Dogs are considered the most loyal friends of humans. Many researchers and dog owners believe that dogs have a tremendously strong sense of protectiveness for their owners. In case you are not much of a dog lover, then let us tell you that dogs do amazing things all the time. Don’t believe us? Just ask any dog owner how their pooch is doing and they’ll start telling you about the adventurous stories of their furry friends with so much enthusiasm.

But Keola, an Akita breed dog did the strangest thing to her pregnant lady owner. At first, no one was able to understand the reason behind this dog’s weird behavior but when they did, it changed them as a person forever.

A Family Of Three

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola Dog
A healthcare assistant named Alhanna Butler lived with her fiancé Ricky in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England. After dating each other for several years, the couple finally decided to move in together and start a family. The first member they added in their family, as well as their home, was a sweet Akita puppy whom they named Keola.

Keola, Akita Inu

Butler and Ricky shared similar kind of thoughts about this, as per them, a person who cannot take care of a dog is not prepared to take the responsibility of a baby. Hence the couple adopted Keola, an Akita Inu in the hopes that she will be the first step in expanding their family. As a pup, the couple couldn’t get enough of her and by the time she grew up, Keola couldn’t stay far from her hoomans either.

One Step At A Time

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman Dog
Keola was just a few weeks old when the Butlers initially brought her home. For the next eight months, they looked after all her needs, the couple finally realized that they were ready for another big step in their lives. The couple was positive about adding another member to their family, sadly, it wasn’t going to be an easy path for them. They tried to conceive for several months but every time the test showed negative results.

Negative Reports

One fine day, Alhanna Butler took the pregnancy test once again and it showed negative like the previous times. In an attempt to take her mind off the negative test, Alhanna threw the test away and went outside with her beloved, Ricky. Meanwhile, Keola was not going to let her hoomans lose hopes so easily. 

Unusual Behavior

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola Dog
That night Alhanna and Ricky returned to completely messed up home. The cushions were on the floor, and most surprisingly Keola didn’t even touch her food. And it seemed like she wasn’t ashamed of her actions at all, in fact, she was eagerly waiting for her hoomans to return home and see what she has done! This was completely opposite of Keola’s usual nature.

The Discarded Pregnancy Test

While Ricky started to fix the cushions, their pet ran towards the bathroom and Alhanna followed her to look at what she was up to. Certainly, Keola must have found something exciting but as far as Alhanna could remember, she didn’t leave anything of her furry friend’s interest outside. So, what was it all about?

Big Pleasant Surprise

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogKeola, who never even got close to the bins before, took out the rejected pregnancy test from it. The super excited, Keola sat on the pregnancy test and soon nudged it towards Alhanna. She didn’t know what to do with a negative pregnancy test. Just to clean up the mess, Alhanna picked up the test and was about to throw it back in the dustbin when she noticed it.

The Miracle

When she picked it up, Alhanna noticed that maybe she didn’t wait for long back then because the second line from the test reports had appeared! Alhanna jumped out of joy and called for Ricky to give the good news. Was this the reason behind Keola’s excitement? Was she trying to signal on the positive pregnancy test? Whatever must have been the reason, Keola’s uncommon behavior was not going to stop anytime soon. In fact, it only grew with time. 

Growing Excitement

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola Dog
Butler and Ricky were trying to conceive from almost six months and finally, they were feeling like the happiest people in this world. The idea of becoming parents was so touching that the couple couldn’t have been more thankful to Keola. Alhanna was happy to see Ricky’s happiness but he made sure not to believe the appearance of the second line right away.

Two Weeks PregnantAlhanna Butler Pregnant Woman Dog

The first thing Alhanna did the next morning was to visit the hospital to get a proper test done. The reports put a stamp on the last night’s pregnancy test, Alhanna was indeed two weeks pregnant. With the confirmed news, Alhanna planned to surprise Ricky. According to her, Keola delivered this good news to them and she will be the best help in delivering the message to Ricky. She wrote a heartwarming note and tied to Keola’s collar and sent her to Ricky to share the confirmation news. What an amazing moment it must have been!

Changes At the Door

The good news filled the couple’s life with joys. They were finally living those long pregnancy months. Also, with this incident, the couple started to believe that their dog was an extraordinary one. The couple felt so blessed about sharing their dog’s unbelievable story along with the news of their baby with their friends and family.

Star AkitaAlhanna Butler Pregnant Woman Dog

As the couple shared Keola’s story with everyone, she became a star member for all. The couple was eagerly waiting for their baby and got all caught up in the preparations for welcoming the baby. It was all going exactly as they planned it to be, however, someone wasn’t happy with these sudden changes in the Butler family. And she made sure that others would realize it too…

Not Everyone Is Excited

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola Dog
As Alhanna was moving further in her pregnancy, Keola grew more and more uncomfortable. It was so unlikely of her, she was the kind fo dog who followed her hoomans to the bathroom unless they close the doors! And during Alhanna’s pregnancy, Keola never seemed to enjoy or celebrate with them. All this weirdness kept on growing with time.

Red Flags

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogKeola’s nature was changing rapidly. She wasn’t okay with Alhanna’s pregnancy and it was clearly visible. Her owners tried to comfort her by taking her out for picnics but nothing seemed to help in improving her behavior. The couple was already occupied in all the planning for the unborn baby and Keola was not adjusting with it.

Falling Apart

Keola’s unusual behavior kept on escalating day by day. She even started to nudge Alhanna’s belly and crying. The confused couple was hoping this weirdness will go away with time although it only got serious with the pregnancy. She even grew more distressed when Alhanna used to leave the house for work.

A Curious Akita

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogAlhanna and Ricky took her to the vet but nothing was found wrong. According to the vet, Keola was all fit to go home again and she might be just taking her time to get along with the sudden changes. Unfortunately, no one was able to figure out the accurate reason behind Keola’s trouble-causing nature. 

Worsened Behavior

Believing that Keola will soon start to behave normally, the couple focused on the more important things, that were to be done before Alhanna’s due date. While the couple was busy in transforming their guestroom into their baby’s room, Keola used to sit outside the room and whine and bark loudly. Unlike before, she stopped entering that room. Little did the couple know, they’ll wish they would have taken Keola’s behavior seriously much before.

Just Go With It

Alhanna and Ricky made their own theory and believed in it. According to them, Keola’s unusual behavior was the result of her feelings of jealousy for the baby. Adding on to it, the lack of attention must have been the reason behind all her strangeness. It was odd because Keola was a cheerful dog yet they ignored her nature. After all, she was supposed to learn how to be around the baby.

Attempts To Prevent A Tragedy

When the baby comes, Keola was going to be an elder sister. She was the one who delivered the news of the pregnancy to the couple and now she seemed to behave in the most unfriendly manner with the unborn baby. It did upset Alhanna to see Keola disturbed but what you would have done if you were in her place?

Keola Hits A Breaking Point

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola Dog
As Alhanna’s due date was getting closer, the couple couldn’t wait to become parents. All their family members were equally excited for the two of them. They brought in various gifts for the little member of their family. Everyone was suggesting them various names for the baby but Alhanna’s mind was somewhere constantly worrying for Keola and whatever was bothering her.

Mood Swings

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman Dog

They were nearly in the midway of their pregnancy when Keola’s behavior grew out of their control. She had these odd mood swings wherein she stopped leaving Alhanna alone. She accompanied her even in the bathroom. Also, nudging the pregnant woman’s belly became a daily thing.

Concerns Start To Increase

Keola’s behavior was now becoming a serious issue in the family. What seemed like mood swings due to hormonal changes were actually totally different signs. Keola pressed her snout to Alhanna’s belly and cried most of the times. For a moment, the thought crossed Ricky’s mind, “was Keola trying to say something they were failing to understand? Was she trying to warn them?”

A Dog Code To Decipher

Butler and Ricky now started to notice that Keola seemed more concerned than jealous. She always kept her head close to Alhanna’s pregnant belly and wept. The couple further got their checkups done and everything was going perfectly normal. Keola’s strangeness was not annoying the couple anymore they were rather worried. Sadly, the truth didn’t come out until the 18th week of the pregnancy.

Strange And Sudden Pain

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogAlhanna Butler’s pregnancy was going smoothly until the 18th week when she started to feel a sudden pain in her lower back. During her pregnancy term, she didn’t feel this before, as a matter of fact, she never felt a pain like that ever during her lifetime. As if this pain wasn’t enough that she also started to feel a pressing sensation in her belly.

The Situation Worsens Everyday

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola Dog

The pain only grew with every day and soon, Alhanna wasn’t even able to walk properly. Was this pain the symptom of what Keola was trying to say from so long? Alhanna was now suffering from this extreme pain and the worst part was that she didn’t know if this was common pain during pregnancy or if she was dealing with something serious.

Where Is The Support?

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogJust like any pregnant woman, Alhanna too turned to her friends who had babies. She wanted to know if this pain was common during the course of pregnancy or not. Sadly, when she shared her pain with her mom and friends they suggested her to be tolerant and not be whinny about this usual pain. She was even warned about difficulties she’ll face during her delivery if she can’t bear the normal back pain.

Strike One

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogThe pain grew so worse within a week that the couple had to rush to the hospital. They were holding each other’s hands when the doctor stated the amount and duration of pain differs from person to person. The couple wasn’t given any direct answers and was left more confused than before. Without any straightforward answers, the couple was feeling lost.

Concerning Yet Inconclusive News

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogThe Butlers were asked to toughen up however, it wasn’t the solution. Alhanna did her part of research on the internet but nothing described her pains. She read all the online blogs written by health experts but couldn’t find anything.

Searching For Urgent Answers

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogAlhanna and Ricky weren’t satisfied with all the answers that they had received from the doctors and friends. To make this situation worse, they realized that Keola’s weirdness has reached new heights. Their sweet dog was staring at them without any pause. At last, Alhanna came up with an idea that might help her family and herself.

Keola’s Signs

Keola was now looking angry instead of being worried and the couple had to make a choice whether to ignore her again or do something about it. Ricky started to contact dog owners and dog-owning friends meanwhile Alhanna shared her then-present condition in a social media post. The outcome of this post was overwhelming. In hundreds of comments that she received, one was from the most important person of her life.

A Wave Of Support

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogMost of the commentators were supportive to Alhanna and they suggested her to take Keola’s behavior seriously. The couple was finally feeling strong by these people’s support. Among the overflowing messages, one advice changed Alhannna’s life forever.

Mama Always Knows Best

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogAlhanna’s mother saw her Facebook post and got into some serious thinking. She called up Alhanna and told her not to take Keola’s behavior lightly. She further suggested her daughter take a second opinion about this constant pain she was feeling. Unaware of the tragic news that awaits her, Alhanna fixed another appointment with the doctor.

A Persistent Pain

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogAlhanna remembered the last time she visited the hospital for a regular checkup and she was suggested that everything will be fine and this pain is normal. In the hopes to get to the bottom of this confusing situation, the couple looked forward to their appointment. The truth was finally revealed when Alhanna was on her way to the hospital.

She Collapsed

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogWhile Ricky was parking the car outside the hospital, Alhanna collapsed. It was now evident that something was extremely wrong with her or with the baby. Thankfully, the nurses arrived on the spot and took Alhanna straight to the emergency ward. And then all those signs that Keola was giving to the couple became clear.

The Right Moment

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogRicky was informed about the danger of the mother or the child’s life. After conducting several tests, the doctors were finally sure to share the condition with Ricky. His beloved was suffering from a very rare condition in the kidneys. Furthermore, to prevent any future tragedies, they admitted Alhanna in the hospital for a couple of days.

An Uncommon Condition

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogThe rare kidney disease was harming Alhanna’s both kidneys. Although urinary tract infections are common during pregnancy, kidney disease aren’t common at all. It was a rare type of bacterium resistant to antibiotics. This disease would have soon spread to her other organs alongside her kidneys. 

Specialized Care

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogThe young couple was horrified to know that this disease was spreading inside her for quite a while. The doctors didn’t have any completely healing antibiotics for the pregnant woman as they were supposed to kill the disease but save the baby.

Protecting The Life Of A Pregnant Woman

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogUsually, doctors suggested the medicines and their work was over, but in this case, pregnancy made it a critical condition. The medical team took their time to research and come up with a suitable antibiotic that will be effective on the disease and would not harm the kid as well.

An Open Battle

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogAlhanna Butler was admitted to the hospital for four weeks. To keep her from pain, she was kept on a heavy dose of morphine which meant she was lying unconscious there for most the times. At least they now knew the issue and were in the process of getting cured.

Keola’s Fears

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogAlhanna, later on, remembered, “it was incredible. She knew I was seriously ill when no one else did and she made sure she told me. I now know Keola was definitely trying to tell me something was wrong. I just wish I had listened to her sooner.”

Brief Getaway

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogAlhanna was worried about Keola now, she wanted to meet her once and show her that she was doing fine. The young couple somehow managed to convince the doctors to go home for a couple of hours to meet their beloved dog. As Alhanna unlocked the door, the couple knew Keola’s reaction was going to be heart-melting.

Calm Within The Storm

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogKeola didn’t jump over her owner, she calmly greeted her and sat in her lap. It was the most emotional moment so far in Alhanna’s life. Ricky shot the whole scene and indeed it became a forever memory for the family. After an emotional reunion, it was time for the couple to head back to the hospital.

The Moment Of Truth

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola Dog
It was nearly after two weeks of Alhanna’s stay in the hospital that the doctors ran another set of tests on her. Luckily, this time it was good news, she was healing as the antibiotic suited her. After staying under observation for a long time, she was eventually discharged from the hospital. Now, they eagerly waited for the baby to arrive.

A Miracle To Celebrate

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogAfter a couple of months, Alhanna gave birth to a healthy baby boy whom they named Lincoln. The medication worked in favor of the mother and the son which finally resulted in the successful delivery of the baby. The couple couldn’t wait to introduce the new member of the family with the star member.

Introducing The Newest Family Member

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogKeola became a darling dog when she behaved wisely around baby Lincoln. She seemed to understand how delicate Lincoln was and maintained adequate distance from him.  She was his elder sister and his guardian angel.

New BFFs

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogAlhanna mentioned, “I completely trust her around Lincoln. She loved him before any of us did – it was she who knew about him first. She loved him before he even knew she existed.” Previously, they felt happy about bringing Keola to their family but now they felt blessed to have her in their lives.

A Guardian Angel

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola DogAfter getting to know their story, many people were surprised that the couple didn’t take the second opinion anytime sooner. Most of the dog owners believe that there’s always some significant reason behind their dog’s uncommon behavior and guess what, they were right.

A Four-Legged Solution

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogThe Butlers would have never reached to the hospital on time if it wasn’t for Keola. This tale of happiness would have turned out to be an unbearable tragedy. The doctors later suggested that it must be Keola’s strong sense of smell which told her that something wasn’t right.

Keola Saved The Day

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman DogAlhanna and Ricky plan their kid’s future now and it all happened because of Keola. They never forget the great act of kindness this dog did to them. Hence, Keola gets treat usually every other day now. She was a star before too but now she is considered a hero.

Insistence Paid Off

Keola’s existence in their lives made all the difference. The couple would ever forget that it was because of Keola that they went to the hospital for the second opinion. Lincoln and Keola are best buddies and almost inseparable now.

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