Mothers always have one priority set, no matter what species of animal they are. What is on top of their list of important things? Well, that would be their babies. Animals find a partner and have a baby, putting its wants and needs first. But animals that have been held in captivity often face a lot of troubles. They are born naturally with wild animal instincts. So when you place these animals in a domestic setting, it gets troublesome for them to adapt. A tigress that was living in such conditions did not know how to care for her babies called Kai and White. Therefore a Russian couple had to take charge as their parents!

Kai and White

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So since we all know that wild animals are born with wild instincts, they often find it hard to cope with their environment if it is kept in a domestic place. When this tigress had her cubs, she was not able to give them what they needed. Since she was not raised in the wild, the two rare white tiger cubs were having trouble in life. A Russian couple who handle tigers heard about this tigress so they decided to jump in and help.

Well Taken Care Of

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So for a tiger not to grow up in the wilderness would naturally feel a little off.  And yes, these two tigers certainly did not get to spend their lives in the wilderness. However since these humans were now taking great care of them, it was not much of a problem. However, was this going to last? Just to look at them was a blessing because these cubs were absolutely adorable! So what happened as the cubs started growing up?

Some Major Obstacles

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So since they were lucky enough for the Russians to take interest in raising them, the two felines were not missing out on anything their tigress mother would have given them. They have no turned three years old and are now fully mature. Since they are undoubtedly beautiful, they have a huge fan following on Instagram. Their human parents would often post photos and pictures of the two gorgeous cats for people to see. But it was not always like this, there was a lot of obstacles…

A Good Reason

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Their tigress mother did not know how to take care of her cubs as she had been held in captivity and did not experience life in the wild much. She was not giving the necessities that these babies needed, so something had to be done.  The cubs went on to receive a lot of attention and admiration for their sheer beauty! But there was something about these cubs that drew the Russians to take care of them in the first place.

At The Zoo

So about three years ago, the two adorable white tiger cubs Kai and White were born at a zoo. Right from the time they were born, these two cubs faced a problem. And just a few moments after their mother gave birth to them, it was clear that the Cubs’ health was not ideal. In fact, there was a very huge problem. Their mother was just not into taking care of her babies.

Not Interested

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It was unlike anything the zookeepers had ever seen before. The tigress was just not into her babies, like she did not have any interest in her cubs whom she just gave birth to.The tigress was not concerned about them, did not care to feed them even. So the people working at the zoo had to do it. But since they were not well trained and educated on how to do it, they did not do a good job. The two cubs were on the verge of dying.

Very Bald And Very Sick

Since the baby cubs were not getting the proper care they needed, they were slowly withering away. Kai and White were slowly losing their fur, and their poor health was rapidly getting worse. Their condition did not seem good at all. The zoo was now caught in a dilemma. They had the choice of letting these precious cubs die or to just make a call to Eugenia and Mikhail. They were two Russians that were tiger experts.


So the zoo had no choice but to ask from help from the Russians. After receiving their call for help, the couple took the bald cubs along with them to go home and care for them. They came quickly as they knew how fragile and tender baby cubs are. And so they learned that the poor babies’ whiskers had been badly damaged and that they were suffering from a serious allergy as well.

Tiger Experts

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So when they took charge of the cubs from the zoo, Mikhail and Eugenia were sure not to keep the tiger babies as pets. They knew that these were not domestic animals, that they belong to the wild. The couple knew just what to do with them. They knew how to look after them, how to properly treat them and how expensive they are to handle. Animals like these take a lot of effort and money to be taken care of.


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So the couple was not sparing anything at all if it meant saving the baby cubs. They were in critical condition so Mikhail and Eugenia were not taking any chances. It was fortunate for the babies to get help when they needed it most. In order to rehabilitate the brothers, the tiger experts did all that they could. After giving so much effort, the results were slowly starting to show on the animals. But what happens in the future?

Alive And Healthy

Since the Russian tiger experts came in time for the little cubs to be saved, Kai and White managed to pull through. It was all due to the extensive efforts and constant attention that these tigers are now alive and healthy. The two loving human parents are indeed responsible for this miracle to take place. They would feed the cubs their milk, gave them their baths and anything a cub would ever need.

Not For The Ordinary

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And as we all know, wild animals should never be caged nor should they be kept in a domestic home. Ordinary folks should never take in tigers or other wild animals just because they feel like it The couple revealed in a later interview, explaining that ordinary people should never keep exotic creatures. It takes a lot of money and expertise to raise them so normal folks could never do it.

Very Experienced

If you are not an expert in raising these wild animals, you should not even try. It could be very dangerous for both parties if you are not like Mikhail and Eugenia. The two of them each have experienced and have handled, hand-rearing of cubs. They already have experience with other tigers like Kai and White. They already know the requirements needed to bring cubs like these back to health.

A Far Cry

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So since the Russian couple has had a lot of experience raising needy cubs in the past, Kai and White were not a huge challenge. And since they bounced back to health, you can agree that they have done an amazing job! They now gave the two dying cubs a new chance in life. The two white tigers have come a long way from the time they barely had fur and were at death’s door.

17 Years Of Experience

The Russians were good at their job bringing back the cubs to health and for a very good reason. It turns out that Mikhail had begun caring for tigers about 17 years ago. So he has had his fair share of tending and looking after sick and dying tigers.  His fascination began when he first saw a guy from a circus walking his tiger in public. He wanted to make a career out of caring for these magnificent creatures then and there.

Working Together

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He had been in love with tigers ever since he was young, so learning about them and how to look after them came easily. And after meeting his wife Eugenia, the two shared the love of tigers that they have both made a profession out of. She became her partner in crime and the two of them have been saving, treating, housing and also trained tigers. They have turned many tigers to act like well-mannered felines.

What Next?

The two of them were not just lovers of tigers, they actually wanted to do everything they could to help them. Mikhail has dreams of one day establishing a tiger reserve. He had good intentions as to why he wants to star this also. He wants this reserve to be a place where all abandoned tigers can live. He wants to be able to nurse the cubs in need and to let them live in a habitat as similar to their natural home.

Future Goals

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He keeps this as a future plan that he is currently working towards. His love for tigers has stemmed since he was a young boy so he wanted to do everything and anything he can to make it happen. He is still collecting resources and working towards building the future for the Tigers in need.

Getting Instagram Famous

And after being rescued by the Russian couple, Kai and White have become quite famous. The rare white tigers are now Insta-famous and the world cannot seem to get enough of them. They have a massive fan following because let’s face it, they are magnificent to look at. These cats eat up a lot of meat and would roll around and play in the grass. There photos and videos have garnered much attention.

Human Care

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There were not the only cats that Mikhail has taken care of. In fact, he revealed that majority of the tigers he has taken under his care have been abandoned by their moms that live in zoos. These mothers do not know how to fend for their kids nor do they know how to properly care for them. He knows that human care is the only thing that can save them from dying.

Abandoned Exotic Pets

And it turns out Mikhail and his wife are not only looking after just tigers. They have even helped out with and cared for several other animals too. These animals were born at the zoo and were in dire need to be hand-reared. Since their mother are not equipped to look after them, they need the attention and care from the humans as they are the only ones capable of doing so.

Not As Pets

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In fact, there is a long list of Mikhail’s work and help with such animals. He has been involved in rescueing exotic pets from people who have taken them as cubs and were unable to give shelter, care or feed them any longer. So since the couple had seen so many of these animals that people unknowingly bring into their care, the have a recommendation? They advice people to never adopt a wild animal as a fancy pet!

Thriving Cats

And although the Russians have helped the two “cats” get healthy and fit, there are many who still had something to complain about. Even though they looked happy and healthy, there were a few people who were still upset when they saw the cats in captivity. There was a popular Reddit thread that was dedicated to the story of White and Kai discussing the handlers’ intentions…

Topic On Reddit

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These people were concerned because they felt like these felines belong in the wild and should not be kept by the humans. Their Reddit thread was under the topic, “A reputable rescuer would let wild cats live in big enclosures (think Big Cat Rescue in FL) and does not make them live in a home and do tricks.” And this was not all there was talking about these beautiful tigers.

Photo-Shoots and TV

As we all know that white tigers are a rare find, it was not a surprise that Mikhail’s tigers were getting a lot of attention. They were able to draw in a wide range of TV shows and even photographers were interested in working with them. He claims that this was not really an issue because he said that things like these do not actually hurt the tigers or even the people involved.

Who Is Actually Benefiting?

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And this was actually a win for them because the tigers that they have raised have actually become a source of income too. After the Tigers gained fame, they have allowed him to rake in some money from all the publicity that they got. Now Mikhail can pay for the expenses that he had to spend on them like buying the tigers’ food – a 1000lbs tiger eats 33 pounds of meat every day! Some people were defending Mikhail.

All Love

And in case you want to see these tigers in action, you can always look up their Instagram account. Even Mikhail’s Instagram account has a lot of them in it. If you scroll through you can see that he really does car for them and that he does regular photoshoots with the tigers too. There was a Redditor who explained how he first thought this was some sort of a show off of his cats.

All For Love

He thought that the shoots and the photos were just to show off that they owned an exotic wild cat but soon realized that this was not so. He was already passing judgment on the couple especially on Mikhail but was soon flipped. He then learned that the couple was actually very rich and that they did not need to show off at all. They were actually just in love with their tigers.

The Big Cats’ Future?

The Redditor was honest about his review and was pleasantly surprised to see that the cats were actually very well taken care of. He wrote, “What I found was quite surprising. He is very very rich and does like to have big cats to show off, he is also very knowledgeable and passionate about their needs.” He could see that Mikhail was actually doing them a favor.

Not Just This

And so after realizing that the Tigers were actually benefiting from the couple, he quickly changed his views on them. He even added, “He doesn’t run a sanctuary, however.” These two tigers were not the only ones that Mikhail wanted to help save. As we had mentioned earlier, opening up an actual tiger sanctuary is Mikhail’s future dream. So we hope he can fulfill his goals.

Not A Show-Off

Now that he had been so open about how he treats his cats and what he has done for them, people have realized that this Russian man is actually doing a lot of good. He is offering the best life that a hand-reared animal could ever get. In the wilderness, the two cats would have died by now. And the Russian couple plan on giving them ample space to play around soon…

Wild At Heart

“He does have them socialized as pets but he’s definitely not your standard “I wanna tiger” kind of guy,”  the man that was the defense for Mikhail had also said. And there is so much evidence that the fluffy cats are happy and healthy under the care of their human parents. However, there are often times when their wild side comes out and people remember that these are wild animals.

Kindergarten And School

Mikhail’s videos are a good evidence that they actually need special care, that they still possess wild instincts too. A good example of what they do would be that his wife and their son look after tigers that are below the age of 1. They can only look after tigers that are younger that one year old. This is like kindergarten for the, right after that Mikhail takes charge.

A Perfect Life

Kai and White have now been taken care of by human beings, so they are no way capable of surviving in the wild. The environment they have been raised in is not ideal for them to live off in the wild. They now have nowhere else to go and Mikhail is the only person willing to spend his time, money and land so that the felines can live a normal healthy life.

An Endangered Species

Kai and White have now become like family to the Russians who have taken care of them. These magnificent cats are part are still a member of the most endangered species in the world, so they are in desperate need for the help and care that they can get. And from the videos and photos that have been taken by Mikhail and his family, these tigers are actually spoiled brats now!

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