We can never know enough about the animal kingdom. They come up with surprises that force us to think about the unknown mysteries that are still to be discovered about them. Though they are quite similar to humans in several aspects as there are certain incidents that even humans can’t decode. Something similar happened when a pregnant cat was brought to a veterinary clinic. The doctors seemed pretty confident about the delivery to be normal but when it happened, all their presumptions failed.

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The Rescue Team

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The Friends for Life Rescue Network is a team of animal lovers operating from Los Angeles, California. Jacqueline DeAmor, the co-founder, is herself attached to animals and the main reason behind her association with the company was to make sure that strays and unwanted pets are kept safe and taken care of.

This job is not a shift oriented business. If they want to help, they need to be on their toes. Every day can bring new challenges and some days are way too busier than the others but Jacqueline is always satisfied because every single day is rewarding and because she knows that loving and caring for animals is all she had wanted to do all her life.

Animal Lover

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Ever since her childhood, Jacqueline was an animal fancier. Even while browsing through career options, one thing that she was sure that her job must have something to do with the animals. Finally, she decided to open up a rescue clinic.  A team of her likes was formed with the major motive being, rescuing homeless and abandoned animals in the Los Angeles area and encouraging adoptions.

Hard Work Pays Off

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Jacqueline might have been a businesswoman dedicated to the success of her company but her dedication was not towards earning profit but towards being able to help as many animals as they could. She put in all her efforts in raising awareness among people through events and seminars. These events helped them to spread their reach across the city.

With more people interested in purchasing their pets from stores at a very young age, Jacqueline had a tough task encouraging them to consider adopting.

Forever Homes

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With endless days and a dedicated workforce, Friends for Life Rescue Network has helped hundreds of animals in finding forever homes. If it was not for Jacqueline and her team, these animals would be lost and forgotten. Fortunately for these abandoned animals, rescue teams find these homeless animals and nurture them until they are fit and ready to be adopted by families across Los Angeles. The team makes sure that before adoption these animals are ready to be perfect pets.

Abandoned Pets

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The Rescue team might have been doing a great job in successfully sending thousands of stray animals to their happy homes, but there’s still a lot to do. Hundreds of animals still live on the streets. For Jacqueline’s team in L.A., it is important that they find every abandoned animal and bring them to the clinic. These might be animals discarded by their owners who found it difficult to take care of their pets any more or thought they took away a lot of their time through the day.

Raining Cats And Dogs

Image result for cats and dogsFor most people, cats and dogs are the most obvious pets but to the rescue team’s surprise, most of the abandoned pets are cats and dogs. While some owners choose to leave their pets on the streets, some reach out to Jacqueline’s team when they are unable to take care of their pets anymore. This makes it easy for the team to find more and more animals.

The Call

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It had been a usual day and Jacqueline received a distress call from a cat owner desperate for some advice. Her cat was pregnant and she had no idea as to how she should be taking care of the cat and kittens that would soon come into the world. Jacqueline as always was ready to help as she felt that in her clinic, the cat would be taken care of and it would be like many other deliveries that she had administered. There was no way, that Jacqueline could have known what was about to happen.


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The owner was happy to share a bit of the cat’s history. The owner told her that at one point of time the cat had disappeared and did not return for a very long time. The owner thought that the cat had gone forever and she would never be able to see her again but to her surprise, the cat returned after a few weeks. The little animal was not at all in a good state and the owner was sure that her pet had been through a lot.

A Mother

The owner was worried about what might have happened to her pet while it was away but soon she figured out what the problem was. The cat looked much bigger! The owner discovered that the cat was pregnant. This news was exciting for the owner but soon worry took over the excitement when she realized that she neither had space for the kittens nor she had an idea about how to take care of the pregnant cat or her kittens.

Taking Responsibility

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Jacqueline was all excited about this new guest that was about to arrive in their clinic. She had never refused any animal in need of help and she did the same here. After hearing the story, she asked the owner to bring the cat to her clinic as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, she informed all her volunteers about the new guest and that she needed special care. Everyone in the clinic started working to make things comfortable for the to-be-mother.

Asking for Help

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Jacqueline was happy that the owner had turned towards her for help regarding her pregnant kitty. Mostly in these cases, the owners discard their pet or if extremely attached to the pet try to raise them without proper knowledge. This might harm the pet even more. She was sure that in the hands of her vets, the cat would give birth to healthy kittens and would have a better chance of survival.

Everything In Order

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The owner of the cat had informed Jacqueline that she would bring it somewhere around the afternoon. She had also told her that she was worried because she had no idea how to raise the kittens and how should the pregnant mother be taken care of. Jaqueline and her team were ever ready to handle such situations. The team set up a clean and safe place for the mother to give birth to her kids.

She had experienced professionals who would take care of the litter of kittens.

The Arrival

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After a couple of hours, the owner was sitting in Jacqueline’s cabin with the pet cat. The cat was in her cage and was ready to give birth any time soon. The owner briefed Jacqueline about the cat’s history. The animal was generally a house cat. Then came the part where she escaped and became pregnant. She felt really weak after she returned and the owner instantly knew that the cat needed help in delivering her babies.

A Concerned Owner

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Jacqueline had met several pet owners and not every one of them was loving towards their pet. Some of them had lost interest in their pets and wanted to get rid of them. But this time it was different and this woman looked concerned for her cat. This made Jacqueline even happier and she promised to take good care of the mother and her kittens.

A Final Check

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The owner was finally assured that her pet was in good hands and that people in the clinic would take good care of her. Jacqueline now sent the cat to the in-house-vet to get her medically tested. The cat could have contracted a lot of diseases while she was away and if not looked into it could cause serious complications in the delivery.

Thankfully the cat was given a clean chit in health. The to-be-mother was now transferred to a cozy place to rest and the wait for her labor to began.

Taking Her Time

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When the mother cat arrived, it seemed as if very soon she would give birth to her kittens but the team had to wait for a long time before the cat went into labor. There were no signs of labor in the first week of her arrival.

However soon after a week, the cat was ready to become a mother of beautiful babies. The most awaited event was about to happen.


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When the time came, everyone knew that it was about the happen. The mother cat started acting differently. She meowed and purred more than usual. As the time grew closer excitement was high and all were anticipating the number of kittens she was carrying. The signs only grew and the little new guests could come in anytime now.

Go Time

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A week after she had been brought in the black cat went into labor. Jacqueline was there to aid the delivery in every way she could. Some other volunteers and veterinarians accompanied her. The cat was laid on a layer of cozy blankets and was made comfortable. The cat was a bit restless and it was nothing new for them. They gave the animal enough space to go on with the delivery.

A Long Delivery

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Even after showing genuine signs of labor the cat had to wait for yet another hour before she could bring her little kittens in the world. The team was all in to make the cat feel comfortable through the long process. They made sure that the cat was well-hydrated and when needed, would be replenished. It was a long wait.

Following Protocol

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Everyone in the clinic was on their feet. They did not let the excitement take over their professionalism. The doctors were continuously monitoring the cat’s vitals and made sure that the mother was strong enough to deliver the kittens. When the mother finally showed the signs of letting her babies out, everybody in the room was set on their positions.

One By One

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Finally, the mother gave birth to its first baby. The team was ready and as soon as the kitten was out they took it to the vet for further check-ups regarding its health. The team had its fingers crossed and when the news came that the baby was all healthy, they heaved a sigh of relief. The little kitten was very healthy and was moving around. This was positive news for the rest of the babies to be born.

Lucky Number

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The entire team was there until all the kittens were born and when all was said and done, the mother cat gave birth to 7 healthy and beautiful kittens and the mother was healthy as well. It was a wonderful day for everyone at the clinic who had put their heart and soul into making sure that everything goes into order.

Jacqueline couldn’t wait to break the news to the owner and see how happy she would be.


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Jacqueline was all exhausted after the long process of making sure that the mother and her kittens were safe and strong. She was happy for the mother. The mother had had a difficult and extended pregnancy and labor but it was finally for the good. She was happy that soon the kittens would be ready to meet their mother. By that time the mother would be ready to feed them. It was now time to clean up and take the mother to a safe and comfortable location where she could rest before finally meeting her little kittens.

Nervous Call

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Everything was now in place. Just when Jacqueline couldn’t think of any mishappening she heard a voice call her from the room the kittens were being held. She could make out that it was not a normal call. Something was not right. Was it with the kittens? Did something happen to them? Jacqueline, in a haste, ran towards the room she heard the voice from.


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She reached the room and had a look at the kittens. She was nothing but confused. Why did someone call her so urgently when the kittens all seemed fine to her. They were all meowing and moving around their cradle. That’s what normal kittens do.

Did she miss out on something? Something must have been wrong.

Strange Coats

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Jacqueline looked at the volunteers taking care of the little kittens. They were all worried and carried an expression of dismay. On being asked, they pointed to the kittens and asked Jacqueline to look closely at the fur of these animals. When she took a closer look, she saw that these kittens had different furs from regular kittens. She had never seen such coats on newborn cats. Both Jacqueline and her volunteers had no idea about why the kittens looked so different. Were they carrying some disease?

The vet needed to have a second look and confirm if these kittens would even live.

Silver Situation

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All the seven kittens carried a strange silver coat of fur on them. No one ever had seen kittens like these. The kittens seemed very aged because of the silver color fur. The kittens were run through another detailed check-up only to find out that their vitals were fine and none of them carried any fatal disease.

Fever Coat

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After all, checks were concluded and the vets had had a look at the kittens they told that the kittens were fine in health but the layer of coat that they carried was a phenomenon called ‘fever coat’. They also said that it was not an abnormal occurrence and that it can happen to any kitten if the mother went through stress or fell sick during the pregnancy.

This might have been the case with this mother cat as well and that is why the kittens have developed a coat of silver fur.

Strange Colors

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The doctors gave a detailed brief as to why the kittens carried this pigmentation. While they were still in their mother’s womb, a coat of silver hair covered them for whatever reason it may and while they grew inside they failed to disperse off the silver fur from their body. Jacqueline was still not satisfied. She was worried if this could cause health problems for the kittens in the future but the doctors were convinced that the fever coat phenomenon never has adverse effects on a growing cat.

Making Moves

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After understanding that this was not something harmful, it was now time for the volunteers to let the kittens meet their mother as they had already been far from her for quite a long time. Jacqueline also understood that it was important for the bonding process to start.

Jacqueline was a bit worried about how would the mother cat react to her silver-haired babies.

Meeting Mom

The doctors were very confident that the kittens could be reunited with their mother and their color would not affect their bonding. It was very important for all the kittens and the mother to have a smooth meeting. They couldn’t afford to overwhelm the mother, so it was decided that they would be taken to the mother one by one. Just like they came into the world.

First Look

The team was hoping that they see an emotional meeting and that is what happened. As soon as each of the kittens was brought in front of their mother they instantly recognized her and understood that she was the one who would feed and take care of them. Very soon all 7 kittens surrounded their mother and started rubbing them against her showing immediate affection.

Immediate Affection

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The kids were all reacting in the way they should. They all loved their mother. But it was important to see how the mother would react. It was an overwhelming sight. The mother let all her babies gather around her, stick to her and start feeding. Seeing this sight was the most emotional moment for Jacqueline. The doctors might have been confident about the kittens but Jacqueline still had her doubts. This emotional encounter melted away whatever worries she had in her mind.

Silver Babies

Assumptions that the kittens with silver fur would carry bad health in the future were ruled out by the vets. They advised the volunteers to follow the same process of bringing up these kittens as they would have done with any other kittens. For people at Friends for Life Rescue, it meant a lot of attention and discipline Administering the birth of a cat was one thing but raising them to when someone would come to adopt them needed a lot more work.


After the doctors comforted her, Jacqueline knew that the kittens would be alright but another question that was still on her mind was if the kittens would be this way forever. Was this pigmentation a permanent thing?  Apart from the silver fur, the kittens also carried different colors that seemed to be their original fur color, but it was very hard to notice with all the silver dominating. Jacqueline asked one of the vets if the kittens would grow out of the silver hair as they grew older.

Growing Up Fever-Coated

Among the several kittens she had seen being born, these were different. She finally got the answer to her last question about the litter. The fever-coat was a temporary case and as the kitten grows older they would shed their silver hair and show their true colors.

Now, another excitement took over Jacqueline as she couldn’t wait to see how the kitten would look after they shed this coat of silver.

Boys Will Be Boys

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The incidents that unfolded might have been an amazing trail. From the mother cat running away from her house and then returning pregnant after weeks. From she being brought to the clinic to her giving birth to seven silver coated kittens. Everything seemed adventurous. But one thing anybody failed to notice was that the mother had given birth to all male kittens and this revelation was not very common.

Adorable Villains

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The kittens were now growing full throttle. The volunteers now decided to give them names and going by their tough and adventurous journey, they decided to name them after comic book villains. How funny it was to call such cute and adorable kittens with bad guy names. So finally the names were decided and they went: Bane, Joker, Magneto, Penguin, Venom, Lex Luther and Riddler.

Growing Up

Five weeks passed away without anyone noticing. The kittens had surprised everyone with their growth. They were all strong and healthy. It was all because of their mother who did her job very well. Proper feeding, cleaning and caring for her babies made her the super mom everybody in the clinic had imagined. It was exactly how we humans do. The way she was raising her kittens was adorable to experience.

Positive Updates

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All through the time of the pregnancy and aftermath, Jacqueline made sure that the owner of the cat was well informed about the happenings and how her pet was rocking it as a mother of seven strong and healthy kittens. The owner was very happy to know that everything was going well and that very soon she could visit the clinic to take her pet back with her.

Beautiful Furs

Finally, when the kittens started to grow, the fur started to change. It was like a second birth. The silver designs were now only lightly visible and the natural colors of the kittens started to reflect. They gradually turned into blacks, whites, and oranges. They now had seven beautifully colored kittens in their natural shade but to tell the truth, the volunteers missed the kittens’ unique silver shade from a few weeks ago.

Bundle Of Personalities

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Though the team at Friends for Life Rescue knew that the kittens would eventually change they were astonished by the speed that they had brought their original colors. They were like shining new again. Each kitten had its shade. While a few of them took their mother’s black shade, not every one of them did. Some of them even had colorful stripes all across their bodies.

Gaining Weight

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It was a tedious task for the mother to feed all her seven kittens to keep them in good health and on the other hand the volunteers had to ensure that the mother too was in the pink of her health so that she could go on feeding her kittens. It was important for her to gain weight and to do so, food and water had to be adequate.

Luckily, the vets and volunteers ensured that the mother cat carried good health throughout the feeding time.

Adoption Options

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Every kitten in the litter and the mother of the lot were doing well and soon it would be time for the mother cat to go back to her owner and for the little kittens to be adopted by their new owners. Everyone at the rescue team and clinic was happy for the wonderful lot and Jacqueline was proud of the job that her team had pulled off. Adoption would give these kittens their new happy homes.


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Though all the kittens in the litter were doing well, the team was especially concerned for Joker. He was the smallest in the lot and was quite weaker than his siblings. He had always tried to keep up with them but there was something that was restraining him. When the time came for adoption, Jacqueline decided to do another check to see if everything was fine with little Joker. Was she expecting some bad news?

Bad News

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When Joker went through a detailed medical check. The doctors found something that was expected but they weren’t really happy to discover it. Joker was suffering from Feline Infectious Peritonitis or FIP. Now, FIP is usually a fatal disease among cats and the lifespan is anywhere between a few weeks. Joker has fluid accumulated in his chest that would sooner or later prove to be fatal. Everybody at the clinic was disheartened but Jacqueline wanted to do everything she could to help the little fellow.


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Jacqueline decided to something for Joker and she took him to her house and made sure that he lived his last days in peace. She gave him everything he wanted and never left him alone. She made sure that Joker felt pampered.

While Joker was living a peaceful life in his foster home, his siblings were gradually getting adopted by families. Within weeks, all the kittens were now in their amazing new homes. The team at the clinic had done a wonderful job of keeping the kittens fit until adoption. 

Getting Attached

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It was difficult for the team to let go of all the kittens as they had now found attachment in caring for them and watching them grow. The most difficult part for Jacqueline was to send the mother cat to her owner. Though she knew it would happen someday she was not ready to let her go. With a heavy heart, she called the owner and handed over the cat to her. In a small corner of her heart, she was also happy for the mother cat as she was going to the home that was always hers. The owner of the cat was thrilled to have her pet back in a healthy state. 

Saying Goodbye

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Joker was not getting better. His health had been deteriorating ever since. Very soon Jacqueline had to bid her goodbye to Joker as well. Joker passed away after a few weeks of living with Jacqueline. Jacqueline, however, was grateful that they found out about the disease in advance and she could give Joker a pampered and happy life. 

Back To Work

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This might have been a beautiful roller coaster ride for everyone at the rescue clinic but this probably wasn’t the end. They had worked then and they got back to work as soon as all the kittens were safely sent to their forever homes. More animals like this cat needed help and they could never slow down. The work was only getting more demanding. 

Happy Endings

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Several cases that come to the clinic don’t end on a happy note but Jacqueline and her team are happy that this story despite having some bumps ended quite happily. The cat went through a difficult pregnancy but gave birth to healthy kittens. The kittens carried a fever coat but they gradually got over it and Joker might not have been able to make it but he lived a happy life before his end. This is what Jacqueline and her team do. They make sure that it’s a happy ending for every animal that comes to their rescue house.

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