If you have not heard of this monument, then you are probably living under a rock. Mount Rushmore is one of the most famous historical monuments not just in the United States but in the whole world. It is a United States National Monument located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The construction work of this historical landmark took place in 1927 and went on till October 1941. It consists of the facial sculpting of the four prominent United States Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

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Initial Plans

The main sculptor of the monument was Gutzon Borglum. He was responsible for designing and overseeing the whole project. While Mount Rushmore to some, may just look like a bunch of facial carvings on the surface of a mountain, but there is so much more to it. Borglum initially wanted this to be a secret project and wanted to keep it from the public’s knowledge. There have been a lot of speculations as to what these fours faces hold behind closed doors.

The Father of Mount Rushmore

Back in the year 1923, historian Doane Robinson, aka “The Father of Mount Rushmore,” was struck with a brilliant idea to get tourists to visit South Dakota. So in the year 1924, he met up with sculptor Gutzon Borglum. Borglum had helped in creating The Confederate Memorial Carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia.
Robinson told him about his idea of doing a similar project Black Hills of South Dakota, and Borlgum was in. Originally, the monument’s location was set to be in the Needles near Custer, South Dakota. The granite pillars turned out to be too thin so it was a no-go.

Location Scouting

They were searching for a good place to finish their project in. After an intensive location scouting was done, they made a decision to set Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota. As he looked at Mount Rushmore, Borglum even claimed that “America will march along that skyline.” Congress authorized the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission on March 3, 1925. It went on to be a celebrated monument that holds a sentimental value to many people.

The Original Intention

But you would be surprised to know that the carvings of these four famous presidents were not the original plan at all. In the beginning, the idea was to actually carve world famous people to attract visitors from all over the world. There were also talks of carving eventful incidents that took place in the history of American. Then, in the end, they made a choice to carve the faces of these iconic presidents which was ultimately very well received by the people.

Why These Presidents?

So even before the time came when Doane Robinson thought of the idea behind Mount Rushmore, the country had already had 29 presidents in its times as a country. So then a question pops up. Why did Gutzon Borglum decide to put just these four presidents and not the rest? The National Parks Service made a claim about this decision saying that all four were chosen because they each represent something about the United States.

The Reason

George Washington would be a representation of the birth of the nation, Jefferson would be a sign of the country’s growth, Roosevelt serves as a representation of the development, and Abraham Lincoln would be a sign of the preservation of the union. Even though there were other presidents, Borglum felt as though these four held the essence of the United States. This was the main reason why these four iconic presidents made their way on the monument.

Controversy With The Location

As you may have read somewhere in the history books, the construction of this monument was not free of controversy. Even before they could start building it, the project faced a roadblock with regard to where it was located. The design was going to change the whole landscape of the location around it and it would result in a permanent change in the geology of the entire place. Some people had a problem with this.

The Native Americans

The Black Hills of South Dakota are considered to be sacred lands by several Native American tribes including the Lakotas, Cheyennes, Arapahos, and some more. The project still went through because the U.S. government had already claimed the area as a National Park. Till today the hills are still used for ritualistic purposes by the Native Americans. Proper compensation for the government using this site is in discussion till date.

Construction Begins

As of the month of October in 1927, the construction of this site began. Gutzon Borglum employed about 400 workers to assist him in making his idea come to life. For Borglum, the monument would not be just another sculpture of his or like any of his other previous works. This monument was going to be his masterpiece and his permanent gift to the American people. It would be there for even the generations in the future to witness.

More Input

However, there was still something that Borglum had up his sleeves. He had even bigger plans for the site than what was announced for the public to know. His initial plan for the whole of Mount Rushmore was not only to be carved on the side of the mountain. There was something more. He was planning on leaving clues for the future generations to be able to learn about the United States. He wanted to keep some information for the people in the future to be able to learn more about the country’s history.

Numerous Restrictions

There was so much that Gutzon Borglum had already planned on doing with the monument. He had way grander plans for the design than it turned out in the end. The first design included more than just the four presidents who ended up. He was also planning to add the map of the Louisiana Purchase along the face of the mountain. And inside the map, he was also planning on carving some of the nation’s highest accomplishments and noteworthy incidents.

Something On His Own

But sadly for him, the commission for these additions could not be made because of the limited funding they received. Even the presidents were supposed to have their carving to their waist up. Since there was limited funding, even this was not fulfilled. But then, Borglum was allowed to have an addition on his own. It is something that holds a mystery even to this day because he had a lot of other plans that was not disclosed to the public.

Long But Efficient

There were several people working on the monument but the Italian immigrant Luigi Del Blanco was chosen to be Chief Carver for the monument. This man was known for his amazing ability to show emotions and personality in his carvings. To be able to do that in these stones is truly a masterful work of art that most people could not even dream of achieving. To carve these faces, he was going to have to use dynamites and follow a process popularly known as honeycombing.

The Process

Well if you have not heard of honeycombing, let us tell you what it is. The workers would drill small holes so compact that they could remove all the tiny particles by hand. Then, they would make use of a bumper tool or a hand facer. These tools are used for smoothening the surface of the rock. The landmark resulted in the removal of a whopping 450,000 tons of rock from the mountain where it lies. There was a point of panic because Jefferson did not fit.

Complications During Construction

Taking on such a huge task as completing the Mount Rushmore monument, it would be foolish to think that everything went smooth. There were a lot of mishaps and problems that the construction faced while completing the monumental task. To say that thing did go on without hitches would be an utter lie. Originally, Thomas Jefferson was placed on the right side of George Washington and the initial construction was done that way.

Working To Fit All In

But then, there was a problem with the granite. The workers had to dynamite their first attempt at Jefferson and so they had to carve the president on the left side. A lot of people feel as though Jefferson has been squished. Well, that’s actually because he is squished. There was a moment during the site’s construction that the people working on the site felt like he was not going to be able to fit in at all. 

The National Parks Service

As of the year 1933, the National Parks Service had officially taken Mount Rushmore under its wing. In the end, this proved to be extremely helpful in improving the infrastructure and funding for the rest of the project. This made it possible for the faces of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln to be in full completion and the site’s plans became successful.

Each President

The whole face of president Washington was done and dedicated in 1934 leaving Jefferson to be finished by 1936. Lastly, President Lincoln’s carving was done in the year 1937. The face of Theodore Roosevelt was continued and finished by the year 1939. There was another thing that took place during the completion of all the faces. Gutzon Borglum had been working on a secret project and this was going to be added to the site after he was done.

Gutzon Borglum’s Secret Addition

The problems faced due to a shortage of funds put a halt on the monuments original plans. But then the United States government authorized Gutzon Borglum’s special addition. So within the years 1938 and 1939, a 70-foot tunnel behind Abraham Lincoln’s head had been carved on the mountain. This, according to the great sculptor Borglum, would serve as the entrance of what would be referred to as “The Hall of Records at Mount Rushmore.”

Other Installations

The plan was for this place to hold onto United State’s most important documents. The entrance was going to be 20 feet high and 14 feet wide with doors that could be opened to an 80-by-100-foot chamber. An eagle with a 38-foot wingspan was supposed to be kept atop this entrance. There would be an inscription on the eagle that read, “America’s Onward March” and “Hall of Records.” The documents like the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were supposed to be kept in bronze and glass cabinets.

A Dream Cut Short

The initial plan for the idea of the Hall of Records was for it to serve as a time capsule. Gutzon Borglum’s plan was to let the future generations walk through the entrance and get to learn more and experience the history of the United States and all that it has achieved. But sadly, Borglum passed in the year 1941 before the entire monument could be finished. His son Lincoln began taking his role to oversee the remaining work that needed to be done to complete the site.

Son Takes Over

Borglum’s passing away and America’s role in WWII put a stop on the construction of the Hall of Records. However, the monument itself was still under construction and in full swing. For many years, the hall became a mere tunnel that was built on the side of the mountain and was rather purposeless. It was kept like this for a while until a few people came together to honor Borglum for his works. They wanted to celebrate his legacy and honor the things he did for the country.

Adding Susan B. Anthony?

Also in the year 1937, there was a new bill that was passed on to the Congress that pleaded for Susan B. Anthony to be an addition to the monumental sculpture. But this was not was not going to bear any fruit because of the funding issues. In the end, Susan B. Anthony was not added to Mount Rushmore as the government decided it would be too costly and because of the fear that the funding would not be enough.

No New Faces

A bill was released and it stated that the funds must be used to complete the heads that were already under construction. There were to be no new faces on the site as that was not the plan.  Although Anthony would have also been a very celebrated face that would be kept on Mount Rushmore due to her achievements in women’s suffrage movement, there was no further plea for her to be kept on the site once it was fully done.

The Cost

After many years of non-stop planning and building, on October 31, 1941, the Mount Rushmore National Memorial became a completed project. It had been long overdue and it was finally completed after so much effort and time. All in all the whole project cost $989,992.32. This was considerably lesser than the amount they would have to spend if they kept going on to complete some of the originals designs.

No Deaths

One truly tremendous achievement about the construction of this monument was that there was not a single death of any workers taking part in building this project. The job to complete this site was indeed risky and tough, but in the end, no one died. In 1966, Mount Rushmore made it on the list of the National Register of Historic Places, and in 1991, President H.W. Bush officially dedicated Mount Rushmore. After a few years went by, Gutzon Borglum’s wish would finally be realized.

The Hall Was Eventually Completed

Even though Gutzon Borglum’s original plans for the Hall of Records seemed to vanish with him in 1941, his dream did not die out. So on August 8, 1998, the tunnel was commemorated to a smaller Hall of Records than planned. This was far from the amazing plans that Gutzon had, but at least it was not completely written off. A repository of records was also kept in the entry of the hall. It was kept on a teakwood box inside a titanium vault and covered by a granite capstone.

Borglum’s Words

There was a quote of Gutzon inscribed on the capstone which says“..let us place there, carved high, as close to heaven as we can, the words of our leaders, their faces, to show posterity what manner of men they were. Then breathe a prayer that these records will endure until the wind and rain alone shall wear them away.”
But do you know what was actually kept inside the vault?

Gutzon Borglum Still Got His Records

So in the vault and box, sixteen porcelain panels had been kept. On the panels, the story of Mount Rushmore’s creation was written. There was also writings about the person who carved it, and the reason behind each of the presidents being there too. The panels also consist of a short history of the United States for anyone who discovers it, to know a little more about the country’s past and achievements. There is also an engraving of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

A Time Capsule

These days the entrance to the hall has been covered behind a 1,200-pound granite slab to keep away from unwanted entries and also to keep it undisturbed. This is done so as the tunnel is not for us to go in and out however we please. It is supposed to serve as a time capsule for the people thousands of years in the future who found themselves discovering the historical site by chance.

Maintaining Mount Rushmore

As you may have guessed, there is a lot of work maintaining Mount Rushmore. This does not just include the ground on which the tourists walk but the actual monument itself. Because of the fact that the monument is carved in granite, there is a big chance that it starts to crack up after some time. In 1989, the National Park Service and the Mount Rushmore Society started to study and do some research regarding the structural integrity of the monument and found out the main points of weakness. The study was also testing the sealant for cracks created by Borglum. It was made of linseed oil, white lead, and granite dust. However, it was soon discovered that this could not keep the structure safe from moisture or water.

New Sealant And Constant Monitoring

So as to keep the structure intact and in good condition, the National Parks staff started removing all the old sealant and started replacing them with modern silicone. This would help the monument in handling a wide range of temperatures that the Black Hills are often faced with along with heavy rain. For the silicone to remain hidden, it was again dusted with granite powder. With the new silicone, an electric monitoring system was installed. This enabled the caretakers to be alerted with even a slight movement, ones as minute as 0.0001 inches. The temperature of the granite can also be recorded with this new installation. This could definitely prevent further damages that the monument might face in the years to come.

Rarely Any Cleaning Occurs

It would be surprising to note that the monument does not require too much cleaning compared to maintaining. The reason for this is because the budget constraints had made it possible for the cleaning got to take place only at extremely crucial times and does not happen often. But back in the year 2005, a pressuring washing company named Kärcher did the country a huge favor. They did so by cleaning up for free with their own equipment that went on for a few weeks making use of pressurized water at over 200 degrees. This was probably the only time that the monument had ever received a thorough cleaning ever since it was opened in the year 1927.

Mount Rushmore Today

By the end of the 1980s, a project was started to let deserving people get the full experience of what the monument has to offer. This project further resulted in the improvement of the visitor facilities, sidewalks, and other infrastructure that were present in and around the monument. This included the Mount Rushmore Visitors Plaza, Lincoln Borglum Museum, and the Presidential trail. The Presidential Trail gives visitors a chance to walk under the whole monument. All of these helped in making Mount Rushmore become South Dakota’s biggest tourist attraction. It also made the site one of the nation’s proudest monuments. there are a lot of activities that one could do on Mount Rushmore.

Activities At The Monument

It is clear just by looking that Mount Rushmore is a breathtaking place. You would be surprised to know that there are a ton of things you can do while visiting this monumental site. At the Lincoln Borglum Visitor Center, you can see several exhibits and a short film that explains the methods and reasoning that went into the construction of this landmark. The Presidential Trail is 0.6 miles long that allows you to have an in-depth, detailed encounter with the monument. Also, there is a junior ranger program that caters to kids of different ages. You will also get to hear from local rangers, information about the local tribes and the Evening Lighting Ceremony. There is also a self-guided audio tour for people who wish to listen to the whole history of the monument.

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