It’s the virtual world we are talking about and thinking of it reminds us of a recent meme that has gone viral on Instagram: “In 2009, made plans to meet online while in 2019, making plans online to meet offline.” Indeed it’s true.

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A woman who recently gained fame due to her appearance in a reality show was taken aback when her Instagram followers started to comment warnings under her posts with her newborn baby. While many Instagram users with a high number of followers rarely reply to the comments, this woman not only was in a habit of going through all the comments as well as she took this matter seriously. Read on to know the results of these comments and the woman’s reaction to them.

A Family

The two people you see in this picture are the ones whom this story revolves around. In fact, the incident we are talking about took place when this couple was on a laid back holiday with their newly born child. And it was then that their Instagram followers started to point the worst part about the pictures of the woman with her child. However, it is necessary that we tell you how these people ended up having thousands of Instagram followers in the first place.

Zoe Hendrix

Zoe Hendrix, a native of Australia, was 29 years old when she became a participant of a reality show. She has always liked challenges and based on her nature, everyone knew that she was about to say yes to the offer of becoming a participant at a famous reality show. People who knew her were right in guessing this, Zoe did agree to the reality shows’ rules and regulations. But this was no ordinary reality show, in fact, the type that might change one’s life.

Alex Garner

The 32-year-old Australian, Alex Garner, made several mistakes in the past but he wanted to give himself one last try. Therefore, to see how it’ll go if he keeps his life decisions in the hands of the so-called relationship experts, Alex agreed to turn up on the sets of this reality show. But what was this show all about?

Meeting A Stranger

So, these two people Alex and Zoe were complete strangers and a bunch of relationship experts were trying to check the possibilities of these two people making things work out together. Wait, didn’t we just say they are strangers? Well, yes they were but they agreed to meet a person that the three experts would choose for them, that’s what the reality show was all about.  

Different Persons

Both Zoe and Alex were very different from each other, in terms of habits, hobbies, interests and more. Even their career choices were too different: while Zoe had a major in Digital Marketing, Alex was a plumber. The point is that their career choices were not going to stand between what they were looking for, ie, a life partner.

Married At First Sight

The Australian reality TV show, Married at First Sight (MAFS) also known as the most controversial social experiment, a platform where Alex and Zoe were going to meet each other. The reality shows with this concept run in several countries around the globe. But it couldn’t work like that in Australia. Want to know why?

Australian Marriage Act (1961)

However, Australian law doesn’t allow strangers getting married as there’s supposed to be a specified number of day’s notification in advance. As the show’s name suggests: strangers meet each other for the first time in a commitment ceremony at the altar, and head to their honeymoon right after a small chit chat session.

Any Obligations?

So, you already know that a group of experts decide, who would be the right match for whom. After coming back from honeymoon they are supposed to stay together for a pre-specified period of time. At last, they have to make a decision, whether they would like to keep seeing the partner, the experts chose for them or whether they’d like to leave.

Several Series

Although the show didn’t gain rave reviews, people love to see it. Over the years, the show has run 5 successful series. Its participants have always been in doubt and pointing fingers at other members and even the show’s authorities. Most of the people question the show’s authenticity and effectiveness. 

Star Participants

While the couples of this TV series rarely ever end up together, there were Zoe and Alex who became one the most popular couple the show brought to limelight during the years of its running. Many regular viewers claimed that it was finally something real that this show had come up with. Seemed like this time the experts actually made the right choice by bringing Zoe and Alex together.

Top Reality T.V. Show

So, what actually happens when two people meet each other for the first time with the prospect of marrying each other? Just one word comes to our minds: Awkward. Yes, the situation must be awkward when two strangers meet with that sort of idea. To see the compatibility rates is the sole motive behind this agreement.

Giving Each Other A Chance

According to the show’s procedure, after the couple returns from their honeymoon and lives the specified number of weeks together and then arrives the conclusion day, ie, when the couple gives their separate views on whether they see each other marrying anytime soon. So, when the same conclusion day arrived for Zoe and Alex, both said they would love to see where their relationship could go.

Moving In Together

Alex and Zoe showed up in the first season of MAFS. Even though the couple moved in together, but they were facing rough days. Zoe was expecting but the couple had a miscarriage. The new couple felt devastated. The viewers of the story who followed every update about the MAFS couple consoled the couple on their Instagram accounts. But was that enough for them to heal?

Assumptions & Reasons

Yes, the presence of each other was the main reason for Zoe and Alex to grow out of their pain. The consoling messages from their followers meant a lot to them. After the miscarriage news was out, many expected the couple will separate their paths due to this huge loss that they suffered at the early age of their relationship. 

Happy Going Lucky

Despite all the assumptions made by people, the couple went above all of them and completed two successful years together. It was during the June of 2016, that Zoe mentioned: “Happy 2-Year Wedding Anniversary to my hunk a spunk…I can’t believe two years ago we met at the altar, what a crazy way to find love.”

The Better News

Alex and Zoe were able to completely get over their last series of shock when they received another good news. Yes, Zoe was expecting again and Alex would do anything in the world that it might take to hold his healthy baby in his arms. Due to their bitter past experience, they were scared enough to keep it a secret this time at least till the first few months of the pregnancies, they decided not to tell anyone about it.

Happier News

So, Zoe once said: “I appreciate and love [Garner] more than I can express & I can’t wait to soon meet our first child.” They finally broke out the news after the doctors assured them that there are no complications in the pregnancy as of now. It sounded easy, although that’s not how it was going to be. 

The Delivery Complication

It was in the month of November of 2016 that Zoe started to have her labor. The delivery had a major complication as the doctors informed Zoe and Alex about the baby’s umbilical cord’s condition. It was wrapped around the unborn’s neck twice and the grip would get tighter as the baby comes out. The horrified couple could do nothing but pray for their unborn to be alright. 

Waiting For Baby To Cry

Alex and Zoe will never forget the moment when the baby was delivered but not crying. They were holding their breaths during that moment which felt the longest ever. It took the baby girl a moment or so but eventually she cried, not only did she cry but also started to breathe herself too. And at that moment her parents couldn’t be more thankful for having her.

Unbearable Pain

Referring to her 12 hours long labor, Zoe expressed her feelings by stating: “I am in awe at what pain I was able to withstand.” They were amazed by the magical feeling that they had on seeing their firstborn. 

Welcome Into This World

Alex and Zoe welcomed their newborn girl to their new home that they bought together. She was adorable and neither the couple nor their Instagram followers could get enough of her. Also, Zoe took up to sharing her pictures of breastfeeding the little one. Her captions under the pictures were inspiring to many other pregnant mothers.

Little Harper Rose

It took Zoe and Alex a while to come on an agreement on what should be their daughter’s name. At last, the name Harper Rose won both party’s approval. So many things were happening together for them and they were learning to be good and systematic parents. That’s when Alex asked Zoe the most awaited question. 

The Great Proposal

So far Zoe and Alex were living together but when they welcomed Harper to their home, Alex felt it was the right time to put the big question. He went down on his knees and Zoe said yes. The world was starstruck to see the participants of the controversial TV Reality show were actually thinking of tying the knot after having a baby.

The Dream Wedding

In the year 2017, the couple tied the knot in a huge ceremony. All their friends and relatives became a witness to their wedding vows. Their wedding was setting an example that reality shows can define one’s life. And after so many things happening back to back the couple felt an urge to take a break from their routine life. 

Trip To Bali

The couple planned a vacation to give them some time to gulp in all that the changes they were going through as a family. What looked like a second honeymoon to the world when it was, in reality, their first family holiday. After all, they were going to take their little princess, Harper Rose. The itinerary of this trip was preplanned but it was all about to go in vain.

Getting Sick

During the trip, they couldn’t even go out of the hotel as Zoe was extremely sick. She had severe pain on one side of her breasts. Zoe thought that some insect-bite must be the reason behind her pain. She waited for a couple of days for the pain to go away but it didn’t. 

Instagram Post

As usual, Zoe posted a new update related to her motherhood on Instagram stating: “SICK AS a flea-bitten dog in the backstreets of Bali.” Like always many female followers commented on her post and they blessed her to get well soon. However, some comments were about to increase Zoe and Alex’s worries.

The Failed Plan

So far, Zoe was upset that their vacation plan was ruined because of her health. But soon she was going to get a bigger reason to be upset about. It all started with her Instagram post about the pain she was suffering from.

Dad Taking Control

On seeing Zoe suffer from terrible pain, Alex took control. Like a good husband, he asked her to take rest while he was doing everything for the baby and her mother. From diapers to taking her for a stroll, he was doing it all for her.

Newer Theory

While many people were blessing the mother of Harper, there were some ladies who wanted to take her time and attention to a different issue. Zoe overlooked a comment that tried to warn her in the first place assuming the commenter was just making a big deal out of it.

More Into The Picture

Within less than a day, more female followers commented with the same concern. There were around 10-20 such comments where ladies were pointing at the same condition. If Zoe hadn’t taken their words seriously, her condition would have turned to worse in the course of days.

The Midwife

A follower stated, “As a midwife, I’d say you have mastitis. I really hope you’ve jumped on it now. Best of luck it bloody sucks.” This is one of the many comments that Zoe was receiving on her recent picture with her little harper. 

More Comments

Another person said: “Worst illness ever — hope you’re feeling better soon.” They were feeling bad for her and wanted her to get well soon. And the number of such comments increased from 20 to 274 in no time. There were so many people who agreed with the midwife’s comment related to mastitis.

A Little Googling

The couple googled the word mastitis. As the people said, its symptoms include severe breast pain, swelling, warmth, fever, and chills. All of these symptoms were matching with Zoe’s state. And that’s when they knew they have to get to their doctor.

Getting It Checked

The couple decided to visit the doctor as soon as they reach home. They did explain the whole scenario and the doctor informed them that there were high chances of mastitis being the reason behind Zoe’s troubles.

The Diagnosis

The commenters were right, Zoe was diagnosed with mastitis. It is said to be caused due to a blocked milk duct or bacteria entering the breast. It can occur to the women who are breastfeeding especially those who are in the first 3 months of feeding.

The Pain

The doctor prescribed her some antibiotics for preventing the infection from spreading and pain relieving medication to lessen her pain. Zoe expressed later that in the pain she felt like she was “hit by a truck.”

Dealing With Mastitis

Yes, it is a common issue among ladies who are breastfeeding. The point is whether a person is able to discover it at the right time or not. This infection can become unbearable. If not treated soon enough, it might become the reason for several other serious issues.

The Symptoms

Zoe’s body temperature was 39-degrees Celsius at the time she was diagnosed with Mastitis. This condition was causing her extreme pain and Zoe could totally relate with one of the commenters who said: “absolutely horrible and excruciatingly painful.”

After the Mastitis

Luckily, Zoe got her treatment right and thanks to the antibiotics, the infection didn’t spread any further. Zoe believes that having a baby is the best experience of her life, also, she accepts that during the days when she suffered from mastitis, this experience became full of pain instead of joy. Zoe recovered from mastitis but her struggles were far from being over. 

Sending Thanks

Zoe thanked all the followers who suggested to her the right thing. She shared a post with a family picture and said: “THANK YOU to all you wonderful and switched on followers who informed me about Mastitis in my last post.” However, this family didn’t last for too long after this incident.

Breaking Up

The couple who was living together for several years, unfortunately, separated in September 2018. Zoe wrote in a post: “It is with great sadness that Alex and I would like to state that we will be separating for now.” This post shocked most of Zoe’s female followers who started to question her for it.

The Right Time To Leave

“After the separation, a lot of women have contacted me privately asking ‘how do you know when it’s time leave your husband?’ The power of that question has weighed on me and I have thought long and hard for an adequate answer that these women deserve,” she shared.

Answering Wisely 

“These exhausted women and mothers who have wearily walked their own relationship highs and lows, and who see me boarding a train, they think maybe they belong on too. The divorce train. The separation train. Or even more terrifying, the single mother train,” said Zoe about the challenge of being a single mother.

Left Alone

“But the unfortunate truth is, I didn’t choose this path. I never bought a ticket. I never thought that the man I love so much would one day walk away. But he did,”  she shared her pain. Alex had his point of view on the whole break-up thing.

Alex’s View

“I mean, it’s not easy being a single parent – that’s for sure. Well, me and Zoe were together four years, you know, and we had Harper, so the best thing about the show was having Harper,” said Alex. He even expressed his wish to be able to give Harper a younger sibling someday. In the interview, Zoe didn’t seem to share the same idea of sibling though.


“Yes, definitely – 100 percent,” adds Alex about having more babies. “I mean, it’s fantastic. She’s an amazing girl and she gives me purpose. I’ve never been big for kids, and then you have them and you realize what it’s all about. It’s just fantastic. I love it.”

Single Motherhood

Zoe expressed: “It’s hard. It’s really hard. I mean motherhood is hard, so I think single motherhood takes a real adjustment. I’m giving myself time to adjust to it.” She further added about co-parenting: “Yeah, we’re doing our best – the best that we can. It’s not perfect, but I don’t think anyone has the perfect co-parenting situation…”

No Way Easier

Zoe’s explained: “I would say it’s actually getting harder as it goes on. It’s hard having to deal with a break-up when you have to see them three times a week. But we do put Harper first and we ensure she has everything she needs.”

Empowering Mothers

Zoe still tries to have fun and look at the brighter side. She still motivates and inspires her 74,000 followers. “Who would have thought parenting could be so much fun? I never thought I’d love being a mum as much as I do. I never was the clucky type who daydreamed about babies… but motherhood is by far the most humbling, fulfilling and empowering the role of my life,” said Zoe in an interview.

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