A wedding day is extremely for everyone. On the wedding day, the bride and groom decide to continue the journey of their lives together taking each other’s responsibilities. What if on the wedding day, something dirty comes up and one of the partners cannot explain the scenario? Would they end up marrying each other or leave each other to be humiliated in front of everyone? Let’s find out together in this upcoming story.

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Banquet Hall

A big banquet was decorated beautifully. It seemed the couple who were about to be the guest of honor spent lavishly for this very day. The attractive ambiance of the hall surely could make anyone fall for it.

 The Guests

The wedding guests were as excited as the bride and groom were. They were experiencing an arranged marriage for the very first time. The guests expected a lot out of this wedding as their expectations went way higher as they get to see the beautiful banquet hall which was magnificently decorated.

 Wedding Cake

The other exciting thing the quests were waiting for was the wedding cake. In their opinion, the wedding cake decided what kind of relation the couple held until the day. It sounds weird but it is a fact. The judgemental people invited as “guests” comment on the flaws and never leave an opportunity to belittle the host.


To the guests’ dismay, everything was managed perfectly. There was nothing off-track which could be addressed as “the talk” or precisely “the flaw” of the event. Perfection is rare but somehow the hall was able to achieve it. The guests were desperately searching for a flaw to keep their spirits alive during the event.

The Wait

While enjoying the beauty of the banquet hall, clicking selfies and wearing a pretentious smile, the guests were eagerly waiting for the bride and groom to show up. The main objective of doing so was “the food”. With the arrival of the hosts, the catering team would get a green signal and the food would be served.

The Perfect Wedding

The wedding was expected to be a “perfect wedding” since the hype was too high about it. Special performances were prepared by the friends of the bride. They synchronized the steps and it took a mammoth effort to teach the steps to some of the friends with stiff bodies. No matter what, the performance was all set to be showcased.

Crush Story

Many people were unaware that the groom had a huge crush on the bride since his college days. He used to bunk lectures just to have a look at his crush. He could never gather the courage to speak his heart out back then. Lucky he was! Finally, he was about to marry the girl of his dreams and to him, it was a love marriage arranged by the parents.

About To Come

While the guests were munching on the starters, the orchestra played the tune of “My heart will go on..” from the movie Titanic. The spotlight focussed on the entrance door, and some people with rose petals were standing near the gate as if they were strictly ordered to escort the couple to the stage.

The Wait Is Over

Finally, the wait was over.  The couple came to the hall holding hands and smiling at each other. The groom looked a little lost while the bride was looking for someone. She must be looking for her mother since it was a big day for her.

Something Is Fishy!

As the couple came nearer to the guests, some of the guests noticed that something was wrong with the groom. They thought that the groom was drunk or he had a hangover. They could tell looking at him that the smile the groom was wearing was fake. Though they were not certain regarding the same but could say that the groom was thinking of something else other than the wedding.

Ring Ceremony

Keeping all thoughts aside, guests looked for the person who would bring rings for the couple. The person with rings came running and offered them rings so that they could exchange rings and announce their wedding. The groom looked lost again but nobody bothered as everyone was waiting for the next activity, that is food!

Game Time

As the couple was done with their exchanging of rings, the groom opened a bottle of champagne and caught everyone’s attention. He asked the crowd to settle down and before announcing, he expressed that he wanted to play a little game along with the guests.

Flip The Plates

The game as he named was “flip the plates”. He asked the guests to flip their plates and look if their plates had a red dot on the bottom or not. The ones with the red dot present had to stand up and do certain tasks. The guests, with no second thoughts, started flipping their plates.


As everyone flipped the plates, a man who went a bit uncomfortable gained the attention of the guests. He was the only one who had a red dot on the back of his plate. The groom asked him to keep standing and others relaxed, with their eyes fixed on the man.

A Criminal?

The man stood up but he was not able to make any eye contact. Everyone thought him to be a criminal as his body language suggested. He was awkwardly standing, his eyes lowered and he was trying to escape the situation. 

 Awkward Silence

The awkward silence was killing the standing man. Neither could he lookup nor could he leave abruptly. He was waiting for the groom to speak up something so that he could be relieved. To his dismay, the thing that happened was unexpected.

The Search

Silence occupied the banquet hall. People were curious to know what secret the standing man shared with the groom. The guests shifted their eyes from the man to the groom and followed him wherever he was heading to.


As he was stepping closer to the bride, the bride grew anxious. She felt uneasy and her hands were sweating. Everyone, except for the groom thought that the bride must have got nervous because that was her big day and her to-be-husband was ruining it already by making people feel awkward to an extent.


The groom went to the bride and the first thing he did was to unveil her. The crowd was in a dilemma whether to clap first or wait for the groom to kiss her. The situation was a little fiddly and nobody had a faint idea of what the groom was up to.

Watery Eyes

Nothing expected happened, instead, the bride’s eyes showered tears. Confused people could not understand the situation and decided not to react at once. She firstly looked at the groom then shifted her eyes to the man standing there. The man standing there started crying as well.

In Love?

The man and the bride were having a secret conversation through the tears rolling down their cheeks. Speculations were being done and the man standing was assumed to be the lover of the bride. Little did the crowd know that their assumptions would not hit the bull’s eye.


The groom proudly introduced the guests to a woman who was checking on him. He clarified everyone’s doubt by stating the word “cheating”, the rest of the story was continued by the bride herself.


Hours before the wedding, the groom learned of a devastating secret about his bride-to-be. The secret came from multiple sources and even received burning evidence that his wife-to-be cheated on him. He did not think of asking the bride in the first place, instead, he devised a plan to expose his wife.

The Plan

When the groom got to know about his wife-to-be, he had to take some actions against her. A love affair before marriage is understandable and acceptable but his wife was far beyond what he expected. Her past was surely affecting her present.

Twist In The Story

When the bride kept on telling her story, the groom interrupted and asked everyone with a red dot on the plate to stand up. He emphasized more on the word “everyone” and sat along with the crowd.

Not One But Eight

One of the most shocking parts about the story was the number of men left standing. It wasn’t just one or two men left wondering what was going on, but eight. After the groom’s little trick, eight men were glancing around the room wondering what was going on.

Taken Aback

The bride didn’t just sleep with one man, but several men before her wedding day. To add on to the groom’s despair, the men she slept with were all the groom’s closest friends. He was taken aback. He could not trust his friends and love anymore.

Married Men

There is no doubt the rest of the night was awkward and the situation embarrassing for the bride. The groom was devastated but somehow realized that the woman he was marrying wasn’t committed to him as he thought. But on top of all that, it turns out the men the bride slept with were also married.

What To Do?

The guests, who were waiting for the meal thought it to be a wrong time to ask for the food. They all left the banquet hall one by one like school kids embracing the silence and lips sealed.

No More A Bride

The least the bride could do was to look people going out that way. She already spil her mascara and continued doing so. She threw the bouquet she held and ran across the hall as if she had gone mad. She halted for a while, stared at her white gown and again, started crying.

Many Lives Changed

It was clear by the groom’s decision to out the wrong-doers, a lot of embarrassment went around the room. The bride was horrified to be caught, the groom was devastated by the news and the men standing were left with unhappy wives themselves.

Not Satisfied

Even after doing so, the groom was not satisfied. He wanted the world to know what he did so that people could not take feelings for granted and have transparency in their relationship. But somehow he contented himself and continued with his life.

The Graham Norton Show

There is a television show in Britain called The Graham Norton Show. It is hosted by none other than the grand comedian himself, Graham Norton. The show is pretty straight forward with Norton inviting various guests to appear each week to talk about things in movies, and actors and such. For those in America, it’s basically like Jimmy Kimmel.

The Big Red Chair

At the end of the show, Graham calls on regular folks to sit down in his big red chair. The audience sits down with Graham and gets their shot at telling their story. If Norton likes the story his guests tell, the audience member gets to walk away with the satisfaction of entertaining Graham’s guests.

Sean McInerney

On this television show, a guy named Sean McInerney was chosen to speak up. Sean came from Donegal, Ireland and was thrilled for his chance to tell his story. Sean began to tell his story of a wedding he once attended. He admitted that he wasn’t that close to the couple but went there anyway to mark his attendance.

Socially Awkward

Sean, after grabbing the opportunity cleared that he is socially awkward and wasn’t fond of going to such events. Though he knew the bride and groom since school time, he respected the invitation and decided to go, anyway.


The story Sean McInerney told left the crowd flabbergasted. They could not believe a person could ever do that. They wanted to hear more about it but at the same time, they doubted the story.


What was shocking than the story was the last statement that Sean made before leaving the stage. He apologized to the audience and admitted that the groom was none other than Sean himself. This was another blow that the audience got from Sean.


Others in the audience though stared on in amazement trying to wrap their heads around the story. It may not have been a heartwarming for those who lived through the experience, but it was a great story.  It requires a great effort to tell a life story in front of thousands of people. Sean was confident enough and finally made his last move by broadcasting his story.

Big Hit

Sean’s story was the best Big Red Chair story ever to air. It was clear by Graham Norton’s reaction that even he was taken back by Sean’s broken wedding. Norton roared into a fit of laughter at Sean’s story and applauded him for his efforts.

Online Comments

The TV show pulls in over a million views each night it airs so it’s no surprise that social media exploded after Sean’s story. Viewers of the show quickly turned to social media sites like Twitter and Facebook and typed their comments.

Breaking The Stereotypes

Sean’s story just goes to show that men aren’t always at fault or the serial offenders that so many claim them to be. Some viewers took to social media to challenge stereotypes stating how women can be cheaters too. However, Sean clarified that it depends on person to person.

The Second Chance

Sean, on being asked why didn’t he give a second chance to his bride, answered cleverly. He expressed that if a person commits a mistake, he or she gets another chance, but even after being aware of the consequences the person does the same, it is no more a mistake but becomes a habit.

Walking Out

Sean chose to walk out of the hall without looking at his bride back. He thought it to be the best thing he could do at that time.  Moreover, he felt blessed that he got to know everything before time and he took actions accordingly. He does not regret his decision he considered himself lucky to settle everything perfectly.

Crush Crushed The Trust

No matter how hard Sean pretended to be, but deep down he felt disheartened. He initially went crazy on knowing that he was about to marry his crush. Sean used to admire the lady a lot, therefore, he chose to marry her. After knowing the facts about her, his world turned 180 degrees which forced him to take a harsh step.

Why Settle?

The only concern that Sean had was the lady ready to settle with a man she hardly knew. Sean was taken aback when he got to know everything. He questioned that the lady had too many options already since she was dating many men. What if she cheated after marriage with all his friends?

A Great Loss

Sean, not only lost his wife but also eight of his great friends. He had no one with him while he walked out of the hall. Friends are supposed to be someone on whom a person could count on. But, in Sean’s case, he counted his wife’s affairs that turned out to be his friends.

More To Come

Sean faced a lot on the very day of his wedding. He took that incident as a lesson and promised himself not to feel inferior because of it. Keeping aside everything, he continued living his life with all his pride and hoped for the best.


Out of all the people that heard the story, there was one beside Graham Norton who was fairly impressed. YouTuber Jason Gunn was so impressed by Sean’s story that he called Sean to have him tell the tale again over his podcast.

Still Smiling

No matter how bad he must have felt on being betrayed by his friends and being cheated by his to-be-wife, the man never lost his charm. Sean still smiles and did not generalize women. He trusts his stars and believes that someday or the other he would get what he deserves.

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