Being a mother never comes easy. Rather being a woman itself is challenging. The journey from an innocent girl to a growing teenager, then to a responsible woman and finally followed by a dedicated and selfless mother is full of ups and downs. At every step, a woman has to face life at its best and worst.  But when it comes to parenting, things are totally different. One has to put their children before them.


To be present in your children’s memories tomorrow, one has to be a part of their today. When everyone follows this golden rule of parenting, Kristen Hewitt who is a public figure had a different say on it. She decides to skip her daughter’s award ceremony only because of an unbelievable reason. The reason is something not many people appreciate.

The Reason

 Whoever came across this story, a majority of them had the same say. “What could have been more important than attending her daughter’s award ceremony?” When parents always prefer to be standing right next to their kids and feel proud of their achievements, this mother decides to skip a big day in her daughter’s life. Why?


People called this mother’s say as something “unacceptable”. She gives her side of excuse for not attending her daughter’s award ceremony in a Facebook post. And her reason was highly condemned. It was strange that people showed such strong disapproval towards it. Everyone said just one thing, “How could she miss an important date in her child’s life that too because of a reason like this”. What did she do?

Woman Power

Kristen Hewitt, 41-years  is a is a public figure residing in Florida. She is a two-time Emmy Award Winner as a Television Reporter. This independent woman is also the Producer for Sun Sports, the Miami HEAT, and Fox Sports Florida. She has been into this profession for over a decade now. This entrepreneur is also a craze amongst the “mothers”. Ask why?

The Blogger

This renowned T.V Reporter is known for her blogging skills as well. She is the blogger for the page, “mommy in SPORTS”. This blogging page has also been awarded as the  ‘Best Blog for Moms’ by the Miami New Times in 2014. While her page which was about motherhood and sports was widely appreciated, one of her parenting decision turning into a questionable was an unexpected one.

A Mother

Kristen is a mother to two equally beautiful daughters. She completely agrees that parenting is a tough challenge, something which needs one’s constant dedication and time. And when one is a working woman, managing her house as well as her work, the difficulty manifolds. There are times when some tough calls have to be taken, still, she did not anticipate that one of her decision will become a platform of discussion.

The Backlash

Kristen decided to share a decision about skipping her daughter’s award function as one of her parenting choices. However, she thought just like her other work and blogs are appreciated, this one too would be. Well, when it didn’t seem to go as thought, the amount of backlash it received was something she wasn’t prepared for. One decision and things changed in instant.

Have To

After knowing the amount of success Kristen had tasted in her life, one can easily make out how career oriented she is. But when she came to know about her pregnancy, she knew what was more important to her. She gave a small break to her work and decided to devote this time to her family.

My Babies

In her words, one of the best feelings in the world is to be a mother. The feeling of movement inside you is bliss. When she realized that she is expecting, she kept her work aside and gave birth to her daughters. But soon only she went back to her work, and things got tough from there on.

Part-Time Work

Kristen was covering Miami Heat’s home and away games. This involved a lot of traveling on her part. So when she turned into a mother she started working part-time and covered home games only. Moreover, as she wasn’t given paid Maternity leaves, she returned to work just three works after she gave birth to her younger daughter Lila.

Super Busy Mom

Kristen was doing well by now. She could manage her kids and work. But as her kids grew, her responsibilities as a mother manifold. She had to be sure of their meals, their education, their sleep schedule. Though her husband helps her out in parenting, there are certain responsibilities she has to shoulder alone.

Worn Out

She always had a hectic schedule, but December became exceptionally tiring for her. Thanksgiving party followed by Christmas and new year’s celebration, she had a lot to go through. Things could have been a little smooth but as her husband went on a business trip, her work exhausted her. And this exhaustion cost her a lot.

Health Issues

Kristen had swollen eyes, puffed face and dark circles. Her work and family was taking over her health. As she too was reaching her 40’s her stamina for obvious reasons was lowering. But she still was doing her best bit, until the day she called quits to Lila’s award function due to an unacceptable reason.

 Excited Daughter

One day, Lila told Kristine about an award ceremony at her school. Lila told her that she had to attend an honor roll ceremony, as she was also being awarded there. Lila was very excited about it and wanted to make the best of the moment by having her mother by her side. Unfortunately, the little girl’s wish remained unfulfilled.

Can’t Attend

Kristine told Lila that she would not be able to make to her award ceremony due to some reasons. Lila’s face dropped. She felt sad as it was a big day for her and she wanted her mother to stand and clap for her, praise her. Lila asked her the reason, but instead, Kristine said…

Family Members

Kristine instead of telling her daughter the reason, consoles her saying that what if she won’t be present there, but her father and grandmother would be. Lila for some time felt bad, but then she cheered with the fact that other members of her family would be there. However, the next day at school, Kristine had to answer others.

A Lie

Kristine had a lot going through her head other than hurting Lila’s feelings. Next day, when she went to school to drop her daughter’s, the other parents who were friends with Kristine asked her why did she not attend the award ceremony the previous day. Kristine had to answer the question now. But she lied. She told them that she had some work commitments. What was the reason that she had been hiding from everyone?

A Guilt

Kristine at that time told a lie, but later on, returning home, guilt struck her. She knew she had said a clear white lie about her absence at her daughter’s award ceremony. She was feeling ashamed of herself. First, she missed Lila’s ceremony and then lied about it to everyone else. Her inner conscience then compelled her to do something.


Kristine decided to tell everyone the real reason for her missing her daughter’s award ceremony. She did not think much about how would people and everyone else react to it after they would come across the truth. She with a pounding heart took to Facebook and made a confession.

The Truth

Kristine wrote a post and shared it over her timeline on Facebook. In her post, she said, “So I did something that some may think is selfish recently, but I really needed it. I missed my daughter’s honor roll assembly so I could work out.” These words came shocking to many.

Maybe Selfish

She tried to make people understand her decision by she even knew that to some it might sound that she was acting selfishly. A mother means being selfless, but at the same time, it also means taking care of oneself as well just like one does that for their family.

Stress And Anxiety

She says that as she was exhausted with her work and more of work commitments was stressing her out, she needed some “Me Time” and thus, preferred to work out rather than attending that award ceremony. To her post, there were so many contrasting comments.

Divided Audience

There were all types of comments on this post. While some women could understand her decision, the majority was on the opposite side. One thing that was established with this was that to every parent, parenting comes in a different manner. Everyone has their unique way of handling it.


There were a few women who appreciated her for the bravery she showcased by telling and admitting that she did so because she felt like working out. One comment read, “It’s a necessity in order to be the mom and wife your family deserves to have and the happy, healthy woman you deserve to be!” Yet there was one more.

Love For Daughter

There was another commenter who praised her for the way Kristine was parenting her daughter. That comment read, “I love the lesson you taught your daughter: that you love her, and that you care deeply, but that you’re not always going to be there, and that that’s OK.” However, other comments were not as good as these.

Some Other Day

Other people could not understand her reason. They rather questioned Kristine. There were people who asked her that didn’t she find any other day to work out? Just like she has a schedule an appointment for work, why didn’t she had one for the award ceremony.


Amongst many criticizers, one of the comments from them read something like this, “You have lots of other days to workout, your daughter won’t have that many special award night, I never missed any of my kids’ award nights, all I felt was proud, wouldn’t miss it for anything especially to work out.” To this even Kristine had something to say.

She Understood

When people were criticizing Kristine, she took that criticism also with grace. And explaining her part she wrote, ” She understood, gave me a hug, and thanked me for all I do for her.” She referred this in regard to her daughter whose award ceremony she skipped.

Still Glad

Kristine was still happy about her sharing the actual reason for her missing on that event. She was no more guilt conscious and moreover, she thought of inspiring other women and mothers in the world through this post. How?

No Apologies

On her blogging page, Kristine wrote, “I make no apologies for missing that assembly that day, nor do I regret posting it on social media. And I encourage more women to do the same”. She further explained this by saying…

No Excuses

Her post further read, ” It doesn’t matter if you’re a single mom, a stay at home mom, or work 80 hours a week…And you don’t need an excuse for why you’re missing it.” To make her point even valid and inspire other females out in the world, Kristine talked about self-care.

Self Care

Kristine said what she felt about self-care. In her words the way a mother lives, it is the same way her children would look life up to. She explains, “Sure we have responsibilities, bills, kids, and other work and life priorities, but that doesn’t mean we have to lose ourselves in motherhood. If we aren’t enjoying and living our best life, how will our children learn to do the same?”


Kristine says what people call as her selfish act is not being selfish but it is called as self-love. Children and family are an important aspect of one’s life, but they are not your whole life. One has to take care of themselves and stay healthy to nurture their family.

Healthy Eating

Kristine highly promotes healthy eating habits amongst women and especially in mothers. Her motto is that to serve one’s family and provide them with the best, one has to be fit by self first.

The Advice

Kristine had a piece of very wise advice or to say, a parent tip for all the parents. She agrees that children need their parent’s attention and time, but there is one thing which they need to learn and that is…

The Tip

Kristine says, “What kids need is for us to show up at home. To be there to teach them to love themselves. To encourage them to work hard and show them the discipline it takes to get good grades. And to not be everything for everyone else, but forget to first give to ourselves.” That’s a piece of pretty cool advice.

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