It’s a hard know fact that life isn’t easy for elderly peoples. They go through a lot in their daily lives. Be it anything from a normal evening walk to normal shopping. Even you could relate to what we are trying to say. You might have seen your grandparents struggling in their daily routine. This story here is somewhat similar but with a twist. Though she was an old lady what she did will amaze you. It’s not every day we read about such incidents that have the capability of making us go astonished. Only God knows what made her take such actions that soon went viral and if anybody could talk was about this old woman’s action.  Let’s just dive into the story and see what happened when this woman did the unexpected.

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Easy Target

As we told you about the struggle elderly people go through be it the phone scams or door-to-door salesman or some plain thieves entering the house they become the easiest target for such low-life characters. Even in this case, Winifred who was out shopping when she met her worst nightmare that too in a broad daylight. She wouldn’t have imagined that a normal day would make her realize that the world isn’t the same anymore and there are people who wait to prey on elderly people. But even then Winifred did something amazing that changed the definition of being an elderly person.

Loving Winny

Winifred Peel is a very kind lady and everybody who is associated with her knows that for a fact. It was Sunday when Winny decided to go on shopping as she needed some stuff fro her house. Firstly, she decided to go to the grocery shop. On her way to the grocery shop, she felt like some was following her but she didn’t pay any attention after a while. Everybody walks on a road and it’s Sunday, she thought. But little she knew these three men made her their next target to prey on. 

Quiet Town

Winifred Peel is a 77-years-old woman. She knows that when you attain a certain age there is nothing much you can do with your life. She knew it but never believed in that. She belongs from a small town near Liverpool, but she knows how to spend her day well. She was now retired from work but not from life. Rather than spending her Sunday lying on the bed waiting for food to arrive, she made sure she cooks for herself. Even on that day, she was about to prepare something delicious for herself. There were some groceries missing and she decided to buy some and rather than cooking she thought of eating outside. But there were some bad elements of the society waiting for her to visit the market. That day everything changed for her.

Happened Many Times

Winny was on her way to the grocery shop, she saw two groups of young people arguing about something. She didn’t react to it as it wasn’t her business to deal with. She has seen these youngsters fighting over something several times. She kept walking and didn’t pay any attention to the fight. She thought of asking the group about the situation but her heart stopped her from doing that. The way that group was arguing which was in a very loud voice she thought of leaving them alone and mind her own business. 

Tea and Cakes

It was a cold morning that day and while she was on her way to the grocery she stopped at her favorite cafe to have some hot tea and cake. She could still see those youngsters fighting from the window she was sitting. She was waiting for her order and the fight didn’t interest her. She thought how impatient these youngsters have become, wasting their lives over god knows what. But little she knew that these rowdy young people would soon target her in a most unexpected way. But being a 77-year-old she saw good in everybody. But if there is good in the world than there is bad too.

Always Active

Winny was waiting for her order to arrive and she could see how these young blood were wasting their lives. For a moment she even thought about herself. She has always been happy and active. She used to spend her time helping her loving father, who had this habit of fixing the house whenever he got time. Soon, she found herself getting into sports. If one thing sports has taught her was the discipline in life which stuck with her till this date. But this day was nothing like any other day. She was about to get into something big that would change the way she used to see the world. What made her change her views about the world?

It’s Good To Socialize

Winny loved socializing with people. She loves inviting people for birthdays and dinner at her place. She is a great host and people love her in every way. And while she was sitting in the cafe sipping her favorite tea she remembered that her best friend’s daughter was just around the calendar and she promised he wouldn’t miss it for her life. But she hasn’t bought anything yet. She thought of buying one that day but who knew something disastrous was waiting for her just around the corner.

The Gift

While she was paying for the order, she checked how much money she was carrying on her. She thought the money would be enough and she knew from where she can buy a gift for her friend’s daughter. There was this garments shop some blocks away from where she has bought several clothes for many occasions. She knew they have 50% discount almost a year. She picked her handbag and started walking towards the shop. She decided to buy the groceries after she has bought the gift. She shouldn’t have walked outside the cafe. 

The Shop

She left the cafe and was now standing in front of the garment shop. She was happy to read the 50% off on the board on the window of the shop. Without delaying she entered the shop. She saw several clothes and after going through every section she chose the one which she thought would look just fabulous on her friend’s daughter. She was standing in the billing queue and was surprised to see that she was short of money. It was very embarrassing for her and asked the cashier if they could just hold the dress. The cashier remembered her face and placed the dress in the near drawer. But little did the cashier knew she won’t be coming back…

Strapped for Cash

Winny was out of cash and the dress was a little out of her budget but she loved it as a present for her friend’s daughter’s birthday. She left the dress with the cashier while she rushed her way through the nearest ATM. Because of the embarrassment, she felt a while ago in the shop she was running. As they say, you should be aware of your surroundings because you never know who is watching you. She wasn’t aware.

Nearest ATM?

She knew the market very well but to her surprise, she forgot the route for the closest ATM. She asked a bystander about the ATM, he told her the route and she was again back on her feet. All Winny could think about was the dress which she thought might get sold if she got late. It would be bad if that dress was sold just because she didn’t have the money. Little she knew there was worst waiting for her. Her life was soon about to turn upside down. Though she was a calm person when she found that the ATM wasn’t in a working condition she was frustrated. 

To The Next ATM

The next ATM wasn’t that far but she didn’t realize the road was looking out of the place. It was quiet as if there was no soul present. She didn’t give it much of a thought and all she could think about was the dress. There was nobody on the road. Where is everybody today? She thought. Winny doesn’t like empty streets and stays away from one. But, today, she was walking on an empty street. She was aware of the past incidents that have taken place on such empty streets from stealing phones to handbags. Nobody is safe and a woman of 77 is definitely an easy target.

Uneasy Feeling

Empty street and not much soul to look around she was walking in a rush. With few people, she met in a way she didn’t look them and just made her way across them. Holding her handbag tightly in her arms she looked for the ATM. She felt like someone was behind her but she didn’t have the courage to look back. She kept moving slowly increasing her pace. But she was already marked and soon there were four footsteps following her in the empty streets. 


Winny was almost near the ATM which was just a few steps away. She could hear footsteps coming towards her, she brought the handbag closer to her chest. Her hands were trembling with unknown anxiety. She couldn’t find her ATM, she could hear a person standing just behind her. Without turning back she said, “You go ahead, I’ll be a minute”. The woman who was standing behind her thanked Winny for her generosity and went ahead. But, the danger she thought was gone was crawling towards her.

Where Is It?

Though her handbag wasn’t big the struggle was for real. The ATM card she was looking for seemed like missing from the bag. She was sure it was in the bag. Where it is then? She thought. She started memorizing the events that happened to her. She still couldn’t make the ATM card in those events. But she didn’t realize the terror was approaching her in silence.

At Last!

Winny kept searching for the ATM card inside her handbag which was right there in the same pocket where she always keeps it. But some weird feeling took away all her mind. The ATM was in her hand she hurried because there was someone behind her who she thought was waiting in line. She swiped her card in the ATM and while she was putting her confidential details in the machine she could sense that now there were three people standing in the line. Soon they started moving towards her. She thought they were in a hurry to use the ATM but no.

Out of Nowhere

Winifred has spent her whole life with one motto in mind, “give kindness, receive kindness back”. More than bad she has always been welcomed with good. Even while she was making the transaction she knew there are three people behind her and rather than thinking something bad for her she thought they are moving towards her only because they were getting late. With that thought in her mind, she entered her PIN and she waited for the money to come out while the machine made the crunching sound…

Transaction Successful

Winni was waiting for the money to come out. She took out more than enough from her account as she didn’t want to get embarrassed again in the future. The moment she held the money in her hand a sudden force from the back made her fall on the floor leaving in her extreme pain. Her back screamed in pain. What just happened? She thought to herself. She could see three shadows surrounding her. Then she did something unexpected.

No Time To Think

Whatever happened to Winni at that moment it happened so fast that her mind couldn’t respond the way it should have. But her heart which was beating rapidly made the adrenaline kick and she was back on her feet in seconds even when she was hurt in the back. “You’re not taking my money, young man,” she told herself. Filled with terror and anger, she took some steps back. She had something in her mind and the ball was in her court now.

Three Of Them

Before she could execute what she planned to do, all three of them rushed towards and held her tightly. They forced Winni to input the PIN again and take out all the money she had. Rather than holding the future of this world, these youngsters were holding the 77-years-old woman who had nothing against them. Even our planet came into existence after the Big Bang took place. She did something like that but not exactly. Next 4 minutes changed everything for everybody who was present there in that ATM. She knew what she was doing.

Grandma Fights Back

Winni was sure she has seen these three faces before. But where? She thought. They were the same people who were fighting with the other two guys in the morning. They thought Winni was the perfect target just like the other elderly people they have hassled before. But little they knew she was not like other elderly people who just give in. She knew how to fight back. Out of three, one was standing the closest to her. With full force, she pushed him and grabbed his head pushing him toward the wall. Stunned the other two couldn’t respond to what was happening to the other guy. Soon, they freed him from Winni and could be seen running for life.

Little Loud This Time

“You’re not taking my money, young man,” she said out loud this time. She has no interest of leaving the guy’s head which she grabbed with all the strength she had. They planned out everything from the moment they saw her but Winni was faster. Her sudden move shocked these low life who thought had everything under control. 

A Moment Of Reflection

The other two guys freed their partner in crime from Winni’s grip and ran like anything. Even when she was now free from the danger she wasn’t satisfied. She was running behind them as if it was a race for life. But then she stopped when an apple fell on her head. “It was only afterward that I realized what I’d done and started shaking,” she recalled, “what if he’d had a knife? I might not be here today.” She thought she has lost them but Karma was watching everything. Things just got a bit more interesting.

They Are Running Away!

When she realized that going behind them wouldn’t be a good idea, she started shouting, “They are running away”. The street which she thought was empty was now crowded due to her scream on loop. People came out of their shop and some even stopped their car in between just to know what has happened to her. She could still see those three blur images which with every moment faded even more. What happened? One of the strangers asked Winni.

Rush to Help

Her scream for help alarmed everybody on that street. People came rushing toward her to inquire about the situation. The crowd could tell that something bad has happened with Winni. Her face which was looking pale with all that has happened today, her hands were trembling and the struggling for breath she leaned against one of the strangers who held her to support. The man could hear her speaking, “they are running away”. This guy wasn’t alone and asked his two friends to follow those guys while he stayed back with Winni.

Chasing Game

The guy who was with Winni asked his two friends to chase those guys. Even a look at their face could help the lady to recognize them if they get caught. They ran behind those young criminals but they were nowhere to be seen. The two guys searched for them but couldn’t see anybody running. The streets seemed like normal as if nothing has happened there. Where did they go?

We Lost Them

The two guys who went behind those three young thieves came back to Winni informing her about the situation. Winni thanked these three strangers who were trying to help her and then there were these three criminals who tried to steal away her money and if she hasn’t shown some bravery she could have been in a very bad condition. She was smiling and feeling little relaxed she drank some water offered by one of the store managers. What happened to you? Somebody from the crowd asked

The Whole Incident

Winni told the people who were still present about what all has happened to her. How those three low life crawled behind her back and attacked her when she wasn’t watching her back. She could still feel the pain in her back. The crowd could see her pain and terror but when were amazed to find out the way she handled those three thieves. A person from her age wouldn’t have been able to do it but somehow she did the unbelievable.

Not A Stranger

While Winni was telling the crowd about the incident one of the stranger in the crowd who happened to be a police officer heard everything. He came closer to Winni and introduced herself. He made some calls and asked if he could drop her back to her house. Winni accepted her offer and she could see that all these strangers are there to help her. A moment ago everything was dark but now things turned out so bright and colorful. She sat in the police officer’s car and thanked everybody for their help.

Believe Me

The policeman dropped Winni home and assured her that he would catch the guys who brought this misfortune on her. She was more than happy to hear those words that came out of his mouth. She invited him inside but he refused and told her that she should rest now as she has already been through a lot. They both said their goodbyes and Winni was finally safe inside her house.

Preying On The Vulnerable

The trio who followed Winni to the ATM were identified as Felix Stoica, 19, Piper Dumitru, 18, and Florin Geblescu, 18. These teenagers looked for “easy targets” but Winni made sure they learn their lesson. The police found out that these three teenagers were from Manchester who has been involved in other cases of snatching and theft. But this time they messed up with the wrong person.

Breadcrumb Trail

The police officer who was in the crowd heard every detail Winni told back then and made sure he gets in touch with the other officer from that area. Winni had caused a great damage to one of the guys whom she grabbed in the ATM. The evidence could be seen on the machine which was wounded by the attack made by Winni and the trail of blood helped the officer in catching those guys.

Fighting Fit

For several years, Winifred had been a gym freak who made sure went there four times a week. But with time she lost intensity but made sure she remained fit. That day her body regained all the energy she had in her body which helped her in that difficult situation. She was determined to see those three guys behind the bars. She has proved the world that age is just a number.

No Escape

The police followed the trail and found the trio hiding behind the dumpster some few blocks away. The wound was severe and the guy was screaming in pain. But whatever they did to innocent Winni they deserved it. Heaven and hell is just a theory because this world in which we live in is filled with both. You’ll get what you sow.

Brought to Justice

Even today when Winni recalls the moment it brings chills to her spine. If she wouldn’t have shown some courage things would have been entirely different. The case was in the court and the trio confessed to their crime, and the judge made sure that Winni gets her justice. Each of them was sentenced to spend time in jail. The judge justified their action saying, that what they did Winni, “casting a shadow” over her life for years.

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