It should not come as a surprise when we say rings are the most commonly bought accessories. The significance of the ring changes when it becomes a symbol of love. When gifted by a beloved, the worth of a ring increases and it ceases to be just an ornament. It defines efforts and togetherness, commitment, and dedication, loyalty, and love.

Even nowadays, every other girl waits for her beloved to get down on his knees and propose her with a ring to embark on a beautiful journey through life, holding each other’s hand. So, here’s the story of a girl who lived with the same dream for her entire life. And when the time finally came and her beloved proposed to her, it was exactly how she imagined it to be but with a bigtime disappointment. It wasn’t about her lover but the ring that bothered her.

The Engagement Ring Debacle

Getting engaged is one of the most memorable moments in the life of every person. Although nobody wants anything to go wrong in those magical moments, another fact is that it is a part of life which is unpredictable. The day that was meant to be the best day of her life actually filled her with doubts and put her into the most dilemmatic situation of her life. 

Short-Lived Dream

When her boyfriend went down on one knee to ask the most awaited question, she couldn’t hold back her tears. She said yes even before he could take out the tiny box from his pocket. She too went down on her knees and hugged him. It was their once in a lifetime moment and nothing else mattered to the two of them.

Offering The Ring

In that magical moment, they shared hugs and kisses and soon it was time to complete the ritual; offering of the ring. He took out his token of love, a beautiful golden ring with a shiny diamond stone intact. It was his love and without even caring about how the ring looked, she extended her hand into his to accept his love. Little did she know, how hard it was going to be for her to accept what just had happened with her. 

Taking A Look At It

The guy stood up again, only to hug her tightly. She was living her fairytale moment when the smile of her face suddenly faded away. Just a glance at it changed everything for her, she couldn’t believe her thoughts at all but this isn’t what she was expecting from her fiancé. On one hand, she was trying not to be judgemental about it, on the second hand, she was still wondering if this was some sort of prank on her planned by her fiancé.

Shattered Dreams

She felt like her ring was too small. Also, she knew it was selfish to think like that. Anyway, when he asked her how did she like the ring, she didn’t let her man feel what she felt about the ring. She replied with a simple nod and claimed it to be beautiful. Although, this wasn’t even close to what she actually felt about the ring. Her next move will surprise you.

Posting It Online

So, without knowing whether her feeling about the ring was correct or not, she took to a popular social media platform, to know what people think of her true feelings. What started as a way to know others’ opinion turned into a serious discussion that brought thousands of people’s response to this particular post. 

Keeping It Anonymous

She made a new account and it was an anonymous post as she didn’t want her fiancé to hear of it. This was her way to be sure about what will be the majority’s take in this situation. Well, this simple post made her do some searching which increased her confusions. She couldn’t be more ungrateful after her recent findings.

Too Small?

The post which was deleted after some time, she mentioned: “DP (dear partner) proposed and presented me with the ring he’d chosen – a diamond solitaire in white gold. I was so happy and excited to accept but was disappointed when I first saw the ring. The first word that entered my head was ‘small’.”

Rings Are Expensive

When talking about weddings, rings are one of the first things on everyone’s mind. According to a recent study, more than $32,000 are spent on wedding rings by couples on an average. Wedding ring is still a later thing, the engagement rings are not far behind in the competition.  After all, the ring is bought with the hope that the girl will be wearing it throughout her life. 

The Great Depression Ploy

Engagement rings are significant and almost a necessity these days to take the relationship to the next level. The concept of engagement rings originated during the Great Depression by South African jewelry company, De Beers as a method of a marketing ploy. No wonder, why this woman too wanted the right kind of ring for herself. 

One Month’s Salary

Men were suggested to spend their one month’s salary to buy a stunning ring for their beloved as a commitment to their relationship. This was a kind of financial commitment which worked to win not only the ladies’ hearts but also their parents’ trust. Women have always been fond of bright jewelry and men know it well.

A Back Story

So, what could have been the reason that her fiancé chose to give her a ring she didn’t like? And why didn’t the woman just settle with the idea of a small ring? What made her expect a huge costly ring? There was a back story behind all this and the ring was the origin of it.

De Beers Advertising Strategy

Before De Beers launched this advertising campaign, hardly 1 out of 10 engagement rings were diamonds. The De Beers changed the course of things and soon diamonds became the new trend. People were demanding for diamonds and it changed how people used to think of engagement rings. 

Such A Success

The advertising strategy was considered a great success when at least 80 percent of engagement rings had sparkling diamonds on them. In those days, De Beers also set up a bar for the ideal amount that any man should spend on an engagement ring, ie, $1,000-$5,000.

Diamonds Are Forever

The “Diamonds are Forever” campaign was another breakthrough for changing people’s mindset about engagement rings and the ideal cost that one should invest in buying one. Once you know about these campaigns, it will become easier to justify this woman’s side who was claiming that her engagement ring was too small. 

Long Term Investment

This campaign was launched with simple yet strong reasoning which stated that one should invest as much as possible in buying an engagement ring for it will be appreciated for many years and it will last more than any other jewelry. Also, it will be the first thing that many people will notice about the woman.

High Expectations Not Met

Hence, it was very obvious that she was expecting something special and costly as well. She was supposed to show this ring to her family as well as her friends. She knew people will ask her questions like how much it cost and she knew it couldn’t hide the disappointment from them.

Voicing Her Disappointment Online

The woman further added in the post: “There’s nothing to dislike about the type of ring, as a diamond solitaire would have been my choice. But it’s the whole thing – the color of the gold, the setting, the small stone, and relatively chunky shoulders.” Personally, we think she should have felt blessed to have received a ring but that wasn’t her explanation of it. 

It’s Unacceptable

Remember when Chandler proposed to Monica in “Friends”? The ring he selected for her wasn’t any ordinary ring. And the efforts he made to get his hands on that ring were incredible and it’s not just in “Friends” we grew up watching hilarious as well as emotional proposals. But can that be justified?

What Was The Reason?

The woman tried to explain the reason behind her disappointment. It wasn’t that her fiancé couldn’t afford a better ring. It felt like he didn’t feel it was important enough. For a moment the woman wondered if her fiancé walked in any random jewelry shop and picked up the first ring he saw without putting any thoughts into it.

Choosing A Ring Together

“Ideally, I would have loved for us to have chosen a ring together and made a special day finding one we both liked,” mentioned the disappointed woman. She did understand the surprise factor but it would have been better according to her this way. He fiancé was used to take her advice on the smallest of issues and a thing as big as this wasn’t even shared.

Special Piece Of Jewelry 

The disheartened woman further added in her post: “as it’s something I’ll be wearing every day and is such a special piece of jewelry I wanted to really love it and I just don’t.” Well, the style wasn’t the only thing that she didn’t like about the ring. She found more information about her engagement ring that was hard to believe. 

A Sad And Pathetic Price Tag

The woman found the receipt of the engagement she was wearing and the amount her fiancé paid to buy it was less than $2,000, just $1,760 to be precise. You must be thinking of her as a shallow woman, but she had her reasons for thinking this way.

Not So Generous

According to the woman, her fiancé earned in six-figures a year, which meant he could have invested much more on the ring. The woman’s long post kept going on as she wrote down all her feelings in it. The man she was about to marry was kind and generous, obviously, a ring like that wasn’t expected from him. But was there any explanation for this strange behavior?

Was It A Valid Reason?

“His salary is nearing a six-figure sum and he’s usually very generous. Having seen the receipt I know he paid £1,300 for it – which is a lot less than I would have imagined he would have spent on such a significant piece of jewelry,” the woman mentioned in the post. As she posted this message and made it visible to the entire public, comments started pouring in instantly. 

Desperate For Answers

The woman ended her post with questions like, “Has anyone else been in this situation? What did you do?” The woman was desperate and unhappy, she wanted to know the answers and the first thing she did was to post her story. Sadly, the reactions she received from the users were not at all sympathetic. Majority of people had the same thing to say to her. 

How To Break The News?

She was facing the most dilemmatic situation of her life. She wanted to know a good way to tell her fiancé about her disliking of the ring. Yes, she didn’t want to hurt him but she couldn’t keep him unaware about what she thought of the ring.

Afraid And Confused

The woman was wondering if it was some of his office colleagues who gave him some advice like “if she makes it all about the ring, then she’s not the girl for you”. How could her fiancé listen to anyone’s advice just like that when she was the one who was supposed to wear it for the rest of her life?

The Responses Roll In

One of the users blamed the woman of forgetting the whole point of a proposal. The point of a proposal is that someone is willing to spend the rest of his life with her and the woman seemed to have forgotten it completely. Once the post was getting shared, there was no stopping of the users’ comments on it.

Size Doesn’t Matter

Not everyone had the same point of view. A woman came up with sympathetic feelings for the woman. She justified her reasons and said that it was relatable for her too.  Was it actually about the money or the emotions?

Conversations Should Take Place

One of the people who were supporting the woman said: “I would prepare to be flamed and called grabby. If this is the man you intend to spend the rest of your life with, you should be able to have a conversation about this.”

The Voice Of Reason

While everyone was being judgemental, a random user felt the woman’s concern and had only one advice for her. He said frankly that its everyone’s right to be happy and she can be equally frank in front of her fiancé about this matter. Although the man also warned her to be polite and very cautious with the choice of words as it might hurt her fiancé’s feelings.

Replacing It

There was one more thinker among the critics, a lady who suggested that a ring is not that big of a deal. If she wanted to save her relationship and have a better ring at the same time, then she should take the ring back to the store and change with a slightly better piece.

Further Explanation

The same user further explained the idea in detail. She told the pros of this plan by stating: in that way, her fiancé will not even get to know if there was anything wrong with the ring ever and she’ll get the ring of her choice.

No Solution Found

The sad fact was that there was a huge difference in the number of reasonable comments and the comments full of allegations. The good ones were very few in numbers and the bad ones were in abundance. Was this woman able to find a solution through this post?


One of the comments read: “You will get flamed for this, and people will call you grabby, but I can see where you are coming from — not the cost per se but the fact [that you] will be wearing it every day, and [you] are not totally in love with it. I can see both viewpoints.”

Not The Style But The Price

“If you’d said you didn’t like the style I’d have been fairly sympathetic. But if it’s simply not big and flashy enough… It sounds like you’re more interested in showing off the ring than you are in him,” said another person who tried to make the woman realize her mistake. 

Who Got An Upper Hand?

“You are the person who will be wearing the ring and having to look at it all day every day,” said one of the user in an attempt to sympathize with the lady and tell her that she was doing the right thing. There was one major point that came up in the comments…

Woman On Her Side

Most of the people who took the woman’s side in the comments were ladies. It felt like any woman was easily able to relate to her. Although they suggested her to calm down, it was a matter of a lifetime. 

Happiness Matters

“The cost is not as much of a factor but you must be happy with the look of the ring. Just tell him you are not keen on the setting and you would prefer to choose another ring together,” said another user. People seemed to take quite a lot of interest in these affairs. 

Make A Choice

Another comment read: “There’s no way on Earth I’d allow someone else [to] choose a piece of jewelry for me that I’d potentially be wearing for decades. I wouldn’t even let my partner choose this year’s winter coat.”

Different Views

If we look at the situation in another way, it is not about her fiancé trying to check if she’ll be making a big deal of the ring or not. Even the woman can make a big deal of the fact that her fiancé didn’t think of her reputation for once.

Biggest Fear

“He’ll be more disappointed in me for making a fuss over it when, in his eyes, it fits, and there’s nothing actually wrong with it rather than being disappointed that I’m not truly happy with it,” mentioned the woman as she didn’t want to disappoint her fiancé by questioning his choice. What if he felt it was the best ring for her?

How To Avoid This Situation

As per the experts, rings are available in the markets in every price range and there are a variety of styles available in any ring. It’s not necessary that only a costly trying can look classy. One needs to know the likes and dislikes of his or her partner before making a selection. Or at least take someone with you who knows your girl from a long time.

Limited Options

Ultimately, for this unhappy woman, very few options were available. She kept the post online for a week or so and later on deleted it. Yet the question remained on social media, “which one is more important: the engagement ring or fiancé?”

He Loved It

While posting about all the negative things of the ring, the woman also told that she did try to know her fiancé’s point of view about it. The man seemed to like the ring as he said it was right for her. Although the woman couldn’t really understand if it was a compliment or a comment.

Wait For The Right Time?

In situations like this one can’t do anything. Waiting for the next milestone or any future anniversary must be a good option. In those happy moments, one can easily upgrade the ring without even making anyone feel bad about it. 

What About Openness?

What about an ideal relationship? If two people are willing to spend their life with each other and they are unable to share their true feelings about small things like a ring, then are they really compatible? Is it right to start a relationship with lies? Or is it right to compromise on the very first step they take towards their life together?

Her Choice

She finally made her decision to not tell her fiancé about it. After all, it’s just a ring and she wanted to see him happy. Even though all the comments vanished from social media the moment she deleted the post, the users still kept questioning her. They wanted to know what finally happened.

Letting It Go

The woman chose to remain anonymous to keep her fiancé out of this entire discussion. All she wanted was a clarification and hundreds of people showed her with what is the right thing to do. We hope they are living a happy married life these days, without arguing about the ring.

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