Becoming a mother is the most beautiful experience a woman can have. Giving birth to a new life is indeed like a miracle that reminds all of us how powerful a woman is. Well, that particular moment is a perfect mixture of inspiration, pain, joy, and contentment. But all the pain and negative feelings eliminate when you hear the first cry of your baby. Whitney Poyntz is literally obsessed with her newly-born daughter. Like every other mother on earth, she wants to give her kid everything she can. The woman was very excited about this new journey but was she ready for the troubles this new responsibility was going to present itself with?

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One day the woman was flying back home when all of a sudden her little angel began crying. You must be wondering what is so strange about it. Well, crying of the infant was not the strange thing what was weird was what followed next. When the mother was trying to calm her daughter down, an air hostess appeared out of nowhere and took the baby in her arms. What happened next is the surprising element……….

Whitney Poyntz

Whitney Poyntz is a resident of Calgary, Canada. She had given birth to her first child just 4 months ago. The woman loves traveling, making friends but most of all she loves her little angel. The woman has a blissful married life that became even more beautiful when she learned that she is pregnant. Though she was happy, it was the first sonography that evoked a sense of motherhood in her. 

A Complete Family

Whitney and her husband started preparing for their child. They had bought everything from toys to clothes for their new member. No doubt, the days of pregnancy were full of pain, hardships and unannounced troubles. But all of these felt nothing whenever they thought about their to-be-born baby. And finally, the day came……… 

The Time

Whitney was rushed to the hospital when she realized that her delivery time had come. It was then the woman brought her little angel into this world and then there life changed…… obviously for good. They named their daughter Kennedi.

Journey Begins

Well, looking after a baby is not an easy task. The couple decided to go on a holiday with their 4-month-old baby. And it was from the there the real story began. The family went to Palm Springs, California to spend their holidays. Not to mention the holidays went superbly. The vacation was very special for them as this was the first time they were spending their holidays with their daughter. They spent a few weeks there and flew back. Well, the journey back to home was not a usual one. 

Getting Onboard

Kennedi was sound asleep when they boarded the West Jet flight. It was a holiday season so the plane was quite crowded. Everyone who laid their eyes on the baby could not help but admire her for her cuteness. They took to their seats and waited for the plane to take off. The silence fell upon the room once everyone got settled. But soon the quietness was going to be disturbed. 

Not Well Reputed

The cases related to mistreatment in flights are making lots of headlines nowadays. There have been plenty of cases of flight attendants misbehaving with the passengers. For instance, a video showing a flight attendant dragging a wounded passenger came to the light that got the airline lots of flakes. This is not the end, there are many similar cases harming the image of airlines. So, was it going to be one of them? Let’s find out……

All Is Well

The things were going the way it should. The baby was asleep and the rest of the passengers were waiting for their destiny to come. The flight attendants were warm and friendly to the passengers. Everything looked normal. However, their perception was soon going to change. But before that, the mother sensed something weird.   


There was a flight attendant who had been moving around their seat constantly. The female flight attendant had been looking at the baby from the time the couple set foot into the plane. Regardless of this point, this flight attendant too was very good by nature.

Not So Easy

Whitney narrated the incident in a Facebook post, “My husband, 4-month-old daughter and I were traveling home from our holiday on April 19 (Palm Springs to Calgary flight 1475). Our daughter was asleep when we boarded so we figured it would be an easy peasy flight, man were we wrong ….” What happened next?

Point Of Inflection

Everything was going well until the captain took to the intercom to make an announcement. It is a usual practice. The captain of the plane connects with the passenger over the intercom. If the captain has to make any announcements, they take help of intercom. However, no one had any idea that this usual practice was going to be followed by an uncomfortable situation.

Loud Enough

The announcements are loud on the intercom. That is the reason when the announcement came out the baby who had been sleeping throughout the journey woke up abruptly. Well, the real trouble came when it started crying loudly. The entire space that was once dead got filled with the noise of baby’s cry. All the eyes were on them.  

Not A Kid’s Play

Sometimes taking baby along on a flight can prove problematic. What if they start to cry all of a sudden? Not only it troubles the parents but also causes disturbances to the fellow passengers. This is true that we all love babies but their constant high-pitched cry gets unbearable sometimes. 

All In Vain

Whitney tried to calm her daughter down but she did not stop crying not even for a second. In fact, the noise rose to an insufferable pitch. No matter how much she tried, Kennedi was too terrified to get calm. Her husband too tried to quiet the baby but to no avail. 

Crying High

On the other hand, fellow passengers initially tried to ignore it but the infant was not in the mood to stop crying. Soon the couple had many eyes on them and some of them looked angry too. Being a new parent, they could not understand how to deal with this. Kennedi had never cried so frantically before.

Waking Up

Whitney wrote in a post that she put on Facebook “Once the captain came on the intercom it woke her up, which is obviously no one’s fault.” She continued “About 30 minutes later, all hell broke loose.” Clearly, it was no one’s fault. But the question was how were they going to prevent the situation from going any worse?

Long Way To Go

Only 30 minutes had passed and there was almost an hour for the flight to land. And here they had found themselves in this sticky situation. They tried to put her back to sleep but that too went in vain. When all their tricks failed, a figure approached them.

Not A Happy Baby

In Whitney’s words “Not sure if it was gas or maybe pressure, but we did not have a happy baby, unfortunately, those seats aren’t made for rocking or trying to put a baby back to sleep.”

A Figure Approached

The parents were too busy in calming their daughter down to the person who was coming towards them. Whitney looked up when she realized that someone was standing right above her. It was the same flight attendant who was roaming around their seat a few minutes ago. She bent forward and asked them something.    

What She Said

She asked them, “If it would be okay with them if she took the baby for a little walk down the aisle of the passenger jet?” Whitney looked at her husband quizzically. Whitney grew suspicious at first. She revealed later that she was unsure about giving her daughter to the stranger attendant. She said, “first thought in my head was ‘umm a stranger wants to walk my screaming child up and down the aisle?!?!” 

It’s Uncomfortable

However, the baby was still crying that was causing much disturbance to the nearby passengers. So having no choice in hand, she gave her baby to the flight attendant. The woman held the baby in her arms and began walking away from them.


She turned back. The name of the flight attendant was Ashley. She was walking the kid up and down the aisle. And soon the baby stopped crying. Whitney was surprised by the kind gesture of the attendant. She said, “I was amazed someone wanted to help like that.”


It was nothing short of a miracle for them. The baby who had been crying constantly calmed down instantly after being soothed by the attendant. Whitney was moved by Ashley’s act of kindness. She said, “When she was soothing her, it melted my heart seeing her smiling and talking to her.” It was a beautiful sight to watch. 

Thankful To Her

Whitney remarked, “Now it may not seem like a lot but the experience was amazing.” “Never would I ever think someone would ever do that, volunteer to take your screaming child, but she did.” she added. Indeed very few people come forward to help someone voluntarily and that flight attendant happened to be one of them.   

Not Something Small

This small act of kindness meant the world to Kennedi’s parents. They wondered what would have happened had the flight attendant not offered to help. Not only she saved the Poyntz from further embarrassments but also helped other passengers who were troubled by the noise. 

Immensely Thankful

Whitney was immensely thankful to the flight attendant. No need to say the new mother was overwhelmed by Attendant’s altruism. She thanked her endlessly when they reached Canada. The woman did not stop there, she put out a note thanking the woman on WestJet’s official Facebook page along with a picture. The picture featured Ashley holding the baby in her arms.

A Note To Her

She wrote in the note, “Ashley I would like to thank you for the over and above customer service (baby whispering) that you gave…” The woman went on to thank the airline and called them “Truly the greatest airline.”

Chain Of Events

So how the airline responded to the note? The airline saw the post and congratulated Ashley for her act of kindness. Along with that, they also issued an official statement, “WestJet’s caring crew is one of the reasons we have been named as the most trusted airline in Canada. Ashley is a true representative of the WestJet brand.”

Went Viral

The note not only received airline’s attention but also caught many other users’ attention. The note reached thousands of people’s heart. Many mothers felt related to the situation. Almost all the mothers once in life come across this kind of situation. All of them admired Ashley for her selfless act. 

Getting Famous

She put out the post on April 20 that was liked by 89,000 people. In the time when airlines are facing criticism for its careless and sometimes brutal act, these kinds of incidents reinstate our faith. Ashley would not have expected that her deed would earn her so much appreciation nor would have Whitney expected that her note would get so famous.


So how do you feel about this story? Isn’t it inspiring? You rarely see people going to this extent to help other people. And when something like this happens, it becomes a great story. Just like this one.

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