No human can predict the future, no one could ever imagine what life brings along or have any idea what is going to be the next move.

Everything is pre-planned, according to which a human is supposed to act. Life is all about joining the dots and unfolding the series. If we keep going on with the flow, we can seek surprises from life, which would change our lives forever. One such surprise was when Eva and her father planned to buy a second-hand car.

Hunt For Car

18 years, a big deal. Eva, for the very first time, argued with her father. She, like other school kids, wanted to go in a car. That too, her very own car. Her father never agreed to that and was trying to change Eva’s mind, but nothing was going as he planned. Eva told her dad that she was not demanding a new car. A second-hand car would work, she said. Her dad agreed on buying a second-hand car for Eva since she was reluctant to go to school without having it.

Dad Throwing Tantrums

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Eva’s dad, Mr. Smith never appreciated the idea of buying a car. He thought it would be a waste of money. This was the reason he wasn’t talking to his beloved daughter. Though he was putting in a lot to show that he was really angry but could not hold it too long as he loved Eva more than anyone and anything.

Welcome Home

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Mr.  Smith brought the car home. He thought of cleaning it first. While doing so, he opened the dashboard of the car and found something unusual inside a plastic container. It was an envelope. He first, thought of giving that to the agency and kept it safe aside, continuing his cleaning work. He was called up by one of his friends and he left. After his departure, his daughter came to see the car. She discovered the box and the envelope. She was so impatient that she opened it.

Solving The Puzzlecar 15

Eva was dumbstruck when she discovered the letter inside the envelope. She could faintly remember the handwriting and could feel a sense of belonging with that letter even though she has no connection with it. She tried to grasp bits and pieces of her fragmented memory but was unable to gain anything. She finally gave up and left for the day.

Dreamy Head

Eva was a girl full of dreams. She was a good scholar and a kind of student who was set to give examples. She always wanted to help her father financially, therefore, she used to take up trivial jobs. She delivered newspaper and used to be caretaker of children. She never used to complain because she loved her dad as well, which encouraged her to help her single parent financially.

Missing Roles

Eva was growing day by day. Mr. Smith, though was playing the role of both the parents in an outstanding way, still felt that had she been with her mother, she could share anything freely. Eva was a charming girl and has been approached by many of the boys, but she never paid any heed to anyone. Mr. Smith could not have a “heart-to-heart” kind of girlish talk with her because he was a FATHER.

Writer In The Making

Eva was a different girl. She had her own choices and priorities. She had fewer friends yet was popular since she was studious. On being asked about what you want to be, other students used to tell that they wanted to be a business person, racer, banker and much more stuff. At that time she was busy scribbling, forcing her brain to eject something creative out of it.

Second Family

Friends, Eva’s second family was close to Eva. Dave, her childhood friend had a real big crush on Eva since the 6th grade. They both enjoyed each other’s company and used to write along. Charlie and Jenny were Eva’s secret keepers. The four entered a different zone when they used to be together, be it school or playground. She was afraid of losing these people after her dad.


Eva was a mature girl, aware of the limits and consequences of everything. She knew that Dave liked her and this was the reason she kept a healthy distance from him. Moreover, she never wanted to lose a friend like him as well. Moreover, she too had strong feelings for him but she chose to keep quiet, rather lied that she had no feelings for Dave.

The Driving Lessons

Dave was a good driver, he had been driving cars for the last 3 years. Eva though had a car but was not able to drive since her dad was reluctant to teach her. So, she asked Dave to give her lessons. Dave agreed on it and they both gave acceleration to a fresh story, which was yet to be made.

Fading Friendship

Eva was very sure about how much distance was to be made. She never made any move or gave any sort of assurance to Dave regarding her feelings. Dave, tired of asking her out, found a new girl and went along with her. Eva, on the other hand, kept all her feelings inside her and turned the ways out of Dave’s life. Their talks then were formalized and friendship was fading slowly.

Drive For Distraction

After having such a heartbreak, Eva used to be alone and used to drive a lot to change her surroundings. She used to drive a lot as she was finding new places her escape. Moreover, she could not tell all this to her father because he never was that close to her, in terms of sharing secrets and all. She drove as much as she could and found a special kind of affection with the car.

Not Just A Car

For Eva, the car meant a lot since it was the first car she ever got. After Dave, the car was the only thing she felt attached to. She knew that there was nothing to be so emphatic about it since it was a piece of machinery, but, she managed to keep aside the thoughts and continued being alone with the car. She developed a strong affection to it which made her father a little insecure.

Move Gone Wrong

Mr. Smith could see Eva’s inclination towards the car, so, he planned out a way to get Eva back on the track. He thought of selling the car so that he could get back Eva’s attention. Mr. Smith, in the early morning, called up an agency so that they could take the car from their residence. Eva got to know about it. She frowned at her father and left the house without informing him.

The Search

Mr. Smith went deranged when he could not find Eva. He tried calling up her friends and from them, he got to know about the broken friendship of Eva with Dave. Smith felt bad and blamed himself for his negligence. He tried to be a dad and a mom at the same time but nothing turned out to be fruitful. He started searching for Eva, which made him realize that he failed as a parent.

Pinky Promise

After a lot of inquiries and searches, Mr. Smith found Eva in the Church. He could see that Eva was not a kid anymore and she needed to have an idea about feelings, dreams, love and all other stuff which usually a mother tells a daughter. He, being a dad could say nothing to her, but, he promised to keep her happy till his last breath.

List Of Questions

After coming back home, Eva tried to look for the car, that she loved. She could not find the car near her house so she asked her father about it. He kept mum rather was being ignorant. Eva could not take that silence hence tried to ask more questions. The questions were not alone about the car but on Mr. Smith being a good husband or a father. She never talked with her dad in this manner. She completely changed herself just because she was not able to find the car standing out there. After that, on asking her father, she got to know that it had been sent for servicing.

Daddy’s Princess

No matter how hard she tried, she could never hate her dad. She always used to be so protective of her dad, but things were not the same. She was feeling the change in her. She wanted to make up for her behavior, so, she planned a dinner out with her father. They both talked about literature and the writers since Eva had a keen interest in literature.

Reliving The Past

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Mr. Smith, while preparing the breakfast, was cherishing the memories he made with his wife. He was in a jolly mood, a little kiddish and full of happiness. He went to Eva’s room to wake her up for breakfast. He found that envelope on Eva’s table. He could clearly remember the handwriting. His eyes were pouring the shower of tears.

A letter, That Shattered

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After having a past revision from that envelope, Mr. Smith asked for the letter inside it. Eva, without further questioning, immediately gave the letter to him. He started reading it. He could make out the handwriting more clearly and could not resist himself from crying. The only name that came out of his mouth was “Taylor!”

Joining The-Dots

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He recalled that Mrs. Osborn, who was the mother-in-law to Mr. Smith met with an accident on the very day mentioned in the letter. He pressurized his brain to fetch more and was able to create a whole lot of matches in his analysis.

The Knock

He had a divorce years ago when Eva was three and was kept in his custody. After having his divorce done, he tried not to keep any contact with his former wife or her family. He got the news that she married a man within 6 months of separation, so he made his mind not to introduce Eva to her mom ever in her life.

Truth Unveiled

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After discovering all this, it was Mr. Smith’s turn to answer back Eva about her mother and the letter. He told her that the car, she bought for herself was actually of her maternal grandmother. He told the story behind the separation and apologized for not telling her earlier. He told everything about her mother and even told that he used to call her Taylor since she was so dedicated to make his house a home. Suddenly they faced a pitfall in their relationship and ended up divorcing.

A Date To Remember

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After being well aware of the fact of having her mother alive, Eva wasted no more time and headed to her place with the help of her father. they both searched for Eva’s mother but could not find a trace of her. Eva was sure enough that she would find her mother and did not give up on the search. Finally, they got to meet her after exploring thirty-eight addresses.

Eva met her mother and the story began. She told her that she, along with her second husband was on a romantic date as the husband came back after six months. Her mother decided to keep her second daughter so that the couple could enjoy the date.

Nothing Fair Nothing Well

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While she was hanging out with her husband, she got a call from her mother that Jensyn was a bit feverish. Mrs. Osborn informed that she would drive Jensyn to the doctor and asked Taylor not to worry about her as she was under her supervision. Taylor insisted on calling Emma, her sister, but her mother was reluctant and adamant that she could drive perfectly.


Mrs. Osborn was in her late 70’s and was unable to see properly due to her geriatric age. She faced a lot of difficulties while driving and was stubborn as well. Then too, she decided to drive her to a doctor. While driving, she failed to see a steep slope and ended up saying goodbye to the world along with her little one.

Dark Ahead

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Taylor halted and waited for Eva to put some questions regarding it, but, she was all tears. She could not speak even a single word. She tried asking whether Emma was alive or not. She got to know that Emma was no more as she was fighting against cancer but was unable to get through it and died right after her mother and daughter on the very same day.

A New Morning

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Eva could not hold back her emotions and sentiments. She asked her mother to calm down and get along with them. She agreed on joining them. Mr. Smith rode them down the town and halt at the street fair. Eva tried her level best to support her mother so that she could forget her all the pains she went through. Everything was going well and Eva wanted to live that moment forever because she finally got to know how mother-daughter relationship feels like.


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Taylor, after meeting Eva was missing her mother even more. She told that Eva resembled her grandma and lost no moment to admire her. She was  haunted by the guilt of not meeting her earlier and repeatedly asking Eva to be in touch. Taylor did mention Jensyn and cried on losing both of them at the mere age of 3 and 5.

Car Under Care

While exploring Mr. Smith’s house, Taylor came across a picture of Eva standing beside the car. To Taylor, the car meant everything as it was her mother’s last memory. After the accident, she fixed her car and tried to drive it, but she was haunted by the bad memories so she thought of selling it even though she never wanted to. Her financial condition was not that good that she could afford to have two cars. Her second husband left her as well when she was emotionally imbalanced. She was alone, all alone. All she left with was the car with memories. This is the reason why she was so attached to the car.

More Of A Sister

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Taylor thought that car to be her sister as it stood by her all the time. She named it Sylvia which made people question her mental state. She was not afraid of people or her image, all she knew that Sylvia was the only thing on this earth which kept her courage intact and made her stay strong in front of others.

Sound Of The Past

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Eva tried to boost her mother’s confidence. she persuaded her to drive the car as her mother was too afraid of driving Sylvia. Eva stood by her side and tried to encourage her. As she started the car, the digital stereo box marked its presence and along with it came the memories, sweet memories! Mr. Smith, after hearing the song could remember the college days when they both dated. He remembered how one particular line of this song made them go crazy.

He sang along: “But if I stayed here with you, girl
Things just couldn’t be the same
Cause I’m as free as a bird now
And this bird you can not change.”

Eva thought that it is the right time to leave the parents alone, so she slid inside. Both were revisiting the past and cherishing the memories.


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Amidst their revision, Mr. Smith handed over the letter to Taylor. She read it from the portion where she has mentioned the name of the car and the reason for selling it. Mr. Smith questioned not being contacted. He needed answers which were being suppressed by the silence of Taylor. She said nothing but continue being silent. Suddenly, Eva came interrupting the deadly silence. She offered Taylor to stay at their house. She was not ready to live but somehow Eva convinced her.

Mommy’s Day Out

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Eva and Taylor, the very next day, went out for shopping. They were enjoying each other’s company. Clicked photographs, tried makeovers and many more kinds of stuff. For Eva, this was a brand new experience since she never had been living with her mother. Then, Eva thought no matter how hard her father tried to fill the space of mother by playing both the roles, she could felt that particular character missing out in her life. But, here, she felt completed and thought had this scenario been since the very beginning, her life would have been so sorted and perfect. To get her family back, she proposed an idea to both of the parents.

Young By Heart

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Eva tried to convince her father, about getting married to Taylor once again. Mr. Smith never liked Eva’s idea of doing anything, be it buying a car or making her parents marry again. Mr. Smith, who was deeply in love with Taylor though was happy to hear that but is hindering himself to implement it just because of the society. He strictly said a no and went out of the house.

Together: TO-GET-HER

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Days passed by, but there was no trace of getting Eva’s parents together. She, too, dropped that very idea and headed forward in her life. She had parents but they were not together. Eva was a charming girl and was appraised by everyone. She was a good daughter too. Therefore, Taylor and Smith thought of buying her a brand new car. With this, they decided to be together and planned to get married soon. This very news made Eva feel complete. She always wanted to be with both of the parents, she could then experience what a family meant.


Eva was given an assignment which was based on story writing which she had to post on social media. She thought over an over again but could not frame one. She went to her mother asked for help. Her mom tried giving her stories but she could not comprehend. Taylor then suggested her to write her own story on how she managed to get back her family. She posted the story along with the photograph and was read by many of the people out there. The story gained the attention of the people. The post went viral which resulted in getting more and more likes and shares.

Naming The Story

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As the post was being viral, it caught the eye of one of the renowned publishers, Chloe Jensen. She revised the story and thought of printing it as a book. She got fascinated by the story and wanted other people to hear the game of fate, therefore, she wanted this story to get published. She offered Eva the same to which Eva agreed.

Cheers To The Success

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The book brought a lot of fame and financial up-gradation to the family. After having the book published, Eva was getting many positive reviews and questions regarding the marriage of her parents. She was not sure what to answer, so she asked her parents to reply to the same. Taylor and Smith had no idea what was to be written. They thought that was the high time to get married to end the story on a happy note. Eva, on the very next day, sent both her parents for a makeover and appointed a makeup artist so that her parents could feel the freshness along with the looks. Walking down the street, Taylor and Smith became the talk of the town. People treated them as celebrities and clicked photographs with them. They were about to reach the peak of their happiness as they were about to marry each other without making it socially awkward because of their age. Even people were encouraging them to get married.

They Do!

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The most awaited day for Eva and her family finally came. Taylor, not being a typical bride, not wearing a wedding gown, vows to stay beside Smith and admitted that she does and always will. Smith, being a little shy, admitted the same which gave a kick start to their married life. Selected fans, relatives and friends were called in the ceremony. Everyone congratulated on their new start.

Happy Start

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This was all that Taylor could ever desire for. A happy family!

Though she got to experience that happiness after so many struggles, she was thankful that she could have a taste of it. Eva was not raised by her, this was the only thing she regretted, but Eva managed to be a perfect girl which gave her immense satisfaction. Smith, who was her first love, held her hand ever after a series of negative events took place. She got her Sylvia back along with her family. A perfect ending for a story and a perfect start for a happier life.

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