To have a perfect wedding is one of the biggest dreams of many people. Unfortunately, plans fail all the time and especially if it is a wedding plan, it might leave scars forever. To make it worse, what if the bride’s ex is the one behind all this mess?

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Well, we hope something like this never happens to anyone but if it does, it surely will grab a lot of attention. Just like the incident which took place somewhere around last year… It was finally her wedding month and she was yet to finalize many wedding ideas. However, a chain of scary incidents started to take place with a strange letter that didn’t end until the big day and ruined the big day for everyone but mainly for the one who was most excited about it; the bride herself.

A Penchant For Planning

Even though the base salary of an oil rig worker is not very high, this field of work is considered quite profitable. It’s because of the additional perks and employee-centric environment which makes it easier for the workers to save a huge part out of their paychecks. After all, almost all of their basic expenses are paid or reimbursed by the firms.

Life Of An Oil Rigger

No matter how cool this sounds, the profession of an oil rig worker is chosen by a very limited population. The major reason behind it is the posting and the time an employee has to spend far from their home and family. Another setback that comes with this job profile is the excess expenses throughout their posting that usually traps people and makes saving a big challenge. However, an oil rig worker, named Dino’s story is no way close to the rest of us. 

Unlike The Usual Employees

Certainly, every job comes with diverse roles but several jobs are way more distinct that we can rightly say its not everyone’s cup of tea. The job requires highly skilled workers who have experience of several years in the same field as it is more important than one’s education here. Dino had his expertise and was aware of even the minute details of his work which helped him become a permanent employee at his work.

Finding A Woman

According to Dino’s colleagues, he “was a really nice, quiet guy, and unlike some of the hard-partying guys on the crew, he didn’t blow his money as fast as it came.” Dino saved enough for himself and was now looking for some stability. During these years, when everything in his life seemed to be going fine, he met a girl, and that’s what brought a huge change in his life. Whether this change will be for good or bad was little known to him.

Not Rushing

Unlike most of his friends who were into casual dating, Dino was waiting for something serious and special. He waited patiently till the day he felt like he had found the woman of his life. Dino’s friends were most surprised to see a bold beautiful woman walking with their extremely shy friend. Dino felt like he was the luckiest person on the planet to have found her but it was all deceptive.

Different Leagues

While most of his friends were amazed by this relationship, one of Dino’s closest friend warned him about this new girl in his life. Unfortunately, Dino thought it was not his friend’s concern but his feelings of jealousy that he made this statement. In today’s date, finding a decent man like Dino is a tough task and this girl was a lucky one, even though she never valued what she got. 

Something Off…

The friend who was suspicious about Dino’s girlfriend, once said that she “raised the hair on the back of my neck.” Furthermore, he made some serious allegations by saying that she was “one of the most self-centered, attention gathering people I had ever met.”


His concerned friend later said in a statement, “she was smart, all right, you could tell that in 5 minutes of conversing with her. But she was devastatingly gorgeous, knew it, and was very skilled at manipulating the people around her. Every instinct in me screamed ‘predator.’”

Baseless Talks

This friend of Dino seemed really worried for her honest and loyal friend but he didn’t have any proofs to validate his views about Dino’s girlfriend. And for the sake of their friendship, he finally gave up on the entire idea and just hoped for his friend’s best. So, on one side, Dino’s friend stopped warning him, an on the other side, this woman grew closer to Dino than anyone ever did. He got so emotionally attached to this girl, that he started believing everything she said to him.

Moving In

Dino soon asked her to move in with her. He knew it was a big step but he trusted her. She used to take care of his condo while he was out for work for several months and he used to eagerly wait to return home to his amazing girlfriend. For a while or so, Dino lived believing she was the best thing to happen to him. Sadly, his love was soon taken over by doubts.

Bank Statement Oddity

One of Dino’s friends told, “he was seeing stuff on his bank statements,” he further added, “like a $300 grocery purchase, and then another $200 grocery purchase a couple of days later. Either she was eating $500 worth of groceries a week or she was pumping cash-backs from the grocery store into her purse.” All this sounded very odd for Dino as well as his friend.

Gold Digger

Although Dino didn’t want to believe, it seemed like his girlfriend was nothing just a gold digger. While Dino was busy with his work, his girlfriend kept on spending a large amount out of his personal savings for her own needs. He gave her the card for the times of emergency, not for her lavishing expenses.

Not Greedy At All

Dino wasn’t greedy at all, but he valued money. After all, he earned every single penny after a lot of hard work. He was investing his time and his skills to earn this money and his girlfriend was spending without any second thoughts. It was all so strange because the girl he knew wasn’t into overspending at all! So far, Dino thought of her as a sensible and mature woman but now he started to rethink everything.

Bizarre Behavior

This bizarre behavior of his girlfriend made Dino think if she was ever in love with him or it was just the fact that she wanted to use him and his money. His focus was completely shaken and he couldn’t concentrate anymore. What made it worse was the thought that she might be cheating on him.

Making A Plan

Andrea, his girlfriend was neglecting his calls. She was not at the condo during the weekends nor was she in touch with any of his friends or family. Finally, Dino made a plan and as his friend said, “he arranged for his relief to come out a few days early and flew back home.”

Trusted Instincts


It didn’t come to any of Dino’s friends as a shock when he said that his instincts about his girlfriend were right. Dino had the original keys to the house and he asked the condominium association’s security guard if he had noticed anyone going to meet his partner. When the guard told him that she was upstairs with a man, Dino’s heart broke. Yet he walked upstairs with a guard to make him a witness to whatever he will face upstairs. 

Unexpected Mess

Andrea wasn’t expecting Dino to be home anytime soon. She knew he will return only by the end of the month and there was still a week left in his arrival date. When Dino barged in his condo, the woman he assumed to be the one was a complete mess. Since that moment everything was about to go downwards.

Get Out

Despite being betrayed, Dino didn’t react aggressively in the situation. As his friend described he “didn’t go off and didn’t lose his temper, to his credit. Just told the guy to get out. Then he told Andrea to get out, too. He handed her the key to a hotel room, 50 bucks for cab fare, and told her to leave.”

No Eviction Notice

Andrea was caught red-handed and yet she didn’t just leave. She was living in Dino’s condo and all her belongings were there. This was extremely shameful and yet she just sat there looking straight at him as if she was trying to analyze Dino and his state of mind.

No Explanation

Dino and Andrea weren’t married, so, Dino had complete authority to throw her out of his condo right away. Looking at the face that he once waited months to look at was now making him feel disgusted. 

Call The Police

Dino’s friend, later on, remembered how Andrea behaved at that moment, “screaming, crying apologizing, and proclaiming her love for him in one breath, and cursing him with the next.” That’s when Dino took a seat, looked at the guard, and said, “Call the police.” 

Cops And Locksmith

“The cops arrived at about the same time as the locksmith,” Dino’s friend recalled. As Andrea’s name wasn’t on the house papers, the cops were authorized to take action against her. It should have ended right then and there but Andrea was not over with the insult yet.

Access Denied

Dino got the house lock changed, the cards blocked, new cards issued, and his phone number changed. As he didn’t want to face her ever again, Dino collected all her items and sent them to a storage unit.  This way, he would never cross paths with her.

Making An Entry

Andrea wasn’t able to contact Dino, hence, she returned to his address to win him back but it was a huge mistake. Andrew had it all planned beforehand. As per his plan, Andrew locked down his condo and instructed the security guard to never let his ex enter the building. Before leaving for his shift, he handed over something to the guard.


So, when Andrea returned on the property to collect her items, she was stopped on the main door. As his friend said, the watchman did exactly what Dino instructed him, he “handed her the key to the storage unit and directions on how to get there.” 

No Longer Welcome

He further added, “then he instructed her that she was no longer welcome on the property.” Andrea felt humiliated and she was not going to just step back. She was going to show her mean side to Dino by hurting him.

Where Would She Strike?

Dino tried his best to keep all his prized possessions safe and sound whether he stays at home or goes for his shift at the oil rig. Soon he realized that Andrea was a cunning woman who knew Dino’s weakness very well. And his condo wasn’t the only thing precious to him.

His Pride And Joy

Apart from his condo, Dino owned a white Chevy Monte Carlo which was loved. When Dino returned from the oil rig, he found it in a terrible condition. As his friend recalled, “Four flat tires, a smashed windshield, and a can of red paint had been poured over it.”

Furious But Patient

There were no camera’s in the parking area and hence, “there was no proof, but it didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out,” said his friend. Dino could have forgotten everything but what Andrea did to his favorite car was unacceptable. 

Returning To Work

Dino never forgot Andrea’s last act but he didn’t act upon it right away. In fact, he just waited for the right time to teach her a lesson. Anyway, this didn’t stop Dino from living his life. Everything went back to normal and Dino was soon over this bitter relationship.

A Helpful Friend

Dino’s friend Nancy was a very close friend of Andrea too. When she informed Dino about his ex- girlfriend’s wedding, he started to make a plot against the bride-to-be. Well, deep down, Nancy didn’t like Andrea either as she knew her true nature and hence she was also ready to help him with his plan.

A Friend Indeed

Nancy became the main source of information for Dino. They were together going to make sure that Andrea’s big day turns out to be the worst day of her life. When she received the wedding invitation, Nancy made sure to share the ceremony date with Dino.

Taking Advantage

Nancy was supportive of Dino who was used by Andrea. She lived in his house, spent his money, and yet cheated on him with other guys. So, Nancy adviced that Dino should write a letter to her and with this first step of the plan was slowly executed.

Three Words

Dino’s friend later said, “about a month before the wedding, Dino sends an anonymous letter in the mail. In the envelope was a picture of a Monte Carlo, a wedding dress, and a ketchup packet. There’s a single sheet of paper, with three words: Red on White.”

BigTime Mistake

The letter made it clear to Andrea that Dino hasn’t forgotten the past yet. He was going to take his revenge by spoiling her big day. Andrea knew how much Dino’s car meant to him and yet she went on dragging it in between. 

Insider Info

Andrea chose a very expensive dress for her wedding day and the thought that Dino might throw red color on it terrified her. To increase her fears, Nancy found out the name of the store where Andrea ordered her dress from her sister and shared this information further to Dino who was certainly going to make good use of it.

Taking The Plan Further

Dino reached the store and as his friend recalled, “and asked the guy if he wants to make an easy hundred bucks. All he had to do is call Andrea, and tell her that they need her to come to the shop and choose the red lace trim for her gown.”

Was It The Fiancé?

“Andrea showed up 20 minutes later, freaking out, and demanding to know what this was about,” remembered Dino’s friend. “The guy said he got a call from her fiancé and ordered the red lace for the dress. Andrea knew that it wasn’t the fiancé,” he continued.

Friends In Nonexisting Places

After this incident, Dino and Nancy waited for a week and made their next move a few days before the wedding ceremony. It was Nancy’s turn to freak her out and she did it by spreading the news that Dino’s friend worked with the catering company they’ve hired for the wedding. In the words, of Dino’s friend, when Andrea heard this information she “immediately deleted the pasta dishes, and had tomatoes removed from the salads in fear that Dino’s non-existent buddy might dump a plate on her.”

Paranoia Sets In

Dino’s friend said, to bring out Andrea’s extreme nature, “Dino had about 30 different red lipsticks sent to her house from a variety of Amazon sellers, all paid from prepaid credit cards.” She tried to get back on him but couldn’t locate where these lipsticks were sent from.

Increased Fear

This chain of incidents was making Andrea realize what a huge mistake she had done. She wished she could go back in time and undo it. But the loss was already done and Dino placed a red sharpie under Andrea’s windshield wipers which she found out the next morning. At this moment she lost it completely.

Legitimate Concerns

Andrea and Dino were together for over two years and it was a big thing for Dino. Sadly, Andrea broke his heart and it was time to pay back to Dino. She was mean and selfish and was trying to do all she can to save her wedding from any blunder planned by her ex-boyfriend.

Not Underestimating Him

Andrea knew Dino as a smart person and it was nearly impossible to guess how he was going to ruin her wedding. And after thinking it over and over again, Andrea finally decided to share her situation with someone she can trust and get help from.

Back Off Man!

Andrea took her father in trust and requested him to call Dino to stop it. As Dino’s friend said, she had “her father call Dino at work to talk him into backing off, but when Dino explained what she had done to him and to his car, the father became really ticked off at Andrea.”

Man Code

It was a man code that the two men took very seriously. No one should bring a man’s favorite automobile in between to take revenge. Instead of taking his daughter’s side, her father backed off. Moreover, he asked his daughter to be prepared to face the consequences.

Red-less Wedding

As Dino’s friend explained, “at the wedding reception, Andrea was a basket case. She demanded that all the red flowers be removed from the centerpieces on all the tables. She refused to get within 10 feet of anyone holding a red drink. She spent more time and attention looking for the ambush she was certain was coming, and Dino didn’t do a darn thing.”

Exposing Herself

Along with Nancy, all the other guests at the wedding noticed the bride’s weird behavior. She was being rude and no one understood what for. Dino’s friend further said, “he turned her into a Bridezilla, and Nancy, who was invited, kept him updated with a running commentary as the night progressed. It was legendary.”

Erratic And Paranoid

Everyone who was close to her ended up getting tired of her tantrums. They were at the wedding to enjoy not to save the bride from the red stains. It soon became hectic and irritating for everyone and they were trying to stay away from the bride.

Ruining Her Reputation

She ruined her reputation with her own hands. Especially in front of her dad who got to knew what she did to Dino. Even the groom grew furious of her strange behavior. She acted like a dress meant the world to her. What she couldn’t understand was that true happiness lies in people not in dresses. 

Better Served Slick Than Cold

The day Dino called the cops to take Andrea away, he promised himself to never see her again. He never planned on spoiling Andrea’s dress, he just planned on revealing her true nature in front of everyone.

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