We all love cuddling our pets and spending some playful time with them. One never realizes that living with them and having fun with them make those pets a major part of our life, our heart, and soul. There are a hundred dogs and cats on streets which are stray and are not petted by any. They are equally adorable and bear the same emotions as any pet, but aren’t lucky enough to be a pet.


However, who said that only a pet is the one which receives abundance of love and care from their human dad or human mom, there are some stray animals which catch the eyes and hold the heart of humans. A poor kitty accidentally falls in a storm drain, her condition was miserable. Will she be able to make it in life or would she end up in despair?

Poor Kitty

Miss Kitty was a stray cat roaming over the streets in search of warmth and food. There were days when she was lucky enough to find some bread and some days went by when she had no other choice than sleeping on a hungry stomach. Life for stray animals is never easy and it was going to be even difficult for this poor soul.

Shivering Cold

It was mid-November and the climate was about to take a stern change. The weather was about to turn cold and cool breeze had already begun to blow. Miss Kitty was shivering and had no place to go. She at times would sleep over the grass in the park or would cling over a lampost to keep herself warm. However, it wasn’t doing any good.

In Need Of Warmth

While many of us think that animal has fur which could protect them from cold climatic conditions, this is not exactly the case. Cats especially kitten fur is not dense to the extent that it could withstand freezing cold. And when the kitty is malnourished then things get even terrible. And they were pathetic for Miss Kitty.

In Search

Miss Kitty was in desperate need of a place which she could call as home. At least the place would make her feel warm and could spare her the adversity of harsh climate. While she managed with dry leaves and grass in the day, nights made it extremely difficult for her. Then one morning, this happens.

Finally Got

The previous night, Miss Kitty managed to dig into some dry mud and sleep there. The mud provided her a cozy atmosphere to sleep. The very next morning she was back on streets hunting for food. And then she comes across the perfect space. Little did she know that space was not perfect but imperfect in every sense.

Parking Lot

The little cat crossed a parking lot that morning. And finding a lot of cars there excited her. As parking space was warm in comparison to the temperatures outside, the cat entered the place. But what she did next costed her life and the poor cat was now in need of help.

All She Needed

After spending days and night in search of a cozy place, one can understand how delighted the cat must have been to find a comforting parking lot. We as humans can’t bear extreme cold conditions then imagine how tough it must have been for such a little creature like her. And in this need of warmth, she did a mistake.

The Car

The kitty went near a car and made its way to the car engine. For some obvious reasons the temperature at the engine is way too warm and that was exactly what the kitty wanted then. She slips into the engine and enjoys her moment there until the driver returned.


The moment the car driver sat in the car and started the engine, the tiny cat was scared. She spooked and jumped in haste to save her life. Unfortunately, while jumping so she did not realize where was she jumping at and landed in an even terrible situation.

Fell Off

Miss Kitty was simple dozing off in that engine, but the vibrations and the noise that followed on the start of the engine scared her to wits. She was too small to understand what was happening and randomly just jumped anywhere. While she thought that getting off the car engine will save her life, she didn’t know that a safe landing was far away from her.


The kitty hurriedly jumped onto the other side of the car engine and instead of landing on to the road, she lost her balance and fell into the storm drain. This all happened in such an instant that the tiny creature couldn’t think of anything and was all into the stinky and dark waters of the drain. Poor kiddo again needed help, but this time a major one.


The kitty was stuck in there. There was no way with which she could get herself out from that drain. Moreover, as there was water inside and it was all dark, she was petrified. The little baby was helpless and the situation was no less than that of life or death. What will happen now?

Stray Being

The cat as already mentioned was a stray one. Not even a single person came to know about what her situation was. As there was no one around when the cat sat in the car engine, thus none even knew that the cat had slipped into a drain. Now only her luck could save her. Will she have good luck or will she die of her hard luck?


The kitten was extremely frightened and couldn’t think of any solution. Miss Kitty began to cry and sob. It was when her meowing sounds and a cracked and scared sound was heard out on the streets, people realized that there was a cat in the neighborhood but none knew where the cat was and where the sounds were coming from.

A Realization

As the cat continued to make noises, soon people realized that the sounds were coming from the storm drain. Though on peeping inside the storm drain one wasn’t able to locate the kitty, the sound made it all clear that there was a kitty stuck inside there. And then came the obvious question. Who would help her?

Jump In?

The storm drain was quite deep and none knew who would be jumping in to save the kitty. While the very first thing that came to everyone’s mind was to contact the fire rescuers, but there was a problem. By the time the fire station team comes up there, the kitty might not able to survive. There was an immediate need for help.

Heart Trenching

People were scared and equally concerned. On witnessing the kitty all stuck in that drain brought people’s heart in mouth. One had to get her out from that place. But opening up of a drain wasn’t an easy task. How would she be rescued or would the delay cost the kitty her life?

He Heard

Then Avi Kuzi who is a known name in Israel heard this incident and was all foot to save the kitty. However, he wasn’t sure how will he make to the storm drain but was already feeling the pain that kitty must be in. And without wasting a second he rushed to the drain storm. Will he be able to reach on time?

Do It

The moment Avi reached the spot, he did not give it a second thought and jumps into the storm drain. People around help him in jumping inside and even provides him with a torch which would assist him in locating the terrified kitty. And what he saw next was heart-breaking.

Lean On

Avi looks for the kitty and when he, at last, finds her leaning over the drainage pipe which further connects to the bigger drain. The kitty was badly scared and was not even letting Avi touch her. But, Kauzi was also a pro when it came to animals.

Calling With Love

 Avi caressed the kitty in order to calm her down and make her feel comfortable. As the kitty looked at him with glooming eyes, he held her delicately with his arms and rescued her. He helps her get out of that drain storm. And there was more.

What A Rescue

The moment people saw Avi climbing out of the drain with the kitty in his hand, they all were delighted and applauded. To the people, Avi was no less than a hero who had saved the life of a kitty. The rescue mission was a success and the kitty was all safe. What Avi did next was even beautiful.

The Kiss

Avi kissed the kitty right after he rescued her. Probably the stray cat would have never felt this much of love ever before. For a stray cat roaming on hungry stomach and chilled nights, this gesture was above all. It was pure love. After struggling for hours in that drain, the kitty finally made it land safely.

Happiest Being

Avi Kauzi was the happiest one that day. He was able to rescue an animal who was badly in need of help. He saved a cat in an emergency crisis. And this was not the only cat he had saved, rather he has a long history of doing so.

Animal Rescuer

Avi Kauzi is a well-known animal rescuer. And he has saved the lives of many such animals. And the number is so high that he has already lost the count of it. He says,  “I am always there, to help the animals, no matter how hard it can be,”. And that day too he risked his own life and saved Miss Kitty.

Animal Lover

Kauzi has been an animal lover since childhood. He has always loved being around them and taking care of them. While people call him an animal lover, he, however, has a different take on this. And only a true animal-friendly being can say something like that.

My Blood

Avi says,  “It’s not just the love for the animals, It’s far more than that. They are part of my blood.” Avi loves these beings far more than one can imagine. It is these animals little paws and tails that rule his heart. For people, he has turned into a brave hero.

Heroic Action

After he rescued that kitty that fell in the drain, people got yet another incident to call him a hero. They acknowledged his bravery to jump into the drain and save the life of a cat. After saving the cat, he dries up the kitty and even feeds him some milk and bread.


When Avi realized that it was a stray kitten and had no one to look after, he immediately makes a decision. He decides to adopt this little kitty and takes her home. Miss Kitty not only owe her life to Avi but she also gets a human dad for herself. That’s beautiful. Isn’t it?


In the end, one can just hope for a better and healthier life for Miss Kitty. Moreover, Avi is sure that the kitty would live peacefully with other dogs and cats that already reside in his home. Kudos to this man and his love for the fur and tail.

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