Family With Newborn Adopts Rescue Dog Without Knowing What Trouble They’re Getting Themselves Into

An Unusual Day

Getting a new dog is a huge change in your life, especially when you have a newborn baby in the family. Not only do you have to take care of the new member of the family but you also have to make sure that they will get along well with the baby. And this can be hard because, even though dogs are very affectionate and loving animals, they can get unpredictable sometimes. And that’s something Catherine Svilicic didn’t take into consideration when adopting a Doberman. She would never expect what this new dog was going to do.

Her Daughter Needed Company

Instagram / doberman_khan

Catherine Svilicic was going through the happiest period of her life. After marrying her best friend, she gave birth to her first child. Her daughter Charlotte was very social since the first months of her life. Catherine knew that her daughter would love to have company and that’s when she decided to adopt a dog. She would never have done that if she knew what was going to happen.

The Idea Of A Rescue Dog


Catherine had always wanted a dog but didn’t want to buy a breed dog. What she imagined was adopting a rescue dog from a shelter. However, she knew that rescue dogs often have weird behaviors because of the abandonment or abuse they have been through before getting to the shelter.

Saving A Dog


Saving a poor dog and offering a new life to it appeared amazing to Catherine and she was now determined to get a dog. She thought it was a good idea because the dog could be a guard for Charlotte. She would never expect how wrong she was until that one day…

Going To The Shelter


Adopting a pet is the number one request from little children like Catherine’s daughter. But Catherine was already planning to get a dog so she didn’t refuse to get one. So, she took Charlotte and headed to the nearest shelter. And that was the moment they both fell in love…

The Big Decision

Facebook / Saving Carson’s Shelter Dogs

Charlotte immediately spotted their future family member. A baby Doberman caught her eye and that was the moment she fell in love with the little pup. Catherine got emotional because she felt the connection between Charlotte and the little dog. Her heart melted; she knew this was the one. But the pup was not so innocent as it may appeared…

Naming The Little Pup

Instagram / doberman_khan

The family was so happy to have a new life-friend and they named the little pup Khan. Khan seemed very friendly and gentle with little Charlotte and that’s something that was making Catherine feel safe. Little did she know what Khan was about to do to her poor daughter…

Second Thoughts About Khan

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Both Catherine and her husband loved Khan from day one. But it would be a lie to tell that Catherine did not have second thoughts about the dog. Dobermans are often used as defense or police dogs and have the reputation of being aggressive. However, the shelter’s owner explained to Catherine that Dobermans can also be protective, loyal, and playful with their owners. Turned out that Catherine should have trusted her instinct…

A Strong Bond Formed


The bond between the family and Khan was unexpectedly strong. And Catherine was very happy that Charlotte was having a new friend that would also protect her. Growing up with a dog is a whole different experience than just getting one when you are an adult. And Catherine was proud to give that opportunity to Charlotte. She could not realize her huge mistake yet…

Taking Into Consideration The Risks

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Dobermans are guard dogs. If they feel that someone or something is threatening their family, they are more likely to attack. And in that case, they can be very aggressive and even hurt you. Dobermans are on the list of the top dangerous dogs. Catherine had not seen Khan act aggressively so far and that made her feel safe but that was about to change…

Catherine Trained Khan


Catherine wanted to train Khan and she did it with great success. Everything was smooth since Khan was trained and could obey orders. But one day, Khan changed completely and acted out of his character…

A Disaster Was Yet To Come


There was a relationship full of trust between Khan and his owners. Khan proved to them that he can be calm and loving, all that until that tragic day. The biggest plot twist was about to leave them in complete shock…

The Fateful Day


Charlotte would spend hours playing with Khan every single day. They would even chase each other without getting hurt or anything. But that one day that changed. No one was prepared for that…

Unusual Play Between Khan And Charlotte


That day was different. Khan was acting kind of strange but only when he was outside of the house. It was like he was getting bad energy from someone or something. Something really bad was about to happen and Christine could tell that her dog instinct was right …

Something Was Wrong


Khan would bark for minutes, then stop and run around the backyard. Charlotte was trying to play with Khan but he was not being so friendly that day. What was wrong with him? Why did he change his behavior? Catherine freaked out and thought for the first time that Khan was going to hurt Charlotte…

Khan Acting Out Crazy


Khan’s behavior was getting stranger and stranger. He would now grab random things from the backyard and run away like something was wrong. Little Charlotte thought that this was a new game and joined Khan. And that’s when things got in the wrong way…

Catherine Was Shocked


Catherine was watching Khan and Charlotte play from a distance because she was doing some chores inside the house. But she was alert and ready to intervene if needed. What she witnessed next was out of her imagination…

Khan Grabbed Charlotte


Khan grabbed Charlotte from her diapers and started moving her back and forth. As soon as Catherine saw that, her jaw dropped. She panicked and immediately started to run to save her little child. When she got to see what was happening, Catherine could barely hold herself…

Catherine Saved Her Daughter From The Aggressive Dog

YouTube / Rii

At that moment, Catherine was in protective mode. She grabbed her daughter and run to get inside, leaving Khan out. But then something even stranger happened that confused Catherine even more…

Khan Was Not Moving

Wikimedia Commons / Rüdiger / CC 3.0

 After the moment that Catherine took Charlotte away from Khan, Khan laid down and did not move at all. Catherine froze after seeing her dog’s weird behavior. Before blaming Khan for harming Charlotte, she realized the shocking truth…

The Dog Was Hurt

Instagram / doberman_khan; YouTube

Khan was hurt but Catherine was still in shock and couldn’t understand how that happened. Catherine left Charlotte inside the house and went out to check on Khan. But no one could prepare her for that…

Taking Khan To The Vet

Instagram / doberman_khan

The poor dog could not move and was crying. Catherine then realized that Khan needed help so she grabbed him and took him to the vet as soon as possible. Khan was crying nonstop during the drive to the vet and when they got there, he collapsed. Catherine freaked out…

Khan’s Condition Worsened

Instagram / doberman_khan

Khan’s condition was getting worse and that made Catherine feel that she was going to lose him. Thankfully, the vet realized that Khans’ situation was an emergency and immediately took him to the vet room.After the vet examined Khan, he revealed the terrifying truth to Catherine…

Noticing Weird Marks On Khan’s Body

Instagram / doberman_khan

The vet noticed strange marks on Khan’s body. They looked unusual but after putting Khan on some tests, the vet realized what was really going on. Something bite Khan and the poison made him hurt and eventually, collapse. And that’s when it all made sense to Catherine’s mind. She could not believe how wrong she had been the whole time…

Poisonous Creature


Catherine then realized that Khan not only did not hurt Charlotte but he saved her from the poisonous creature that bit Khan. But she wanted to know what hut Khan so she asked the vet what it could possibly be. As soon as she realized, she lost it…

It Was A Snake


What hurt Khan was a vicious snake. Thanks to Catherine, Khan got an anti-venom soon after the bite so his health was not in danger anymore. Even though Khan was still alive, he unfortunately paralyzed. At that point, no one knew if Khan was going to survive…

Khan Stayed At The Vet

Instagram / doberman_khan

The vet and his team did the best for Khan and they kept Khan alive. With enhanced care, they managed to save Khan and help him regains his strengths. Khan stayed for a few days at the vet but after a week he was fully recovered.

The Big Relief

Wikimedia Commons / Interessen Gemeinschaft Dobermann e.V / CC 4.0

Catherine was relieved to see her poor dog getting better. She went through an emotional rollercoaster that day and she felt guilty for blaming Khan when all he did was saving her daughter.

Back To Normal Life

Instagram / doberman_khan

After a month Khan could walk, even run and play as he used to. After this big adventure, Khan was stronger than ever and he was able to live his best life with the Svilicics. Charlotte’s bond with Khan got even stronger and they were inseparable now.

Guardian Angel


The Svilicics realized how lucky they were for having Khan that day protecting Charlotte from the snake. If it wasn’t for him, the snake could have bitten Charlotte and no one would be there to protect her.

 Proud Parents

Instagram / doberman_khan

Khan’s parents were very proud and, after that fateful day, they now trusted Khan 100%. They knew their dog was special and they did not have second thoughts about Khan at all. All they wanted was to enjoy Khan’s company and live their best lives all together!

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