A woman’s life is challenging. It becomes tiresome when she has to fulfill all the roles from managing of the house, to looking after her husband and raising her kids. Jackie Johnson-Smith, a woman in her thirties soon only realized that motherhood is no cakewalk. While she was somehow coping with her growing responsibilities, she comes across her worst fear, the fear that her husband had lost interest in her. Her fears come true when a waitress at a restaurant passes on a note to her husband under the table, and her husband immediately grabs his cell phone.

Witnessing such an incident made her lose her cool. Her marital life was shattering right in front of her eyes. And when she saw the words on the note, she began to sob even more badly. What was there on the note? Was it the evidence of her husband cheating on her or was it something even worse?


We live in a competitive world where all one hears is “The survival of the fittest”. This is often related to the one who is a perfectionist. The one who can master all the acts. And when it comes to humans, we believe a man is perfect if he is well- to- do, takes care of his family while a woman is perfect if she is beautiful, takes care of your children, can manage her work and home, and is a perfect companion to her husband. Jackie was imperfectly perfect until the day.

Happy Together

Jackie Smith and Tom Smith were married for quite long. Their days were full of love and laughter. To them, life was beautiful as they found each other to be just what they desired as a partner in life. They were so involved in their relationship that even their friends and family adored them and marriage like theirs. None had thought that this couple would one day stand at a point where their fidelity would be at stake.

Doing Great

Jackie was a mother of 3 sons. She had been doing her work the best to her knowledge. Looking after three kids wasn’t an easy thing, but she would make sure that she gives proper attention to each of them. Somewhere she was so much into being the role of a “mother” that she kept the role of a “wife” aside. And that day at the restaurant she was hit with this realization.

Never Thought Of

Jackie had faced many bitter incidents in life, but that day at Des Moines, Iowa she had one of the most difficult one. One waitress decided to approach Tom in her absence, this scene itself bothered her too much and Tom’s reaction towards the waitress brought tears to her eyes. She was just broken.


Tears rolled down her cheeks. A marriage that was her everything seemed to break apart. She was feeling betrayed. All she had was a question to ask Tom that where did she go wrong or what was the point where she did not give her best. She immediately decides to confront Tom and get the answers. The answers which made all the difference in the days to come.

 The Reason

Jackie wanted to know the reason behind the waitress and her husband sharing looks. No wife would not be able to unsee such a sight. To the best of her knowledge, she had given her marriage the best of her and to her, it was her sole priority. Then was it her appearance after turning into a mother that did not seem pleasing to Tom? What made Tom do this?

A Warrior

Jackie had never felt this weak before. She had served in the U.S army and the discipline there had made her a strong woman. A woman with a bold heart and thick skin. But with just one waitress’ intrusion into her personal life, Jackie went weak on knees. How did it all happen?

Crossed The Line

Jackie recalls, on that particular day at the restaurant she was breastfeeding her youngest son. This wasn’t the first time she fed her baby in public, but it was surely the first time when a waitress crossed paths with her. Jackie never expected something this odd from another woman. And this particular incident made her crave for her husband’s attention.

Messed Up

With three equally young kids, Jackie was a busy mom. She needed to be particular about their health and nutrition. She would often be found with messed up hair bun wearing an apron covered with dough in the kitchen. But, she never bothered about her clumsy looks as she was confident that Tom is always with her and never cared about her looks. Was she right?

Still Dashing One

However, Tom Smith grew old like a fine wine. He was still as dashing as he was in his young age. Women still desired him. Jackie herself admits that she had caught many women looking at her husband and stare at him. But she was never bothered by them until then. On that day she thought that probably she was losing over her hubby’s interest. Was she?

Was The Spark Lost?

Did Jackie get too occupied with her children that all this while she lost her Tom behind? Was their marital spark all gone and a careless partner made Tom turn swiftly to another woman? In this entire story, the most talked of was the part where Tom grabs his cellphone immediately after the waitress slipped the note to him. What was Tom up to?

Constant Effort

Every marriage demands a constant effort from both the partners to sustain. But when parenthood comes into the picture, a couple adapts to the ongoing changes. Parenting is a tough task but one can’t just escape from the responsibilities and commitment. That dinner night broke all the happy illusions that Jackie carried about Tom. Tom’s reaction baffled everyone.

A Taboo

Probably Tom had enough of seeing his wife breastfeed their kids. It had taken over his marital life. Maybe he had enough of playing a father. As a mother, breastfeeding your child is inevitable and a mother does that with all her love. Though this is a natural and universal act, breastfeeding is still seen as a taboo and women feel a little uncomfortable in doing so publically. Jackie did the same and the waitress had her eyes on her husband.

Her Support

Jackie being the mother of three had often fed her children in public spaces and she feels there is nothing wrong in that. However, she has often witnessed many eyes on her whenever she did so. The moment she would do so, people would be passing on odd stares to her. But she never bothered about it as Tom always supported her. Unfortunately, things have changed…

Awkward Behavior

Jackie never felt weird about her acts, the way she would feed her children in public at any point in life because Tom stood there like her backbone and supported her through thick and thin. But that day for a change even Tom started to look at her awkwardly and this made Jackie uncomfortable. What was the matter? Jackie for some unknown reason started having her own suspicions…

The Date

Jackie and Tom thought that while fulfilling the responsibilities of a parent, they both have left behind the much-needed couple time. They went on a date to spend some quality time together. As there third son was too young, they brought him along. While they were dubious about the idea, none of them knew that bringing their youngest one along will completely change the entire dynamics of their relationship.

Odd Stares

Their baby got a little cranky and started to cry. Jackie understood that the little one was hungry and it was his feeding time. She without any second thoughts breastfeeds her baby. And as always she was prey to many odd stares. Quite a few people at the restaurant passed on weird looks to her. But amongst all, there was one look which bothered her was of a waitress.

The Waitress

Jackie found it really abrupt that a woman was staring at another woman breastfeeding her child. While she did not pay much attention to all the other eyes on her, the waitress’ constant attention made her uncomfortable. Little did she know that this waitress had an altogether different plan.

Excuse Me

Jackie felt so uncomfortable with the waitress looks that she excused from the table and went to the restroom. The moment she left, Tom asked the same waitress for the bill. The woman immediately reaches out to Tom and slides a little note to him. And Jackie saw this. Not only this, the next move of Tom disturbed her and made her act.

Grabbing The Phone

The sight of the waitress sliding something to Tom under the table was already too much for her and what she saw next broke her heart. Tom reached to his cell phone and started to tap on something. Jackie couldn’t bear it anymore and rushes to her table and decides to intervene…

Show Me

Jackie’s anger was at the peak. A random woman was eyeing her husband in her absence and moreover, her husband is also probably saving this woman’s number in his cellphone. Jackie outrightly asks Tom to hand over the note to her. And as she saw it, she began to cry.

The Note

The moment Jackie saw the note, she couldn’t stop crying. The note was nothing but the bill of the restaurant. And it had a small note of praise from the waitress. The note read, “I bought one of your pizzas…Please thank your wife for breastfeeding!” Jackie couldn’t take it and started sobbing profusely.


Jackie couldn’t believe what she was reading. The woman she had been suspecting for being weird had actually bought them a pizza and praised her for breastfeeding the child. Not often does she get to see something like this. More or fewer people give her odd looks for feeding her children in public but this was different. Jackie had something more to say…


Jackie felt guilty of suspecting Tom and this waitress. Tom had loved her all his life and a small act of his made her doubt his love for her. He grabbed his phone just to click a picture of this note. Jackie was overwhelmed and even hugged the waitress. But this wasn’t all. She did something more with that note.

Cool Mom

Bodi has served as the waitress for quite a long at that restaurant. It wasn’t the first time she witnessed a woman breastfeeding her baby. But what she saw for the first time was that a mother was totally cool about doing so unlike the majority who got conscious of the odd stares.

Well Done

Bodi wanted to praise Jackie for being so fearless and a responsible mother. Even she felt that there was nothing wrong in feeding a baby publically as the little one needs that nourishment during this stage of life. Jackie decided to spread this message on social media.

One Note Made The Difference

Jackie too clicked a picture of that note and decided to share it on all social media platforms. She even made a special mention about Bodi. When the public came across this post, it generated immense respect for Jackie and Bodi. Her post was shared like anything. And with this, a movement was coming to a formation.

Looked Differently

There is nothing new about breastfeeding a baby. People have known it since ages and it is a natural process being followed after a baby’s birth. However, whenever a mother is found feeding her child publically a lot of eyes stick to her. People often say that a woman should not feed her child publically as it becomes awkward. But with Jackie’s post, breastfeeding was looked upon differently.

Breastfeeding Is Hero-ed

Thanks to Jackie and Bodi, with their act a breastfeeding awareness camp was beginning to grow. People were stepping forward and were talking about it on various events. It was the need of the hour, that we as an educated society deal with situations in a sophisticated manner and as responsible citizens. There was one thing which got a lot of attention to this post.

Doctor’s Say

As this post went viral, many individuals from the medical field also came forward in its support.  Various doctors and gynecologist started with making people especially the mothers aware of the benefits of breastfeeding for the newborn as well as for the new mother’s health. A whole new discussion followed.


There is a reason why doctors stress on breastfeeding a child. However, it is more or less a personal choice that a woman makes. A mother’s milk is the ideal one for the infant. It is rich in all the necessary vitamins and minerals a child needs at this age. Moreover, it is a source of colostrum which helps baby fight infections for all his/her life. Jackie and Bodi took it to another level.

Be Bold

With this act of hers, Jackie inspires women to be bold and courageous. She wants women to fearlessly face the world and look after her children. Many women from the fear of being eyed chose to bottle feed their child, but Jackie requests them to be bold and a beautiful mother. While Bodi says…


Bodi, on the other hand, wants other women who support the choice of a woman feeding her child to cheer these women and encourage them to be proud of their choice. She feels there is no harm in supporting any act which is good.

The Superfamily

After that incident, Jackie’s and Tom’s relationship has just grown stronger. Tom always backs his wife in her decisions and supports her like a wall. While Jackie also respects him in every sense and trusts his love for her. They are a happy family of five who have made an impact worldwide.

Thanks To Her

Tom never thought that a single decision of her wife would make such a huge impact on the nation. They together thank Bodi, for supporting them more in this. These two women have discussed a topic which needed attention and if dealt properly can help the future moms live a confident life. The world would definitely thank these two.

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