A woman reminds me of one popular internet quote: “As we grow old we realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real friends.” So, if you are old enough, you must be well aware of the importance of real people in life. Aren’t there a very few people whom we can actually rely on?

And we all know that feeling when the people we love the most break our trust. Such past experiences become the reason why most of the people struggling with trust issues. Something similar happened with a Florida resident, Cheryl Treadway whose situation became critical enough that her, as well as her three kids’ lives, were at risk. What made it worse was the fact that all of this was coming from a person whom Cheryl loved the most.

All that we can tell you right now is that Cheryl’s story is one that goes far beyond ones’ imagination.

Cheryl TreadwayWoman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

A hardworking and creative woman named Cheryl Treadway was so caught up in her work affairs that she rarely got a chance to live a life of her own. She was young, enthusiastic, and career-oriented. A woman who did anything and everything either with complete dedication or not at all. She had a passion for reaching her desired goals in life. But one unplanned date changed everything for her. 

The Lost Woman

Every person that walks in our life either leaves with lessons or memories. Cheryl Treadway, a resident of Highlands County, Florida was living an ordinary life until one day, the arrival of one guy changed everything for her. This guy’s presence was about to change everything about Cheryl, be it her priorities or be it her perception of the world. Her ordinary life transformed into an extraordinarily romantic one.

Ethan Nickerson

Ethan Nickerson was the name of a sincere man who once coincidently met Cheryl. He seemed like a smart guy who too believed in working hard and keeping people around him, happy. He was a man of his words and with good looks. Isn’t that what most of the girls expect from their perfect life partner? Well, Cheryl was going to get all that she needed when she wasn’t even looking for it.

An unplanned meeting of these two strangers was all that was needed to bring them together.

Just An Eye Contact

The day when Cheryl and Ethan met for the first time, it felt like taken straight out of the movie, “The Vow”. Guess what? It was the same kind of feel that Channing Tatum’s character felt for Rachel McAdams. They both just knew there was something more to their little interaction. Despite their strong first interaction, they didn’t even get to know each other’s name but can that stop two people from reuniting?

Love At First Sight

Both of them were grabbing a cup of coffee before starting their hectic day. In the first look, Ethan felt like love at first sight for the girl who was so lost in her work that they didn’t even exchange names. What were the odds that Cheryl left her wallet at the front table and Ethan knew this could be the only chance to get to know this girl. He was a believer of signs and he knew that it was a clear sign.

Contacting Her

Ethan got to know her name from the driving license inside her wallet. Guess what? The man reached her doorstep to hand over her wallet the same evening. Cheryl was taken by surprise to see a stranger taking out time to return her wallet. From there started a story of love and togetherness, fun and family, that would soon end at suffering and fear, separation and punishment.

Charming Personality

Ethan was a charming man with a friendly personality. They started to go out on dates and in his company, Cheryl could happily lose track of time and the world. She never knew that she could get so much fun in the little time off work that she used to get. Ethan kept a check of all the small things that could be a reason for her happiness.

His Girl

Ethan soon put the question in front of Cheryl whether she will be his girl. Cheryl, a woman who never believed in fairytales was blessed to have one for herself. Well, the real world is famous for its unhappy endings. Fairytales are rare scenarios here. Anyway, Cheryl believed in the words of her newly found love. 

Plans And Promises

Ethan promised her all the happiness in life and Cheryl trusted each and every word that he said. As their relationship grew stronger, the couple decided to move in together. This was one big decision but the couple was a believer in seizing every moment and it was for sure that they cannot be alone anymore. That’s when they were about to put all their savings into a shared dream of living together.

Moving In Together

Ethan and Cheryl bought a house together in Highlands County. They were happy in their safe haven unaware of the horrible test that time was about to bring upon them. In the following years, they witnessed their second dream coming true, ie, kids. Time flew like it was yesterday and the couple was bringing up three kids altogether.

Ups And Downs

Like any other relationship, Cheryl and Ethan too had their ups and downs. The couple made sure that all their arguments never happen in front of the kids. They knew how these petty family matters could hamper their kids’ childhood. Cheryl made sure that any argument is sorted before the kids get to the house. Little did they know that soon they would cross this threshold too.

Getting LostWoman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Couples just cannot escape regular fights and arguments. It wasn’t just for their kids, the couple really wished for everything to work out perfectly. In the beginning, all their issues used to be solved just by kissing each other. They were able to successfully get their way out of the mess. But time was about to test this couple’s patience, sadly, they were going to fail.

Career Dissatisfaction

Cheryl left job after her first child was born. In the process of taking care of three children, she couldn’t get even a single moment for her career.

It all started when Ethan changed his job. Unfortunately, he wasn’t satisfied with the work in the new company as well. And the stress of his professional life started to create stress in his personal life as well.

Disappointed Man

Ethan started to take offs more than often and cared less about getting paid. So far, he knew what he was doing was irresponsible and when Cheryl tried to give him a pep talk, he eventually started to look for a better-earning option for himself. During this searching process, Ethan tried to get help from several people. Not good ones we must say. 

A Means Of Escape

Most of them couldn’t be of any help which was still fine compared to those people who were about to tempt Ethan towards an evil means of escape. These people offered Ethan a way to get rid of his worries, even if it was for a short while. This way was in the form of a “thing”. Ideally, it was not a real escape but a subconscious one. Once he used this “thing”, the desire to have more only increased. 

Reaching The LimitWoman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Ethan started the intake of this substance on a daily basis and now it was bothering Cheryl. Things went out of control during the month of May, when Cheryl found Ethan high on this stuff early in the morning. Cheryl’s first instance was to drop her kids to school and later on deal with her boyfriend.

Daily Arguments

Prior to this, the couple spent days arguing about Ethan’s addiction. All Cheryl asked him was to quit. Their kids were big enough to understand that something wasn’t right between their parents. Cheryl knew that soon they’ll grow smart enough to understand that their father chose not to be in his senses. 

The Last Warning

On that particular day, Cheryl was determined that this will be her last warning to Ethan. Although she didn’t know what she’ll be doing without Ethan, after all, he had become the sole breadwinner of the family over the past few years. Anyway, she knew she was capable of earning a living too. However, all these were going to be just warnings to scare Ethan and to make him sober.

Underestimating The Situation

Sadly, Cheryl had underestimated the entire situation. She assumed that her warning will be enough to get her old beloved partner back. She had no clue that she was about to face the most aggressive avatar of her boyfriend.

Nagging Wife

Anytime the couple had a fight, it was always Cheryl who shouted the most. Ethan on the other hand barely said anything. He was always a bit lost in his own thoughts. Although Cheryl didn’t want to be a nagging wife she wasn’t left with any other choice. If being a nagging wife was all that it would take to bring her life partner back to life then she was ready to do it for the one last time. 

No Way She’s Leaving Him

After her two kids went to the school and the youngest one fell asleep, Cheryl went to talk to Ethan. She warned him if he’ll follow the same ways, she’ll be leaving him. Like always, the hours passed by in the argument and Cheryl gave up.

The Kitchen Knife

Ethan didn’t reply as always, she warned him that she’ll be leaving right away. The moment she uttered these words, Ethan’s reactions changed. In an instant, he grabbed a kitchen knife and held Cheryl by her arms and threatened her. There was a terror in Cheryl’s eye.

False PretenseWoman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Cheryl was undoubtedly scared yet thinking of her sleeping baby in the next room she controlled her emotions. He didn’t drop the knife after that moment and kept on repeating the same thing. Ethan has always been aggressive by nature but he had never raised his hand on Cheryl before. 

Holding Her Hostage

Even under the influence of drugs, Ethan made sure that Cheryl couldn’t leave the room. The mother of three couldn’t think of anything but her kids. She begged him to let her go and check on her baby in the other room. 

Cooking A Plan

Cheryl told Ethan that it was time for the other two kids’ to leave school and she had promised them that she’ll pick them up. However, Ethan wasn’t convinced at all. After so many requests, Ethan said that she could only go to pick the kids if he goes with her. The man was on drugs but wasn’t ready to give Cheryl any chance to escape.

Snatching The Cell Phone

Ethan even snatched her cell phone out of her handbag. Cheryl drove the car while her boyfriend sat next to her. After she picked up the kids, the thought of running away crossed her mind but how could she? The man sitting next to her was out of his senses and he could harm her kids without a second thought. 

She Would Never Permit

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Cheryl had no gadget to contact anyone or call for help. In any case, she needed to get her kids out of this constant threat their father put them in. Screaming won’t help either as by the time her neighbors will arrive, she’ll be dead. When she couldn’t think of anything else. A sudden idea hit her.

A Genius Solution

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Cheryl calmed herself down and asked Ethan if they can order a pizza for the kids and themselves. She said she’ll quickly place the order online if he’ll let her use the phone for a minute. Obviously, he too must be hungry. He gave her the phone and asked her to be quick.

Pizza Delivery App

Her hands were shaking when she opened the pizza delivery app. Just to make sure that her boyfriend won’t doubt her she showed him what she was doing on the phone. Luckily, she was smart and quick enough to get what was needed to be done. Although there was no assurance that it will be of any help at all. 

An Unforgettable Order Slip

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

That was one hectic day at the Pizza Hut branch in Avon Park, Florida when a staff member reached the manager. Obviously, the manager told him to come later but the staff member insisted that this cannot wait. With a paper receipt in her hand, her facial expressions were making it clear that this was an emergency situation.

Candy Hamilton

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Candy Hamilton, the branch manager on duty took a look at the printed order slip and couldn’t find anything strange as the billing seemed fine and the items were also available. But the member diverted her attention to the separate note. She looked through it, Candy understood it was not an angry customer’s concern.

Taking It Seriously

“We’ve never seen that before. I’ve been here 28 years and never, never seen nothing like that come through,” said the restaurant’s manager, Candy Hamilton. She immediately got in touch with the authorities.

An Old Customer

The order slip also had Cheryl’s name mentioned on the slip. One of the delivery service members immediately recognized her address and said she wasn’t a customer who would make such serious jokes. She had been a customer with them for over several years.

A Silent Scream For Help

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to EscapeIn the comment section of the slip it was written: “Please help. Get 911 to me”. Cheryl even added at the bottom: “911 hostage help.” yes, there were many other orders waiting in the queue, but helping this customer for whom it was a matter of life and death became Candy’s priority.

Highlands County Sheriff Office

Candy got in touch with the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office and described the situation. She made it very clear that this might be a hostage situation. The cops reached the Pizza Hut branch in less than 10 minutes. They noted the address and took off instantly.

Extremely CarefulWoman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Lieutenant Curtis Ludden, in charge of the team sent by the Sheriff, were well aware of the seriousness of this note left by the lady named Cheryl. The cops inquired with a couple of neighbors who described some recent loud noises from the noted address. 

Great ReliefWoman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

As soon as the cops headed towards the quiet looking house, they noticed a woman running out of the front door with holding a baby in her arms. Cheryl wasn’t sure if anyone will take her message for help seriously or not. Her only hope was that any regular delivery guy would see her message and recognize her. 

Running BlindlyWoman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

For Cheryl, the cops’ van was nothing short of a miracle. She didn’t think of anything else at that moment and ran out of the house. But fear didn’t fade away as her other two kids were still inside. She would never be able to forgive herself if Ethan did anything to the kids. 

The Other Two Kids

The deputies calmed Cheryl and assured her that everything will be alright. Now that she was out, she had no control over Ethan’s action who was already aware that cops were around the house. The cops sensed her fear and asked her to sit and let them do their work. 

Getting Closer

Lieutenant Ludden and his team got closer to the house. As per their training, they didn’t take out their weapons immediately and tried to negotiate with Ethan to let the kids go and move out of the house without forcing the cops to act on it.

Pleading To Surrender

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Lieutenant Ludden was using his megaphone to give Ethan a chance to surrender. His reply to the cops was: “I’m not coming out because I know I’m going to jail.” He was scared too but he had to bear the consequences of his wrongdoings.

20 Minutes

It took around 20 minutes for the cops to convince Ethan into finally giving up. He walked out of the house peacefully and it seemed like he just gained back his senses. He was so ashamed of his actions that he couldn’t even look straight into Cheryl’s eyes.

All’s Well That Ends Well

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

As soon as the police handcuffed Ethan, Cheryl ran inside the house to get her other two kids. The kids were in their bedroom unaware of what had just happened outside. Cheryl couldn’t be more thankful that all her kids were safe and she was not supposed to live in the fear anymore.

Kids Returning

Cheryl hugged her kids tightly and promised them that she won’t be leaving them again. She even apologized to them for leaving them in a terrifying situation. The kids looked at their mom and knew something wasn’t right but what they couldn’t ask.

Charges FiledWoman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Ethan Earl Nickerson was found under the influence of Methamphetamine. Yes, the kids were unharmed but that didn’t stop Cheryl from continuing with the case against him. The Highlands County Sheriff’s Office police charged Ethan with obstruction of justice, aggravated assault with a weapon without intent to kill and false imprisonment.

A Clever Trick

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

“If I’m standing there with a knife in my hand, sharpening it, and looking at you in a menacing way and make a statement that, ‘I’m going to kill you,’ and I’ve already done some violence to you, you know how are you going to take that message?” told Lieutenant Chris Ludden of Highlands County Sheriff’s Office. He tried to explain that situations like these limit one’s option of getting help.

Extending Her Deepest Gratitude

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

Cheryl Treadway did not forget to thank the real heroes thanks to whom her children were safe. She showed her gratitude to the Pizza Hut staff who took out time from their work and informed the police about her condition.

The Act Of Kindness

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape

This case was unique for the police, the Pizza Hut staff and for everyone who read about it on social media. This case is an example of how quickly the human mind can think in moments of trouble. Indeed we don’t know our true capabilities until we are tested.

Quick Thinking

Woman Was Held Hostage, Then Came Up With an Idea How to Escape“I don’t know if I would have thought of it. I mean it’s just something she did so naturally. The boyfriend never knew about it until he saw us coming around the corner,” said the manager of the Pizza Hut.

Starting A Separate Life

While Ethan is still facing the consequences of what he had done, Cheryl started a life of her own with her kids. Now, it is a matter of her choice whether she will let him meet the children in the future or not…

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