We are talking about the king of the jungle today. Remember when we were kids? Lions were these monstrous, gigantic creatures we would never like to encounter. The day we saw these creatures for the first time in the circus, on the TV or our course books, or the zoo. By the way, did you enjoy being at the circus? Or you just didn’t support the idea of trapping the wildlife and forcefully training them for the sake of human entertainment? This is the heartwarming story of circus lions who learned to move on.


Sasha, Nena, and Kimba never had the wild and free type of life which they were born to live. This story grabbed the media’s attention on how amazing these creatures are and how keeping them in a captive environment affects their whole personality. Remember when the first time you walked on grass? Or your first favorite toy? How it made you feel happy? Think what it would be like if someone takes those moments away from you, wouldn’t that be awful?

Sasha, Nena, And Kimba

Lions Sasha, Nena, and Kimba lived a life full of struggles. They never saw the world out of the cages unless it was time for their performance. After all, that’s the life of most of the circus animals, surrounded by cages. How do you think wild animals can be trained? By using the weapon known as ‘pain’. That’s how they learn to jump or follow the rest of the commands during the circus shows. It has been a long time since they were living a life in captivity but were they used to it? No, if given a chance to live the normal life, animals will always take it.

No Way Out

Circo Navarro has been a popular company in Guatemalan circus for many decades. Sasha, Nena, and Kimba have been a part of this circus for more than 10 years and there was no way out for these lions. Their freedom moments were only when the lions used to face hundreds of people watching and applauding for them. Soon after their roles, they were hurried back in their cages. That was all the moments of joys for them. Rest of the days they used to lay in their cages with nothing to do.

So Far So Common

A circus earns more profit when lions or other wild cats are a part of it. Elephants and chimps add another bonus points to their profits. Most of these animals are born in the circus and have never seen the real world, their jungles, the place where they actually belong. These animals lives were about to change as a revolution was going on for a long time to save their lives and many others like them.

Poor Cats

Sasha, Nena, and Kimba are most probably siblings, the big cats had tough lives wherein their claws were removed so that they could be easily trained. The process is very painful as their toes are amputated from at first knuckle. It is not only painful but also causes permanent injury. Once they are harmless, they have to go through cruel training sessions to learn the circus tricks.

An Extended Debate

This debate has now been on for years. There are two types of people, one who enjoy circus and earn from this business, while others who work in favor of animals and support humanity. Previously, no one could even oppose the use of wildlife in the circuses but now they have rights to speak up for what they feel is right. The fate of all the wild animals trapped in the circus industry was about to change.

A Worldwide Decision

Many countries have banned the use of wild animals in circuses and the same argument was going on in America as well. Following the country’s ban on animal acts, the Guatemalan circus people have to stop the use of these animals in their events. When the country of Guatemala officially banned lives animals in circuses, the lions were at first kept illegally. 

Still Going On

In April 2017, Guatemala’s ban came into action but nothing really changed for Nena, Sasha, and Kimba. The owner of the Circo Navarro stopped using them during the stage performances but they kept the lions locked up and were kept inside cages outside the circus near the main entrance. This was still helping the circus to attract the audience.

Really A Good News?

In Latin America, the trend of using the big cats for the circus was quite in trend until the people started understanding these animals’ pain. This might seemed to be a good news that now the animals could be free. But that’s not all, big cats who stay in captivity for the most of their lives cannot survive in the jungle instantly. Then what would happen to the poor big cats?

Nowhere To Go

After the ban was legalized, these big cats had nowhere to go and the wildlife care authorities were aware of this. Although many organizations were interested in keeping the pair of three big cats, the search started to find a reliable and safe place for them. These animals already went through a lot and the administration wanted to get them out of the horrible conditions of the circus soon.

A Hard Life

As these animals already suffered from a lifetime of disappointment and sufferings, it was very important to provide them with an environment where they could live fearlessly with freedom. Meanwhile, the authorities were looking for a safe haven, they were stuck in their mini cages with an uncertain fate. 

The Ban And More

An organization named Animal Defenders International (ADI) worked to rescue these animals for several years. ADI fought a long battle against the circus company to get these animals free. Despite the fact that the law saved these animals, ADI became their true saviors. Hence, ADI was the right organization to handle these animals. But the trouble wasn’t only with Sasha, Nena, and Kimba.

The Bigger Picture

The bigger picture behind the circus industry was more heartbreaking, around 40 wild cats including, Pumas, Cheetahs, Tigers, and Lions. These 40 animals that ADI is in the process to get free from the circuses. If they succeed, at rescuing all these animals, there will be one more country where no animals will be kept in cruel environments for the name of the circus.

Making New Homes

Animal Defenders International finally got the custody of Nena, Sasha, and Kimba and one more pair Tanya and Tarzan who had a different owner. All the five of them were to be released in a few days but ADI was not yet prepared to take the big responsibility. They had less time and a lot of work to be done. Nobody ever had even the slightest of an idea that these pretty huge animals were about to give them the most beautiful site ever.

Building Their Home

The ADI team built their home, special enclosures in a rescue center in Guatemala. Soon, the lions were welcomed in the rescue center but their homes weren’t ready yet. Also, ADI wasn’t planning on keeping them in Guatemala for a long time which meant this was a temporary shelter for the group of lions. Before they could reach any place better and permanent, these animals were yet to show the rescuers their most adorable side.

First Grass

Once the Animal Defenders International’s team was done with the Lions’ temporary homes, this group of five big cats could now stay in a vast area, covered with grass. Sadly, all the 5 of them, Sasha, Nena, Kimba, Tanya, and Tarzan have never slept on grass before. Their old tiny cages had cemented floor and no grass on it. In short, this was about to be the first time these animals were about to feel the comfort of grass.

To Sasha’s Surprise

It was real grass and the ADI team members were quite excited to see these animals’ response when they’ll walk on grass for the first time. Sasha was the first one to enter in her new place and when she did, her pleasure could be seen clearly. Sasha was so delighted that after taking a walk and checking her new home, she just felt like rolling on the grass.

More Than Important

Well, let’s just tell you that lions are one of their kind and they love grass. They are found on the grasslands itself. Hence, the grass is not just a part of their lives but their necessity which makes their life more comfortable and more meaningful.

New Crates

Their new crates were much bigger than the older ones. Unlike before, they can stand properly, walk around and of course enjoy the comfort of the heavenly grass. Well, the ADI staff had more plans and exciting gifts for their new members. They planned it all for them but what they never expected was the reaction of these big cats towards this gift. 

New Toys

These animals new home not only came with fresh hay but also toys. Have you ever seen grown up lions playing with toys? We aren’t talking about tricks that lions usually do in the circus, well, as you know neither they don’t do it by choice nor they have any fun in those tricks, it’s just the audience that enjoys. But this time no one was forcing them to do anything or show any tricks.

Sasha Plays

The group of lions fell in love with their new toys at first sight. They were given a bunch of tires to play with and Sasha was the first one to get close to the tire and look what exactly it is. Sasha grabbed the tires with her front legs and started chewing it like pups do when their teeth are in growing state. This wasn’t all, the other lions’ reactions were just so incredibly unexpected. 

Confused Lions

While Sasha was not at all scared of taking any risk, the rest of the lions were looking at her from a distance as if she’s doing something they’ve never seen before. After 15-20 minutes when they saw Sasha enjoying, the rest of the animals also decided to give their new toys a try. Kimba was the second lion who reached to the tire and his reactions were again more than amazing.

Kimba’s Reaction

Kimba was the most excited of all. He ran across the enclosure and stopped at his favorite tire. “Enjoying the feeling of grass beneath their paws, of hanging freely from a tire swing, or flopping down onto a bed of hay — simple pleasures previously denied them — the true characters of the lions are shining through,” said Jan Creamer, Animal Defenders International President.

Joy Has Taken Over

Tarzan was quite cautious, he carefully moved around everything, inspected it closely. He stayed calm with the grass and not showed any joy at first. One day went by and Tarzan was still keeping it to himself. By the evening of the second day, he was behaving like a kitten and was jumping around the tire wire. 

Even More Space

It took all of them to get familiar with the place and once they got to know the place they were the happiest of the ADI. After spending long and rough time in the circus industry, these animals are finally free. Although they are still bound in enclosures, that’s not where they will be living for too long. ADI has greater plans for them.

Content Lions

However, the animals are overjoyed to get this place but they can get better which they aren’t aware of. Although, the Lions aren’t going to stay in the enclosure for a long time. Animal Defenders International is working to move them out of South America. The organization is working day and night to get approval from the government to move these animals in the ADI’s new sanctuary opened in South Africa.  There was a better thing to happen.


A good news came this August when the Animal Defenders International staff was able to rescue Tomas, brother to Sasha, Nena, and Kimba. The circus people took Tomas away and handed him over to a zoo. Unfortunately, the zoo wasn’t able to take care of the poor cat for too long and that’s when ADI took over.


Blessed are those who get a chance to reunite and Animal Defenders International gave this opportunity to Tomas and his siblings. It was a heartwarming moment when Tomas finally made it back to his family. The lions were given proper diets and regular health checkups were done too. ADI is looking forward to their bright future, the lions are still not prepared for the African sanctuary though.

On The African Land

The life in South Africa will be much more natural for these animals. A place where they can hunt their food by themselves. For a few months, the lions seemed quite in love with their new place but Animal Defenders International want to move to South Africa soon. But there’s more to the picture.

Budget Issues

Transferring 6 animals from one country to another isn’t an easy task. Money is the main issue. Once the government allows the process of transferring these big cats to South Africa, Animal Defenders International have to come up with enough money to get the animals moving.

Circus Bans

Animal Defenders International is a dedicated organization which helped in getting bans applied in several countries. They have been doing this for a long time. Giving wild animals the life that they truly deserve. Thanks to them, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, Colombia, Greece, Macedonia, and many European countries finally banned the use of these animals in the circuses. It’s not that ADI has done it alone but they’ve been an important and consistent part of the whole protest.

Long Way To Africa

It looked like it will take a long time to collect enough money that these animals can be transferred to a permanent home. The process was taking too long. But as it is said where there’s a will there’s a way. Similarly, the organization found their way out.

A Ray Of Hope

The ADI found a way out to collect more money to transfer these animals. It is not a temporary issue, they are rescuing more and more animals every now and then. Hence, they needed a plan and came up with a successful plan.

Rescuing More Animals

Animal Defenders International was struggling every day for the sake of these animals. They rescued 9 tigers too. They managed to get them a safe environment in the Tigers for Tomorrow Sanctuary and Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary. This was easier as the sanctuaries are in the U.S. itself.

The Sanctuary

The reason why Animal Defenders International wants these 5 lions to live in South Africa is the sanctuary there is their own. They know the facilities and the treatment each and every animal gets at the sanctuary. In short, the place is the most reliable. So, all they needed was the funds to send this family to their new home.

Flying The Lions Home

The GreaterGood.org came to help Animal Defenders International with the fundraising part. They opened an account in the name of ADI to raise higher funds. Once they meet the target they’ll be taking these animals to their forever home. They deserve a life of freedom.

The Biggest Change

The 450 acres grassland in South Africa will be the biggest change in the lives of these lions. The area is full of trees, lakes and water holes. A haven for lions. All the 7 lions rescued by ADI stay together in a group and chill these days.

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