Man Saves Drowning Baby Elephant, Then The Herd Does The Unexpected
Elephants are incredibly unique creatures, with their massive size and mental intelligence. In fact, a herd of elephants will never leave one of their own behind! While all elephant species are currently endangered, many do still live freely out in the wild with their herd. However, the wild presents far more dangers than a zoo. So, when one herd’s youngest member fell into a mud pit, the herd tried everything they could to save the drowning baby elephant.
Unfortunately, no matter what the herd tried, the elephants could not save their family member. Soon enough, animal conservationists arrived on the scene and began helping the drowning baby elephant. However, they could have never predicted what the elephants would do afterward. The rescue workers had never seen anything like it before…
1. The Elephant Procession

This story takes place along the gorgeous Urulanthanni River in southern India. Around the beautiful river, thick forests serve as a sanctuary to a local herd of elephants. In the forest, these majestic creatures march freely and uninterrupted, as the humans in the area greatly respect and appreciate the elephants.
One day, the elephant procession was making its way across the Urulanthanni River when something quite out-of-the-ordinary occurred. You see, recently, one of the herd’s females had given birth to a beautiful baby elephant. However, while trying to cross the river, this little elephant ran into quite the challenge. Because babies are not accustomed to crossing rivers, the trek quickly turned dangerous!
2. Baby Elephant Needs A Hand

While we often think of elephants as massive, this little baby was just one-sixth the size of a fully grown adult! When the herd started crossing the river together, the baby elephant lost its balance, slipped, and fell into a hole between the river and the land. As you can imagine, getting out was not an easy task!
To make matters worse, the hole the baby elephant had fallen into was full of mud and had started to fill with water. Due to the slippery sides of the mud pit, the baby could not get out on its own. Meanwhile, the herd could not enter the pit and help the baby up, due to their gigantic size. While saving the drowning baby elephant was paramount, the herd had no idea how to do it…
3. A Dangerous Situation

The mere act of fighting to try and escape from the mud pit exhausted the drowning baby elephant. Meanwhile, once the herd realized what happened, they began to pack. As its family started to panic, the baby elephant began to cry in anguish, sending the herd into more of a flurry of anxiety.
Suddenly, the entire herd started to join in with their youngest member, crying out and stomping around. It almost seemed like they felt hopeful that a human would hear them and come to rescue the drowning baby elephant. However, unfortunately for the little creature, its long day was just beginning…
4. At The Edge of Hopelessness

Several hours had passed, and the situation was not getting any better. Even before any humans arrived, the drowning baby elephant had already started to show signs of distress, hopelessness, and fatigue. Unsurprisingly, the herd was also in pain from watching their little baby struggling to keep itself alive.
So, the rest of the heard stood in a circle around the mud pit. While they could not do anything to help save their little family member, elephants never leave another behind. As the baby’s eyes started closing out of exhaustion and, maybe, imminent death, the herd collectively began to trumpet with their trunks even louder. This time, their cry of anguish was heard across the forest…
5. Warning Signs

With time running out for the drowning baby elephant, the older members of the herd began sending out intense warning sounds. You see, whenever elephants meet danger or are distraught, they heave out a distress signal that resembles the sound of a trumpet. The deafening noise was just as heartbreaking as it was loud and terrifying.
For those within earshot of the call, which included many of the local townspeople, they knew that they could not ignore the elephants. Meanwhile, the elephants had no idea if anyone had heard their call. All they could do was wait, cry, and hope for someone to come.
6. The Community Heard Their Voices

Thankfully, the local community had begun to hear the noises. At first, they couldn’t figure out where the calls were coming from or what they meant, so they decided to ignore it. However, as the frantic braying continued, the people understood it wasn’t just any old noise. Clearly, something was wrong!
So, with the calls for help too loud to ignore, many townspeople decided to join together and investigate. After listening for a moment, the group realized that the calls were coming from the forest, less than a mile from town. As the group began entering the forest and moving closer, one human began to recognize the calls as elephant calls for help. Still, they knew they have to push forward cautiously if they wanted to help.
7. One Last Attempt

As the herd brayed and the townspeople approached, the drowning baby elephant felt a ray of hope shine upon him. Not only did he realize that he wasn’t alone, but also that he was loved and cared for. At that moment, the baby elephant gathered the little strength he had left, desperate to make it through the awful situation.
Once again, the young elephant tried its hardest to pull himself out of the pit, to no success. You see, the hole was just too deep for him to reach the top. In fact, when it seemed the baby had finally managed to reach the top, it slipped back down into the muddy hole with a loud thump. If he could just hold on until help arrived!
8. Finding The Herd

Before long, the locals reached the river, and the strange noises became even more deafening. Soon enough, they started guessing the sounds came from a herd of elephants, but they still didn’t know why. Could a wild beast be attacking them? Still, they continued to move forward, even if some of the townspeople felt some fear.
Usually, untrained humans should never approach wild animals. However, while some of the villagers understood that an angry group of elephants could present physical danger, they needed to see what had caused the raucous. After all, many townspeople viewed the elephant herd as part of their home. Now that they had eyes on the anxious heard, the villagers moved even more carefully towards the mud pit…
9. Getting Closer, Carefully

When the townspeople first arrived at the Urulanthanni River, they had no idea what was happening. All they could see was the herd of elephants braying and anxiously pacing in a circle. However, as they got closer, the villagers spotted the drowning baby elephant in the hole. That’s when they realized that the herd was quite literally screaming for help.
While humans were a lot smaller than elephants, they were also not physically capable of getting the weak baby elephant out of the pit on their own. Once they realized that, they decided to call for help. After all, the authorities would undoubtedly have the right equipment to rescue the calf from being trapped.
10. Not Knowing What to Do

Rapidly understanding the situation, the villagers knew they needed to act quickly. So, some of them rushed back to town to ask for assistance. As nighttime promptly approached, the drowning baby elephant had already become quite weak, to the point of not moving at all. The calf simply lay quietly inside the pit, as if accepting its doom.
While some townspeople went back to get help, others stayed behind to keep an eye on the situation. Every second that passed was precious, and everyone knew they were running out of time. Hopefully, those who had gone back to town would return with help quickly…
11. Help Finally Arrives

Before long, the locals spotted headlights approaching from a distance, and they started to feel a glimmer of hope. What’s more, even the elder elephants seemed to understand that help was definitely on its way. Fortunately, the rescue team had finally arrived at the scene.
Instantly, the locals started helping, clearing a path for the rescuers, as some of the elephants paced around anxious. However, incredibly, none of them showed any signs of violence towards the helping humans. It was almost like everyone, men and creatures, understood that the correct help had finally arrived. Now, everyone was one the same page: it was time to save the drowning baby elephant.
12. Still Not Enough

The rescue team that arrived consisted of wildlife conservationists and forest officers. Before long, they asked the locals to step aside so that they could do their best to help. Then, they managed to move the herd back a few feet, giving the team plenty of room to work.
When the rescue team finally managed to take a good look at the drowning baby elephant, things seemed worse than ever before. You see, they quickly realized they could not handle this problem on their own – they would need some seriously big equipment to get it done. Unfortunately, it seemed like the baby elephant would have to stay there a little longer…
13. Heavy Reinforcements

An entire night passed with the baby elephant stuck in the mud pit. None of the animal rescuers, nor the heard, went anywhere. Then, the next morning, everyone heard a loud rumbling coming from town. It sounded like massive vehicles approaching! Sure more help had arrived. However, this time, the new team members decided to bring a huge excavator with them.
Still, even with the giant machine, saving the drowning baby elephant would be a challenge. They needed to figure out a way to use the excavator to help get the calf out without hurting him. After 24 hours, many wondered how much longer the baby elephant would be able to survive…
14. Getting Started

The first step in the rescue project was clearing a workspace. However, this became one of the hardest parts of the whole ordeal! As you might imagine, the elephant heard did not want to leave the drowning baby elephant. Instead, they frantically moved about, wanting to keep an eye on their youngest member. However, the team felt determined to do whatever it took.
Still, clearing a workspace was just the beginning! They needed to make sure that every single move made by the construction equipment was right. After all, while the baby elephant was larger than most adult animals, the construction equipment could still hurt it, or worse, kill it. Every millimeter counted!
15. Excavation Began

Overnight, the mud in the hole had dried around the baby elephant, leaving it drowning in nearly dry dirt. Even worse, it could barely move! So, when the rescue team started running the excavator, they knew they had to do so carefully. While not amateurs, even the tiniest mistake could prove fatal.
With extreme caution, the rescuers began digging around the area, first to widen the hole, allowing them more access. After hours of digging, they managed to open the mud pit open enough to begin the next phase: removing the drowning baby elephant from the hole. Unfortunately, this would take many, many more hours…
16. Let’s Bring in the Helping Hands

With the hole now wide enough to start the rescue, the team began once again asking locals for help in their efforts. Some of the strongest town people were asked to help carry the elephant out, while others were assigned to monitor the rest of the digging, to make sure the baby elephant was not hurt. Fortunately, they all felt willing to help the calf!
Like it had begun, the rescue had turned into a collective effort. Everyone in the town wanted to see the drowning baby elephant safe once again. After all, the village thought of the elephant herd almost as neighbors. Meanwhile, the rescuers were grateful for the help that the villagers offered.
17. Second Day of Rescue

Nearly 48 hours had passed since the baby elephant became trapped in the hole, and none of the elephants had left the scene. While all the machine’s noise and vibrations were a disturbance, the wild elephants appeared to stay calm. In their own way, they were helping by staying calm!
Still, even with the equipment, the animal rescue officers could not have completed the rescue without their other helpers, the local townspeople. While the stronger folk offered their physical assistance, others went to provide food and drinks to those participating in the mission. Meanwhile, the sight of the pack of elephants keeping a united front while waiting for their youngest family member inspired the rescuers to move forward.
18. Another Hurdle

Just when the rescuers could start to see a way of saving the drowning baby elephant, the excavating machine stopped working. The silence was deafening and heartbreaking. It seemed like the last straw. While the operator tried to restart the engine several times, it simply refused to cooperate.
Luckily, one of the locals was an expert on engines and soon offered to take a look at the machine. When the elephants realized what was happening, they started to trumpet in unison again. In fact, the rescuers had to get closer to the calf to assure the adults that it was still holding on, giving it food and drink. Fortunately, the drowning baby elephant refused to stop fighting for its life.
19. Acting Quickly

The man who offered his help moved as quickly as he could. He understood that the clock would not stop for the drowning baby elephant. However, it was not a simple engine job, and there was no quick fix. As more volunteers stepped up to help with the engine, the elephant herd once again began to make strange, loud noises.
While the group of local volunteers worked on restarting the excavator, others went a step further. They decided to start digging with their hands and shovels! As they did, the herd became more anxious and started pacing back and forth as they brayed. So, other locals tried to calm them down! However, humans feared that they would attack them out of desperation! Everything seemed to be falling apart…
20. The Wait Was Over

Suddenly, the excavator roared back to life, and the crowd cried out a celebratory cheer! Now, they started working on the final part of their plan: creating a sloping trench that helpers could use to push the drowning baby elephant out of the mud hole. Finally, after nearly two days, the animal rescue team could see the finish line.
Within a couple of hours of restarting the excavator, the team managed to finish widening the hole and creating the trench. Then, one of the rescuers, with a heaving push, helped the baby elephant back up onto land. The team had done it! With a little help from machine and animal, of course. Now safe, the baby elephant rushed towards its mother…
21. The Awaited Reunion

The minute the baby elephant escape the hole, it rushed off to join its mother, lovingly touching tusks. Once again, the herd suddenly gave out a thunderous cry, but this time it wasn’t out of sadness and fear. Instead, it was on appreciation and delight. At that moment, many of the locals realized just how much love animals like elephants are capable of showing!
Beforehand, the townspeople had viewed the herd of elephants like neighbors down the street. They never interacted much, but the locals never wanted any harm to come to the elephants. Still, everyone felt filled with joy and happiness as they watched the baby elephant reunite with its herd.
22. One Last Salute

No one knows if animals like elephants care really feel gratitude or if they know how to show it. However, something happened that day that made the townspeople really wonder just how much elephants are capable of…
Believe it or not, after the humans saved the drowning baby elephant, much of the heard turned around to face the rescuers. Then, they waved their trunks, giving out more trumpet sounds – but this time, they sounded happy! It was as though the herd was giving the townspeople a final salute and thank you! The villagers could not believe their eyes – or ears!
23. Feeling Pure Joy

After the incredibly long, two-day journey of rescuing the baby elephant, the herd seemed overjoyed with excitement that their family had reunited. What’s more, some of the villagers shed a tear while watching the herd slowly walk away with their little one back into the forest. It was something that they would remember for the rest of their lives!
As the elephants walked away, it seemed like nobody was ready just yet to leave the scene. The townspeople and animal rescuers all stayed, watching the herd. After all, it was the very first time many had witnessed something so amazing in nature. None of them would ever forget it.
24. An Unforgettable Day

After saving the drowning baby elephant and watching the herd head into the forest, the rescuers all congratulated one another from their fantastic achievement. They laughed and cried, all happy that they had not lost an animal’s life that day. Still, the celebrations could not compare to the salute from the herd they recieved!
As the happy townspeople made their way back to town, everyone knew that what happened that day would burn in their memories forever. Many wondered if they would ever get that close to wild elephants again – or if they would want to! However, while they hoped nothing like that would ever happen to an elephant again, the locals felt grateful that they had experienced such a magnificent moment!
25. Moving Forward

Crossing a river was actually not uncommon among these wild elephants. In fact, they had done it about a million times before. However, after seeing what had happened to their baby, they knew they had to be extra careful the next time around. After all, they didn’t want to spend another two days in agony!
From then on, the baby elephant who had almost drown was always positioned in between the bigger ones, with the parents constantly keeping an eye on their precious calf. Meanwhile, locals would come back from time to time to watch them from afar, like some grand show. But these aren’t the only elephants incredibly important in India…
26. The Importance of Elephants in India

In case you didn’t know, over half the elephants in the entire world live in India. As such, these wild creatures can be found pretty much everywhere in the country and are very dear to the Indian people. In fact, they have even domesticated some – 20% percent of Indian elephants play a significant role in transporting goods throughout the country!
Furthermore, the elephant is also incredibly important in Indian culture and religion. So, people always look after the elephant population in India. Unfortunately, if the rest of the world does not catch up to India’s example, we could lose all elephant, for good…
27. Elephant Conservation

There are currently three types of elephants remaining on planet earth: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant, which are the type found in India. Heartbreakingly, all three are considered either vulnerable to extinction or fully endangered. The biggest threat to them is the ivory trade, with habitat destruction coming at a close second.
So what can you do to help? Well, of course, stop buying ivory and purchase elephant-friendly coffee and wood. There are also plenty of reputable organizations that help with the problem, like the International Elephant Foundation. Hopefully, in time, we can all help to save the elephants and other endangered animals. People like Adam Warwick like to think so…
28. A Complicated Relationship

As you’ve just seen, humans have a complicated relationship with wild animals. They can pose a danger to us, but we can also pose a grave threat to them. Cities expanding into the natural habitat puts the animals – and the people living there – in occasional peril. However, some are working towards making the world a better place for animals.
One of those unique people is Adam Warwick, who decided to devote his life to wildlife at a very young age. One day, while working with a team in Florida, one of the United States’ most dangerous predators wandered into the ocean and started drowning. Without thinking twice, Warwick ran into the sea, risking his own life to save the drowning animal. Did this hero and the creature in need survive? Read on to find out…
29. A Visitor Wanders Into Alligator Point

Alligator Point, a small town just an hour south of Tallahassee, was once renowned for its large alligator population. However, as decades went by, the alligator population in the area thinned out due to hunting and fishing. Still, the town’s inhabitants are familiar with many animals: sea turtles, the occasional alligator, or a stray deer or fox coming from the nearby national parks. But, an Alligator Point resident was not expecting to wake up and see a huge black bear digging through his trash!
After searching through one resident’s trash, the massive, 6-foot tall, 375-pound bear, moved on to the next house. To him, the early morning streets of Alligator Point on trash day must have seemed like a buffet! While the bear was not causing any immediate issues, townspeople began to worry. What if the bear came in contact with a pet or, even worse, a human?
30. Who Is Adam Warwick

Eventually, the townspeople called animal rescue, just like they had in India! One of the men on the crew that set out to rescue the bear was Adam Warwick. Warwick devoted his life to the welfare of wildlife from a very young age. A biologist by profession, Warwick is the kind of man who knows a thing or two about the needs of animals. He was happy to join the group and have an opportunity to help another animal.
Biologists and other scientists play a huge part in every conservation team. Whether the question at hand calls for discerning the animals’ habits, needs, diet, behavior or physiology, the biologist will usually be the one to answer it. Or, in this case, getting a tranquilizer dose just right. However, things would not go as expected when they tried to tranquilize the bear.
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