This Man Saw A Dangerous Predator Drowning And Made A Fearless Decision
We have a complicated relationship with wild animals – they can pose a danger to us, but we can also pose a grave threat to them. Cities expanding into the natural habitat puts the animals – and the people living there – in occasional peril. However, some are working towards making the world a better place for animals.
One of those unique people is Adam Warwick, who decided to devote his life to wildlife at a very young age. One day, while working with a team in Florida, one of the United States’ most dangerous predators wandered into the ocean and started drowning. Without thinking twice, Warwick ran into the ocean, risking his own life to save the drowning animal. Did this hero and the creature in need survive? Read on to find out…
1. Wildlife Preservation and Conservation

Due to its size, the United States contains some of the most diverse wildlife in the world. Rare, often endangered species of animals live in America, some on the brink of extinction. These creatures find themselves powerless in the modern world and often struggle to survive.
Thankfully, in Florida, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission helps protect the safety of both the animals and the people who cohabitate the same areas. A typical day can consist of some pretty strange situations: what to do when a giant alligator comes waltzing onto a golf course, how to deal with invasive species, the list goes on.
One day, the Commission was called to the town of Alligator Point on one of the strangest calls they’ve ever received…
2. A Visitor Wanders Into Alligator Point

Alligator Point, a small town just an hour south of Tallahassee, was once renowned for its large alligator population. However, as decades went by, the alligator population in the area thinned out due to hunting and fishing. Still, the town’s inhabitants are familiar with many animals: sea turtles, the occasional alligator, or a stray deer or fox coming from the nearby national parks. But, an Alligator Point resident was not expecting to wake up and see a huge black bear digging through his trash!
After searching through one resident’s trash, the massive, 6-foot tall, 375-pound bear, moved on to the next house. To him, the early morning streets of Alligator Point on trash day must have seemed like a buffet! While the bear was not causing any immediate issues, townspeople began to worry. What if the bear came in contact with a pet or, even worse, a human?
3. Danger To Human Life

You don’t need to watch The Revenant that know what kind of threat animals like bears can pose to humans. Bears are famously fiercely protective of their cubs and their territory, and if they feel threatened the retaliation can be deadly. There were seven deadly bear attacks in the US over the last eight years, most of them in natural parks or rural areas. However, things can be even worse in populated areas. When bears wander into a town or city, they are often terrified by the noise and commotion and become more violent out of fear.
Given all of these reasons, you can understand why the residents of Alligator Point were so quick to call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
4. Calling The FFWCC

Given the threat black bears pose to humans, and vice versa, residents of Alligator Point were quick to call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Soon, the commission had all the essential details about the bear’s location and behavior. Shortly after, the commission called numerous residents in the area and gave them instructions on what to do.
However, given the bear’s location and the fact that it was larger than the average black bear, the Commission decided they could not wait for the bear to find its way back to its home on its own. It was just too dangerous for both bear and the townspeople of Alligator Point. So, the FFWCC decided to attempt to rescue the bear from the neighborhood.
5. A Mission Sets Out

After briefing the people of Alligator Point, the FFWC quickly assembled a team of experts to handle the situation. Both the local population and the bear needed to be protected.
The course of action in these matters is protocol. If a potentially dangerous animal wanders into a populated area, it needs to be distanced from people and relocated. Usually, the best, most humane way to do so is by using a tranquilizer. It’s unpleasant and often difficult, if not downright dangerous, but it is usually the most practical way to go. And this team was made up of specially trained professionals, who all had tranquilizer experience.
6. Who Is Adam Warwick

One of the men on the crew that set out to reach the bear was Adam Warwick. Warwick devoted his life to the welfare of wildlife from a very young age. A biologist by profession, Warwick is the kind of man who knows a thing or two about the needs of animals. He was happy to join the group and have an opportunity to help another animal.
Biologists and other scientists play a huge part in every conservation team. Whether the question at hand calls for discerning the animals’ habits, needs, diet, behavior or physiology, the biologist will usually be the one to answer it. Or, in this case, getting the tranquilizer dose just right.
7. Tranquilizing – Pros And Cons

As one can only imagine, being tranquilized is far from a pleasant experience. That is why animal protection specialists only use this option as a last resort. However, it is often the most efficient way to get a hold of an unruly wild animal, especially if it is scared.
Tranquilizing has obvious disadvantages. The dosage needs to be precise to the animal’s size. Also, the pain of the shot can cause the animal to get even more afraid and act dangerously until the tranquilizing substance actually kicks in. These wildlife experts, however, weren’t expecting the disoriented bear to react the way it did…
8. A Bulls-Eye Shot

Alongside Warwick were other professionals, from veterinarians to drivers, some of whom were equipped with weapons loaded with tranquilizing darts. When the group got to the edge of town, they were able to catch up to the bear. They needed to follow it carefully and quietly, as to not incite an outburst of violent fear from the animal.
One of the professionals eventually snagged a bulls-eye on the bear with his tranquilizer. Soon, the sedation was slowly spreading through the bear’s body. However, the bear was larger than average, and in a rush of adrenaline, the bear ran away from them – to the coast.
9. Wading Into Dangerous Waters

The bear was obviously confused and scared. It was in pain and drugged, causing it to run from the very people trying to protect it. The crew quickly followed, in order to get a hold of it as soon as it collapsed under the effect of the tranquilizer. However, the sedative worked slower than expected.
Within minutes, the bear reached the coast and started wading into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. As the crew observed it from a slight distance, thinking it would return to shore soon. Then, they realized something was wrong. The bear went deeper and deeper into the ocean. These are open waters, mind you, infested with stingrays and occasional sharks, and the bear could barely keep its head above water. Warwick realized that it wasn’t swimming – it was about to drown.
10. But Can’t Bears Swim?

If you’ve watched as much National Geographic as we have, you’re probably wondering right now – why would the bear need help? Bears can swim! In fact, black bears are actually famously good swimmers. They swim to obtain their favorite food, fish, even crossing whole lakes to get them. The odds of witnessing a drowning bear are very slim.
However, even Michael Phelps wouldn’t do well in water after being hit with a tranquilizer! With the tranquilizing material slowly affecting its nervous system, focus, and senses, this drowning bear needed help – fast.
11. Adam Makes A Dangerous Decision

Adam Warwick saw the drowning bear struggling to keep its head above water. Knowing that this bear was only in this state because of the tranquilizer his team shot him with, Warwick felt terribly guilty about the entire situation. He knew that the bear needed help to have a chance to see another day.
Many people would feel bad for the animal. Some might even hop on the nearest boat and try to reach the bear, despite the considerable odds. However, Warwick was operating on raw instinct, as well as an intense conviction – he must save this drowning bear from death.
12. Reaching The Drowning Bear

Without giving much thought to the risks, Warwick took off his shirt and walked into the water right after the drowning bear. “It was a spur of the moment decision,” he said later. “I had a lot of adrenaline pumping when I saw the bear in the water.”
He started swimming towards the bear confident he could make it before the tranquilizer took over. However, soon it would pass out from the influence of the sedative, and inevitably sink to the bottom of the Gulf. Thankfully, Warwick was eventually able to reach the drowning bear – with his teammates watching him from the shore. But that was just the beginning of the rescue…
13. Against The Current

After a few, long, painful minutes, Warwick finally made it to the drowning bear. It was flapping its legs and hands in panic, not understanding what had happened to it or why it was barely able to swim. Face-to-face with the terrified creature, Warwick needed to figure out a way to grab hold of it without injuring either of them.
Warwick got closer to the bear, and eventually gave the bear a bear hug of his own – allowing him to keep the animal’s head above water. However, while Warwick attempted to grab onto the bear, the ocean currents had plans of their own. They pushed the drowning bear and his savior further and further away from shore…
14. The Bear Turns On Its Savior

Now more than 25-yards from shore, the water was too deep for Warwick, and he could no longer reach the bottom – not even with the tips of his toes. The bear, however, was about a foot taller than Warwick and still able to stand. He shook Warwick off of his back and stood up to deter him from trying to grab hold again. For a few seconds, this formerly drowning bear towered over Warwick, and he found himself scared for the first time.
Then Adam felt a sharp sting of pain in his leg – the bear scratched him, deep into the flesh of his calf. The claw dug in, and Warwick was now bleeding out, in waters where sharks are not uncommon. However, things were about to get even worse…
15. The Bear Sinks

Almost as soon as the poor animal fully reared on its hind legs, the sedative and the waves knocked it back. Once again, the drowning bear sank into the water, with no attempt to save itself. The seconds seemed to stretch out longer and longer. Warwick felt the panic rising – where did it disappear to? Had it passed out for good? Was it too late?
Warwick needed to act fast. He decided to do something even crazier than following a groggy giant bear into the Gulf of Mexico – he went diving for it! All while bleeding out! On the shore, Warwick’s crew members were scared to see their friend go underwater. But amazingly enough, Warwick was able to reach the drowning bear!
16. How To Carry A 375 Pound Bear?!

Warwick hooked his left arm underneath the drowning bear and grabbed the scruff on its back with his right one. When their two heads broke the surface of the ocean, the entire FFWCC felt a wave of relief wash over them. However, now came the hardest part of this ordeal. How on earth would Warwick be able to carry the 375-pound, soaking wet bear to the coast?!
Luckily for Warwick, and even more so for the drowning bear, buoyancy kicked in. Even though the bear was almost twice as heavy as Warwick, Warwick needed to put in relatively little effort to pull the large animal out of the water. But even a third of 375-pounds is a lot to carry back to shore when swimming against the current!
17. Possible Refuge?

With the bear in his arms, Warwick started to swim the long way back to shore. However, he wasn’t the only one hard at work. Now that the situation seemed to be under control, more FFWCC members felt comfortable approaching the drowning bear.
Two of the crew members acquired a small motorboat from a resident of Alligator Point. They piloted the boat to Warwick, trying to help him in his mission. Soon, Warwick met them, pulling the bear the entire way. But even with harnesses and ropes, there was no way to hoist the heavy animal up into the boat without it toppling over. It was clear that Warwick would need to bring the drowning bear to shore himself…
18. Finally Making It To Shore

Despite the effort of his coworkers, Warwick was alone in his rescue. He would have to make it to land on his own. With the motorboat by his side – ready to pull out him at the sight of a shark, Warwick swam along with the drowning bear in his arms. He could see the shore and his crew members, along with several cheering locals, coming closer and closer.
Slowly but surely, Warwick and the drowning bear made it to the shallowest waters. Warwick supported the sleepy bear as they made it back to solid ground. Afterward, right on the shore, the exhausted, sedated bear fell asleep.
19. Reactions Of The Local Community

The people of Alligator Point, congregating on the beach, were shocked and amazed. They watched from afar as the bear that scared them into staying in their homes ran into the ocean. Then it nearly drowned, only to be saved by a man who was determined to do something seemingly impossible and highly dangerous. They all wanted to help in some way, but they could do nothing but watch as the hot chase turned into a brave rescue mission.
Wendy Chandler, one of the local neighbors, said that watching Adam pull the drowning bear out of the water was “like a lifeguard, pulling a tired swimmer to shore.”
20. Relocating The Bear

Warwick and the bear made it to shore. Warwick’s legs were bruised and cut, but miraculously enough, nothing worse happened to him. And thankfully, the bear had finally succumbed to the tranquilizer. Which again raised an important question: how do you lift a 375-pound bear?
The answer? With a tractor! The team drove a large tractor to the water’s edge and lifted the dormant bear up and away, placing it in a truck. Afterward, the truck headed to Osceola National Forest, to safely release the bear. The northern Florida forest is one of the most untouched places in the southern US. With such a vast space and a lively community of black bears, the bear now has a great chance of staying out of harm’s way.
21. What Is Adam Warwick Doing Today?

After the story of his rescue of the drowning bear broke, Adam Warwick became somewhat of a celebrity. In fact, after being interviewed by outlets like Financial Times and the BBC about his story, Warwick said that after the news story broke, he received “gift cards, $100 checks, and multiple marriage proposals!” Today, Warwick continues to work in new ways to raise awareness of nature conservation.
“There are lots of talented people out there interested in working with wildlife,” he explains. “Not as many people want to work to conserve habitat for those animals. Habitat restoration is one of the greatest conservation challenges.”
22. Dangers Of Contaminating Wild Nature

Warwick, a true expert, couldn’t be more correct. The contamination of wild areas and the carelessness of hikers, travelers, and factories all create endless perils for wildlife.
Plastic and glass pollution kills fish, sea animals and seabirds every day all over the world. Wild animals wander into populated areas and die from accidentally consuming plastic, or get trapped in metal contraptions. Nature Conservation professionals do what they can to try and save these animals from pain and death. But sometimes ordinary folks run into an animal in need and are able to rescue it – as did the good people of Clarion County, Pennsylvania. Just like Adam Warwick saved the drowning bear, the people of Clarion County helped out another bear stuck in a sticky situation…
23. Painfully Stuck

Clarion County can be found in western Pennsylvania, just southwest of the great Allegheny National Forest. As you can imagine, living so close to a national forest, Clarion County residents are used to the occasional animal, just like the residents of Alligator Point. However, nothing prepared them for a black bear that found itself in a painful position.
All throughout late August of 2014 Clarion County residents kept reporting the same strange site: a young black bear with what looked like a bucket stuck on its head. But how could the bucket possibly have ended up stuck on the bear’s head?
24. How Did The Bucket Become Stuck?

Obviously, no one witnessed the bear becoming stuck in the bucket. However, after some investigation, wildlife experts were able to piece together what they believed happened: the bear likely passed by a dumping site filled with all sorts of trash. While digging through the piles for food, it got its head stuck in a device used as a cushion between a tractor and its trailer. Essentially, the tool is a bucket, if both ends of a bucket were open. It is fastened with a metal rim – which clung around the poor creature’s neck. It couldn’t wiggle its way out of it, and had no idea what was the thing that caused it such pain.
Worse still, wildlife experts had no way to track the bear in order to help it. Thankfully, they’d receive some help from local residents…
25. The Bear Is Spotted

The miserable animal was stuck with the awful device around its neck for over a month! It was unable to reunite with its pack, and was in a lot of pain, barely able to keep feeding itself.
By the time it was spotted by locals Dean Hornberger and Samantha Eigenbrod, the bear was weakened and terrified. The couple saw it walking by a local road and immediately called the local Nature Conservation Commission – only to be informed that there was little the conservation could do as long as the bear was “healthy.” Furious, Hornberger and Eigenbrod decided to take action on their own. Thankfully, they hatched a plan…
26. The Era Of Social Media

In the current age, it is not particularly hard to get your message out. If you want to make people aware of an issue in your town or neighborhood, you just need to log onto your favorite social media platform and spread the word. And when the local Nature Conservation Commission would not help Hornberger and Eigenbrod, that’s precisely what they did.
The couple started a Facebook page, titled “Save The Bucket Bear” to alert Clarion County residents to the bear’s plight. Thankfully, within a few days, the couple finally received the help they needed to save the “Bucket Bear.” However, once again, it would be a daring rescue…
27. Local Citizens Decide To Pitch In

Through Facebook, Hornberger and Eigenbrod brought together a group of volunteers. On Labor Day, they decided it was time – they would spend the day looking for the bear and doing anything they can for it. The group searched after the bear for hours, beginning in the earliest hours of the morning. They were about to give up when they eventually spotted it on the side of the road.
The group quickly, and quietly, approached the animal. Hornberger tried to get in front of the animal’s head to try and yank the contraption off of the bear’s head. Eventually, he was able to grab onto the edge of the bucket shaped device. However, the metal ring was too tight.
Worse still, this sent the bear into a frenzy…
28. The Chase Is On

The bear was absolutely horrified. It didn’t understand what was happening to it, and the tugging was painful and scary. The bear tried to push away Hornberger by rearing back on its hind legs. It eventually ran away from him and hid in a nearby bush. Hornberger once again tried to approach the bear, but the animal knew what to expect. In a flash, the bear darted from the bush and headed across a field, towards a road and the forest.
Hornberger knew that if they didn’t get a hold of the bear soon, they’d lose it for good. He tried again to get a hold of its head but failed – the bear ran away across the road, into the forest.
29. The Opportunity They Needed

Once the black bear darted into the forest, Dean and his fellow volunteer friends followed suit. Thankfully, moments after the bear entered the woods, they received the opportunity they had been waiting for.
When the bear found itself in a pit of mud, the group realized, if they worked together, they might have a chance at freeing the bear. Four men from the group were eventually able to pin down the scared animal. The bear struggled, fearing the men were out to hunt him down. Thankfully, Hornberger had prepared a small saw for this very occasion. With the bear under control, they could spot the metal ring, and Hornberger started sawing it off…
30. The Bear Finally Breaks Away
The entire time, the poor black bear quietly trembled with fear. Hornberger needed to be very careful, as to not accidentally hurt the bear with the saw. He was able to thin out the metal material and weaken the bond. Once he saw there wasn’t much metal left, he used a cutter to try and snap off the ring. After two long minutes – that must have felt like an eternity to all of them – the ring finally snapped off.
And just like that, the bear ran off, now able to freely live its life. You can watch the full video of the rescue, posted by Hornberger on his Youtube channel, above.
31. Black Bears in the US

The American Black Bear is such a prominent part of the natural landscape of America that it’s become somewhat of a symbol in the eyes of many Americans. Thankfully, the black bear is listed as a “least-concern species” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, meaning the American black bear isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. However, as you’ve seen, that doesn’t mean that black bears can’t get into trouble when they come face-to-face with humans.
Events like those that occurred in Alligator Point and Clarion County lead many to the same question: what can I do to help prevent these situations in the future. Well, there’s good news! It’s easier to protect yourself, and our furry friends, than you might think…
32. Helping Conserve Wildlife

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