Colorado Mom Adopted Two Children, Months Later She Learned Who They Really Were
Like many young people, Katie Page decided to move across the country to start a new life. Still, while she planned on starting a new life, Page had no idea she would find her destiny in her new town. Through a strange course of events, Page discovered her true calling in life: becoming a foster mom. Then, before she knew it, Page started taking care of vulnerable children.
Page began by taking in infants, helping in whatever ways she could. However, one thing led to another and, soon, she adopted her first baby boy. Then, she started fostering a young girl dropped off at the hospital. That’s when Page began to notice something bizarre about the two children, something she just couldn’t shake. The mystery Katie Page ultimately solved left her speechless…
1. Fresh Beginnings
In her early ’30s, Katie Page found herself living in Alabama. However, Page longed for a new beginning that would allow her to rise from the darkness she found herself in. Her marriage had just ended, and it changed everything. According to Page, it was the most difficult times she’s ever faced. She needed to make a change. However, Page was not sure where to start.
She wanted to make a radical change in her life, something that would make her see life in a different way. Despite a life full of friends and opportunities, Page felt something missing from her life. Little did she know at the moment her dreams of a new life would lead her to a gigantic, spiraling mystery.
2. Important Decisions
After coming out of a marriage, Page had plenty of opportunities in front of her. So, she decided to analyze them all, figuring out the pros and cons of each. Page didn’t know where she would end up. However, she felt confident that whatever she did would make a huge difference. That’s what she hoped, anyway.
After some research, Page landed on a job offer she recently received. It seemed like the right choice, and would not leave her too far away from her family or current friends. Meanwhile, things happened far away that would ultimately lead Page to her true life’s calling.
3. New Changes
Katie Page agreed to move to Colorado Springs, Colorado, starting a new chapter of her life. She took a job at GE Johnson, a construction company, as an integrated services manager. She believed this new job would help her accomplish the new goals she set in her life.
Page also bought a four-bedroom home which needed extensive restoration. All the thinking about her future had made Page realize, deep down, what she truly needed. “The house was a large four-bedroom home. I told my friends at the time that it was meant for ‘more,’ even though I really didn’t know what ‘more’ meant at the time,” Page later said.
4. Taking Care of Herself
Having someone restore a house, of any size, is quite an expensive project. So, Page decided to take on the restoration project herself. “The house I bought would require extensive work to transform into my vision – and most of which I would have to do myself in order to afford it,” she said. Page wanted to save money and remain focused and occupied as she restarted her life.
“I knew that God was calling me to be a woman quite different than who I was at the time,” Page recalled later. “I remember literally looking in the mirror one day and sobbing at the woman I saw, and I knew that I was not the woman my heart desired to be.”
5. Something’s Missing
Katie Page’s new project would require some serious dedication. After all, the renovation required just about everything, including replacing the floors! However, though she kept motivated and busy with the house, Page, still felt like she needed something to complete her life. She considered herself happy but knew a higher calling awaited her.
Later on, Page received a letter in the mail that would soon turn her life upside down, helping her find what she so desperately needed. After reading the letter through twice, Page realized the opportunity of a lifetime lie in front of her. And she would seize it!
6. Looking For Meaningful Life Changes
After moving to Colorado, Katie, a deeply religious person, joined a local church. Then, one fateful day, she received a letter from them. It was an invitation to help with a seminar that would provide the community with details about a Fostering Program for children in need.
Page felt drawn to the idea as soon as she opened the letter. Could this be the answer she was looking for? The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was the right thing for her to do. After searching for an opportunity to change her life for so long, Page felt this could not be a coincidence. So, she decided to take the plunge and assist the church with the seminar.
7. Finding a Good Cause
All this time, Katie Page had been working on making herself a better woman. Moving, renovating the house, everything became part of that journey. Still, she felt she could do more. Page knew that something greater waited down the road for her. She knew that she would eventually find something that brought her pure satisfaction and joy.
Page began to think the fostering program was an excellent cause for her to support. She would be able to help unprotected children that were in desperate need of a home. Plus, she had this huge house and no one to share it with! Page could provide love and care for those children that were alone in this world. Deep in her heart, Page knew she could be a great foster mom.
8. Looking For Support
Page decided she would attend the seminar. However, she wanted to get support from the person that understood her needs more than anyone. So, Page called her mom telling her about the seminar. If her mom thought it would work out, Page knew she’d feel more confident about everything.
At first, Page caught her mom entirely off-guard with her idea. She couldn’t quite understand why her daughter seemed so attached to this idea of becoming a foster mom. After all, Page had just moved to a new place and had a new job! Taking on a child would be a lot of extra work. Still, she wanted to make her daughter happy, so Page’s mom agreed to accompany her to the meeting. They were both unsure of what they would find in such a meeting. They had no idea this was going to be the best decision of their lives!
9. Exactly What She Needed
After talking to her mom, Katie Page knew the seminar would work out. She had no doubt that she needed this change in her life. As if she needed more proof she made the right decision: Page got the chills just as the presentation started. She felt as if her whole life had led to this incredible moment.
Through the presentation, Page began to learn what it means to become a foster mom. Soon, she eagerly wanted to join their ranks, finding their stories inspiring and beautiful. However, Page also felt scared and nervous. It was a big commitment! But, despite that, the possibility of becoming a mother to this vulnerable children filled her heart with joy. Soon, Page felt sure that this is what she had been seeking for so long.
10. A New Goal To Look Forward
Not too long ago, Katie Page had been just another single woman who moved to a new city to restart her life. Meanwhile, she adopted change after change in her life: new city, new house, new job, new everything. Still, nothing seemed to work. Now, she finally had another goal to look forward to.
Before that letter came into her inbox, she had never contemplated the idea of becoming a foster mom. However, after the meeting finished, it was all she could think of, day and night. Despite her feelings, Page decided not to rush into foster motherhood too quickly. If she messed this up, it could result in Page losing the first thing that truly made her happy.
11. Overwhelming Thoughts
While becoming a foster parent is exciting, its also a ton of work. So, Katie Page felt both eager and timid, all at the same time. She felt like foster parenting was her calling in life. Meanwhile, however, Page could not help but wonder if she could meet the requirements! She wanted to be careful to consider all of her options as she put them on the table.
Over time, Page talked to more family and friends about becoming a foster mom. They all agreed: Page would make a great foster mom. So, ultimately, she decided to make the final decision, signing up for the fostering program. Now, it was time for Page to prove herself.
12. A New Chapter
On Mother’s Day, 2015, Katie Page completed her application to become a foster mom. Now on the fostering path, Page knew she made the decision. Each step forward in the program felt like a step closer to her heart’s desire. After all this time, Page finally had a true mission in life.
After trying for so long, Page finally felt that she had started the new chapter she desired for so long. The more she learned about how she would help these children, the more Page realized how vital her role would be. Still, Page wasn’t scared. And soon, she would receive a case far stranger than any she imagined while training. However, it would also give her the greatest gift of all: a family.
13. Helping While Giving Back
Soon after completing the application and training process, Katie Page became a full-time foster mom. She took to the job with joy and vigor. The first cases she took are were not orphans, however. Instead, Page took in children who had gone through traumas at a very young age and needed temporary housing.
Page had to put in extra effort to take care of these children’s needs. She needed to be sensitive and caring with them, given the nature of their situation. However, Page realized while she was helping them that she wanted more than fostering. What started as just a simple e-mail was about to develop into an incredible decision in Page’s life.
14. The Gift Of Motherhood
During her time as a foster mom, Katie Page had had the incredible opportunity of helping four incredible children in need. From the first case forward, Page knew she was meant to help children. Motherhood just came naturally to her! Page loved the experiences she had so far and fell in love with the experience of motherhood.
Page was caring, loving, and truly really cared about her foster children. However, they had awakened something profound inside of her, and she had set her mind into a new goal. She decided it was time for her to think about taking a more permanent job as a mom. And her timing was perfect! Someone was about to bring Page the most incredible news.
15. Thinking Permanently
After becoming a foster mom, Katie Page found herself wanting to adopt a child. She had never felt the need to become a mother until she gained experience as a foster mom. Until now, Page had primarily cared for small children, all of whom grew up in abusive situations. However, as young children, they did not say in Page’s care for very long. Soon, she wanted a child of her own, not one she eventually needed to give up.
Still, Page could not emotionally prepare to deal with what the foster system gave her next. It would truly test if she could take on full-time motherhood. Page’s next case turned out quite unlike any she had received before. It stemmed from completely different circumstances, resulting in a life-threatening situation. Furthermore, the case would lead Page to an incredible mystery.
16. Newborn At The Door
The foster agency called Page to ask her if she could take on a particular case. A mother had abandoned her baby boy at a nearby hospital, and they needed Page to help out. Page was already taking care of a 14-month-old infant and, furthermore, had never taken care of a newborn.
The case lay well outside Page’s standard abilities. However, for some reason, she felt drawn to it. Plus, the foster agency could not wait for someone with more experience. The child needed help immediately. The baby was just four-days-old and had already gone through so much in his short life. Katie Page was heartbroken as soon as she heard the child’s story. But would she be able to take care of him?
17. Needing Urgent Care
After the hospital found a four-day-old baby dropped off on their doorstep, foster care immediately tried to find him a home. Unfortunately, in addition to his young age, doctors discovered his mother exposed him to drugs while in the womb. This little boy neede a home, now. So, they turned to Katie Page, the only one in the area that could help.
Fortunately, after more testing, the hospital determined that the drugs would have no long-term effects. Still, the small child would still suffer through withdrawal symptoms. Page could not help but feel overwhelmed by the baby boy’s situation. He didn’t even have a name! So, Page decided she could not sit still as the boy suffered. With open arms, the new foster mom brought the boy under her wing.
18. Challenges To Meet
Katie Page already had the responsibility of taking care of another child at home, which took on the majority of her resources and energy. However, she could not stand still after hearing the heartbreaking story of the boy at the hospital. Still, Page’s plan would not work out without a little help from someone special. So, the foster mom asked for a few minutes to call her own mother.
Page called to ask her mother if she could stay with her for a few months, so she could help out with the children. Page’s mother said yes, without hesitation. The same day, Katie moved into her mom’s place with both children. The stay was only temporary until Page could manage things on her own. Still, Page stated that none of this would have been possible without the help of her mother!
19. Named Him
The baby boy didn’t have a name just yet. Deeply religious, Page felt sure that the grace of God brought the child to her. A woman of faith, the foster mom believes that everything happens for a reason. So she “decided to give him [her] top choice ‘Grayson’ because by God’s grace [she] now had a son (potentially for forever).”
Page fell in love with Grayson from the moment that she first picked him up in her arms. It was unlike any connection she ever felt before. Page felt she was his mom and wanted to raise him as her own. However, there were some aspects of his past she was not aware. Soon, his past would come back around and change their lives forever. Would she be able to manage the situation?
20. Seeking Answers
As the first child she cared for since newbornhood, Grayson held a special place in Page’s heart. Page and her mother took care of little Grayson for 11 months as the social workers were trying to find Grayson’s biological parents.
The workers posted the information about him at the local newspapers. Katie and others also went back to the hospital, searching for any clues they missed. Unfortunately, nothing turned up. The only information they had was his biological mother’s first name and date of birth, left on a bracelet on Grayson at the hospital. Hopefully, they would find someone that could give them a clue to help him. However, the cruel truth they would find at the end of their search was far more unusual…
21. All He Need Is Love
At the end of the exhaustive search, they weren’t able to find anything at all. It seemed like no one wanted to claim baby Grayson. Page’s heart broke for young Greyson: how could someone give up such a precious young boy? However, at the same time, Page felt some relief. This meant that adopting Grayson as her own would end up being quite easy. She also knew there might come a day when she would have to let him know no one had come for him.
Page felt there was something about Grayson that separated him from the rest. She had found a special place in her heart for him. As more time passed, Page started to realize that it was just her and Grayson. So, she decided to do something about it…
22. Grayson Found a Mom
Katie Page knew, in her heart, that she should become Grayson’s mother. After all, Page essentially acted as his mother, raising him from day five. Additionally, the foster mom and her agency had tried everything to track down Grayson’s mother. It became clear, she had no intention of coming back and claiming her son. Grayson had come into Page’s life like a little shiny ray when she most needed.
Page decided to adopt and take a giant leap forward to make her dream come true. She had no doubt, Grayson deserved to become part of the Page family. Grayson had just turned 11-months-old when she decided it was time for her to make it official. However, Katie had no idea at the moment things were about to take a huge turn.
23. Becoming A Family Member
From her decision to adopt Grayson to her last day as his foster mom, things moved quickly for Page. On May 14, 2017, she officially became Grayson’s mother! The adoption had become a reality, and Grayson was an official member of their family. Everyone loved finally calling him by his new name: Greyson Page.
After the adoption process had come to an end, the foster mom wanted to expand their family even further, but she felt the need to wait for a little while. She felt she needed to put her entire focus on Grayson and make sure he would be a happy, healthy child. He had been going through some difficulties in his development.
24. Grayson’s Struggles
Unfortunately, Grayson had some struggles to overcome as a result of his exposure to drugs inside the womb. While incredibly unfortunate, these complications are very common in cases like Grayson’s. He had both developmental and physical problems an ordinary child should not have. Katie Page wanted to provide the best care possible for her son.
It’s no wonder the foster mom wanted to wait on expanding her family. Page had only recently found a permanent home for the other boy in her care. Now, she needed to focus all of her time and energy on helping Grayson through this challenging time. However, a couple of weeks after the adoption finalized she received another phone call. The foster agency trusted Page to take another case very similar to Grayson’s. This time the foster mom would need to take in a baby girl.
25. Second Mission For The Foster Mom
At first, Katie Page wanted to wait and expand her family until baby Grayson recovered. However, one disturbing phone call from a case-worker changed everything. Worse still, it felt like a strange case of deja vu. Just like Grayson, someone had dropped off a four-day-old baby at a hospital. Except, this time, the baby was a girl.
The baby girl ended up at the same hospital Grayson. Furthermore, just like Grayson, her mother had exposed her to drugs while in the womb. It seemed like fate that Page, who had just been through all this, would take this child. So, once again, the foster mom decided to take the plunge and took the young baby girl in. Something inside told Page that it was meant to be…
26. Similarities All Over
Understandably, Katie Page felt quite overwhelmed by the new challenges she faced as a foster mom. Plus, she could not believe the similarities between her beautiful Grayson and the vulnerable girl who also needed her help. These similarities signified a sign to Page. She was meant to take them both in, provide, and care for them.
Despite the fact that she had just taken on the responsibility of a lifetime with baby Grayson and everything inside told her to wait to expand her family, Page felt compelled to do something about it. She saw her son Grayson in this baby girl and once again she would not hold still while a child suffered. So the foster mom took in the baby girl, at least for the moment. However, Page felt it could be forever all over again. Still, nothing could prepare the foster mom for what she would discover next…
27. The Right Choice
Katie Page knew in her heart the right decision was to say yes to the social worker and take in this baby. She decided to foster the baby girl the same way she did with her newly adopted son, Grayson. Page had no doubt she was making the right choice.
Page understood that taking in another child so quickly would be a struggle and challenge. Not just for her, either! Remember, Page’s mom helped out frequently. Now, they would have to work even more, even harder. Still, Page knew she could provide both children with all the love, attention, and care they needed. The baby girl left the hospital to her find her way into a new home.
28. Taking In Another Good Cause
One of the social workers brought the baby girl to Page’s house. As you can imagine, the case-workers also provided Page with all the information she needed to know about the girl’s complicated case. They brought Page up to speed with everything they knew about the child, her mother, and the circumstances surrounding her birth. Just like Greyson’s case, the case-workers knew next-to-nothing.
Page gladly took the baby girl into her arms to finally show this baby girl a little bit of affection. However, as soon as she did, Page noticed something familiar. At first, she thought it was just a coincidence. Then Page thought about how similar the girl’s case was to her son, Greyson’s. Could this be what she suspected?
29. Bizarre Detail
Page was now a foster mom to the girl and an adoptive mom to Grayson. She was taking care of two children with particular needs as a single woman. After a while, Page noticed a bizarre coincidence between the two children. She tough it might be pure coincidence, but the name of the girl’s birth mother was exactly the same as Grayson’s birth mother.
These bizarre detail triggered Page suspicions, and she decided to dig a little bit deeper into the information. So she took some time to visit the hospital to look for Grayson’s discharge papers. There, Page found another clue that caused her to rethink everything she knew about her two beautiful children.
30. Strange Coincidences
Katie Page went through every single file cabinets until she was able to locate the original records. Her suspicions were very strong, but now she was finally able to verify them. Then, Page made quite an amazing discovery. The birthday listed for the biological mother of the baby girl, provided when she dropped her off, was just one day away of the one they had listed for Grayson’s biological mother.
Page began to develop some theories on her own: could it be that the two children had the same birth mom? As unlikely as it was she could not stop thinking about and decided to call her social worker. Page told herself to forget the thought. It seemed like fiction, entirely unreasonable. Still, the idea sat at the back of Page’s mind. So, she decided to do a little more investigating.
31. Going Back To the Start
Amazed by the possibilities that lay in front of her, Page decided to make her research as in-depth as she could. Determined to find answers, Page involved herself into rigorous research that lasted for months. She managed to track down the baby girl’s birth mother a sit down to have a conversation with her.
Throughout their conversation, the birth mother confided some information to Page that supported her suspicious. She confessed she had given birth to another child before the gave birth to the baby girl. She also said she had been given up the baby without records. However, Katie wanted to be completely sure.
32. Closer Than Ever
Page managed to arrange a meeting between the children’s caseworker and the girl’s biological mother to try to figure out whether her suspicions were accurate. Still, even with her information, the idea that she adopted two siblings seemed impossible to Page.
However, Page believed that the information that had come to her knowledge was too incredible to be disregarded. She said “There were features on the babies that were very similar. They both have a chin dimple and the other feature is one that only a mama would see because it’s covered by their diaper!” Page could only do one thing now: wait for the social worker’s phone call.
33. The Confirmation Phone Call
Katie Page was working at her office when the phone rang. She picked up the phone excited and eager to found out it was the social worker. They had already had the meeting, and she exclaimed: “Katie I think you’re right…”
The information discovered simply stunned the social worker working on the case. Like Page, she double checked her work. But, in the end, it all added up. She said: “Her story breaks my heart and I can’t believe it, but I am 90% sure you’re right and this is a miracle.” One hour later, Page received yet another phone call that permanently changed her life.
34. Extraordinary News
Once Katie Page received the second phone call she could not believe the incredible news that was being given to her. The social worker had managed to find the same last name listed on both of the children. There was no doubt at this point Page’s suspicious was one hundred percent accurate.
Without even knowing Page had taken in Grayson’s little sister. She had finally learned the news she had been waiting all along. They have both found their way to the same foster mother, and she couldn’t control her excitement. Page was thrilled to have found baby Grayson’s biological sister!
35. Genes Never Lie
When Katie Page found out the truth, she could not help herself and burst into tears of joy. Her suspicions were right all along. She had brought these two special children together without knowing they were related by blood to one and other.
The next step to be absolutely sure they were brother and sister was to do a DNA test for both of the children. The results, confirming that the two did indeed share the same genes, thrilled Page to the core. Now, with the results confirmed, Page knew what she needed to do. Without a second’s hesitation, Katie Page began work on adopting the baby girl as well.
36. Family Is Getting Bigger
Katie Page felt the exact same way she did with Grayson when she took in the baby girl. She decided to make it official and become her adoptive mom. On December 28, 2018, the adoption process finalized and Page became a mother for the second time.
She named the baby girl Hannah Page and the two children quickly created a unique bond to one and other. However, their personalities were very different, Grayson loves to chill while Hannah is noisey and disorderly. They complemented each other from the beginning and were partners in crime. Page had solved one mystery, finding a wonderful discovery. Still, another surprise headed towards the growing family!
37. Every Makes Sense
Many applauded Page for following her intuition, which turned out accurate. However, social workers had reason to doubt her. Both cases started off quite challenging, with almost no evidence and the birth mother essentially vanished. When dropping off Greyson, she altered her date of birth on his bracelet. Then, when dropping off Hannah, the mother falsified her surname.
Once they were able to located and reach the biological mother, they found another big surprise. One that Katie Page was not sure she was able to handle at this point. However, she knew she had to do the right thing for her two children.
38. A Complication Along The Way
Katie Page managed to reach out to the biological mother of her children and met with her. There, the former foster mom found out the woman was pregnant once again. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your outlook, the mother told Page she intends to do the same thing with the third child. Thankfully, Page found out beforehand, so she can intercede and take the child directly. After all, Page believes the siblings should stay together.
However, she realized a third child would add an extra layer to her and she never expected her journey to actually become this difficult. Once again, Page knew what she had to do in order to keep the siblings safe and sound. She armed herself with courage and moved forward to the next step ahead of her.
39. Preparing For The Future
Katie Page was unsure about the birth mom’s initial intentions as she seemed to want her children back. However, she realized along the way that their new mom was the perfect fit to become their permanent mother. She gave birth to another baby boy thirteen months after Hannah was born. Currently, Katie Page is in the process of trying to adopt the young boy. Until she does, Page has elected to not release any information about the child.
Hopefully, Page will adopt the baby boy so the three of them came to be part of her unusual yet extraordinary family. They will have the change to share the same blood and the same adoptive mother!
Just like Katie Page, Molly Schultz has an incredible adoption story. Along with her husband, Schultz started adopting a child they had known for years. Unfortunately, it would be more complicated than they imagined…
40. Who Is Molly Schultz?
Molly Schultz is not that different from Katie Page. She started her entire journey as a single woman in a new town, this time Seattle. However, soon she met Tim and fell deeply in love. Before they knew it, Schultz became pregnant with a daughter. Before they knew what happened, the couple had four kids, including a set of twins.
It seemed like everyone was going perfectly for Schultz and Tim. They had a happy home, a solid marriage, and four incredible children. However, she would soon receive some new that would rock her entire world.
41. The Worse and Worse News
Like many of us, Schultz felt incredibly close to her father. As a single father, he raised her the best he could and did a great job. Furthermore, as an only child, Molly and her father shared a unique bond, heavily leaning on each other. He was in the delivery room for the birth of Schultz’s first child!
For years, Schultz and her father both lived happy lives, her father even marrying someone later in life. Then the first wave of bad news came: Schultz’ father’s wife had died. Since they had a newborn son, it left Schultz’ father a single father once again. Then, he received more bad news: he had pancreatic cancer. What could Schultz? And how would her half-brother, Easton take it?
42. A Long Flight
When Schultz’ father needed hospitalization, so she immediately flew to Michigan. Due to the last-minute notice and their finical situation, Schultz needed to fly alone with her children. However, Schultz had no idea how difficult it would be. Already scared, the family encountered every obstacle: long delays, turbulence, and no place for privacy when she needed to breastfeed.
Thankfully, one good omen came from the trip. During a delay, a woman, whom Schultz calls “an angel,” helped her settle down and feed her children. Schultz thinks without the angel’s help, she wouldn’t have made it. Soon, finally, Schultz arrived by her father’s side.
43. A Dying Man’s Wish
Unfortunately, when Schultz finally arrived at her father’s bedside, there was nothing that could be done, his time had come. Schultz could not understand what was happening. After finally starting a family, she was losing her father. However, she did not have much time to contemplate the horribleness of her situation. Schultz’ had little time with her father, and he had a wish he needed fulfilled.
Schultz’ father did not want his son, her half-brother, to go through the foster system. So he asked his daughter to do the extraordinary: adopt her half-brother. Schultz had no idea if she could do it, but she wanted to try.
44. One Difficult Adoption Process
The first part of the process was relatively easy. After speaking with a lawyer, and a signature from her father, Schultz took legal guardianship of her half-brother Easton. Schultz’ father died peacefully the very next day, content that his son was in the best possible hands.
Unfortunately, the rest of the process did not turn out as simple. Over the next few months, Schultz and Easton encountered just about every problem you could imagine. First, they needed to transfer the case from Michigan to Washington. Then, they waited for what seemed like forever to get a court appointment. All the while, Schultz and Easton bonded greatly. However, they could not help wonder if the courts would pull them apart.
45. The Day Finally Arrives
After a year of waiting, Schultz and Easton finally appeared for their court date. Would they allow Schultz to adopt Easton, as her dying father wished? Molly remembers how scared little Easton was before the proceedings. It was clear; he was terrified of losing yet another parental figure.
Thankfully, the judge understood the family’s case. Swiftly, she ruled in Schultz’ favor. After all this time, they were now one big family.
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