To live the rest of your life with an underlying disability is a lot tougher than it may sound. There are many people who suffer from a physical disability that comes to them out of nowhere and most of the time they have to adapt with it and lead their life the way it is now. Such was the case with a man named Gene Purdie from Denver, Colorado. He lost his vision in his early teenage years but somehow managed to live a normal life but one day he regained his ability to see in the most unexpected way ever. Read this incredible story of how this man’s life changed when he least expected it.

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The Life Of A Blind Man

We should be more grateful for the things we have instead of going on complaining about the meaningless things that are missing in our lives. Can you imagine going a day blindfolded where you can’t literally see anything around? A day where you can’t see your family and loved ones and all those beautiful things that the world has to offer. An inability to see takes away a sense of freedom from us, what is life without all the colors that scream out loud and are appealing to our eyes? Unfortunately, there are many out there who have to spend a lifetime dealing with this loss and the consequences that follow.

Not Blind By Birth

The man wasn’t visually impaired since his birth and in fact, his eyes would function as good as that of a healthy individual. Life was all good for Gene Purdie till the early teenage years of his life and he has never had trouble with his vision before one day. Gene had spent his childhood doing the things he loved the most like reading comic books, playing video games, watching his favorite shows and what not but soon everything would change at the drop of a hat…

Trouble Seeing

Gene was a schoolboy when he first had trouble with his vision. His vision had gradually started to fade and he initially thought to be short-sighted turned out to be something of far more greater extent. The little boy relied on his glasses for a perfect vision but after a few months his condition started to worsen and it was time for him to see an eye specialist.


The boy’s symptoms had started to worsen within a couple of months after he was first diagnosed for weak eyesight. He initially had trouble in reading the letters but now he had trouble in recognizing people’s faces as all he could see was a blurred sight. Gene visited the doctor along with his parents and they were all hoping that it wasn’t something serious and their teenage boy would recover under medical attention but the doctor’s revelation turned their world upside down.

Stargardt’s Disease

After going through a series of tests, Gene was unfortunately diagnosed with Stargardt’s disease. To tell you, this is one of the most commonly inherited visual disease which is caused due to the retinal dysfunction. Yes you read it right, this disease is inherited and Gene was born with it. However, he was diagnosed much later when he was 16 years of age.

The Worst Happens

Gene was diagnosed with Stargardt’s disease and he was suffering from progressive vision loss. His eyes were aging and his symptoms started to worsen as he couldn’t see a thing in the absence of light and he even had a hard time recognizing familiar faces. As there was no possible cure for this disease, the medications even failed to control the symptoms and there came a time when Gene had lost his vision.

He Didn’t See Joy

Gene was completely blind by the time he had met Joy, who he would later go on to marry. Joy recalled the moment when she saw Gene for the first time, “I kept waving at him, and he just kept passing by.” Joy was unaware at the time of Gene’s disability and she assumed that he didn’t like her at all. All she could tell from his gestures was that he seemed interested but she would later find out the reason behind his odd behavior.

Getting Along

Joy and Gene were enrolled in the same course during their college education and they shared the same class as well. When the two met for the first time and exchanged a few words, it was the time when Joy came to know about Gene’s disability. It was only a matter of days and the two bonded really well. They eventually started dating each other and the lovebirds were having the time of the life. After scoring their graduation degrees, the couple decided to take their relationship to the next level.

They Got Married!

Gene and Joy were madly in love and the two were now ready to take a major step that would only strengthen their relationship. Their compatibility was unbeaten and they decided to get married. Despite all the struggles that Gene had to suffer with, he had found himself a woman who loved him unconditionally and she never let his disability act as a hindrance in their relationship.

The Perfect Family

One of the very first dream that a couple cherishes together is to bring forth a child. After a few years of their marriage, the couple was finally ready to add a member to their family. They later became proud parents of a little boy whom they named Lincoln. Life sure doesn’t sound that bad for Gene, but you’ ll be surprised to know that Gene had never seen his son or his wife by now and all he could see was just a blurry image. However, his life would take a 180 when he least expected it.

A Great Chef

Gene was a foodie ever since he was a teen and not only did he like finishing his meal, he liked cooking his meals well. It was one of his favorite pass times and he loved exploring and trying new recipes and different cuisines. But things changed after some time as his disability was stopping him in many ways but his wife had come up with a great hack that made things much easier for Gene.

Gene Wasn’t Different

We need to understand the fact that Gene was suffering from Stargardt’s disease and his vision was blurry instead of a total blackout. Despite his disability, he relied on an easy yet effective way to see words clearly. His wife advised him to use his cellphone and the idea did seem to work. Gene would simply zoom into books by using his phone’s camera and he got back to cooking and being a great chef. He would surprise his wife with the new recipes that he learned but the family was yet to receive the surprise of their life.

Just Watching TV

Holding the remote and pressing buttons to change the channels on your Television set is something you do in your pass time or when there’s a much-awaited television show or a live event that you badly want to follow. The act is not considered to be life changing in any way and no one even expects to stumble upon something that would change their lives while simply switching through the channels. Having said that, Joy happened to bump into something extraordinary while she was watching television. Their lives were about to change…

A TV Show…

Joy had learned to adapt and cope-up accordingly with Gene’s disability and she had never expected things to be any different as Stargardt’s disease is deemed incurable. It was one day when Joy was watching TV in her leisure time and she happened to stumble upon the Rachel Ray show. So what was it about this show that piqued Joy’s interest? The host of the show named Ray had called a person with Stargardt’s disease on the stage and they did something that left Joy baffled.

Technology Helping People

What were they up to and what was it that had made Joy dumbstruck. In that particular episode, the host Ray was offering help to a person who was suffering Stargardt’s disease, the same disability that her husband has had for almost 15 years. They claimed about having a technology which could help people suffering from this disease by restoring their vision back to almost normal.

Writing Her Story

Joy was glued to her TV screen during the whole show and she was simply amazed by what she was getting to witness. She was absolutely dazzled by the thought of her husband being able to see again and enjoy life to its fullest. After the show ended, Joy was contemplating what would be the best thing to do and she decided to write a letter to Ray regarding her husband.

Crying Happy Tears

Joy poured her heart out in the letter she wrote to Ray. She wrote, “ I began shaking and crying for the next hour or more at the thought of my husband being able to see my face for the first time, to see our son for the first time.” The family was now anxiously waiting for Ray’s reply and they were taken aback by what Ray had to say.

Ray Replies

The element that misses the most in a reality show is ironically “reality” itself. What if the stunt that Ray and the woman suffering from Stargardt’s disease had pulled on the show was scripted? What was this device that could help people suffering from this disease? Just when all these questions were surfacing in the head of Joy and Gene, they received a reply from Ray that left them astonished and cleared their doubts.

We’re Going To New York!

Ray invited the family to his show and asked them to visit New York for the same. Gene and Joy were more than excited to be a part of the show as it guaranteed a cure for Stargardt’s disease. The couple along with their one-year-old son Lincoln started to pack their bags and bought three one-way tickets to New York City. Would the man finally be able to see his family?

Waited For 15 Years

Gene and Joy arrived at the show and Gene explained that how he had been waiting for almost as much as 15 years for a device that would ease up his problems. He wouldn’t have to wait any longer as the device is finally invented and has hit the market. It resembles the look of VR(virtual reality) glasses and also contains high definition cameras inside. After waiting for more than a decade, guess what Gene saw for the first time!

The Moment They’ve Been Waiting For

Gene was asked to wear and try the device by simply placing it on his eyes. Gene decides to give it a shot after all this was what made him travel to all the way to New York. He puts on the device and the visual he would see was being projected on a big screen for the audiences watching at home. Would the device work for Gene?

“She’s Pretty”

Gene instantly turned toward his wife after wearing the device and what happened next amazed everyone present there. The first thing or say person in this case that Gene saw for the first time with the help of this device was her wife who had also been holding their son. Gene could feel a thousand emotions at this moment and the first words he said after seeing his wife were “she’s pretty.” What do you think happened next?

Everyone Was Happy For Gene

Joy was unable to hold her emotions in and she started to cry. Can you blame the woman for it? Years of wait and what seemed nearly impossible was Gene’s and Joy’s reality today. The man had seen her wife and kid for the first time and her wife was more than happy for him. Moreover, the live audiences present at the show were trying hard to hold back their tears as well but Gene’s story filled everyone with emotions and tears of happiness.


Nothing in life comes easy and no one knows it better than Gene. The emotional moment was being captured for the show and it was later uploaded on YouTube. The video went viral in no time, racking up thousands of views and likes. Everyone who watched this video was happy for this couple and Gene’s experience filled every viewer with tears of happiness. Isn’t this story simply marvelous? Wait! There’s a lot more that’s left to happen in this incredible story as another surprise awaits Gene and Joy.

He Can Finally See!

It wasn’t just a mere compliment that touched Joy’s heart; she was touched by the fact that her husband was finally able to experience the much awaited moment. Gene had to wait for 16 long years to experience a moment that we do countless times in a day and we all take these beautiful moments for granted. Read further to know what Gene had to say about his experience and little did Gene know that there’s another surprise waiting for him.

A Blurry Life

“I have been piecing together (images), a little at a time.” Gene said during the show. This man had been struggling for 16 long years just to live a moment that we all take for granted. He was finally able to see his beautiful family and the world around him because of this incredible device. Just when you think that Gene couldn’t be happier, he receives a surprise from Ray.

The Priceless Gift

The incredible device that did wonders for Gene is known as eSight, and it costs around a whopping $15,000. However, the cost is seemingly small in comparison to the happiness it gives with. It is the best thing that could happen to an individual suffering from this disease and the family didn’t know at the time that they won’t pay a penny for this incredible device. How come?

It’s For You

Ray and her team were kind enough and they decided to gift this expensive device to Gene. The live audiences supported this gesture with a huge round of applause and whistles that echoed on the sets. The couple appreciated the selfless motive of Ray and they didn’t forget to thank her for the same. A lot can change in a day indeed.

A New Life

Gene gets to live a new and happy life where he can see his beautiful wife without having to create images and endure the struggle involved. He no longer has to miss out a single moment of his growing up. There’s so much he can do now with the help of this device and we are sure he has a long list of things to do. Gene never lost hope in the past 16 years and he certainly deserves this eyewear.

Spreading The Word

We tend to share the smallest details of what’s going on in our lives over social media and Joy is no exception to it. She took to her Facebook account and posted a picture of Gene wearing the eSight that was clicked at the TV show. Along with the picture, She wrote ” Thankful to Ray and her amazing team for this priceless gift, your show gave us a new beginning.”

Making News

Gene’s story widely met with the media and he appeared on many talk shows after his debut at the Rachael Ray show. He was approached by many local news channels and newspapers from Denver, Colorado to share his incredible story. Everyone wanted to hear from Gene and Joy and how their lives have changed after bringing the eSight device in their small world.

It Didn’t Affect His Life

Gene’s disability never stopped him from living an active life and he went on to live a normal life even with his inability to see. Gene was a brave man and his disease never got in his way. He has always been a supportive husband and an adorable father and he was ultimately rewarded for being the amazing person that he is.

Bringing Happiness To People’s Lives

Medical science has come a long way and advancement in technology is able to help many people who struggle with a disability. Such devices allow people to live a normal life without having to struggle. People who lose arms and legs in accidents or due to other reasons get prosthetics, and now finally there’s a device which can help people with Stargardt’s disease which allows them to see again.

A Life Changing Device

ESight is nothing short of a historic invention given its ability to help people with low or zero ability to see. The device now costs around $9,995, which certainly is a huge sum but it is nothing in comparison to the happiness it brings. However, the company often delivers these glasses to the one in need through fundraisers and organizing charitable campaigns. 

A Story Worth Sharing

This story is nothing less than a roller-coaster ride which will take anyone reading through an array of emotions. There’s a lot one can take from this story but one thing that we would like to point out is the inspiration it fills us with. It is right to say that hope never dies and it pushes us to the extreme and we should never give up on the people we love.

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