This is a story that involves a man named Alexander Archbold who made a decision to do what felt right after purchasing a $10 collector’s item from a homeless person. Alexander found out that this homeless man had sold him somethings quite valuable for only $10. He did not realize this right away but what he did was something that is truly worth noting… You would not believe it!

Curiosity Inc

So who exactly is this guy named Alexander? Well, his full name is Alexander Archbold. He has an occupation which is running his family’s business. He was someone who always loved pawn shops so this guy was the perfect family member to take over the business. And so he took over their business which is named Curiosity Inc.

No Gold Or Silver

And even though their family business is sort of like a pawn shop, there is a huge difference between an ordinary pawn shop and this shop. So what might that be? Well, their business does not buy silver or gold. We all know that a pawn shop always takes in goods of every kind, from the smallest to the biggest. However, Alexander’s shop refuses to take in gold or silver.

Rare Objects

So how could this pawn shop of theirs ever earn much if they do not take in gold or silver? We all know how precious and profitable they are. Well, this family had a way they could work around what people would identify as a hindrance for their business. They do not buy or sell gold or silver, but Curiosity Inc makes sure they buy excellent antique items.

Business Handling

And so, even though these precious metals are not to be seen at their store, the Archbold family still manages to get their earnings from the antique items they buy or sell. There are so many instances wherein the family gets lucky. Many folks bring in something rare that can easily be sold for double their price on eBay. This has been helping them a lot.

Interesting And Cool

Since this family refuses to take in gold or silver from sellers, Alexander knew very well that his family would have to have a sharp eye for all things cool and interesting. And ever since he took over the business, he had always made sure to select and get the best items he could find. And since the opening of Curiosity Inc. Alexander has indeed collected some cool items…

A Homeless Man

Alexander had always selected the items that came into his shop. By now, he was an expert in hand selecting what would work for their store. He knew what could be sold to get a lot of profit from people who came into their shop. However, he never expected that a homeless man of all people would bring in something amazing. A homeless guy named Adam came with a shock…

Meeting Adam

Alexander had always been the person to decide what goes in and out of their pawn shop. He had always been careful in selecting stuff that was bought or sold. He knew what worked by now since he had taken over the family business for quite some time now. And when the homeless man came in, he was beyond surprised. The man on the right is Adam who is homeless.

To Earn A Little

So although there had been many people who come in and out daily to Alexander’s shop, Adam was a standout. He would often bring in whatever interesting items he could gather on the street to Alexander. The homeless man would occasionally do this in the hopes of getting a few bucks to buy himself food for the day. He just needed cash to get by his daily needs…

A Dumpster Diver

And so if Adam was a homeless person, then how come he could bring in items several times? Where was his source of finding these items that he would sell to the store? Well, it turns out, Adam would get a majority of the items that he sells by dumpster diving. He would go around the streets and dig through dumpsters to hopefully find something worth selling.

One Fine Day

And so since he comes often, Alexander already knows the reason for Adam coming in with all these items. Since he knows that Adam is homeless, he would always spare a couple of dollars every time he enters the store to sell items he finds. And so since Adam had always come to the store so many times, he was bound to get lucky,right? Well, what he sold to Alexander one day was incredible.

In A Dumpster

So as we had already mentioned, Adam would often dig through dumpsters to find something worth selling among the pile of trash. He would manage to find items that were good enough to buy to him his daily meal. But nothing was ever valuable enough to allow him to earn more. One day while he was dumpster diving, he stumbled upon a pretty picture that caught his attention.

The Bambi Picture

So what exactly did he find in the dumpster? What Adam found that day was something that was pretty enough for him to stop everything and take it. The picture he saw was a classic scene from Disney’s Bambi movie which Adam immediately took and went to Curiosity Inc to sell. He had no clue if this would be worth anything or not, he just found it pretty.

Huge Surprise

So when he went to the store, since Alexander had always wanted to help Adam, he did not think twice about buying it from him. Since he could tell that Adam had dug through a lot of dumpsters to find something, he wanted to give him something to make up for his effort. After looking at the picture, he decided to buy it from the homeless man for $10. 

A Certification

When Adam brought in the photo of Bambi, Alexander thought this was pretty too though it was from a dumpster. He had already made up his mind to frame the picture and to hopefully sell this to collectors. He knew that a Disney fan would probably love to own the picture. As he took a closer look of the picture, he could see that it had a certification glued on the back.

Collector’s Item

And so as soon as he saw that the Bambi picture had a certificate behind it, Alexander got a little curious. What could this mean and why was this glued to the back of this photo in the first place? Well, after he took it to an expert, he realized some amazing news. The Bambi picture was not an ordinary one. In fact, it was an authentic collector’s items.

Price On eBay

And there had been so many times that Adam came in with petty items that could never be sold for much. But this time, it was different. In fact, this was actually the first time that Adam had ever brought something valuable to Alexander. Adam had actually found a collector’s item that could be sold for so much on eBay! Alexander’s jaw dropped!

Expensive Picture

So as Alexander got intrigued by the certificate, he did some online snooping. He had to get to the bottom of the mysterious Bambi picture that had a certificate glued to the back. He knew that there must be something about the picture that was significant to carry this certification. And yes, what he found was indeed shocking. Most of all the price was insane online.

The Price Online

Adam, the homeless man had no clue what the story was behind the pretty Bambi picture he managed to find in a dumpster. His only thought about the picture was if Alexander would want to buy it for a price that could get him his food supply for the day. He did not expect it to ever be worth anything much.  But soon, Alexander realized the picture is worth $3,700! So did he sell it?

What Happened Next?

And so what the homeless man had managed to get from relentless digging through dumpsters ended up being way more valuable than both of them could have ever fathomed. And so since the price of the picture was so high online, Alexander knew he had to sell this. He took the picture for only $10 from Adam but wanted to do the right thing…

Sharing The Profits

After realizing the full value of the Bambi picture, Alexander wanted to make sure he did what was right. And so, after he sold it for $3,700, he knew in his heart that Adam deserved to get half of the profits. So he did not want to rake in all the money but instead wanted to share the joy with the homeless man. This is so heartwarming, right?

Searching For Adam

As soon Alexander realized that the picture that the homeless man sold him was worth much more than the two of them could have ever imagined, he wanted to share the profits right away. As soon as he sold it, Alexander hurried to his car and he started driving all over the city. He needed to find Adam and tell him about what happened.

Where Is He?

Alexander did not take too long to make up his mind and share the $3,700 with the man who needed it much more than he or his business did. He could not wait to hand over $1.700 to Adam. Alexander was certain that Adam would make use of this money and that he could hopefully be of help to him. But he had a hard time spotting where Adam was.

Favorite Place

Like we had said, Adam had come and gone to Curiosity Inc., doing small business with Alexander often. So it is safe to say that the two have been quite well acquainted with each other. So after being sold a valuable picture, Alexander looked everywhere for his homeless pal. He began looking for Adam in all of his favorite spots that he was frequently found.

Quite A Challenge

But even after driving around town in search of Adam, he was nowhere to be found. The homeless man, unfortunately, was not found by Alexander. He went to all the places where Adam would often sleep or spend time in. But since he did not have a proper address or a phone number where Alexander could call him, it became a challenge.

Using Social Media

And after excitedly hunting down Adam to tell him the good news, Alexander was left disappointed since he ended up not finding him anywhere. He had gone all over the city as he knew breaking the good news would bring a smile on the homeless man’s face too. After not being able to locate the homeless man to give him his share of the profits, Alexander decided to use social media.

To Call Him

Since he failed to find Adam in the city, Alexander ran out of options, therefore, he decided to upload a social media post. He decided to ask all of his neighbors to call his number right away if they had spotted Adam anywhere in the city. The only thing he could do now was to wait for a while until he got a phone call from someone who had located Adam.

The Long Wait

So even after realizing that the Bambi picture which Adam sold to Alexander at his store was a valuable he still did not get the chance to tell Adam. And even after posting on social media pleading people to notify if they have seen Adam, Alexander did not have any luck. And it was already two weeks since Alexander’s search for Adam went in vain…

Driving Quick

And after a long wait, Alexander finally received a call regarding Adam. It was lucky for him because one of Alexander’s neighbors had given him a call and informed him that they had spotted Adam. Since he had waited for so long for this day to come, Alexander was beyond happy. He hurriedly got inside his car and drove to the location he received.

Finally Meeting Adam

And fortunately, the tip that was given to Alexander by his neighbor ended up being helpful. Alexander was happy to know that the search for his homeless pal was successful this time around. And so when he managed to locate Adam, he did not tell him about everything just yet. He wanted to break the news properly so he took him to his store.

His Life Story First

When he took him to his store, Alexander did something he had never done before. He asked Adam about his background, how his life ended up this way. And before he could tell Adam that he would be giving him his share and that he would receive $1.700, Alexander lent his ears to hear about the heartbreaking life story of Adam the homeless guy.

What Happened To Adam?

And after asking him about his life, Alexander was able to get how Adam ended up being homeless. He was actually a very decent man who just happened to bum into some really bad luck. Adam was without family in this area and was unable to find any work because no one wanted to take in the help of a homeless person. This was truly heartbreaking.

Receiving The Gift

So after hearing Adam’s reason for being without a home, Alexander was touched. He did not wait anymore and immediately handed him the money. Adam could not believe this and was in complete shock. He did not ever expect a man like Alexander to be so kind to him. After all, we can all agree that for a homeless person, $1,700 is indeed big money.

Go Fund Me

And after Alexander was told by Adam that he did not have any money or family in the city, he knew there must have been something he could do. He needed to make sure Adam somehow got a plane ticket to get back to his home. So, he decided to set up a Go Fund Me page for his homeless friend. Luckily, the story touched many and pretty soon, they hit their goals.

The Life-Altering Picture

And so there is no argument about the fact that Alexander did the right thing. He should have shared the profits he received for the Bambi picture and he did no with Adam. This was a noble thing to do for a man whose business depends on such profits. It would have been easy to keep all the money but Alexander was sure Adam needed it more.

Helping Others In Need

We all know that in this world, it is every man for himself. We all work towards our own goals and aims. We are all trying to make a living to survive this harsh world. There are only a few people who go out of their way to help out homeless folks. We are so consumed by our own wants and needs, we forget that some people have it worse. This story proves that Alexander is indeed a good man.

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