A homeowner faced his worst nightmare when he went to his tenant’s house to get him to move out. The house had changed a lot in the last four years. It was dirty, stinking and was housing something unbelievable. The owner entered the house with a racing heart. The man had never expected that he would have to involve authorities into the matter soon after opening the door of the house.

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An Ordinary Morning

This Kansas City homeowner remained in the dark for four years. The man had no idea what was living inside his house for 4 years. He opened the door of the house what seemed like vacant from outside. The man could not help but scream in fear when he laid his eyes on what was there waiting for him.


The owner had come to vacate the house. No doubt, evicting someone from the house is not an easy task. He had to boot out the tenant of the house but little did he know at that time the eviction was going to take a horrific turn and would involve authorities soon enough.

A Difficult Process

No doubt, getting someone out of the house is an arduous task and no one likes to do it even if they want to. The landlord came to the house with a heavy heart. He was ready to take legal action too if needed. 

Not Good

It is not only tiring but also can be challenging even if you opt legally. The experience of eviction is not a beautiful one both for the tenant and the landlord. The homeowner had not done this before but now it was already too late. 

Always Unpleasant

Not to forget that legal eviction involves negative interactions, unpleasant meetings and countless days wasted in court. The forceful eviction is not a good experience for the landlord and the tenant both. Here the tenant felt as if his nightmare had come true when he saw the landlord at his door. He had never thought his secret would come out this way.  

Moving Day

In no time, the entire premises were surrounded by the sheriff and army officials. The man moved to his front door after gathering all his strength. He was willing to take out everything that was there in the house. However, things turned around once he realized the gravity of the situation. 


Along with the sheriff and a swarm of officials, the landlord stood before the front door of the house. People who were living around the house too came in the front to help in removing the possessions. However, no one had the courage to go inside the house.

An Ominous House

The house was locked for many years so an old smell came out just after they opened the house. The sunlight slipping in through the cracks of the window was revealing some part of the house. The place was quiet like the dead. Booting a tenant out is in itself very challenging plus the house was giving away weird vibes.   

Normal And Quiet?

The house was not like any other house. Not only it had a threatening feel it also seemed like a door to a different world. Its weirdness had crossed all the limits. The house looked all normal and quiet from outside. 

An Odd Smell

The landlord and the authorities began to suffocate in the moist and stinking air of the house. There was another odor too mixed with the smell of the house. The odor was an unfamiliar one and gave chills to him.

Was A Mistake?

Nevertheless, he kept on moving towards the room painted in red. While approaching the room in the sight, he wondered if he had made a mistake by coming all alone in this house.  

Unexpected Revelations

Not only the owner but the authorities too were clueless about what were they going to find in the room. Clearly, there was a noise coming out of the room and there was someone inside the room for sure. The presence of the stranger and this unbearable smell added to their fear. The landlord finally opened the door and got a surprise of a lifetime. 

Different Strategy

This eviction had taken an inexplicable turn now. It did not involve humans now but a swarm of beasts too. Now the authorities had to follow a different strategy to make this eviction safe.

A Calm Demeanor

The tenant was seeing everything happening right before his eyes. He was scared but had no remorse of any sort. The man was standing outside the house angry and helpless. He explained to the camera crew everything about the strange finding and how he kept it a secret for so long. The tenant said it all with confidence and without fear. 

Problem Tenants

Renting the house is not as easy as it seems. Imagine handing over your house to a stranger for years. You don’t know whether they would take care of the house or not. There are contracts that prohibit tenants from even putting nails into the walls so that the owner would not have to go through the pain of repairing any artwork or structure. Here, Sean Casey was way over the line. 

Seeing Red

It all seemed like a dream. The owner had his blood ran cold when he saw red liquid sliding off a cutting board. This was not it, there were some more in the refrigerator. Those in the refrigerator were yet to go under the knife. 

Different Purpose

So, what had been stinking to high hell was nothing but the raw meat. Surprisingly, the meat was not going to be cooked. The meat was going to be used for a different purpose. 

Not A Clue

Whereas the owner was in disbelief, Sean could not understand why people were making a big scene out of it. No one could gather the courage of walking into the living room so they waited for help to arrive. 


The authorities arrived at the spot in a short while. The authorities started to hurl away all of Sean’s belongings to the pavement.  

A Shocking Surprise

There was something terrifying in the middle room. The authorities saw a hot tub placed in the center of the living room. What more, there was an alligator inside that tub. According to animal control, this was the largest alligator they had ever seen.   

In The Tub

It took a while for everyone present to accept what they were seeing. The alligator unaware of all the happening was floating peacefully in the tub. The 7 foot long, 200-pound alligator had a name too, Katfish.

Four Years

It had been staying with Sean for four years. However, the gator was only 11 -inches long when Sean had brought it in the house. As if alligator’s presence in the house was not enough, there were some more heart rendring sights waiting for the people.      

House Of Reptiles

The house was not home to this alligator only, there were three more unexpected residents. There was a 6.5 feet long ball-python too. This reptile is not aggressive by nature. They prefer staying aloof curled up into a round ball.  

Don’t Forget The Others

The house was also harboring a rabbit and a kitten. The authorities sent all the animals to separate wildlife sanctuaries. They believed sanctuaries to be the safest place for these animals. Like others, Katfish was also brought to Monkey Island Rescue and Sanctuary in Greenwood.


The snake and the rabbit were sent to KC Pet Project. They did allow Sean to keep the kitten but now the man himself had no place he could call home. How was he going to take care of the kitten? Though the man did not know where was he going to stay, he wanted his gator back.    

Moving The Animals

Animal control knew that there is no way they can remove Katfish on their own so they decided to take help from an animal rescue group to displace him safely. James Donovan working with KC Animal Control said, “This thing was massive in size, and it took over four of us to handle this.”

Roll Him

Dana Savorelli with Monkey Island Rescue in Greenwood, Missouri said, “We put a snare pole around his neck and got them up to where I could get his mouth shut safely and he rolled a little bit which was good — let him roll as much as he can, wear him out,” Fortunately, no harm was caused to anyone but Katfish apparently was not happy about leaving his house. 

His Beloved Pet

The law of Kansas City does not allow a resident to keep exotic animals like alligators. Nevertheless, Sean is not going to back out. “I don’t know what the procedure will be to get him back, but I’m going to fight to get him back,” Sean resolved before cameras. He did not stop there, the man had a lot to say.

18 Inches Deep

Savorelli further stated, “With the water, he was in about 18 inches deep, but he could get up and get out and cruise through the house. He had a ramp.” The alligator was a big grown one.

Bid Adieu?

Sean was very disappointed and sad when he saw the workers taking his pet away. “He had his own way of saying, ‘Hi,’ to people. They’re not big ferocious animals like people think. They have personalities,” described Sean.

Just Like A Dog

Sean went on to explain that Katfish eats only deer, fish, steak, and chicken nuggets. Sean even called Katfish a dog. Sean maintained, “He was like a dog. I don’t think he knew he was an alligator. I tell people all the time I’ve got an alligator who can’t swim. He is scared of the dark and scared of thunderstorms.”

A Good Boy

Katfish strolls all around the house just like a dog. “I built him a ramp to get back in his tank because he is a big lizard. He was going to come out and play. He liked to come out and play. Oddly enough he liked to come to sit on my lap,” recalled Sean.

A Unique Bond

“He told me about how unique it was that he built this, basically a pool in his living room, and he would fill it with water. Katfish was just sitting there like me and you are sitting here right now. He used to take Katfish through the McDonalds drive-thru line, and everybody knew who he was. He would sit right next to him,” he clarified to the news crew.

Getting Katfish Back

Sean is not going to let go of the alligator come what may. And when the story went viral it turned out that there was a large fraction of population backing Sean. Everyone rooted for Sean and wanted Katfish to get back home. However, the wildlife worker too is not budging as according to them what they are doing is in the interest of Katfish.  

Stay With The Owner

The wildlife worker defended their stance by saying, “It would be great for Katfish to stay with his owner because his owner is a wonderful caretaker, but at the end of the day, we are just looking for a place where Katfish doesn’t have to move around.”

He Was Loved

Attorney Lauren Sienna, the Jungle Law attorney said, “I feel like when there is an exotic animal in Kansas City, it makes sense to call Jungle law, so people tend to reach out to us.” He also assured that the gator was taken care of very well.

A Loving Man

Tristan Woods, Jungle Law attorney stated, “I knew he was passionate about this animal. He grew him up from 12 inches to almost 7-and-a-half feet, now 200 pounds. He’s very well-kept. He said he kept him better than he does himself, and by looking at him, I think that is the truth.”

Family Animals

Alligators are known for being a social creature that resides in family-like situations. Now, Sean was Katfish’s family as he had been living with Sean since his birth. And now all of a sudden he was being taken away from Sean to a different place. No wonder, he must have felt sad.   

Help For Katfish

Sierra said, “Katfish is a remarkable alligator because, as you know from personal experience, he is pretty friendly. We just want to make sure that everything that’s required in his lifestyle is available to him.” Sean is not fighting this battle alone. He is being supported by a thousand people. 

A Little Guy

Katfish had become an integral part of Sean’s life. He found the reptile when he was just a kid and they were together since then. Now having him taken away was very painful for Sean and Katfish both.

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