Jessie H. was living an ordinary life until she started getting stalked by a mysterious person. She knew she was getting followed as she sensed it every time the person was behind her but could never catch the person as every time she would look back the mysterious person would disappear in thin air. Initially, she thought of it as an illusion but her doubts clarified when she began to receive surprising post-it notes describing things about her that only she knew. Scaringly, the writer would leave notes for her not only in her home but office too. Who was doing all this? She received many post-it notes and got chased by that mysterious person every time she would go out. If you think this is interesting then get ready for the surprising end of this story.

Ordinary Beginning

Bad Headaches

Jessie H. was a very ordinary girl who was also reserved by nature. That does not mean she did not enjoy conversation with people. In fact, she had a very good relation with her colleagues and neighbors. However, her normal-looking life underwent an unexpected change when she sensed that someone was stalking her.      

Something Was Off

Something Was Off

Jessie H. had just completed her office hours and was walking up to her car when she sensed something was severely amiss. It was all dark and the parking lot was all empty. There was no one in the lot except for Jessie at least this is what Jessie thought. The woman saw someone standing behind her out of the corner of her eye but when she looked behind there was no one. Well, that really scared her. 

First Time

The woman from Raleigh, NC was experiencing this for the first time. Though she dismissed it as an illusion, the fear was still in her. The woman gripped her keys tightly to use them as a weapon in case anyone would try to attack her and raced off towards her car. 

Calming Down

Calming Down

Jessie drove home. Her heart was still beating fast. She parked the car and rushed to the kitchen. She needed to cool down and get some herbal tea. As the woman lived alone in her house she had to make the tea by herself. The kettle was boiling and the woman was still lost in her thoughts when she saw that shadowy figure again. Like the last time, this one too was right behind her. Was she being followed? 

An Intruder

She grabbed the heaviest thing she could find in her hand and turned around only to see there was no one behind her. She began shouting out asking if there was an intruder in her house. She checked every single room but there was no one inside. Perhaps, she really needed a break. Jessie went back to the kitchen and finished off her tea. It was just the tip of the iceberg.    

A Post-It Note

A Post-It Note

If you think what happened to her that day was scary then wait for the next morning that literally shook Jessie to the core. “I found a yellow Post-it note in a handwriting that wasn’t mine on my desk reminding me of some errands I had to do but told literally nobody about.”

Maybe In Sleep

She said further, “While odd, I chalked it up to something I did in my sleep, thinking maybe in my half-awake state I scrawled it, so it didn’t appear to be my handwriting. I threw it out and thought little of it,” she wrote on a Reddit post. But why would she write such a sense-making post in her sleep?  

Just A Mistake

Keeping Tabs

She thought of it as a mistake committed by her and so she did not give it much thought. The woman had an entire day to plan. But she was soon going to learn that she had made a big mistake. 

Show Time

The day went like a regular day until she headed back home. The woman was watching a show and got up to use the bathroom when it got for a commercial. However, when she returned to her living room and realized an unbelievable thing.

Big Chunk Of Time

Time Went By

She admitted in her post, “When I looked back at my phone, 20 minutes had gone by. I was like “What is going on?” she started to think. “I then started missing huge chunks of time when I swear that only minutes passed by.” What was going on? 

Physically Ailed

A Cry For Help

What was going on? Nothing seemed to be right in her life. Not only the external environment was tormenting her but she also began to feel a sharp pain throughout her body. Maybe the stress had taken over her. However, she ate her dinner, cleaned the dishes and retired to her bedroom. However, something caught her attention when she was about to sleep. 


Before going to sleep Jessie thought of clicking a picture of the Post-it. She had thrown the note into the trash. She wanted to take a picture of it so she does not forget what it looked like.   

No Improvement

It was getting really late as she had to wake up early in the morning to go to her office. The woman slept and woke up to another weird day. Now she had lost all the confidence and was just praying for nothing to go wrong. However, her instincts were suggesting otherwise. She locked her apartment and headed to the car when again that weird thing happened. 


She sensed it again. There was someone right behind her. Scaringly, the figure was following her. However, when she turned back to catch a clear look it disappeared once again. Was someone playing mind games with her or was she actually seeing things? Little did she know it was only going to get weirder with time. 

Another Note

The day at the office went normally. Luckily, she did not come across any weird situation. The work was done and now it was time to head back home. The woman got stunned when she saw another note. Jesse said, “I found another Post-it note on the back of my desk chair, in the same handwriting as the previous note, telling me to make sure I ‘saved my documents.”

Was Someone There?

She was tired, frustrated, and now surprised too. Who had come to her house in her absence? Had someone broken in? She again looked around her house for any unlocked window or door but there was none. There was no way one could get inside. Was she missing something? Oh yes, she was. And in order to catch that mysterious individual, she decided to install a webcam in her house. 

Bad Headaches

Jessie could not sleep that night. Even though it was cold, she was damped with sweat. The sleep had escaped her. Clearly, she was very tired but feared if she would go to sleep something bad would happen with her. She kept the phone close to her in case anything bad happens. The woman was still struggling to sleep when her alarm went off. The night was over. She had to get up to go back to her office. 


Jessie had not slept the whole night so she was still very tired. Despite her tiredness, she had to go to the office. The woman entered the bathroom to take the shower but when she came out and saw the time in her phone she could not believe her eyes. Many minutes had passed by. It seemed to her as if the time was running. 

Getting To Work

No matter how much trouble she was in, the woman managed to get to work. However, her body was not able to take it any longer. as soon as she stepped in her office she felt a sharp pain running all over her body. Not only that her vision too got affected. She began to see colorful spots all around. 

Taking Over

Taking Over

Jessie really needed a break and so she asked her boss to give her a day off as she needed some time to figure out what was going in her life. She had no idea what was she going to do but just wanted to run away from all this. The poor lady was unaware that she had caught up in a mess way bigger than she had thought.  

Wave Of Relief

As the woman stepped out of her office she felt a bit relieved. The cold breeze blowing outside brought some relief to her. However, the soothing smell got contaminated with a sharp smell when she covered her nose with her hand. The foul smell was so strong that she felt suffocated. 

Just Her

The woman thought she would die of suffocation due to the smell but contrary to her situation the people in her surrounding looked perfectly fine. It seemed as if nobody could smell it. Was it only her? She again started to feel dizzy and so she rushed to her car and drove it back home only to get another stunning note.   

Another Post-It

Another Post-It

There was another Post-it note lying on her desk. Like the previous ones, it too had a message for her. The note read, “Our landlord isn’t letting me talk to you, but it’s important we do.” Who was doing all this? There was only one way to find out. She decided to check the recordings of the webcam footage. If someone had entered her house, that must have got recorded in her webcam.

Caught In Action

She opened her laptop and looked for the footage. There was a folder named Webcam on her desktop in which the footage was saved. “They were just saved straight to a folder on my desktop called Webcam,” said Jessie. Now she was just a click away from finding out who was playing these mind games with her.     

No Data

“I immediately checked the webcam’s folder on my computer and found nothing from the night before, but my computer’s recycling bin had been emptied, which I am certain I did not do recently, indicating someone had noticed the webcam and deleted the files.”

Losing Track

Losing Track Next day she decided to start afresh. She checked the time on her iPad. The time was 8:13 p.m. She had a lot of time on her hand. So she went to the shower while playing a song. She decided “Okay I have to be out of the shower in the next 13 minutes.” “I listened to ONE song which was like 3 and a half minutes (it was a short song). Then I went to change the song, and it was 8:23 a.m.” 

Time Flew

“There was no way that 11 minutes went by when I only listened to a 3-and-a-half-minute song.” She came out of the shower with even more stressed mind. Why was everything going wrong in her life? But that was not the only weird thing that happened with her.      

One More Note

“Today, on the 1st of May, I found another post it note, this time on the outside of my door, with nothing written on it– and there also appeared to be post-its on many other doors in my apartment complex, all blank, in varying colors.”

She Was So Tensed

She Was So Tense

She had never felt so much helpless as she was feeling now. Tears rolled down her eyes. She called her mother Debbie but she did not pick the call. She really needed to talk to someone. The woman was all alone and there was no one who could help her with it. So she got on her bed and tried to sleep. 

Nothing Was Right

What worse, the woman became short of breath and her heart began to beat fast. Once again she started feeling anxious. There was no one to calm her down. She was missing her family badly.

A Platform

No matter how much she tried, she could not sleep. She needed to discuss what was happening with her to someone. So she took to the Reddit and poured out her emotions.  

Help Me

Help Me

Jessie began her post as “Some weird things have been happening to me recently. I don’t know if I’m losing my mind or what but for some time I’ve known that something is not right…”. “It all started about a month ago when I started always seeing stuff out of the corner of my eye. I could never tell what it was, but it was always something.”

Writing It Out

“But by the time I turned my head to observe whatever it was, there would be nothing there. This would happen to me multiple times a day but has recently kind of stopped and has been followed by even more weird stuff.” “I found a yellow Post-it note in a handwriting that wasn’t mine on my desk reminding me of some errands I had to do, but told literally nobody about.”

Nothing Makes Sense

Nothing Makes Sense

It seemed to be a good step as a few Redditors commented on her post with some hypotheses on what could be the case with her. Some of them really helped a great deal. However, there were some that scared her even more. However, there was one comment that really helped her. 

Possible Reasons

One of them said, “It’s possible that your landlord is leaving notes inside your apartment, but they don’t make any sense in the context you’re describing them. It’s likely that you are writing the notes yourself, but you are forgetting. Do you use Post-it notes as reminders in any other parts of your life or job ?”

Help From Authorities

Some of these comments really frightened her and so she decided to take the help of the police. But was that a right step? She too was skeptical about it. “Do I have any legal recourse here? I have no proof except for the post-its, but those are written by my pen and on my post-it notes, so conceivably I could have faked them. Would contacting the police get me into any trouble, if they can’t determine an outside source for this? I just want to make sure I’m not wasting anyone’s time.”

Seeing A Doctor

But the authorities too could not come to any conclusion in the absence of evidence. In fact, the authorities suggested Jessie consult a doctor. She actually took their advice seriously and met a doctor. Fortunately, this mystery got resolved. 



She told the doctor everything and what she heard from the doctor was really an eye-opener. The doctor replied, “Yes, this might be a mental health issue. You might be experiencing some sort of dissociative disorder. Or it might be a physical problem.”

Enough Ventilation

“You mentioned that you have a very unusual narrow bedroom with no windows; is there a chance that you are not getting enough ventilation when you sleep, or that there is a carbon monoxide leak in the building? A cheap CO detector is a fast way to find out. You’ll also have really bad headaches.”

New Twist

Jessie had not imagined that all her symptoms would be related to something undetectable like carbon monoxide. She would have never figured it out if it was not for the Redditors who suggested her seeing a doctor.  

CO Detector

CO Detector

Right from the hospital, she drove towards a shop to get a CO detector. The woman switched it on the moment she entered her house. Once she installed it the machine kept on beeping. She could not understand what was going on. Perhaps she had bought a defected piece and so she took it to the customer support rep who told her a surprising thing. “The machine beeps when it detects a high level of CO like a fire alarm would indicate when it detects smoke.”  

Here It Is

The woman took it back to her house and switched it on again. This time too it began to beep. She could not believe her eyes when she learned the level of ppm in the air.    

It Read 100 Ppm

It Read 100 Ppm

The woman replied to her Reddit thread “Thanks to everyone who sent suggestions and advised how to proceed– especially to those who recommended a CO detector… because when I plugged one in in the bedroom, it read at 100ppm.” So, it was pretty clear now that all the mess in her life was related to CO poisoning in her house. 

Good Step

The woman would still have been facing those weird situation had she not shared her problem on Reddit. One of the Redditor who read Jessie’s post was Deborah Blum, author of The Poisoner’s Handbook and also the director of the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT. She said, “You might get headaches, you might feel a little groggier than usual. And depending on the chronic exposure, you can even become mentally-off, cognitively-impaired in some ways.” 

Mystery Solved

Mystery Solved

Jessie looped in the police as well. It was important as anyone coming in contact with it could get their life in danger. The police found her a place to put up for a few days until the problem gets fixed in her house.  Everything was clear now except for one thing. Who sent her Post-it notes? Were that also a part of her hallucination? But she still had pictures of them.

They Were Real

“Yes, the notes were real, I did write them, and I forgot! As for their being notes on all the doors– I went so far as to put notes on my neighbor’s door, but not much further than that. I was on a corner– above the garage– so I only had one neighbor, who had headaches and not much more,” said Jessie.


 “Actually, as it turns out, I never plugged it in. I just put it on a shelf, downloaded a webcam app to my phone, (which isn’t even compatible with an external webcam) and made a folder on my desktop called ‘WEBCAM’… then thought it was deleted when the folder was empty.”  

A Happy Redditor

A Happy Redditor

So how is she doing now? Well, she is still recovering. Jessie shared her current state with her friends on her post. “It’s been almost a year now. While four months ago, things were rough, I’ve definitely made a significant improvement, and currently, there’s little reason to doubt a full recovery within a year.”

Improving Health

“I’m much better in both mood and physical health– through in this situation, those aren’t exactly separate categories! I will say, though, I use a Moleskine notebook daily planner thing now. (I do keep busy! Important for mental health!) I’m kind of done with Post-it notes for a while!” “Overall, I’m happy,” Jessie concluded in her post.

The End

Isn’t this terrifying. Human often ignores that the source of their problems can be in them. But fortunately, with the right guidance, Jessie managed to trace back her problem and fixed it. We hope she gets well soon.

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