It was Estellita Murg’s birthday. The woman was turning 42 and everyone around her very excited about her this birthday. Estellita has never been someone who liked celebrating her birthday but this one was going to be way different from all others. Her family and friends had planned a big birthday party for her. Finally, came the much-awaited day. Estellita was asked to come over dinner at a restaurant that her family had planned for her. The dinner was lit and everything was going smoothly and beautifully until someone unexpected appeared in the picture. Estellita was not hoping for that.

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Estellita Murg

Estellita Murg also known as Leah did not have many expectations on her birthday. In fact, she had no interest in celebrating her birthday. If anything, the woman preferred going out on a dinner with her small family. She had planned the same for her 42nd birthday little did she know a secret from her past was going to blow her plan completely.     


Murg resides in West Virginia. The woman has two children, a son, and a daughter. Along with that, she got remarried after some years of her divorce with her former husband. The woman had seen a lot from a young age. As mentioned earlier, the woman never showed any enthusiasm for her birthday.    


Estellita relocated a lot throughout her life. The woman never settled in one place as she kept traveling from one place to another. The woman was born and raised in New Albany, Mississippi. After growing up, she relocated to Austin, Texas in 1982 and thereafter she shifted to Fort Lauderdale. She stayed in Fort Lauderdale for some time until 2002 when she had to move to Bay City in Michigan. The woman is living in West Virginia right now.

Tough Life

She never stayed in one place for long. The reason is still unknown. However, there is one thing that the woman has never had an easy-going life. People believed that this could be the reason she keeps moving from one place to another.    


Estellita was very young when she became a mother. The woman was only 22 when she gave birth to her first child. However, her husband abandoned her at that crucial point in their life. The woman was at her wit’s end when her husband told her.   


Life is not easy at all when you have to raise a child all by yourself that too at such a young age. Things got even worse when she signed the divorce paper. It was not only financially draining but was emotionally taxing as well. No wonder, the incident affected her badly. All she could do was to see her married life falling apart.    


Murg took birth in 1975 in New Albany, Mississippi. The woman is 42 years old and right now works at Harbor Freight Tools as a marketing and sales manager. The woman had lived a very hard life and she did not want her child to go through the same. That is why she devoted her life to raising her kids good. 

No Time

She got so busy looking after her kids that the woman hardly had time for herself. However, her sister, Hope stood by her every time. She helped her in raising her kids. The woman was very lucky that she had got a sister like Hope.


Many years of suffering and hard work passed by. Bringing the kids up on one’s own demands lots of attention and time. Admirably, Estellita fulfilled all her duties and responsibilities as a mother. The woman had now recovered from her difficult past and now was looking forward to a better future.

The One

Estellita who was raising two children also had someone special in the picture. The good thing was that her children too liked her man very much. Things seemed to be going good for her but still, she felt as if she was missing something. There was something in her past that never left her side. She had a GUILT for something she had done in her past.   

Surprise Party

Her 42nd birthday was going to be very special for her, not necessarily in a good way. Her friends, husband, children, and sister were going to give her a big surprise on her birthday. This party was going to be very different as something unexpected was awaiting her. The woman had no idea what was coming her way.  

A Day To Remember

Estellita’s family loved her very much. So they were going to show their love for her by organizing a big and unforgettable birthday party. It is their own way to tell her how much they appreciated her. All they wanted was to make Estellita happy. They had planned everything. However, this party ends up bringing tears to Estellita’s eyes.    

The Plan

Everything is planned! Estellita’s friends had arranged for a dinner at a local barbecue and pizza joint, namely C.J. Maggie’s to celebrate her birthday. Everyone was very excited about their plans. After making all the preparation, it was time to convince Estellita to join the party.       


Estellita had not much interest in birthdays. She was not one of those who wait for their birthday. However, the woman was happy to know that her friends and family had planned something special for her. She was going to wear something special for her special day. She headed out of her house in about half an hour.    

Party Begins

Estellita made it to C.J. Maggie on time. She knew there was something special about the day. The woman entered the restaurant with a big smile on her face. She looked around the restaurant and saw many new faces. For an unknown reason, there was an excitement in that strange crowd. She wondered what could be the matter.   

Hope Cunningham

This is true that everyone had participated to make the day special for Eestellite but the one person who contributed the most was the birthday girl’s sister. Hope not only loved her sister but also respected her for pulling through difficult times. Moreover, she was well aware that her sister always felt something was missing from her life. 


As soon as Murg appeared inside the eatery, everyone stood up to wish the birthday girl. Hope had reserved the entire floor. Everyone was happy and excited about her birthday. She had never seen them so excited about her birthday. It was all very confusing. Cunningham later said, “Murg kept asking, ‘Why is everyone making a big deal about this dinner?’”


They proceeded the evening by ordering the food. Estellita was enjoying the evening very much but at the same time, she could not ignore the strange behavior of everyone. She even tried to ask them the matter but they all waved her doubts away as if they were dodging her question. 

Strange Actions

Something strange happened while dining at the restaurant. Hope without giving any explanation, rushed out in the middle of the dinner. Murg found it odd as Hope had never done it before. In fact, her little sister would not allow others to leave the table without finishing their meal. Murg suspected if she had fallen sick. She needed to see her.    


Estellita decided to go out and check on her sister. She rose up from her chair to check on her sister when she saw Hope coming back to the table. The woman was descending stairs hidden in dark with a group of people following her. Estellita knew no one from the crowd.      

The Missing Piece

Estellita kept staring at her sister and the crowd of people walking with her. Was it a part of her birthday celebration? Whereas she looked completely clueless, her sister was grinning from ear to ear. In fact, she was leading her accompaniers to the birthday girl. Maybe the group was from some charity house looking for donations. But why would her sister bring them to the restaurant?      

Meet the Person

Hope told her, “I found some people that were just hanging around downstairs.” Estellita was still confused until she saw a girl standing in the middle of the crowd. The woman could no take her eyes off her. She wondered if she was dreaming. Everyone was looking at her to witness her precious reaction.

Twists And Turns

Well, the woman’s past life had many twists and turns in it. The feeling of emptiness in her life was not without a reason. Something from her past had been troubling her all her life. And now it was time to face that.  


In the year 2016, Natalie shared with her mom Anita Rodgers that how much she liked the name, Dakota. Well. the interesting part is that the woman was named Dakota in her childhood by her biological mother and she knew nothing about that. Don’t you think there was a connection?        


Anita knew that. It was why when Natalie told her that she felt an urge to tell her the truth. The woman did not stop herself and finally told Natalie about her adoption. However, Anita could not tell much about her biological mother as she herself was not aware. 

Natalie’s Decision

It was indeed a big blow for Natalie but instead of crying, she decided to find her biological mother. Natalie had a new purpose and she was going to fulfill it at any cost. However, the journey was going to be very difficult as the adoption was a secretive and closed one.   

Sealed And Closed

In closed adoption details of the biological mother are kept sealed. The adoptive family and the birth family makes no interaction with each other. Moreover, no identifying information is given to adoptive families or birth families. It is a very secretive way of adoption.


Despite the hurdles, Natalie decided to embark on this quest as she really wanted to know about her biological mother. She wanted to ask her why did she leave her and moreover, she was living a good and blissful life. But was she ever going to meet her biological mother? 

No Headway

She tried to elicit some information from the adoption center but they refused to cooperate. However, after constant persuasion by Natalie, the center provided her with significant information that took her straight to Estellita. No doubt, her search had made significant progress but was it ever going to find its end? Her mother did not live in the same city as her. How was she going to contact her?   

Hello Mother

Natalie was very happy about finding her. At least she knew her name now. The woman decided to look her up on social media. And eventually, she managed to find her on Facebook. She had to stalk many social accounts to find hers. Once she was confirmed it’s her, she decided to do something really courageous. 

Texting Her

Natalie decided to text her. Well, she did not know how would she react to her message. Nevertheless, with a racing heart, she pressed the “send” button. She was not sure if she would ever get a  reply from another end. But she did not want any regrets in her future and so she kept waiting for a reply.           

Here It Came

Well, the reaction was heartwarming. The woman, on the other hand, responded cordially. The duo hit it off instantly and began chatting every day. Estellita was immensely happy about finding her daughter back. There was a lot to talk about. After all, they had spent two decades without each other. It was an incredible moment.  

No Meeting

The duo stayed in touch over the phone. They would text each other every day. However, they could not find the right opportunity to see each other in person. Estellita who could not forget her daughter even after so many years was happy knowing that Natalie was safe and happy.   

Son And Sister

Natalie was not only in contact with Estellita only but also with her biological brother Zian. The man was really confused about what to gift her mother. Estellita was not very much into surprises and gifts. He wanted to give her something that she would remember all her life. It was then an idea crossed his mind. He decided to invite Natalie over to the party.  

Plan Successful

That is the surprise Hope and Zian had planned for her.  As expected, the surprise turned out to be a big success. Estellita could not hold back her tears when she saw Natalie standing right before her eyes. Both of them was crying while having a big smile on their face. They hugged each other.       

Natalie’s Present

Natalie did not come empty-handed to her mother’s birthday party. She had brought something really special that made the reunion even more amazing. Natalie made Estellita walk through all the important events of her life by making her a scrapbook. She thought it to be the best gift she could give to Estellita.  

A Gift

Natalie wanted her birth mother to know that she had not made any mistake by giving her to her adoptive parents. Estellita had spent two decades regretting and Natalie did not want that guilt to linger on in her anymore. Through the scrapbook, she showed her birth mother how much Rodgers loved her and catered to all her needs. Estellita had made the right decision.

No Regrets

It was a very emotional day for Estellita. Tears rolled down her cheek when she saw the scrapbook. Before meeting Natalie, Estellita always regretted giving her daughter up for adoption but when she saw her the woman realized that she had done good work. Her daughter was brought up beautifully.      

Guest’s Reaction

When they met, nobody could believe that they were meeting for the first time. They knew very much about each other and were quite comfortable. There was no awkwardness between them. In fact, it was difficult to say that they had spent two decades of their lives apart. 


Natalie and Estellita shared a lot of resemblances. Many of their habits were the same. They had the same likes, dislikes, hobbies, and passion. Can you believe it? Blood relations can never be forgotten. The mother and daughter were meant to be met maybe that is why despite having closed adoption Natalie managed to find her. 

Hope’s Reaction

Hope was enjoying that remarkable moment very much. The sisters are very fond of each other. Cunningham said, “I knew one day Murg would be able to see her daughter.” “They didn’t skip a beat. Rodgers fit right in like she should have been there her whole life,” they said. She added, “The reunion was such an emotional moment. Murg feels whole again.”

Only Best

So what does Hope think about Estellita decision? Hope who was a teenager then stated, “[Murg] knew she wanted her [child] to have a better life. She struggled with it; these are not easy decisions, but she wanted what was best for her daughter.”

Two Mothers

Natalie considers herself very lucky for having two mothers. She has no complaints about Estellita and is still loves her adopted mother Anita. The woman has two shoulders to cry on and two people to share her happiness with. Anita while bringing Natalie up gave her the best of both the world.       

Most Special Day

Indeed, Estellita cane never forgets her 42nd birthday. For that is the day her family completed in a  true sense. She could not thank her children, friends, and sister enough. Even though the woman had given Natalie away for adoption she always missed her.  

One Big Family

The Rodgers’ family and Estellita’s family has turned into one now. They have become so comfortable with each other that they spend holidays together. Estellita’s husband supported her every time and is very happy that her wife is finally happy.

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