Diving is a passion for some people and at the bottom of the sea, the divers come across several things that are totally out of their expertise. That is when archaeologists come into the picture and many divers are left astonished after knowing the significance and importance of their findings.

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There are several things that divers find at the bottom of the seas and oceans. Some of them are treasures that have been lost to the world several years ago and are thought to be lost in an abyss and that were never expected to be found.

USS Oriskany

USS Oriskany was named after the Battle of Oriskany during the Revolutionary War. The ship served in the Korean War as well as in World War II. The vessel operated in the 1970s primarily in the Pacific Ocean and for its service in the Korean War earned two stars and five stars for its service in the Vietnam War. 

Artificial Reef

It was decommissioned in 1976 and was scrapped in 1995. It was decided to sink her in 2004 and in the year 2006 after removing the toxic substances from the vessel it was finally sunk. It got engulfed by a coral reef and is the largest vessel sunk to make a reef.

Train Graveyards

You might have heard of many train graveyards but none would be like the one we are going to tell you about.

Back in 1850, two of the locomotives went missing and were adhered to be lost and this was an open and shut case as no one could figure out where these locomotives went.

A Submerged One

Paul Hepler found this back in 1985 when he was mapping the bottom of the ocean when he came across something about whose origin he was unclear. When he went close he saw two large metal objects and on further investigation, it was found that they were the same locomotives.

Yonaguni Monument 

The sea off Yonaguni becomes a hugely visited diving location in winters because of the large numbers of hammerhead sharks. But who would have thought that a diver whose main aim was to find and analyze the sharks would come across something that would leave everyone surprised?

What’s That?

One day in 1986, while diving, a diver found a submerged architectural site. It is not clear whether it is natural or man-made but it is believed that it got submerged after an earthquake. Experts have a theory that the structure is about 5,000 years old.

SS President Coolidge

S.S. President Coolidge was completed in 1931 and was an American luxury ocean liner that in December 1941 started serving as a troopship. Until 1938 it was operated by Dollar Steamship Lines and after that was operated by American President Lines.

Submerged Treasure

But the main glory of this ship came when it sank. It was located several years after it sank but the main attraction was not its remains but the treasure that remains still buried within it. The thing remains that the treasure is almost impossible to retrieve the treasure.

RMS Titanic

Titanic is known for its majestic size and majorly for the movie that highlighted the love story of Jake and Rose. The ship took almost two days to sink completely. It started sinking on the 14th of April and sank totally on the very next day. 


If you have ever watched the movie ‘Titanic’ then it must have crossed your mind at least once that what happened to the remains of the ship. The ship sank in the North Atlantic Ocean and its grave is still a goal that many scuba divers look for to date.

Shie Cheng

Shie Cheng is a city that also goes by the name of Lion City and it gets this name because it is surrounded by the five lion mountain. It is a forgotten city after the government thought of building the Xin’an dam and which led to turning that valley into a lake and which lead to submerging of that valley.

Found It!

This process of turning the valley into a lake involved uprooting almost 300,000 people whose families were residing in that city for centuries. The underwater city of Shie Cheng is now a diving spot and is also dubbed as the ‘Atlantis of East’. 

SS Thistlegorm

SS Thistlegorm is a British vessel that was built by Joseph Thompson & Sons shipyard in Sunderland for the Albyn Line. The vessel was used to carry war trucks and munitions that were to be used during World War II.

Something Unusual

On the date of 6 October 1941, it was decided to sink the vessel in the Red Sea. Jacques Cousteau in the early 50s discovered the vessel when he was informed by the local fishermen that they came across something unusual. So Jacques started this expedition and did not stop until he finished it and found the vessel. 

Vought F4U Corsair

The story of this plane and its pilot resembles a lot to Steve Rogers aka Captain America. But there is some slight difference between the pilot and Cap. Cap was ejected with the super serum which made him a superhero, on the other hand, the pilot was a superhero without the serum.

Captain America?

The pilot of this plane was a part of the Air Force and was combating during World War II when he realized that he was about to run out of fuel and had to land that plane in the ocean. The only positive in this accident was that the pilot freed himself from the plane before the plane sank. 

Lost City Of Heracleion

Thonis-Heracleion was a city that was supposed to exist only in the legends and ancient text. And the city remained hidden from the human eye for several years. But a French archaeologist, Franck Goddio was adamant to find out about the city and whether it existed or not.


Franck Goddio carried his search in the area of Abu Qir Bay off the coast of Egypt and his search came to an end when he and his team came across something that seemed like a face and was emerging from the shadows of the water and on further investigation they found that it was the same city.

Apollo 11 Rockets

Jeff Bezos is mainly known for being one of the richest people in the world and his major accomplishment remains ‘Amazon’, but there are some of his products and findings that remain less known to many people and amongst them is the discovery of Apollo 11 rockets.

A Great Achievement

Jeff Bezos had always been in headlines for one thing or another but one thing that he is known for is creating the technology that was able to recover the rockets of Apollo 11. He found out the famous rocket that carried Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins.


Sweepstakes was a Canadian schooner and was built in Ontario in 1867 by Melancthon Simpson and weighed approximately 218 tonnes. It was in 1885 when the vessel saw it end and met its fate. But this was just the starting of something else entirely.

Sank Beautifully

The schooner sank in 1885. It was carrying a huge amount of coal when it sank. The repairs could not reach in time to help the vessel and the vessel sank. The coal was retrieved after the schooner sank but the water is pretty shallow and can still be seen from the surface.

Blackbeard’s Cannons

Blackbeard was an English pattern who was known for his loots and was one of the greatest pirates to walk on the face of the planet or should we say to sail on the face of this planet. The stories about him are often considered as legends.


It was Blackbeard’s ship that gained more fame than any other ship ever did. In 2013, according to some archaeologists what they discovered was nothing else but cannons from the Blackbeard’s ship. They recovered five cannons and 2 other large artifacts.

Ancient Mediterranean Shipwreck

There have been times when the archaeologists have come across shipwrecks that are several years old. But the things that were found 400 feet below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea left the researchers and the archaeologists in shock.

Ancient Artifacts

The archaeologists and the researchers came across a shipwreck that was filled with many ancient artifacts. It consisted of several ancient things like poetry, tools, and coins. But the astonishing fact is that the researchers believe that the shipwreck is almost 29 years old.

Rubber Duckies

What is the strangest thing you expect to come across when you go to the beach?

Maybe some strange sea creature or maybe something that makes you go all nuts but what if you come across a bunch of ducks?

Washed Up

In 1992, a crate that was carrying a shipping crate of ducks fell overboard into the ocean. But this was just the start. The thing is that they ended in bulk washed up on the shores. There are times when they still wash up on the shores in some random countries.

The Lost Mahabalipuram Pagodas


Tsunami is known to destroy on a very large scale. Whenever a tsunami hits a place, the whole place gets uprooted and the people are in a high danger zone. The amount of loss that it causes to life an economy is devastating. But what if it revealed something that had been hidden to human eyes always.


In 2005, when the tsunami hit the coast of India, it caused a tremendous amount of loss. But the tsunami also revealed some ancient architectural structures that were supposed to be hidden. The structures were touted to be the Lost Mahabalipuram Pagodas’ part.

Loki’s Castle

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear Loki’s castle?

The first thing that would come to anyone’s mind would be where is this castle of God of Mischief? No, it is not the one in Asgard. Thor’s the king there. So when Loki could not get a castle there, he found one on Midgard or what we people call as Earth.

Norse World

It is not a proper castle but a hydrothermal vent that was named this. And it is not any castle that Loki fought Thor for. But it would have been interesting to see that someday. The researchers also found microorganisms which they named Lokiarchaeota and retrieved them from the Atlantic Ocean’s surface.

The Uluburun Shipwreck

Shipwrecks are not anyone would have been happy about the time when they sank. But when the divers find the shipwrecks they think themselves to be blessed. Because finding a shipwreck is not such an easy task.

Oldest And Wealthiest

On the coast off Uluburun, some people found a 3300-year-old shipwreck and it is one of the oldest shipwrecks to be ever found. But the thing that makes it even more interesting was the treasure it was loaded with.

Lord Krishna’s Lost City

According to the ancient Indian legends, Krishna was one of the Gods that walked on this planet. And similar to Atlantis he had a city that is supposed to be found underwater. This was thought of as a myth and legend that weren’t supposed to be true.


But some new findings come into light that proves that some myths and legends are not only made up stories but have some truth related to them. When a city was excavated underwater, off the coast of India was when people started believing that this could be true.



Vasa was a Swedish warship that took almost three years to build. This retired warship was built from 1926 to 1928. But even these many years that were used up in its building were also not able to avoid the inevitable.


After the very first and only voyage that lasted for about 1300 meter on 10th August 1628, the vessel foundered.  But it became insignificant when most of its bronze cannons were salvaged in the 17th century. Even after 333 years when it foundered it was in a very good position when it was found submerged.

The Galleon San Jose

San Jose was a 3-masted galleon in the Spanish navy that was designed by Francisco Antonio Garrote and built by Pedro de Aróstegui. The construction started in 1697 at a shipyard at Usurbil, Spain and ended in the year 1698.

The Treasure

But this vessel did not make its name for its position as much as it made after it sank. The vessel was launched in 1698 and after serving for almost 10 years, in the year 1708 it sank in the battle off the coast of Cartagena, Columbia and was filled with several treasures. In November 2015 the ship was located by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI).

The Antikythera Mechanism

When an amateur diver found at the bottom of a sea an artifact he thought that it might have been some kind of normal artifact but that diver us in this for a surprise of his life. When he found out what it was he was left shocked.

What Is That?

The diver found out that he had discovered a 2000-year-old Greek mechanism that belonged to the Antikythera shipwreck and that was supposed to be a compass of some sort. But no one is sure as to what it is and the experts are studying it still.

Manganese Balls

Whenever you are playing and you lose your ball or cannot get your hands on one due to any reason then you don’t need to go search on stores for the ball. All you have to do is dive deep so that you would reach the bottom of the Pacific ocean. 

Pacific Ocean

I know that it sounded like an irrational solution but the floor of the Pacific Ocean is filled with the Manganese balls. When the researchers dived to the bottom of the ocean they came across balls of different shapes and sizes that were made up of Manganese.

Case Reopened

Many cases remain a mystery for a lifetime and then there are cases like this one!

A case that left all the police department brainstorming but still they could not figure out what happened in the case and where did the people vanish.

A Car

In Okhama lake the police using sonar technology found something at the bottom of the lake and when they further investigated the thing they had to reopen a case that was shut almost 40 years ago. They ended up with a car at the bottom of the lake.

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