The couple accepted the gift happily and as suggested did not unwrap it for a few years. However, their curiosity took the best of him and one fine day they finally opened it. Well, what they found inside was UNIMAGINABLE.

From Friends To Lovers

Brandon and Kathy’s love story is unique just like any other love story. They stayed in a relationship for about two years and then they decided to take their relationship to the next level. Brandon popped up the question in the most romantic way. Even though they had been in a relationship for a couple of years there were no hesitations and no doubts.

The Wedding

Kathy and Brandon both knew that the step they were taking was not only big but right too. So when were they going to get married? They were not going to wait any longer. The couple had planned to get married in the same year. Kathy rolled out the preparations for the wedding ecstatically.  


The best yet the tedious part of a wedding is its preparation. But for Kathy, it was not tiring at all. She had been planning her wedding for long and she knew how she wanted it to be. She knew what kind of dress she was going to wear and what kind of flowers she wanted her wedding place to be decorated with. It was all planned in her mind and now it was time to put them out. 

Wedding Vibes

Finally, the day arrived. Brandon and Kathy Gunn tied the knot and embarked on a journey together. The couple was indeed a lucky one as not many people get the chance to realize their dreams of living together. They exchanged the vows and pledged to stick by them till their last breath. They were inseparable now.

The Importance Of Gifts

So, what is the second-best part about weddings? Well, it is GIFTS. Some people want to get married to get lots of gifts. Kathy was very much excited to get all those gifts. She got a lot of gifts too. The couple got many amazing gifts other than blessings from their near and dear ones. 

Gift By Aunt Allison

There were sparkling wrappers, beautiful bows, flower crafts, and heartwarming wishes outside the gifts. The couple was overwhelmed with the gifts and blessings they were getting. However, one gift took them by surprise. They were asked not to open it. The gift was given by Aunt Alison. 

Do Not Open

Well, it was indeed a unique gift given their Aunt had asked them not to open it. She had told them to open it when they would have a disagreement over something. This was indeed a different kind of gift. So, were they going to wait or open it? Well, the couple liked the idea very much and decided to go with it.

Back In 2007

It was September of 2007, Brandon and Kathy tied the knot in Jackson, Michigan. Everything went smoothly. In fact, the celebration went better than they had expected. It was a grand wedding ceremony with people enjoying it to the fullest. There were many guests at the wedding. They were going to remember the wedding for all the good reasons and also that unique gift that they got.

Aunt Alison

Alison, Kathy’s aunt was extremely happy about knowing that her niece is getting married. She always wanted a perfect life for her and now she was getting what she deserved. Aunt Alison who was one of the wisest people Kathy knew had something amazing in her mind for the gift.

Conditions Applied

Aunt Alison’s gift was not like any other gift. “Do not open until your first disagreement,” they read. It not only made them curious but also confused them. Were they going to let their curiosity take the best of them? Were they going to open it or wait?  

Top-Notch Present

No need to say, initially, the couple was clearly confused about receiving the gift. Kathy and Brandon were excited to open it up but they decided to follow the instructions given by Aunt Alison. Admirably, they never let the hold on their self-control go loose. So, did they never have any disagreement over those years? Well, that is not how it was. 

Two Years Passed

It is difficult to tell why good time flies so fast. Two years of their marriage went by and the gift still remained unopened. The duo was celebrating their anniversary with their family and it is then Aunt Allison asked her if she had opened the gift yet and the woman replied NO. What happened next was  “she looked at us like we were crazy.” 

Insisted On Opening

Well, there was no lacking of suggestions. Some of the guests suggested them to open the box and then there were some who thought it would be better to wait. Kathy reminisced, “my mom was like, ‘Kathy what if there’s food in there or something?’” Well, they too had this doubt on their mind and so they confirmed, “We did ask [Aunt Alison] to make sure there wasn’t anything perishable in there or time-sensitive.” 

Baby Time

Kathy and Brandon remained unaware of what was inside that box for some years. The duo was so busy building their life, they completely forgot about the box. The couple became parents of two babies soon after getting married. They found themselves a bigger house as they were growing as a family. Along with all the important stuff, they also took that unopened box along to the new house.  

Game On!

The Gunns did have fights but none of them were serious enough to open the box. They took it as a challenge. “My husband and I are both very competitive people,” clarified Kathy. But what does it mean? 

Challenge Accepted

She continued, “We love a challenge. The presentation itself was very unique, and it’s not the typical gift. We kind of set it aside because it was special to us.” The gift was just not a gift from Aunt Allison but also was a test of their marriage. Opening the box would mean they failed in their work.  

Couple’s Time

“Tonight, we tucked our kids in bed and my husband and I enjoyed a glass of wine on the deck,” Kathy recalled the day they celebrated their long years of togetherness and many many years to come. The couple was still in love and now even more so after spending years with each other.

Sudden Thought

They went back to the past and discussed all their favorite memories from the birth of their children to their wedding day. They talked about how far they have come since their big day. It was nothing short of an achievement. They remembered the guests who made their wedding day even more special, blessings, and gifts. 

Still A Mystery

While talking about gifts, it clicked them that they have not opened Aunt Alison’s gift yet. Many years had passed by and that particular gift was still sitting in one corner of their cupboards gathering dust. The pair was glad that they had managed to keep the box closed but maybe now was the time to open it up. They wanted to know what was inside it.

9 Years Later

Kathy explained, “We were talking about how excited we were to attend an upcoming wedding in Kalamazoo (where we met and went to college) and discussing what would be the perfect gift for the newlyweds. So, I thought back to our wedding day (nearly 9 years ago) and tried to recall the gifts that had meant the most to me.” 

Fun Story

It was nothing short of an achievement for the duo. That gift had touched their heart the most and “The funny thing? The gift that meant the very most [to me] was still sitting in a closet… unopened.” Kathy wrote down in her post. 

Honest Confession

While talking about her relationship with her husband Kathy made it clear that their marriage is nothing different than other marriages. It was not that they did not have fights in the past 9 years but nothing too bad had happened. 

Symbol Of Failure

Kathy said, “now, there had obviously been plenty of disagreements, arguments and slammed doors throughout our nine years [together]. There were even a couple of instances where we both considered giving up… but we never opened the box. I honestly think that we both avoided turning to the box because it would have symbolized our failure.”

Was It Time?

The woman continued, “To us, it would have meant that we didn’t have what it takes to make our marriage work – and we’re both too stubborn and determined for that. So, it forced us to reassess situations.” Were they now ready to open the box? 

Hidden Fears

Kathy had her own doubts though. She wondered, “What if this isn’t our worst fight? What if there’s a worse one ahead of us and we don’t have our box?!” “as my Great Uncle Bill would say, ‘Nothing is ever so bad that it couldn’t get worse.’”

Let’s Do It

Brandon went to the closet and finally took the box out. He put the center of attraction on the table and then looked at Kathy. The couple had no idea what was inside but they had made a number of guesses.

More Instructions

They unwrapped the box only to find what they had not expected at all. There were a number of notes along with some brand new bathroom items and two wine glasses. Not to forget the vase they had found with it. They figured that the notes had some instructions on it. The couple was supposed to follow those instructions. 

Strict Orders

Kathy read, “Go get a pizza, shrimp or something you both like. Get a bath ready.” Brandon’s note read, “Go get flowers and a bottle of wine.” Kathy reminisced, “All along, we assumed that the contents of that box held the key to saving a marriage. An age-old trick – unbeknownst to us rookies.”

50 Years Of Experience

Her aunt did not give her anything that would stay with them in their good times but something that would keep them close even in times when they would not want to. She explained, “After all, my Great Aunt and Uncle had been married for nearly half a century. So, we thought the box would save ‘us’ – and in a way it did. That box went beyond what I believe my Great Aunt had intended. It was by far the greatest wedding gift of all.”

9 Years Of Wait

The post further read, “For nine years (and three moves) that box sat high on a shelf in various closets gathering dust. Yet it somehow taught us about tolerance, understanding, compromise, and patience. Our marriage strengthened as we became best friends, partners, and teammates.” 

Right Time For Everything

The couple opened up, “Today, we decided to open that box, because I finally had a realization. I realized that the tools for creating and maintaining a strong, healthy marriage were never within that box – they were within us.” 

More Than A Gift

Kathy shared in an interview, “I felt if we haven’t opened [the box] yet, we’ve got everything we need to make this thing work. When you’re young and learning to be married and compromise and all of that, we often thought the contents of the box would reunite us.” 

A True Story

Kathy further stated, “I think the true story was working it out for ourselves and there wasn’t any gift that was going to reunite us or make it better. It was something that we were going to have to do ourselves.” Her aunt too helped them in making their marriage a success. There is no way they can thank their Aunt enough who now lives in Ohio. 

A Big Thank You

Kathy rang up her Aunt the next day of opening the gift and thanked her from the bottom off her heart. As her Aunt had grown quite old now she had no memory of the gift. Although she knew that the gift she was giving to her niece was unique and special, she had no idea it would become so important for them.

Crazy People

Kathy elaborated on her Facebook page, “She thought it was amazing. She also thought it was a great story, but she thought we were crazy. She knew it was a special gift but didn’t realize just how special it became to us.”

Love What Matters

Kathy was so overwhelmed by the gift that she thought of sharing the story on Facebook. Her heart touching story won many hearts and that is why Love What Matters, a famous Facebook Page put her story on their page. Her story went straight to the heart of many people. The woman had no idea what had she just started. 


To begin with, Kathy’s post gathered over 20,000 likes. It received more than 4000 shares. Not only that, the story was tailed by about 1000 comments. Kathy’s post had reached millions of people and all of them fell in love with it. It is then Kathy realized a thoughtful gift can change people’s perception.

Twists And Turns

The profit of the Gunn family catapulted exponentially. They even were invited for an interview. The woman said in the interview, “life throws so many twists and turns at all of us, outside of marriage, and dealing with those problems can be difficult without someone to count on.”

A Blessing

Kathy had not anticipated that people would respond like this. Kathy spoke her heart out, “Brandon is my constant. No matter what struggles I am faced with, I know that I can always count on him to be in my corner and me in his.”

The Right Choice

Life gets prettier when you have that special person in your life and Kathy had found hers. Kathy said jovially, “It’s so much easier to get through life when you have someone that will always be there for you and that would do anything for you, no matter the day or time.”

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