Wildfires are one of the most common as well as hazardous natural disasters in America. Every year many firemen put their lives at the grave danger to stop these wildfires from spreading. Yes, most of the times they are easily contained in a small area but the fact that the entire flora and fauna of the affected area is destroyed is non-negligible.

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People who reside near the forest area are evacuated from their houses and sent to a safe place. The families too do the needful to save whatever is in their hands. Similarly, when an Alabama family found two little fellows, a fawn and a bobcat, right across the wildfire, they took them in their family instead of leaving them to their dark fate.

Little did they know these homeless fellows will soon become a viral internet sensation for a strange reason.

Deadly Fires

Wildfires or wildland fires cost the U.S. a whole lot of money every year. What’s worse than the monetary loss is the loss of trees, wildlife, and the property that gets destroyed each year. Annually more than 100,000 wildfires destroy more than 5 million acres (2 million hectares) of land. In the past few years, wildfires have contributed to burning over 9 million acres (3.6 million hectares) of land. Wildfire can move at the speed of 14 miles an hour (23 kilometers an hour), destroying whatever comes in its path.

Unsafe Animals

For pets and domesticated animals, at least their families think and try to keep them safe as long as possible. Sadly, wild animals are never safe in the jungles that are their homes. Every wild animal is chased by predators but they have a natural defense system to keep them safe as long as they could. But fire not only confuses the poor animals but also scares them to death. Moreover, there’s no one to look after them when the forest gets burned down. 

Firey Issues

Forest animals undoubtedly suffer the most from these wildfires. They try to run but their confusion gets them caught in the fire and leads to a sad end. While most of the people try to save themselves, however, the Alabama family we are talking about adopted two wild animals from different species that can only go along as predators and prey.

Brave Men

Firemen take all the necessary steps to prevent the wildfire but one can only slow it down and not stop it completely. When the fire gets fueled by oxygen, there’s no way possible to stop fire spreading from one tree to another. Between the trees, hundreds of animals get trapped with no means of escape. Many huge animals get no means to get out of this catastrophe.

Poor Animals

This heartbreaking photo shows how terrifying wildfires can be. The animals with nowhere to go get caught in the fire and their fur catches fire quickly. The fate of the little bobcat and the fawn seemed almost the same until the Krause family brought them home. 

Heartbreaking Picture

While many animals luckily find their way out of the wildfire, most of the living beings pass out because of inhaling carbon dioxide that’s produced by the fire and die. But these two animals were neither able to run fast enough to survive the fire nor were they helped by their mothers. In the middle of the fire, two less than a month old fellows were lying. 

Little Bobcat

This the story of a newborn bobcat was left behind by his family due to the wildfire. Not too far from him, a fawn too was abandoned by his mother not too far from there. Certainly, they were not going to survive without any human help. 

Helping Out

People try to help in saving whenever a wildfire breaks loose although the government has announced it several times that the residents should stay away from the wildfires as it can prove to be a risk to their lives. Especially when it comes to adopting wild animals, the government tries to explain the civilian the danger of living with a wild animal when it grows. But how can animal lovers see their love dying in the fire?

The Krause Family

The Krause family’s love for animals is quite famous in their neighborhood and that was the reason why a guy ran up to their door when he saw a couple of wild animals trapped in the wildfire. He couldn’t think of anyone else but George Krause who would be able to save the animals before it was too late. 

Taking The Lead

Krause asked the guy to get in his car and show him where exactly he saw the animals. He drove there immediately and saved a sad little bobcat and a fawn. He got both of them in the front seat of his car. Surprisingly, both of them were of the same age group, less than a month old. The babies were finding it difficult to breathe and Krause knew he had to take them to a safer place quickly.

In The New Place

When he took them home, they recovered within days from the shock of the fire. Once recovered, this little pair started to look around curiously. All of it was new for the two of them and keeping the fact in mind that the Krauses’ house was already home to a cat and two dogs, it became more important to keep a close check on the two visitors. But were they visitors or a part of their family?

Two Best Friends

From the moment all of these animals got to know each other, a chain of unbelievable events started. The center of attraction of the Krauses’ house became these animals who were now inseparable. It was surprising to see that they first saw each other less than a week ago and now all of them were so much fond of each other. Well, in the middle of all this love, there was one dog who didn’t like the little bobcat at all. 

Unexpected Guest

So, the family dog was not ready to accept the two new guests take all his hoomans’ attention. She stayed in the corner and far from the little pair. It wasn’t like it went unnoticed to the family, they just gave the old dog her own time to mingle with the rest. The family bothered less as so far they thought these two will be soon left back in the woods. They were so much sure about this that they didn’t even give the bobcat and the fawn any names. However, the unbelievable was yet to take place.

Bobcat Making Way

Buster, the boxer was taken by surprise on seeing these new fellows grabbing all the love of her hoomans. The scene of the house completely changed when the little bobcat hesitatingly walked towards the fawn, who was staring at him from a distance. The dog grew alert and the little bobcat was a little scared but moved further anyway. 

Following His Footsteps

Looking at his partner, the fawn also started to follow him curiously. Now, both of them were slowly going closer to the boxer. While the rest of the family members were keeping a cautious eye on them, the two started to sniff Buster, the dog who was not moving. And in the next moment, the Krause family knew that these two babies aren’t going anywhere and are already a part of their family. What was it that happened later on?

Taking In Custody

So, in the next moment, the bobcat walked on top of the dog and sat there while the fawn wrapped herself on one of the dog’s legs. The dog didn’t react to it, in fact, within a minute or so, the family dog took the two of them in her care. It was amazing to see them getting along so perfectly.

Naming Them

After seeing their closeness, the Krause family eventually decided that they’ll be adopting both the bobcat and the fawn. As they weren’t aware of the future troubles that they have to face because of their decision they made the two a part of their family. The kids named the bobcat as Benji and the fawn as Athena.

Benji And Athena

Benji and Athena played all day and slept together with the other two dogs, Tyson, the Rottweiler, and Buster. All of them were getting along but there was just one issue. Benji would grow up quickly and being a predator, he might harm his other family members. And the same happened also.

Adorable Bobcat

Ideally, a wild cat must be in the woods, not like Benji, wandering on the couch and cuddling with dogs and a deer. Yes, Benji quickly got used to this homely feeling but his eating requirements and his speedy nature required a lot more than a home. Was the Krause family able to fulfill all his needs and wants?

Good Food

The Krause family fed both Benji and Athena enough delicious food according to their age. Everyone in the house welcomed them open-heartedly and gave them enough space to wander around everywhere they wished. And it didn’t take much for them to grow up.

Playful Nature

Bobcats have playfulness in their nature. Among all the other beings of the family, Benji turned out to be the most active one of all. This means that the Krause family was soon going to see a huge cat jumping and playing around their house.

Growing Up

The Krause family was well aware of the fact that Benji is a predator and he might scratch any one of them by his sharp claws and run into the woods. But was he ever going to do that? Or was the family going to keep the bobcat with them as a forever kid?

Good Boy

While growing up, Benji only showed interest in playing and not hurting anyone. The family knew Benji was a good boy. But will he act the same way if he is not fed on time? Or once he grows old enough that he starts to look for a partner? So far, the Krause family was pretty sure that despite his predatory instincts and hunting skills, Benji would never hurt them. Not intentionally at least.

Getting Bigger

As expected, Benji did grow quickly and his diet too increased, the growing bobcat needed more food more than the fully grown family dogs. The house looked small for him now. Benji needed more space and playing options to keep him calm and satisfied.

Out Of Hands

By then, Benji made a special place in the hearts of every member of the Krause family. They could see their house was not enough for the big cat now. Also, they couldn’t neglect the fact that sooner or later he might cause harm to the rest of the member of the family unknowingly. That’s when the family came up with an alternate idea.

A Backyard Crib

No, they were not going to leave him right away… In fact, The Krause family decided to invest some money on their bobcat’s needs. They built a spacious separate crib for him in the backyard where he could stay peacefully and see his other family members whenever he would like it but was a backyard crib enough for a bobcat?

Having Fun

Yes, Benji is not a small cat anymore but that didn’t affect his bond with Athena. The unnatural truth is that both of them stayed with each other during the initial days of their fear and they overcame it together. They became members of the Krause family together and now it seemed useless to even think that they can survive without each other. Benji’s sharp claws do hurt Athena a little but never did the bobcat intend to harm anyone at all.

Rough Games

Benji just can’t get enough of his dear friend, deer. Yes, Athena gets some minor scratches at times due to their playful nature yet they can’t keep it aside. Athena too cannot stay away from Benji after all, the bonds made during disasters are way above human understanding.

Rottweiler Style

Benji, the cat tries to spend most of his time with his friends, not in the crib outside. His friendship with Tyson, the Rottweiler is quite breathtaking. Their friendship goes on and off depending on their moods. Somedays, Tyson, and Benji are best of friends while on other days they are just living under the same roof.

Big Kitty

Now that Benji is a big kitty, the Krause family started to maintain an adequate distance from him. They let him be free but stay at a safe distance. But one person who cannot resist staying away from Benji is George Krause, the boy who picked him up as a kid when he was choking because of the fire smoke in the forests.

The Sad Truth

The sad truth is that many times the government rules and regulations destroy several lives and poor Benji was going to be one of those unfortunate souls soon. The years he spent with his adoptive family was memorable and not only did he win the hearts of his family members, and neighborhoods but also thousands of people who watched his funny as well as informative videos made by his hooman, George Krause.

A Playful Soul

In a house full of animals and people, Benji was certainly the reason behind all the fun and activeness around the house. Be it George or be it, Athena, everyone can get tired but Benji seemed to be one hyperactive cat who would not sleep until he was completely exhausted. It’s saddening, the type of end he received…


Despite being a wild cat, Benji always remained well mannered. Especially after George got the crib constructed for him, Benji became the best boy in the house. After all, he was never willing to go to the crib. Although the crib was never used to cage him, he preferred to stay out with his other mates.

Crib Is Just A Formality

Honestly, the crib was just a formality and Benji made it very clear to all. He was a lover of the couch and a dedicated cuddler. Many people commented on George Krause’s youtube page that he was the only exotic animal owner who didn’t use the cat as a source of publicity.

Happiness Not Lasting

Bobcat seemed to be a popular animal around the neighborhood. After all, domesticating such a big cat is no easy task and the Krause family always have to make sure that the neighborhood kids do not get too close to Benji.

Good Days Were Over

Benji, the bobcat, and Athena, the deer lived for several years together under the same roof after which one action of the authorities changed everything for these best buddies. People felt for the two of them and especially for Benji, the poor bobcat who never got the chance to make a comeback to the happy days of his life. 

Thanking The Boy

This is one of the last videos of Benji roaming wildly and freely in his home. No matter how much everyone tries to maintain their safe distance from him, it is clearly visible that Benji developed a special place in his heart for the people who saved his life many years ago…

Big Hug

On the fateful day when George ran to save Benji and Athena from the wildfire, his son too accompanied him. George and his son were the first people who got to know the pair. Now it should not come to anyone as a surprise that Benji loved George and his son the most. 

Carrying Benji

Benji and the young boy had a daily routine of wishing each other good morning in the most adorable way. The boy didn’t leave the house until saying bye to Benji. Unfortunately, this was going to be the last time they’ll say each other bye this joyfully, for the later ones were going to be full of sadness. 

Benji Separated

George couldn’t believe it when he received the call that he couldn’t keep Benji with him anymore. He didn’t do anything wrong nor did Benji ever harm anyone. At first, he assumed that it will be temporary and somehow he’ll get Benji back soon. That’s how he consoled his son who wasn’t ready to let Benji go.

Noah’s Lost Ark Exotic Animal Rescue Center

Noah’s Lost Ark Exotic Animal Rescue Center, Ohio focuses on giving big wild cats living in a safe habitat. Benji was taken to this center and the question arises: Was Benji really being rescued? Was he in need of living in the natural habitat or the place he made his home since his birth? 

Sad Kitty

Undoubtedly, the sanctuary did everything that was in their hands to look after Benji. George was allowed to come and visit him anytime he wanted. Meeting the person Benji loved the most one in a week or two, was an injustice to the poor baby.

Questions Raised

When George shared Benji’s current situation on his Facebook page, thousands of people commented with wishes and prayers. People who had been through the same type of separation from their furry buddies were able to relate to his pain. And then came the heartbreaking result of all the separation stress that the big cat was facing.

The Proof

When one of the wellwishers of Benji tried to inquire about the big cats’ condition, the answer broke many hearts. Although no one can be blamed for it as the sanctuary was helpless in front of the state law. After Benji left this world in 2016, George couldn’t get a hold of his thoughts. After all, this was not what he ever planned it to be.

Gone Forever

With Benji gone, the Krause family including all their animals were in grief. They knew that the risk of Benji being taken away has always been there but they never imagined it would affect them and Benji so adversely.

The Deer Who Lived

Benji left the world and it impacted Athena the most. In his friend’s absence, Athena stopped eating and playing. Benji had been by her side all these years and it started to look like after Benji, Athena too would not live for too long. However, George couldn’t let that happen.

Athena And Eros

George introduced Athena with a male deer to distract her. Although Athena didn’t show any interest in the deer, they were able to get the two of them together. And soon after that, Athena was pregnant and she gave birth to Eros, the fawn.

Living Healthy 

George kept both Athena and Eros with him. He makes sure that the deer and the fawn are in a healthy state. They have become an important part of his family now and he didn’t want to lose them like Benji.

The Memories

The old videos of Benji get more views everyday till date. The bobcat is not in this world anymore but people just watch his videos and without knowing much about his life just enjoy his playfulness and loyalty towards the Krause family.

The Less-Known Truth

In recent years, Benji became an internet sensation but very few people know what fate Benji the bobcat actually met. This was Benji who loved everyone around him when he was alive and still spreads love and happiness in the world daily.

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