emergency. David gave them to the dog. Though creature was starving she initially hesitated from picking them up. But soon she ate them up. 

Happy Girl

After getting her belly full with food, the dog gave David a big smile. It seemed as if she was conveying her gratitude to him through her smile. The two had formed an instant bond with each other. David was nothing less than a god for the dog who had come here to rescue her. But what that dog was doing on this deserted island? 

A New Life

The duo had made a strong connection with each other during the journey. This is why David adopted her after returning back to land. She was christened Negrita and she followed her new buddy all around the boat. The people who witnessed the sight got overwhelmed by the cuteness of the dog who would roam around David with her tail wagging. But that was not the end……

Finding A Friend

David too liked his new accompanier. They became best buddies in no time. David must have never imagined in his wildest dream that he would get a friend while touring in this one of the most dangerous places.    

Happy To Help

Everyone around them rejoiced at their beautiful and unique friendship. All of them were amazed by the extent the man was going to protect the vulnerable dog. It came as an inspiration for all of them and for those who heard it later on.

The Journey Begins

David Foster not only fed the dog but nursed her injuries too. The canine had some bruises on her body that would have gone worse had it not been treated in time. Luckily, David knew how to tend to her wounds and dressed them properly.   

Healthy Food

This way two days passed by. It would not be wrong to say that Negrita was recuperating rapidly under the care of David. Soon she became friendly with all the people on the boat and started playing around.    

Travel Companion

The dog too had become an adventurer just like David Foster. Unlike many dogs who are terrified of boarding on a boat, she boarded it with confidence. In fact, she liked being on a boat. She turned out to be a perfect travel companion for David.     

David Foster loved her. That is why he would do whatever it takes to keep her healthy. He even bought a special shampoo used for doing away with the flee problems in dogs. No need to say, this particular shampoo cost him a lot.    

Many days flew by and the trip was about to reach its end. By now David had made up their mind that he was going to take her to her home. Well, it was a great decision. The dog who was already basking in his care was surely going to to get a lovely home. After days of starvation and loneliness, she had got a perfect family.      

A Rescue Mission

This is amazing what was expected to be a trip turned out to be a rescue mission. David says, “When we stopped at this random island, the plan was to go swimming and snorkeling, then have lunch, idyllic really. Whilst on the boat, in the distance, I could see what I thought was some jagged bogwood.”

Looking Back

He continued, “As I grabbed my binoculars to take a closer look, I could tell immediately that it was a dog. At this time Hugo, the boat owner, was playing with his new toy, a drone, and I told him a dog was there. He originally dismissed it as a dog from a local community or a farm and kept the drone hovering over the guys snorkeling.”

Though David had redressed minor wounds of Negrita, it was important to get her checked thoroughly by a vet. So the first thing that David did after deboarding the boat was to take her to the vet. Fortunately, there was nothing to worry about. The vet confirmed that she is perfectly fine and is required to eat more.      

How months of care and love can change the appearance of a dog is right here. In this picture, Negrita is all grinning. Thanks to David and his compassionate nature. A dog got her life back and with that lots of love too.

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