Underwater experiences are the most amazing and soul soothing episodes one can have. As they say, every coin has two sides, in a similar way, underwater exploration can be both amazing and dangerous. But the thrill of exploring the world which we are not able to see from the above is something else entirely. Intrigued by the same nature of the waters he dived into, only to experience something astonishing. While he was busy in his own activity there was a creature who wanted to meet the diver and show him something that he holds dear. This guy who didn’t know what he should do gathered all his courage and went near the seal only to make that moment his most memorable moment of his life. This story melted so many hearts and we believe it would melt yours too.


Our Diver

Talk of adventures, Gary Grayson has enjoyed his part of share be it underwater diving or skydiving he has done it all. He is from Salford, United Kingdom and has been an adventurer for years. As they say, age is just a number, Gary is 55-years-old but still, he has been active in doing all sort of adventure whenever he gets time. A videographer by profession he was taken aback when a couple of seals started circling around him and didn’t leave him until they got what they wanted. What was that? You’ll find out soon…

Underwater Friendship

Gary and some of his friends decided to dive into the waters of the Isles of Scilly, England. Excited for the activity was looking forward to it. Who would have thought that he would experience such an amazing thing that would make his hobby so memorable and exciting for coming years? Thankfully, being a videographer he took a camera with him and clicked everything and the footages from that episode are here. We also have the video that soon became viral. You can see the video at the end of the article.

Seal Puppies

Did you know? A seal can hold their breath for two hours which helps them to slow their heartbeats and conserve oxygen. Gary was diving with some of his close friends to explore the underwater flora and fauna. They had no clue that this activity would change their life forever. This amazing act done by a couple of seals made their experience historic that left everybody who saw it in tears. People were in awe when saw these seals doing such heart-melting act. Their behavior changed the way we saw seals.

Record Everything

Gary made sure that he records everything. He just wanted to capture the life underwater for his projects, but soon everything changed and they forgot everything except to record these loving seals who became the stars of the video (you can watch the video at the end of the article). The underwater world has been a mystery for us. Even today, 80% of the waters haven’t been explored. You could imagine what all lies there. But forget everything and live these cute moments. We are sure these pictures would bring a smile to your face.

Take The Camera!

Usually, Gary was the one who filmed everything, but that day his friend was on the job. Gary’s friend recorded everything which they later uploaded on YouTube. The video is at the end of the article. On that special day, those two seals stole the limelight. They welcomed Gary and his friend into their world with open arms and did something surprising that left them speechless. Such heart-warming behavior melted their hearts. 

What To Do?

What would you do if you see a couple of seals coming towards you? Though they are cute and loving, still no animals like if some unknown comes into their territory. Gary and his friend saw these two seals coming towards them of which they had no idea of what to do next? They both stood still for a moment to better understand the situation but then something amazing happened.

Should We Record?

Gary thought of recording this sudden entrance of these two creatures but then he stopped his friend. Animals don’t understand most of our actions and filming them might have scared them. Gary was aware that this place wasn’t their home and doing anything stupid would turn the tides against them. They waited patiently when two seals arrived in the frame. What a beautiful view that might have been? Luckily, they recorded everything afterward. The video is at the end of the article which would bring a smile on your face.

They are Coming!

As the duo of the seals came closer, Gary stood still because both the seals didn’t go near Gary’s friend. The friend started filming it when he realized they mean no harm to them. Gary and his friend realized that the seals that surrounded him were only two cute little puppies. Still, he didn’t want to scare them away and he stood in his place for a few minutes to better weigh the situation. The seals started checking him out by circling around him. Must have been fun!

A Curious Creature

We all are aware that seals are known as the underwater puppies. Have you seen a puppy with small black eyes looking directly at you? That cute look melts the heart. Even this duo of seals had these huge round eyes with those funny whiskers on their face. They looked similar to your wet pup who has just come out after taking a bath. Of course, they don’t have ears, paws, and tail, still, they are cute as hell. One amazing fact about seals is that they are very curious in nature. You’ll be surprised what they wanted from the divers.

A Lucky Man

Gary could not believe his luck that he was surrounded with these two cute little seal puppies. Though it wasn’t his first dive, he has never been welcomed like this, it was a special moment for him. But you know what was the most surprising part? Gary knew that seals are not that easy to get friends with but still this time they came up to him with open arms. One of the seals became real close and personal with Gary. It was hilarious. Thank god they recorded everything. The video is amazing which you can find at the end of the article.

These Are Just Sea Puppies

Nothing is cuter than a seal looking at you with huge black eyes flickering under water. In this picture, you could see this seal wanted to nibble at Gary’s gloves. But then she asked for something else that surprised both divers. You would be amazed to see what this seal really wanted from Gary. 

One Of A Kind Experience

According to ecologists, Seals are very reserved by nature. They don’t easily get attached to humans, but this duo of seals proved the theory wrong in every way. As we said, they are very reserved by nature, if you want to gain their trust you would have to dive for days and then wait for them to come near to you. But Gary was lucky because he hadn’t had to anything the two seals came to him on their own. Lucky guy Gary! Even luckier when he experienced the demand one of the seals made to him

Graceful Creatures

You might have seen these animals on land, looking little clumsy and lazy. But that’s not their home ground, it is the waters where they shine like anything. In the waters, they are quick in movements and it’s a delight to watch them move which they do it very gracefully. Did you know? The baby seals are only fed for the first four months by their mother and after that, they are left alone to survive on their own. So what’s the story of these two seal puppies?

Looking For Company

It could have been a possibility that these two cute little things would have been looking for some company. Just by looking at them you could tell that they must be some months old but how much we can’t say. These two seals might have been siblings and might have stuck together after their mother left them on their own. And when they saw Gary and his friend they might want to have some fun with the guests. But one of the seals became VERY inquiring!

Curiosity Beats Caution

This is a story how two curious little seal puppies made a decision to surprise the human guests. But it was the other one who stole the show. He demanded something from Gary which surprised him because that was very unexpected from a wild seal. Both the seals were circling around Gary seemed like they were inspecting Gary before taking their next steps. One of the seals went straight up to Gary and peered him through the visor. Then he does the most cutest thing a seal could do. We are just laughing out loud!


Circling around the divers, the curious one tried to stay adjacent to Gary where this seal rubbed its nose on Gary’s dive suit mask. It was very sudden of the seal when it did it which made Gary stunned for a moment. But when that seal rubbed its nose all could do was just smile looking at the seal who was just enjoying the moment as it can. But the demand was the most amazing part according to Gary. The fun has just started.

Give Me Your… Flipper?!

That’s them shaking hand with each other. Isn’t that the most cutest handshake ever? After this seal was done rubbing its nose, Gary approached it with a handshake and to his surprise, the seal didn’t get scared and gave his hand to Gary to complete the process of a handshake. This was just a start of the act. This seal then demanded something from Gary which left him speechless. 

The Second Seal Waits Its Turn

In the video, you can see that there are two seals. But the second seal who was behind Gary was more interested in Gary’s legs. Even the second seal wanted to shake hands with Gary but the first one was taking all the attention from Gary. You can see the second seal waiting for its turn. You could also hear Gary saying, “had seen other seals in the water but they just buzzed past us.” But then something unexpected happened…

It Was Amazing

“I’m an experienced diver but I have never known anything like that,” stated Gary. Even in the video which we have provided at the end of the article, you can see the second seal who swam towards Gary, but he was busy with the first seal and didn’t see the second one. The poor little guy just wanted the attention. The first seal just wanted every attention of Gary and wasn’t ready to leave Gary alone for even a second. But it was the demand this first seal made that changed Gary’s experience of diving.

Is This Seal For Real?

So, after the confirmation handshake where this seal realized that Gary means no harm, it just rolled over its back and demanded a belly rub. Yes, a belly rub. In the video you can see how cutely this asks for it and when Gary stopped rubbing its belly, the seal can be seen patting Gary’s hand to do more as if saying, I didn’t say stop! Continue. The video is just amazing which you can also enjoy at the end of the article.

This Is A Water Doggo!

There shouldn’t be a debate if we say that Seals are just dogs who live underwater. Don’t believe us then watch the video because the acts of this seal were similar to what our dogs do when we pet them and then stop in between. The look they give us ordering us to continue is something which a person who has a pet can understand. One of the viewers who watched the video on YouTube even said, “if you live underwater and you can’t have a dog because it would drown, just get a seal.” And there is more.

Pure Pleasure

In the video, you can see how much that seal was enjoying the rubbing. So happy and excited, it made Gary’s day. Ally McMillan, CEO of Seal Rescue Island, said that seals are “sweet, curious and dog-like.” And we couldn’t agree more. The seals are just an amazing creature who brought a face on every person’s face who saw the video. There was something else that this seal did.


After the seal was done with rubbing, the seal began nibbling Gary’s hand gloves. One moment the seal was nibbling the gloves the other moment the wetsuit of Gary interested him more than the gloves. The nibbling was the love the seal was sharing with Gary as those sharp teeth didn’t even harm Gary once. Guess how many views this video has got so far?

Famous on YouTube

Gary posted this video in 2014, and after it was viewed by over 15 million people, it became viral. With over 10K likes this video is being loved by everyone all over the world. This is what Gary has to say about the experience that changed his life underwater. Now every time he dives into the water, he hopes to experience the episode which happened back in 2014.

An Adventurer

“I was into sky-diving, I had done aerobatics. I tend to live life on the edge,” expressed Gary. But nothing could pump up his adrenaline like this encounter. The moment was just amazing and we can see that in the video. It was something extraordinary which a person doesn’t experience every day. Gary was lucky that he was chosen.

An Unforgettable Moment

After coming back to land, Gary shared his experience with every one of his friends and colleagues. They couldn’t believe that an untrained seal did something unexpected. When he was done with words it was the video and he made sure that everyone watches it. “I’ve probably bored all my friends going on about it,” said Gary.

Revisiting Past Memories

Gary said that he keeps the recording on his phone and watched it all the time. Only Gary could tell how it really felt when he saw two seals coming towards him and then one of them demanded a belly massage. We wish we could also experience something like this in our lives in the future. The video is in the next slide and we bet it will melt your heart.

The Video

This is the video we have been talking about in the article. the video has crossed over 15 million plus views on YouTube and has been loved by everyone. Gary’s life was changed and all he could talk about was this episode.
We have some seven(7) interesting facts about the seal that we are sure you might not know.

First Fact!

Did you know? Many species of seals have been listed as endangered. These cute loving animals who haven’t hurt a human in their lives have suffered a lot by our hands. It is our doings that they are living such a fate. We hope that one-day thing improves and these amazing creature could also live a life they were born to have in the first place.

Second Fact!

Seal falls under the category of pinniped of marine mammals. Under this category, we also have sea lions, walruses and fur seals. In total there are 33 species of pinnipeds spread all over the world. It is believed that they are evolved from land-based otter-like creatures. Seals are most comfortable in cold sea waters and are mainly found in the Arctic and Antarctic areas.

Third Fact!

The smallest known seal species is the Galapagos Fur Seal. This seal species is 1 meter in length and weighs some 45kg. The largest known species is the Southern Elephant Seal which can grow up to 5m in length and weighs 3,850kgs. Beat that! According to marine biologists, seals have maximum 30 years old of life expectancy with females living more than the males.

Fourth Fact!

According to marine biologists, the Crabeater Seal, which is mostly found on an Antarctic Cruise, which also homes the maximum population of all the seal species. The experts put the population in between 2 and 75 million. There is no doubt that they are cute but they can be aggressive too. Seals have the ability to sleep underwater and if they experience any danger they come to the land for protection from the sharks and whales.

Fifth Fact!

Seals have suffered a grave fate by the hands of a human in the past because of their fur and fat. Though not all seal species are endangered, but the Galapagos Fur Seal is declared as the highly protected mammal in several parts of the world. The Caribbean Monk Seal and Japanese Sea Lion no longer exist on this planet.

Sixth Fact

A female seal’s milk contains over 50% fat, and pups can put up to 2 kgs a day. Now that’s an issue one should be concerned off, not some weight you put on during Christmas and New Year’s holiday week. The fat was the reason they were targeted in past for the milk.

And The Seventh Fact

There is this seal called Elephant seals who are also called “smoker’s blood” because the amount of carbon monoxide a smoker who smokes 40 or more cigarettes daily is the same amount this species has in its blood. Scientists believe that such a huge amount of carbon monoxide in the blood might help the seal to dive in the deepest point of the ocean.

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